2010-ASME-Boiler and Pressur Vessel Code II Part A Ferros Marerial Specifiction (SA-451-To END)

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E Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code ”AN INTERNATIONAL CODE AN INTERNATIONAL CODE Pew Cela Pressure Vessel Code Ory Pee Il Part A Ferrous Material Specifications (SA-451 to End) MATERIALS [ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee on Materials, a rm: aly 12010 (eA ay 50 een ey ony ch ui dd nape of eh iss eel ae ee Pesci yea amy rear pe) sash cn wnat ene amt wleay eames fo es SME rosy lr pen cee ie wc ht elie ASE rsd dol sh eee nas neon ne ARTE, eset namtrt UWOVORROe MHOVHRRDE OBS 90 1m ‘Re bow ASME nbs ined a he US Pa Oe ‘Mh Spee pis an yd ye ee Sty eg Maas ‘ete we Sc poe Nop i doc my eed ny fam, emo ‘erwin po tenner ar nen in Nes 5904 (Ae ys Come ef Se Amc Sng fata aga 4 evn eh Tg ey NT, B85, [Be Ania Sect of Mea igs ‘re Pa ome ee YY 108 eps 0 2010 "THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS ‘A gh Raed CONTENTS Specifeations Listed by Materials... . & Speciation Removal --cyowectseeroreson 5 si ‘Guidsine on Accepiable ASTM Baions emeemeecars vs (Guideline on Aczopable Noa-ASTM Eaton’ ae sir Sommary of Changes ooo ssssessoeevsn eater ee tis of Changer in Record Nomer Onder aa ‘Spetictions SmsISAGM ———_Geneca Reguirmens for Rolled Scrat Sel Bar, Paes Shape, and ‘Set Ping ons eveessens on “SA20/SA200¢ Goneral Reqarement for Sel Pines fr Pressure Vessels 8 Sree on Stel Bar, Carbon aad Alloy, Hot Weoupt, General Requirement for... 125 Saat Stel Rivets ad Bar for Rives, esse Veses toe 1S. SA36/SA36M —Cabon Sct! Sts : 17 SAATISA47M Fer Malleable Iron Cains... rel setienSaM Pipe, See Black and Hot Dipped, Zinc-Cowed, Weed snd Seamless... 164 SactosiSa OSM Carbon Stel Forgings for Fping Appeston o.oo 189 SALIOGISA-IOGM — Seamlese Caron Stel Pie for High-Temperature Service 195, Sais pe Ser, leobc-Puon (Are) Welded (Ses NPS 16 and Ove) .-.--- 207 SAS Elecio-Ressance Welded Sts! Pe sreenseeneccevee 3 Shi isaam — Electse Resistance Welded Cabon Stl and Carbon-Manganes See! ‘otis and Supereaer Tubes. mm SA-T9/SA-179M Seamless Col-Drawa Low-Cacbon Stes! Heat-Exchanger and Condzmet “Tater : : ed SAARL/SAASIM. Catton Sel Forgings, for Genera Purpore Piping Ea SAIRYSAISM Forged or Rolled Alloy and Snes Stel Fie Flanges, Foes “Fegan Valves ard Pane for High-Temperature Service 2 SA192/SK-102M Seamless Caton Stel Boiler Tes for High-Pressure Servic. 231 SR ToHSACI9EM Alloy Sel and Stinfess Ste! Boing Mater for High-Tempectre ‘aig Pca Service and Otex Special Purpose Applications...» 261 “sA-194/SA-t8@M Carton aod Alloy Stet Nut for Bots for High Prestre or High "Temperate Service, of Both : m SA200/SA-202M Pressure Vue! lites, Aloy Ste, Chromium- Manganese 23 ‘Sa208/Sa303M Presse Vesel Plates, Alloy Stel, Nick. ae a SkaouSA.D0IM reste Vere! Pls, Alloy Stel, Melyienu UND 301 SADonISA209M Seamless Carbon Molybdenum Alloy Stel Boiler and Sepebeter “Taber as SAIOVSA-210M Seamless Medium Caton Steel Boller a Supeanter Tubes an SAZisisaca19M Stale Femi and Absent Alloy-Stel Boer, Supechotr, and Hes ‘Bechanger Tobe aie : 315 SAM/SA2UM — Eketie Resistance Welded Carbon ts Heat-Exchangr and Condsme “Tubes - na ne 529 SA2ISISADIEM Stee! Casing, Caton, Suiable fer Fusion Welding for High-Temperatre ‘series. z sa SA2UNSA-2VIM Steel Casting, Manse Staines and Aly, for Pressre-Contalaing ars, Stabe for High Temperature Serve. - 335 SASAUSASOIM Sasisa-siom SASHISASOM SASSNSA-SSIM SASS6/SA-S56N SASSTISA'557M, SASGUSA-SEON sae SAS6A054-S6AM SA-S68/SA-S68M SASTISA-STIM SAS% SASTISA-STIM SASTOISAS78M sass SA392/84.5900 SA09/8A609m4 SA6I4SA-6I2M Sxcsersa-ciaM SAASISA GM SA-S49/5A-6098 SAESEISA.656M sao SA6EISA.66204 SA666 SA.667/8A.667M st sar, SASISISAGTIM SASSH/SAC88M Sago sas ‘Quenched and Tempered Caron an Alloy Sie! Forgings for Pressure Vessel Componens, : Pressure Vee Pats, Aloy Ste, Queched nd Tepe Comin Molybienam snd Chiomivm-MolydenunyVanaivm Pressure Ves Paes, Alloy Ste, Quenched aod Tempered; Nc Coma Molyedenam rae Vesel Pats, Alloy Sis, Qucnched and Tempe @ and 938 ‘Nickel Seamless Coid:Drawn Cabo Stel Feeder Hse “ubes lctie Resistace Welled Carbon Stel Feedvater Heute Tubes Pressure Vessel Plats, Caton Stee, Manganese‘Titn for Ga or Ditsed Metalic Coniags, Caro and Ally Stee Nutt HotRoled and Col-Fnished Age-Hudening Snes Sil Bas and ‘Shapes : ‘Stet, Shox. Carton, Stu, and High Seng, Low-Alloy, x Rolled and Coldsolied, General Regasewent for High Steg Low Alloy Columbium: Vanadium Struct See Alloy Stel Socket Head Cop Screws Uteacnic Angle-Beam Exatination of Sel isn Ssight-Beam Ursonic Examisaion of Rll Sl Piss for pedal ‘Appions| Hleotc Resistance Welded Low Carton Stes ips forth Chenical Tadusty WiphSuength Quencod and Tompeted Low Alloy Steal Forged Fisings and Pane for Pressure Vessels Cstings, Carbon, Low Alloy, and Martens Sans Sic, Uitesoie Examination Tevet Pressure Vee Plates, Cabo Steel, High Susu for Moers sad Lowes Tempertre Service Frcitation Harring Yon Base Saperioy Bars, Forgings, sa Forging Sock for igh Terperatte Sano Prasae Ves Paes, 5% and 3/5 Nickel Alloy Stas. Specialy at’ ‘Treated Forge Stet Ros Used for Corugning Paper Machine. Hot-Rolled Stctrl Sie, High Sueasi Low-Alloy Plas With Improved Formaiy éstitogally Cast Carbon Stel Pipe for Hig Temperate ence Pressure Vessel Plates, Carhon-Manganese-Slicon Stel foe Madera and Lower Temperature Service : ‘Aoneled or Coll-Worked Aostenitic Stns Sic! She, Sip, Pa tue Flat ar Ceiagtiy Cast Dal Metal Gray and Wits Casio) Cyne lctie-Fesioo: Weld Sel Pipe for Atmonpere and Lone Tenperstres "tetic-Fusion-Welded Stel Pip fer ligh-Pesure