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Class e3b 4 :30 6 :30 Monday/Thursday 2nd floor, yellow classroom

7 kids :
Michael, James, Debbie, Doris, Cindy, Suzy, Candy
For all classes, I write all names on the board on the left :
+1 for trying, for giving good answer; + 2 or 3 if full sentences
-1 for wrong behavior, talking in Chinese, forgetting books
1- review for the spelling quiz . you have a list in your folder, ask them
each words , how to spell them on the board. Then quiz. Use papers in
your folder.
2- English all the way book Unit 13
I introduced the unit so you can start the class with some questions. Then
sentence patterns to read; ask the question individually. Correct and make
them repeat if necessary.Then ask them to read the dialogue, one
sentence per kid.
For the listening part, ask for the CD to your co teacher Laura (the one
with the glasses) when you arrive.Writing part, let them answer alone and
then ask them to write on the board the answers. ( they love to
After that, English all the way workbook . I did the 1st page with them; ask
them to write the 2 others pages alone then correct on the board. Check
their books because that is what they will have on their weekly text the
next class.
BREAK TIME : 5:30-5:40 for those who finish their 2 pages!
the 2nd hour is for phonics book ( the blue one) On Monday , reading book
on Thursday
For reading, you will start a new book (look at the schedule). Ask them to
read one page each (they love to read). Even if the schedule says p1-p6
for example, they are 7 so make sure to give a page to everyone.
Take your time at each page, ask to define a word (they have a word list in
their book, translated in Chinese), for the words they dont understand: try
your best to explain, use Chinese if necessary (Google translation). And
most of all explain the story at each page, make sure they are following
the story and understand the situation.
Usually, I finish everything at 6:10; so if I have time: a spelling quiz and
Spelling quiz I do at the end of every class is to make sure them practice
all the words they had learned. I give them a paper (take some in your
folder, I recycle some articles I had read) ask them to write their name and

from 1 to 10. Choose 10 words from the spelling list you have, from the
unit 1 to 13. Correct them and if mistakes, ask them to write it 5 times.
Before the weekly test, please do a review: spelling, Q&A, exercises from
the workbook even if you take 30min that is ok.
Thank you again for substituting me.

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