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PEER FEEDBACK RE: CLINICAL PERFORMANCE, NAME OF STUDENT RECEIVING PEER FEEDBACK: Jacqueline Benjamin I think you are doing a great job at: 1. Arriving at your clinical placement early so that you can start the shift on time and get yourself ready for all daily duties. 2. Interacting with the Nurses and Personal Support Workers with regards to the wellbeing of the patients and duties to be performed. 3. The way you always show respect for all patients by addressing them by ‘Miss’ or ‘Mister’ regardless of their physical ability or disability. I think you could develop further in the following areas: 1. Self-confident - Jacque sometimes you think that you do not know the material and you second guess yourself, but you need to be more confident and relax and things will eventually fall into place. 2. Leadership — You are always quiet and spend most of your time in the background. You need to step out of the shadow and stand as a leader because you have leadership qualities. 3. Medication research - Always ensure all of your medication research are completed so that you will be able to administer medication when asked to do so by your clinical teacher. Date: 10" April, 2015. Student receiving feedback: Jacqueline Benjamin Student peer giving feedback: Sahana Sudhaharan

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