Secs at Moderas “Tenpersies : Steet Bar, Caron, Hot‘Wrovsht, Socal Quay, Hechasca Proper. Welied Ausonite Stiles Stel Fedwater Heater Tabs Catbon x Alloy Stel Pipe, Elect Fusion Welded fr High Pressure Service t High Temperatures recipitston Hardening Sunless and Heat Resiing Sc! Pr, Shes sn Stn ws 108 1013 019 ims 1035 087 10s? i091 1097 has 109 us na na 139 sy 153 1159 He) ust nn m3, as 95 208 7209 na sas SA SA-UB/SA-7030 SA:75/SA705M SAT2VSA TIM SATIS SATITISATIM saaUSATIM SALTB6ISA-TISM Sarasa SAA3HISA-T3OO sar SA-TS/SA-T4S0 SATH/SA-TATH SATARSATEEM. SA-T9ISAH9M saasi SA-T65/SA-165M ‘SA-TIO/SA-TTOM SA-7RLISA-181M SA-TeR/SA TERM SAH9/5A-709M SSA-79018A-290M SARDBISABO3M SASIS/SA.SIM SA-814SA-814M SAISISASISM SASUSASM se SA-SO/SAS3OM SA-BAU/SABAIM sa.05 SAS ‘See Burs, Caboa, HotWrought, Special Quali, for Fi Power “appiatins a ee sud Bas, Catvon ot Wroopt oe Cold ished, Special Qaliy, fax Pressure Piping Component ou sooeenns ‘tel Camings, Geactl Resulreent, for Pressun-Contining Pars ‘Age Hardening Sines Stel Foaiogs . ‘Nioy ste! Fatgngs for High Sueagh Pree Componest press Veuel Pites, Caton Mangaese Sicon Ste, Quench and “Tempero for Welded Layered Pesate Ves 1s carbo Stel Forgings for Piping Coeponens Wi nkeeat Noth "Toughaess.. : - Seunles, Weed Feri, nd Martens Stainless Steal Pipe. Premure Vestel Pas, Low-Cafbon Age Hardening Nike. Copper “Chori Molybdensm Columb and Nickel Copee- Manganese Motybenan-Columbinm Alloy Ste... presue Wesel Ptr, High Stengi, Low-Alloy Stet : Pressure Vessel Pltee Hea Tiered, Carbon Manganese Sion Sel, Tor Modzte and Lower Tenperaare Service. ‘sel Bas, Alloy, Hoe Wroohy, for Elevated Temperate or Pressure Corsiing Pas, or Bath aes ntaorie Examination of Ansenite Steel Ppings 2... Stel Catings, Stasis, Precipitation Hardening ‘Staealy Case Child Whit Ire-Geay Iron Dual Metal Rls fr Presse ese Ure ee Se Sip, Carbon and ighSuength, Low-Alloy, Helle, “General Reguremens fo. - . ‘ret Mehods, ratios, and Teminalogy for Comical Aaaiyssof Ste Ccaon Stel and Lew-Alay Sea Pesare-Vess Component Porings With Manaatry Toughness Reqiement ‘riroug Thicke Tension Tes of Steel Plates fo Special "Appa wesc - Ccanngs tel td Aoy, Common Requirements, for Geral Insti Use Bom Steel Forgings, General Regoeests ; ; Seamless and Welded Pei! Austenitic Stainless Stes! Tubing for ‘Geneal Service | aceon ‘eaters and Webi Feri ascii Staines Stet Pipe... ‘Welded Feri Stainless Stel Feedwatec eater Tubes Sioge- or Double-Welded Ansenic Staines Stel Pipe Cols Worked Weld Austen Stans Stel Pipe irae Renu Feriue/Atseie, and Martecse Staines Stel Piping . ' Tings rene Vessel Pit Ally Stl, Choma Molyideoun Vendion eo " ‘common Requiinnt for ran Casings fo General Indus Us. ‘Tian Silled Casbon Stel Foxpings for Oass-Lined Piping end "reste Vesel Service - ‘set Pac or Pressre Vessels, Produced by Thermo Mechanica ‘Cool Prosess (TMF) - Sted Wire, Presse Vessel Winding “Teminalogy Relating Ste, Sane Sic, Related Moy, ond Penalloys. = . mas 39 1s 28 mm wn 281 187 198 1298 103 1209 ir 19 18 wa 18 13S ns 1961 2130 1395 2s | ais var u97 ass Mot 165 469, 119 ts SASGOISA-96OM SASGIISA.961M SA962/8.960M SA965/5-965M SASES/SA.DESM sages SA599/5099908. SAOO8/SA-10066 ‘$A-1010/88-10104 SALOISA-LOLIM SA:1016/5A-1016§ SAAOITISA-1O:™ SPS6aM. SAIAS 1538 SAICSA SAVEN 1028-7 SAIGR 664 SAMS C3118 Sains 64303 ‘Common Requirement for Wrought Stel Piping Fitings ‘Common Requirements for Steel Flanges, Forge Fisings, Vater and Parts fo Piping Applications ‘Common Requirement for Sel Fasteners or Fasener Mati, or Both Totended for Use at Any Temperature From Cryogenic othe Creep ange Ste Forgings, Auster Presi an igh Temperate Pas Stel Inesenest Castings General Regimes, for Pressue-Contsning Pats, ‘Caaags, Austen Fete (Dipex) Stns Sc, for Presse General Requirement for Ao and Stina Steel Pipe ‘Seal, Sheet, Cold-Rolled, Cabo, Sct, High Seng Law Ailoy tnd High Sueagih Low-Alloy Wit Ingroved Formsbity. Higher Steagih Martens Stiles Stel Pate, Shox, and Sri. Sts, Shee and Suip, Hot Rolle, Carbon, Sica, Hig tenth ‘Low-Alloy, High Seengh Low-Alloy With Improved Fermsbiiy, and Ulva Fgh Sena (Geral Requirements for Penis Alo St Stainless Stee Tubes Pressure Vessel Pls, lly Sel, Chomim Miho Tuaptes (Cubon and Alloy Sie) Exteraly Tiree Matric Fasteners. ‘Stel Paes fr Pressure Equipe Steal Quality Stes Fla Protects Mae of Stl for Presse Purpres Pat Non-lioy tnd Ally Steels With Species Elevated Temperate Proper Fla Froducts Mace of Stel for Pressure Purposes Pat 3 Weidable Fine Graa Stel, Noomalized lat Produet: Made of Sel for Pana Purposes Pat Stine Stes Pas for Pesute Veni Catbon Stel Pate for Presse Vessel for latest do Madara Temperstie Service, . Suilss Sta Bar : ‘Aste lay Stel, MANDATORY APPENDIX ‘Standard Unie fr Use in Egutons NONMANDATORY APPENDIX Sourees of Stanton, 193 1317 S31 1599 1563 ism 1587 191 1601 167 1623 1635 139 1699 1st 1647 169 1651 1653 SPECIFICATIONS LISTED BY MATERIALS Ste Pate, Sheets and Strip SA S68ISA-568M SA 915A.149M Stel Pipe SA-SUSA.SIN SSA 106/84-10564 ery SA135 SA 31/8431 SASI/SA3SM SK 335/SA 33501 SA-ASE/SA350M ‘SA-36915A-360M SA-6(SA-3750 SA-091SA-409M SA-261SA-1260 SA-SI/SA-SIM SAS SAS3O/SA-SIOM SAS sao san sao SATIS SATBIISA-TBIM SA-I90/SA-1900 SABI/SASIIM SAALAISA-LAM. Sasa Sec, Shet, Carbon Steal, ad High eng, Low-Alloy Hot Tiled and Cold Rolled, Geral Regrets fx 105 ‘Stel. Sip Cattoo aod High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot Rolle ‘General Reguverens for na Pie, St, Black and Hot Dips, Zine- Coated, Welded and Seamless. 161 ‘Seamless Carbon Stel Pipe fr Hah Temperate Service 5 Pipe, Sel, Elesne-ason (Are). Welded (Sizes NPS 16 and Ove so. 207 letie Resitnee Welded Ste! Pipe 213 ‘Seamless and Welded Avsteni Sans Sel Pipe. “87 Seales and Welded Stel Pipe for Law-Tempertare Service 39 Seamless Fete Alloy Stel Pps for High-Temperature Seve. ua looie usion- Welded Asseniie Cronsum Nickel Moy Stel Pipe for High Temperature Service 0s Caco an Fenicalloy Stel Forged and Bored Pipe fo High "Temperare Service a OS eames Austen Sl Pipe for High Temperate Cental Station Serie os ‘Welded Large laser Avani Sel Pipe for Corosive o High “Temperate Service 15 cently Cast Ferre Alloy Stel Pipe for High Tempersre ‘cemitepily Cas Avasitie Sel Pipe for High Temperate Service... $05 Scumloe Caton Sel Pipe for Atsombese and Lower Temperatures... 953 Genera Reapvenens fr Spsalied Cuton and Alloy Sts Pig, 363 [Bone Resaance Welded Low Carbon Steel Pipe forte Chesil Tnsty uns ceaiteatiy Cat Carbon Stel Pipe for High Temperate Servi o-.-.- N61 [atte Poston Welded Stel Pipe for Atmospai a Lower “Temperstues uss iecne sin Welded ict Pipe for High-Pressure Service at Moderate Temperatures 95 Caton and Alloy Sta Pig, Elecie Pson- Welded for Hi Pressure Service t High Temperatures na ‘carton Sel Forgings or Pping Composeats With Incext Notch Toughness 2281 Seamiens, Weld Fei, and Martens Sans Stel Pips ps Seamless and Welded Feic/ vse Sails Sta Pe a ‘Single 1 Double- Welded Aastente Stainless Ste! Pipe. ua ‘Cals Worked Welded Austenitic Stainless Stel Pipe ust ‘Terminology Relating to Sel, Stilss Steel, Related Alloys, and Fecaloys as SAS6U/SA.961N Common Requirements fr Stel anges, Forged Fitings, Valves and Pars for Ping Appion® 1563 ‘SA909/SA.999M General Requrement for Alloy tnd Staiss St igo 0... os 1368 ‘Steel Tuber SALIRISA.178M lecoio Resistance Welded Carbon St and Carbon-Mangansse See Boiler an Sophie Tues. mas SSALIT9/SA-IT9M Seamless Cld-Drawn Low-Carbon Stel Hest changes und Conder “Tues 2 SA-DDISA-I92M Seamless Carton Stal Boiler Tubes for High-Prssuie Sonica... 257 'SA-209/8A-209M Seanlst Carbon Molydenum Ally Sel Boiler and Supehesics “Tuber es 308 SA-210/SA.210M Seamless Meiium-Carbon Ste Boller and Supeseas Tubes ss Mt SAIN/SA-219M Seamless Fete and Ausene Alloy Sel Boller, Supercar, od Heat ‘xchange Tabet, ats SA2MISAZIM — ElecrcRessance Welded Carbon Sted Heat Exchange and Condaser “Tubes 9 SA2S9ISA249M Welded Austen Sei Bole, Supers, Het Exchange tad Condcsee Tues ™ SA2S0ISA-250M BectioResistance Walled Fee Ailoy Steel Boer und Supercar ‘Tes a SA-268/5A.260M Scams snd WeliedFeraic sad Marnie Stiiss Stel Tubicg for ‘General Service 3 SAA34/SA.334M Seamless and Welded Carbo ted Alloy Sel Tes for Low Temperate ‘Serie, 31 ‘SA428/SA-423M Seales snd Bleu, Wilded Low-Alloy Ste Tubes 7) SA-ASOISA-450M General Requzement for Carton, Fee Alloy, and Avsite Alloy ‘Stel Taber or 3 Sata ‘eevie Resistance Welded Carbon and Alloy Sze Meckanisl Tubing” 907 SASSOISA-SS6M Seamless Cold:Dron Caron Se! Feedater Hone Tubes oy SA-SSTISA-SSIM —lecri-Resitance Welded Carbon Stee Pedwaer Heater Tubes suas: SASE8SA-680M Welded Austen Stiles Stel endwater Heater Tabs a0 SA 78K 70M Semin od Wold Fete mete Se Sed Tg (Geneal Seniee sos 1395, SA-OS/SA-SOSM Welded Fen tiie Stel Fede Heat Tubes mis SADT ‘Teoninology Relating to Ste, Snes Stel, Related Alloys ond Faaleys ie on ass SALIOIG/SA-IOI6M General Regotement far Fete Alloy Sieh Aste Aloy See end ‘Stainless Stal Tubes ene 101 Steel Flanges, Btings, Valves, and Pars SAn1OSI5A-105M Carbo Sel Forging, for Pipe Aplications. 189 SALIBIISA-IBIM Caron Stel Fins, for General-Purpose Piping... 233 SA-I82/SA-I62M Forged or Role Alloy and Saintes Stel Pipe Flanges, Forged iting, and Valves and Pats for High-Temperature Service. ar 'SA2I6/SA-216M Steel Castings, Caron, Suitable So Pasion Welling for High Tempestre Service a SAQINSA2ITM —S\cl Casings, Mantensic Stine and Alloy for Prose Contin Pans, Suitable for High-Tenpertre Serie... eevee BBS SA2S1/SA231M — Chomlua-Varudam Alloy Ste Spring Wis CT aes SA-252/5A-250M Chromium Vanacim Alloy Ste Valve Spring Quality Wire = ss 351 SAISA23M Piping Figs of Wrought Carbo Steel and Ally Ste! for Madura wd igh Temperature Sone 85 SAas0/Sa-350M SASSUISA-35IM SAAS2ISASSIM SA-05/SA-405M 8A-20/5A-420M SA-S2I5A520M SAS92ISA-592M SASIS/SASISM sas SR960ISA960M SAS6I/SA.961M SASRS/SA.985M sas0s Carton and Low-Alloy Sel Forgings. Resirng Notch Toughness “Testing for Piping Componen $63 angi ‘Austele Fete (Depls),fr Pressure Cons srs wel Canoga Fei nd Masi for stir Canine Pass ‘Suitable for Low Temperate Series. 303 Wrought Avent Stanss Stal Piping Fitings 0s Prine Pts of Wig Co St a Aly Sf Lowe "Temperse Service. 48 Forged or Rolo and 95 Nice Alloy Stel Manges, Figs, "Valves, and Pare for Low-Temperatre Service. eee OT MrSuengh Que nd Tepe Low Ay Sel Fors Fitngs and Par for Pesue Ves... 138 ‘Wrought er, Fei Auten and Mares Stank Ste Piping Figs 1s ‘ta Wie, Prasre Vee Wing ‘Common Reqsieeat for Wroggit Stel Piping Figs... Conon Regu St lanes, aged ine. Vae nd Ste Pats, Sheets, and Strip for Pressure Veses '8A-2054-20¢ ‘SA200/54-200M ‘SA20R/SA-2058 SA.208/54-2040 SARS/SA-2I5o SA 20054-2406 $a268 S826 SA265 SA 2B5/SA-2650 SA290/5.2990 SA302/SA-302M SA3SiSA-35IM SASBTISAS™M. SA-A/SA-t14M SAASSISA-ASSOL SAA0/SA-4000 SASISISASIM SASIGISA-SIOM SASITISA-SITM ‘ar for Piping Applations-.. ass ‘ea lvesnent Castings General Regents for Pressure Containing Pars 1539 ‘cating, Austenitic Fone (Dupes) Stainless Stal, for Presure- ‘Containing Pt 1359 ‘General Requires for Stet Plates for Presue Wess. ws Pese Ves! Pe oy Se, Como Mange Sin 23 Preasre Vessel Pes, Alloy Stel, Nickel 27 esse Vestl Plates, Alloy Sel, Molybéenam, oo aot Frome Vesel Pe, lly St Mange Vata Nc MI ‘Chromium and Chomiom Nickel Stns Stel Pte, Sheet, and Ship fr Pesere Vel a fo ener Aeon. 368 Saniess Chorium Steel Ciad Pate UY 393 ‘Stale Chromium Nickel Ste-Cad Pte. : Co aot Nictel and Nika Bape Alloy-Cad Ste Pine 05 Pressure Vesel Pits, Carbon Ste, Low and interedit Ten Steg 26 Pressre Veil Pits, Carton Ste, Mangaoese Silicon 465 ‘reac Vowel Pats, Alloy Stel, Manganese-Molybderom snd Manganese Melyenum- Nickel. 19 reste Vesel Plats, Alloy Slee, 9 Percent Nickel, Double Normalized sod Tempered so resue Vere ites, Alloy Stl, Chorin Malybdemas os Sesh Shee, Carbon, for Pressure Vessels. ms Prete Veo! Place, Caton Ste, High Suengh Manganese mai ‘General Requirements for FatRoled Sass and Heat-Ressing ‘Stel Pats, See, and Stip as ‘Preanze Vs Pts, Carbon Se, fo Tintern Highs "Temperature Service. os Prete Vessel Plats, Carton Sts, fe Moderat- and Lower- "Temperate Servic. oot Pres We Ps, Ay Sec igh Scag Qos “Tempers, or SASSSISASIIM SA-SSTISA.SSIM SASEUSASIOM SA-SA/5A.540M SA-SS/SA-SSIM SAS62ISA.5620 SA6I2I5A-612M SA45ISA-645M SA.66USA-662M SA6 san SAI4ISA- TRUM SAT6ISA-TIOM SATIISAT3M SALTSB/SA.730M SATIOISATION. sasszisa-ss0M SAMKIISA-8AIM ‘sA.0100S4-t01081 SA1O17/5A:1017M SAIAS 1566 ‘SAVEN 1028.2 SEN 0028-3, SAVEN 0028-7 AIG 654 Samsciis Structural Steet SAOISA-6M SA:36/SA-36M SA285/SA-203M Pressure Vessel Pies, Alloy tcl, Queoced and Tempered, [Mongar Molyhdcoum and Manganese Malybdcray Nike... ‘Pressure Vetsel Pls, Heat Tree, Carbo Manganese Silicon Stee Proure Vesel Plats, Aly Stel, Qurnchedani-Tempered, ‘Giromiun-Molybdenam and Ciromi-Molyoen Vanaiom ‘Presue Vessel Plats, Alloy Ste, Quenched snd Tempered, Niche ‘Chromium Molybéemom . z Prosure Vessel Plates, Aly Stel, Quenced and Tempered, 8 nd 9 ‘Proaure Vee Plats, Cao Steel, Manganese Titan for Glass or itlsed Metalic Costings . Frosure Vessel Plates, Carbon Stel High Sueagh for Madera and Lower Tenpertre Service. ‘Preaue Vest Plates, 5% and 5% Nhl Ally Stns, Specialy Heat "Tend : " ae Pressure Vessel Plats, Cafon-Manginese Silicon Sie, for Moderte and Lower Temperate Service ves eesrsnsss ‘Aanaled or Cols Worked Assteaitc Stliee Stel Sheer, Sip, Pate ‘ue Flat Bae Precipitation Hardening Stan and Hct ‘nd Sip z . Prooute Vessel Plats, Caan Manganese Silicon Stel Qucached ad “Tenpered, for Welded Presure Vesle ‘Prete Vese Paes, Low-Curon Age-Handeing Nishel Copper ‘Chomiun-Moiytdeaun.Cotumblut sed Nicks Coppers ‘Manganese-Molyodenum-Cohunbism Ally Sel Pressre Vessel Plates, High-Strength, Low-Alloy Stet : Pressure Vesel Plas, Heat Teste, Cabor- Magnes Slicon Sic {or Moderate and Lower Temperate Savice a ‘Trough Thikses Tension Testing of Stes Pines fee Special ‘Aplin : Pressure Vessel Plates Alloy Stel, Chromium: Molyidenu- Vanadium sss . : ‘Stel Paes for Presse Vessel, Produced bythe Thema Mechanieal ‘Control Process (TMP). a Higher Suergth Mates Sans Stet Pat Sea, and Seip Prere Vessel Plates, Alloy Stee, Chronium-Malybdenim Tungsen Stel Paes for Presse Egipnent cn Fiat Products Made of Stel for Pressure Pusponce Past Now Alloy and Alloy tsi With Speciged Elevated Tempoatre Properties ‘at Products Made of Sets or PrssreParposes Pat 3: West ine Gran Stel, Nomalzed ‘la Prods Made of Stes fr Pressure Purposes Pat 7: Sines Sele Fs ‘Ste Plates for Preste Vesis : (Caton Sicel Pte for Pressure Vets for lntredate and Moderate Temper Service. enntssssarees sisting Stel Pte, Shes, ‘Gene Regiremens for Rolls Suc Stel Bas, Plates. Shapes, ‘snd Sheet Ping. . : Ccrton Siractucl Sel, Low and inemediate Tene Suet Cajbon Sel Plates. 33 1009 1013 1081 ner usr ua an 1293 9 1308, 153 ss 169 1st 1617 1835 16839 rat 1683 1s 161 497 SASTISA-STOM SALSSA-6SEM ‘SA 1008/54-1006M SA-1011/84-1011M sarcsa-cuo21 Stet Bars SAISA-6M SAA91S8-29M re SA2I6 SASIUSASIIM SAA70/SA-479M SAABAISA-AB SA-S6USA-SOAM SA-658/SA-G3EM SAGISISA.STSML SA605 S06 sar sais 64303, ‘High-Strength Low-Alloy Colmbius- Vana Stuctual Stel ‘HocRolled Stctrl Sts, HighStength Low-Alloy Piste Wid “improved Famed. sual Set, Col-Rolld, Gabon, Smtr, High Steagth Low-Alloy ‘ed High Strength Low-Alloy Wits Ingroved Formby. ‘Stl, Shst and Strip, Hot Rolled, Carbon, Stra, Hih-Seeneth yl High Steg Low Aly Wh ngoed Fs. caidas tg Soe Serta Quality Stl. ‘General Regimes fr Relled Stet Stel Bus, Pn, Shapes, od Stet Ping, Seal Bar, Cabo sad Aly, Hoc Wrought, Groce Regimens for See! Rives and Bar for Rivets, Presue Vessel Sunless Steel Bar and Stages... Cats Deen, Stes-Reeved Caron Stal Bass Sabet to Meshal Property Requirements Sains Se! Bard Shap for Ui a Bee and Gir Pee ‘Vestl. General Regiments for Swiss a Steel Bars, iets, and Torzngs es ‘ot Robed and Cold Finished Age Hardening Sans Sel Bass aod Shape. ‘recipaton ardenog ton Base Soper Bars, Forgings, Torgng Stock fr High'Temperatre Servic. ‘te ue, Carbon Hot Wrought, Special Qualiy, Mechanical Proper. ‘st ars, Catoo, Ho rough, Special Quai fo Fld Power ‘Apgizaions sent Bus Carbo, le Wroagt or oid Fished, Special Quality, or Presse Piping Componess Ste Rr, ye Wrong fr lv Teng or Pra ‘Contig Pas, oF Both ‘tile Steel Ba ‘Stel Boting Materials SA-OS/SA-19304 SA-194SA- 194M saaor SA-320/5A-320M Sas Sa3st SA-ASTISAASTI sao SA-SHISAASIM ‘iloy Stel and Sinless Stel ling Mater for High‘Tempertre ‘ot High Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose Appi. aon nt iy Sa for Bol er High Pes oF Hh Sly Sie! and Stiles Sel Boling Materia for oy ‘Soniee seat Bots Ste, Hest Tree, 120/105 ti Minna Tele Sung ‘Querehed sad Tempered Alloy Stel Bolts, Sis, nd Other Beall "Tread Fstees 1. Alloy Steel Turbine Type Boking Maia Spey Hest Tented for ‘High Temperature Service. ox Cap Sores, Bots nd St, St, Hea Tet, 120/10590 at ‘Minianm Tele Strength, Geer Use... righ Temperature Bling Materia, Wilh Expansion Ceefficios ‘Compare to Aner Steel 1091 19 1s 159 167 ns 1 a asi eL m 10s rms m9 1308 1689 m ” ms m1 eu SA.A0/SA-S40nt Alloy Sts! Boling Matis for Special Aplications 5a-363 (Canon and Alloy Stel Nat. SAT Alloy Stel Skat Head Cap Src : SA96USA-96M Common Regrets for Sts! Fuses of FeenerMatil, Both, intended for Use at Aay Tempertre From Crogeie the sees ‘Cubon a Alloy Sie! Externally Treaded Mei Fstnes Ste Bits and Forgings SAOS/SA-IOSM Caron Steel Forgings, fr Piping Applicaion.. SAJBI/SA-18IM Carbon Stet Forgings, for Genera Purpose Ping SA265/SA-266M Carbon Steet Forgings for Presue Vee! Compara | SA-33654-536M Alloy Stel Forgings for Press and High Temperate Pat SAAS0/SA-350M Caron sad Low-Alloy Stel Forgings, Reguing Noch Tooghness ‘Testing for Piping Components : : SA-372ISA-372M Carbon and Ally Steel Forgings for Thin Walled Prewure Voss SA-484/5A-464M General Requirement for Stinless Ste! Bar, Bilt, an Forgings SASOS/SA-SOEM —Quencted and Tempered Varin Treated Ccbon abl Alloy Sect Foxgngs fr Pressre Veal, SAS4U/SA-SCIM — Quenhed and Temper Caron td Alioy Sct Forlag lc Pesos Vessel Components : . SA-638/SA-696M Precipitation Harecing lon Bave Supeaioy Bass Foring, ud Forging Stock for High-Temperaire Serve ‘SA-49/SA-615M Forged Stel Rolls, Used or Comopaig Paper Machinery SA-TOS/SA-TOSM _Age-Hadering Sisales Sto! Foeigs : SATRS/SA-T2IM Alloy Stel Fogings for High Stenghh Frewure Compact ‘Alison ee ‘SA1S/SA-T45M__Unratonc Bromiaton of Aerie Steel Piggy... SAA6S/SA.TE5M Carbon Stee and Low-Alloy Stel Pesure Vest Component Forgings Wah Mandvory Toushzess Regist, SALTEWSA-TH8M suet Forgings, Gcneral Regiments : 'SA-S36/SA-83EM TiniumStbilzed Chon Sts! Forgings fo Gas Lined Pigng sad Prssre Vere! Service SASGSISA.96SM Stel Forgings, Austen, fr Pressure and igh Temperate Pata. ‘Steel Catings SA2UGISA-ZI6M Steel Castings, Can, Suttle for Fusion Welding for High-Temperature Servi — SA2INSA-DITM Stel Castigs, Matas Sinless snd Alloy or Presse Conaing ts, Suitable fer High-Temperature Servic, SASI/SA-351M Castings, Austen, Austenitic Fore (Dupes), for rewire Containing Pans : ‘SA3SUSA-352M Stel Castings, Feitc und Mansi, for Prsure Containing Pats, Suitible for Low Terperare Service SA4STISAABTM Sie Casings Suiabe for Pestue Service SAABUSAABM Casings, Nike and Nickel Alloy, SA-O9/SA-SO9M —_Canings, Carbon, Low-Alloy, abd Mares Sines Sie, Uvasonis| Examen Thereof SAGHT/SAGCTM —Centogaly Cat Deal Maal (Gay and White Cat los) Cyindes SATBSA-TIEM Slee Catings, General Requirement, for Pressure Containing Patt SATTISAZ4IM Stee! Costings, Snes, Peiitadon Hargening SATSUSATEIM {Catings, Stel und Alfoy Common Requirement. for Gover ind Use : - ss 1097 1si7 1633 189 2 4 355 363 sa Bs 15 383 87 3s ua? 13 26. 1319, 161 SASES/SA-SESM SA.995 ‘Ste nvesueat Castings General Regiments, fr Pressure Containing ‘casting, stn Rede (Dope) Sans Ste, fr Pressure Containing Pas... ae CCoreson-Resiting and Heat Resisting Stes SAASUISA-182M SAI95/5A-1936 SA.1945A-1946 SA2IS/SA21M SA-216I5A-2166 saziTisa21™ SA240/SA-240M SA-209154-249M sa2ss SA268 SA269/5A.260M SA312/5A312M ‘SAS20/84.3200 SA336158-3360 SA35USA.391M SA.SS8/SA.358M SA-360/S4 3690 SA-SIOISA-STOM SA405/58-4000 SA-409/5A-4090 SAAREISA-6M, SAABTISA-7M SA-ASUISA-ASIM SAATISAATON SAAARUSA-S800 SASIS/SASIM SASoUSA S60 Forge ot Rolled Alloy and Sunes Stel Pipe Flanges, ceed itogs, and Valves and Pats for High-Temperature Service ‘oy Sc! and Stiles Stel Boing Materials for High Tengestare ‘or igh Pes Seve and Oter Spoil Purpose Applications Ccabon and Alloy Stet Not for Bolt for High Pressure o Mi “Temperate Serve, or Both SeanlessFerle nd Atstenic Ay Sel Bile, Sopetbetr and eat ecanger Tubes ‘i eee Sci Casing, Carbon, Suitable or Fusion Welding for High-Temperure ‘Senco rae ‘ext Casings Masten Shainiees and Alloy, fr Pressure ‘Coniaing Parts Suitable for High Temperate Service. ‘Chyonium and Chromium Nike Stainless Ste Pla, Sheet, nd ‘Sip for Pesate Vessel and for General Applications “Weld Austen Se! Bolle, Soperbeatr, Heat Exchange, 108 ‘Condenser Tubes - ‘Stiles Chromium Nickel Steet Cad Plate ‘Neko and Nickel Base Alloy-Cla Stel Pst Searles and Welded Ferstie and Marenste Stns Steel Tice for ‘Genera Service eo Seamless and Welded Asien Stns Stel Pipes : ‘ley Stel and Stiles Stet Boling Materials fr Low-Temperature Service Alloy Stel Forgings for Prose and igh Temperate Pass Cestngs, Aumont, Austen Femi (Dupe), for Presore Containing Pars nea . ‘Becoe Psion Weld Avstenide CromiumNike) Alloy Stat Pre Yor High-Temperature Service - - Catton and Fert Alloy Stel Forged and Bored Pipe foe High- "Temperate Service Seams Austen Ste! Pipe for High Tempersre Cental Sation ‘Wrought Auseie Stiiess Steal Piping NES soon ‘Walded Large Diameter Austen Steal Pipe for Coto o Hi “Temperate Service eI ‘cenitgally Cast FerieAloy Sci Pipe for High erpsrare ‘Serie. tiny Sel Torhine-Type Boling Matera Specialy Hest Tested for High-Temperature Service sae Cental Cast Austenitic Ste! Pie for High Temperate Service. ‘States Stel Bae and Shapes for Use in Boles and Oder Presse ‘estes Coenral Requirerents fr Stilest Stal Bos, Biles and Fenpogs Presue Ves Plates, Caron Stel fr Tecate and Higher "Tempest Service. : oe Rll a Cola Finite Ape Hardening Sines Stel as and i539 1559 261 ats 1 38 on a 2 555 sis os ns 165 ns 05 ‘1 SACB/SA.638 saan A666 Sago SA.705/SA-705N6 5A-789/58.789M SA.190/S4.7900 SABIAISABIOM SAAISISASISM sass Precipiston Hardening lon Base Superalloy Bas, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperate Service CCenifogaly Cast Carbon Set Pipe for High-Temperatre Service Annealed or Cold Worked AuseaieStaialess Ste Shes, Srp, Pte ‘and Ft Bar ‘Carbon and Alloy Sie Pps, loco Psion Welded for High- ‘Pressure Service t High Temperstes ‘Ape-Hardning Stns Stel Paging. ‘Seamless and Welded Feiic/Auwenc Suinies Sts Tobing for ‘General Service Searlest and Welded Fete Acme Stila Stal Pipe Cold. Worked Welded Austen Stiles Stel Pipe... Wrought Fee, Ferie/Austnie, and Maree Stns Sel Piping Feng, Cau, Aviston Dale) Sikes Sel fr Pes ‘Conan Pas. . ‘Wrought Iron, Cast Irom, and Melleable Tron SAATISAATH SA2IISA-2TEM SA-395/5A:395M SAATE/SA-AT6M SATMISAL2IM sae Methods SAQISISADISM sAa70 SASEB/SA- 305M SAASSISAAISM SASTIISASTIM SASTRSA-STEM SAS ISA SA7S1 oM Fie Malleble lon Castings. ‘Gry ron Castigs for Presser: Conanng Pre fr emperates Upto 60°F (350%) ens erie Ductile Iron Pressure Rettig Casings fr Use Blevated “Temperate... Dust fom Casings fr Paper Mil Dyer Rll Staeaty Cast Cid Wit row-Geay fon Daal Mtl Rll for Pressure Vessel Use {Common Requirements for on Casings foe General tial Ur. Magnetic Pore Examination of Ste Forgings “Test Methods and Deston or Mecbanial Testing of Stel Pot Ultrasonic Btainton of Heavy Sel Forces Suaight Beam Utrasonic Examination of Sel Pls Uitasonie Ange-BeamExamiatn of Sc! Pstes, ‘Swight-Beam Uleaoni Examinton of Rolled Ste Ps “Appiains Uuasoais Exaninaion of Assent Stel Forgings ‘eat Methods, Pricties, nd Temitokgy for Chemis! Analyse of Steak Prodi for Special Py 1s 1161 um m9 a 1395 103 137 ass 1559 19 451 as Bs ims C61 oy a m Hos 1109 BB a] SPECIFICATION REMOVAL From time to ims, f becomes aecesan 1 remove specficadone from tis Part of Section IL This ocurs eens the sponsoring scey (eg ASTM, AWS, CEN) as noted ASME thatthe specication hi iter Deen replaced with another spsieation, or that hee is town wes and production of a mater. Removal of speciation from tis Seton aso resus in concaent ‘moval hese wpeifeton rom Section Xa rom {ofthe ASME Boller and Presse Vessel Construction Coes tht reference the mate. This acon effectively probit fortier use ofthe mateal in ASME Boer and Prsare Vest! conection, "The ollowing specifstios will be kopped from Hit Sextminthe ext Addenda G applicable) ones informs tion concerning ue! producto and sco he materia ls resrved fore Doouter 1 of is Yeu ‘SA.SSTISA-SS7M.0 (sconined by ASTM in 195, replaced by A 178A 1789) 0) SATBUSA-TSINO1 (dscgnimed by ASTM in 195, replaced by A 26874 268M" you ae cueny using and purchasing new maria tothe getifeaton fr ASME Boller and Pressure Vessel, Code consti, and if iconinsane of tis specie tion would present hari, plese oy the Secretary ff te ASME Boller and Pressure Vessel Comunites, the kde sown below seccary [ASME Bolle and Presre Vessel Commitee The Pack Avene New York, NY 100165090 Tek 212) 591-8533 Fax: 212) 591-8501 Teper piso INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK GUIDELINE ON ACCEPTABLE ASTM EDITIONS All seis eignatng fom an ASTM speifetoa, aloe bythe various Cade Sectens and used freon ‘hrcton within the sope oftheir rls shall be frsished in accordance with the Material Speieations contained iin Section Handi pideine excep where obervise [reviled in Code Cases ori te aplieble Secon of tie Code, Mater covered by these Specifications ase ‘ceptable fran in items covered by te Code Sections ‘nly the degree indicted in the applicable Secon. Mate for Code use sou preferably be dered, p> ‘ced, and docomented on this basis; however, ati ‘rodied ender an ASTM SpeifcatonTised in Table [ED-I may be usd in en of the conesponding ASME ‘Specifications sted ia this guideline Material prediced to an ASME or ASTM Speticaion wih requiemens Aeron fom the reuiremeats be canespoding Spec fieaon may slo be wed in acrorance with he above, Drovided he trl munuacaer or vessel manatee Sees witheideneacepabet the Authorized Insgec- tort the conesponding Spica reuerents have ‘bexn met The guide tite te Specewtions,crigit- Ing fom ASTM, and their accepable dacs of sve 35 frei as the Book sections ofthe ASME Boles Code in ‘Mich the spesifinon Se apeoted fr us, yasle EDI oa, Se eer Late, ote Gade Code fais rs Specteatns i via _vina_via xu Gee fae ‘ASt ASAP Segeesn en rns ae Pas * oF seco? Sx2wsncoh Sel Reinet, Passe x eaten sazushaaM Gor anierat, be san treats saat * oe eo tro ‘tae at certeton Wid 2924 and an tai hg 3 oe reg rene sansa ae) 9 rou 0008 sacusesme x meena ot Teeter ont prac nr ial cet Table 4 saupstio x KGS erates saumiseione xO eta 0, 905) 5 eu stt0D TaBLE ED (oeeD an fe eta aon Sorat wna wna vis yu Sie Se “Sota Eos Se om ™ ortho) teameasvon He as sntimanes saamaainon ar * osteo oun ats) gumene a area suamienseae xx “os x a eteeanar te ei re een of Grae £5621, FOC AST iam rt, fo ne a8 ‘eho, rect rcs at sit robe Fr Se 9) Sd, be aos ATR ‘Sites eit 95 al sasmsaicon x x x * san sasousaaon x x ome ey eres nota rE 2441 a 6, ra ATH Ew ie 3 shicoseamn x 2s ea ss seesaw x Pan x 809) 2 eve ain saanusasom x AG x 18a) ae rou einen sae * * ROP) 8 Hea 9800) saawsamow oe ek sth os Tama eet at ceneton errand TABLE £0: (ond Tefen oe tie Me ttt ne Cs ote Asees ke seein 1 viia_vik_vns xm eae “ASTM ASTI Ears Sazasaasan * ” sasousaaoan ex x xe ezatenihor (eo ce Won rd WPS, tr cnt AT arr Ue saseisnson x ok caetranhot Ioan cp etn of 5, wi tees aes a 39 andy smasapuason x 05 sea tenmos ‘Sr cc at ape Her 1 acy en 6 we oil on sown x cannon 67 Brush ope saz7shz75 Mage Parl xin of eg coos am 06 (dota pate pons yar pred prin smanueasren x 2 oR) a5 mah R81 sizes ean x xx 5 IRE eB true 307) arwsaomn x x ® x ot ese trent 0 Ssaseapnsoan xx xx Heater) oh otto sao x oe x x x 7 cotaiphons 49 ae gt tr te eel tte ino 331, sn abe et A ara eo 2.9, 004222 ‘a aetna te SS see ote Seeiates 1 tv vitta_ nevis xt Ga toe ache A, Ideal ef te sono 82, ion aH Great terme rear MANE ewe eel cnt UNS S302 Tey nn Era (90) sassapacao Ee ae 7 ert o7 ‘et ap eet catenin emt ca none tee ie "rc extrem riteaelitr ntad" me meth Bota at ee din 25 ules anas* ne seas * ec * ots a hath 8 sassusasss ox Be Oe no eo os Sa wainachaawitnchnenths ina’ ONS made mandatory ‘arene sen = oo fed mons es ea cid et en aerate iin 0322 Hi seowasnsem soe He snemmatob se Meh Teint St Pret xe 05 atom os some * koe nk 2% exwan) 2 aa once leet Fr Gn, eae STH site we ned tear TABLE D2 Contd ak Sater Tee ie, fe tatet oe ade Coie Ales evahatoes Vilas xt Case_Ga “ASTIN _—_ASTHV Eom Seacrest Forms x trom or sxgawsaoom ae xe xo cotmumor REGS act tre ct ale 2 Mt ene or Ga WP $5035 ces at ei ‘noone ne d t lon of D043nnueh ns mde sin ot 86 38 ‘nyo, sr nse at com hi 02 te sxsowshacnt « x eset ae teu a HR cc tr cid hn viet ens We io se a 005 arto 3 dT opis of 2223 we 233 pont etd pe moor nd mc a ase ee 823 ‘jo ste noe. econ ASME Sango Sn on tse earl ere a anne ao Be «ox x * xe estrone 0 * x o* x os tromt ot etl nat ea cob emt ie te CF ie. 7 tem Semana Stain an Vn Pats etn) 357 rg Rar sega * x oem or 06 sae * x ns os o7eramor 0 tenes sn pe Snot. ro autem Gamo fr obes om seat 6 snarsnasis 2 Re eh a saasysaassut x * x x x meh origno# lata cca rst of Tbe 20 rato eran e522 ring, ra ‘eso 8 Erinn Secon Sy th eaten ee, Clas, The mtn we sacansaase x x x x exon) 24 wan ete” sae cons) 2 wre ota) id ect fr sti gin 42.4 ad 2 ma eas | saemsknm xe OF eaten Temi eet rr chanel 2 al oo) TABLE €D2 (ond te te att ner (aie Cae Adee rete Secitates ¢__mW_viian_via_ ving xar_txe_Gawe_ASTIE aS ane Shsoasntou ——Genval itenns Fi rai De web ae SabucAta0n Coal Wot 5 rs on artes 8 saasrnasere * x x 5 nator) a reg non acts soan z th rea St rec ‘ec xc at Spl Saabs ol 57 $0 ir pa ny sasumasin x x 5 anR97y eg otter aan eee Fstt in Tai sal apt the-04 05 nde eten, sastnsasnt x x ok kw x oe erat tease drew te 4, 66 Fein nn. sasmasasoan « x * oF Stren suse * s « ex 9) extras 9s sesso « x x 5 0 octane soe x oe att 9s siesevsasesat x oe x eras ‘TABLE _£02 (Con's rc Taser com seepae Session ast eats Sassosasow ox rr x ARO) G7 an (R00) ‘sassusassou * * sath 0 ea 57 sesontasen * « to se touh ote saseusnseme * x 56 ther ruth 6 (lta xs fo tnt i pi wb ete a para 147 189 an ‘Sioa orc ie emzuasisuet « x eon x 0) ake 89) SASHA stam - Gem aginst Sl Set one oa brome 0) sasrarsasra x 0 ext ot seare x * ue ranean Fe eas tanh iene es ited dur Rare So mind Fewest nd st onto vet Taba Sh snd astm ec ASTI mo ton Pan seiner) se rah 1807 saasram |. Materials and Manufacture 444 Fact Tratmont — The pipe shall ecive a heat eaten th temperate and Une speci in Table 2 {ellowedby aqueach inwaterorapcoely otter means 42 Machining — The pipe shall be machined on the Ini and ter surfaces w 4 roughest vale 0 getet than 250 pin (35 yn) astmsinl serge deviation (A) toate men tne, a deinen Amen National Senda 846.1 5. Chemical Analysis. 1 Heat Anais — Ao analyse of exch heat shall smal by he manufac to determin he perentges of ‘emeat specie ia Table. The analy sal be ade fon ett sample ken prefely ding the pray of Ue bet The chemical composioa ths deermied hall confom tote eguiemens specie in Table | 52 Product Anas — A. podst says may be ‘mate bythe pacha. Te sample for alysis be elected so as 10 be throughly representative ofthe pe bing anyzed, Toe chemi composition tha deed ‘hal coaform to the reqiements speed in Table 1 {53 Todeeamine conformance withthe chemical nly ‘is equiemeas, sn observed value or called value Shall e ound in accordance with Practice E29 tthe eae it the Inat gicand place of wasted in ‘Tee 6 Tense Requirements (61 Tet Specinone 6411 Tat specimens shal be prpeed i ccna with Tet Metso spd Definitions A310. Tet brs shall ‘be poured in special blocks fom te sme het ae he ‘sting epresened. Test bas sal be supplied inf ‘eat number o fui ll specimens required in 62 sd 163 (se Table 3) (6.12 Test specimens may be et fom beaeuested castings insted of from test bars when agreed upon ‘enween the manofactrer andthe purchase. 613. ‘Tensin text specimens sll be machined to the form and dimensions ofthe sandrd rod 2 in, [50 mun} eae lenghspecnens sown in Fig of Tet Methods aed Deftons 37, 62 Mumberof Te: {621 One tension est shal be made rom eat est The ba om which the test specimen is akon sll be hea-tetlinthesome manor asthe castings presente 622 Ira secon ianshine pop oe se revealed by bachining or dring testa the spine ‘maybe dane sd another suber he sae het 63 Rete — 1th es ofthe ec Ke or ny head ncuron He egueemeni peso. he castings may be west. vated and rte, bat may nt be solatontzeted more than tvs “Hydrostatic Test 1A ach length of pipe shal be hyd teed in accordance with Speciation A999/A 99M, 112. ee realioed that he foondey may be nab form the hydrostatic tt pie to shipment, or hat the orchaser may wish 0 defer testing al ational work ar been pefoed co the casing. In soch exes, te foundry is response forthe satisactry performance of the eating when i teed 8 Quality 81. The surface of he casting shal be exsloe vis aly and shal be fee fom craks and ol Ter. Other surface defests shal be ged in accordance with visual scxpance era which may be peed inte exe. 9. Rework and Retreatment 94. Deletes defined in Seaton Schall be eoved snd tha removal verifed by veal inspection of te resakant cites: Defect whic re load by iapectng with Sap plementary Requirement $6 or $7, or oth, shall be Femovod or edu to an scceptble Sie 92 tfzemoval of te defect does no infin upon the inimuen wall hicks. th Uopreston sy be inde ‘nsomny ina the snvunding surface, 93. the cavity ressing fom defer rmtonaninges ‘porte minima wall hckes, weld repairs permed subject to fe prebses? approval The eoeposion of the weld rod usd shal be stable forthe composition of the meal Belg welded 9.3.1 Only operators and procedure guid in accordance with ASME Belt and Trearire Vee] Code, ‘Section Xsbll ese. Allrepair welde wil be ispcted to the same quality standards wed to inspect the cating DA Posted hetirsimect of he repired cating is osterreqused me prohibits 10. Permissible Variations in Dimensions 1041 Thikneer— Te wal tiknens hall ovary over ‘ha species by moe than in (3 mm) The sal be ovation nde the epcifed wl icknes, 11. General Requirements Materia furmished unde this specication shalt conform r the aplabie equines he coren Ton Speciale A 99/4 S38M. ones ater re vided herein, 12 Rejection 1A Each length of pipe rezelved fom the manuf tarry be inspected by the poche ad it des not inet the egurements of the specication based the Inepcion and text method as ated inthe specication, the pipe mty be rejected ad the manufac shal be ied, Diption of rejected pipe sal bea ate of ‘erent beeen he manufac end the parchasr, 1R_ Rehearing TAL Sapes tha represent ejected motel shall be serv or? werk from he dat of wansson of tbe {Eeaepor In cane of dietafacsion wid he esis of tbe test the menfacorer may make cain fr ebeaing thin ta ie. 14. Certification "HAL Upon request ofthe parchaser in the contact or ie, aiufocrr's cetation hat the eater Wa an manufac and texted in accordance with this pein on, together witha report of the test esl, shll be ame athe tine of sheen 15, Product Marking 1S: Bach engi of pipe shal be legibly mse with the manwfsrrer’s aa or bead, te speciation mum- be, ange, nto, beat numbers or seal nas that re tacebl eat mares, shall be marked on each eng of pie. 16, Keywords 161 ase; enifuglly es height ighemper- snare seve stale sel sel castings ae (CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS Gangsta ont Tanatm, ices cram _tmm —_Clim "ax”_togen crrancman® 008 ooo 209 seize eons arm aa “nie CPFA0G an EP may Rave aon ls utc mse "heme sit ASI onto Sil Fe Sacto ee ‘ oyaneena beer rancor ante poche, bos cot! rae ZPH2D my rsa 020% ay he se apted nas sept tb CPE oo ‘0 Secon ART A trate 2 NEAT-TREATMENT REQUIREMENTS Temes Yasin, crate ets Pes chron, core CFFEm 8 een oso, cy reso tees ep Bas, ona cae nee Tastes TENSILE REQUIREMENTS seen, pat eeeevweweus wane ba tana tu wean teks es, {hai ie shrill teen ment rm ele toes at (eter tenprsie sr 0° EAC, 2m secroon PAK A ‘SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS Supplementary regent sll be applied only whe specie bythe purchase Detals oi the supplementary requirements shale speed upon by the mancfetrer sad purchase. “The specified es sal be performed by the manfacer pir shipment ofthe castings, Sl, Addonal Tension Tests ‘SLI_ Adina tension ets sal e rade temper: ane tobe spcied by he customer, and the properties. to be met are a mater of apeement between purchaser ‘nd mance SX Mhtening Test SLI The ating test shall be made on specimens from oe orth ens of ach enh pipe. Ife spei- me fom any end of any length fil (© conf tothe ‘eremtte of Speifontion A959/A 989M, hat lenge Sha be eects SS. Photomlcrographs ‘S81. The manufacurer shall uh coe soromico- ph st 100 dames fom one specimen of s-sed ip rom enc eat inca est enment ot Sach photo croiaghs sal be sully Ieatfed as 1 pipe son ‘rll ike, and eat. Such potomicographs we for {nfoonton ony, 0 show te stual metal Sacto tbe Pie a emished. No photemerogrp forthe aida cos purchased sil be requir excep speied in Supplementary Requirement St ‘$4. Photomicrographs for Individual Pioes Sta Taemanufctrer sal ess photomicrographs from ose bah ds of each pipe, Al phoma required stall be prope enti 25 to Beat meet, ‘Sze, and wal thickness of ppe from which the section twas taken, Phoomicrorapt shal be fhe secied torgemitascenon of ech photomicrograph ih the India eg of pipe epee $5, Metal Structure and Riching Tests ‘S51 Eahing ets (Not S1) shall be made on tans ers sections fom the pipe and shal reve the miro Svcs of te material, Soc tests ae for information NOTE 51 — eng dele of tng mi mete 0 eis cy cin mma te ‘86, Rodigraphic Fxamination 61 ‘Taecstings shal be examine orinteral defect ty moans of rays or gama ays, The inspection prace- (re stl bein sccndance th Guide B98 snd te ype fc degrees of diconinuies considered shal be judped by Reference Radiographs E46, E186, or £230. The extent of examiaton andthe bas fr Scceptance shall be sbject to aprement between the manufacturer and he 7. Liquid Penetrant Examination ‘$7. The cating shllbe examined for srface discon sinaies by means of liguid penetantapestion. The Inet of perorming te Lid ponent tert shall be fn acordaace with Test Metiod B 16. The aes o be inspect, the methods and ype of iid penetans to ‘eed the developing procedure an the bir ccs tce shall be as specie onthe fngiy inition to ‘ia aon he parchase order ot contacto bth oF as ‘reed upon between the anafcarer and he purchaser INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SPECIFICATION FOR HIGH-TEMPERATURE BOLTING MATERIALS WITH EXPANSION COEFFICIENTS COMPARABLE TO AUSTENITIC STEELS afr 1. Scope {LL This specifestion cones four grader of bolting teal with sie clases of eld suet ranging frome Sto 120 (9456827 MPa} for use in highcrpeatre fewce sve ae fasteners for peur Vesela valve fanges. The marl regres special proving aad tot inte for gene! purpose aplication The tn “tong material” sb sed fn thi speciation, cavers role, forge, 0° hotexded bart; ols, mu, see, Swaser, sol. and std bois, Headed blls and rolled ‘cade maybe spp [ANSBIA WM and Speciation A ST/A SM, 12 Supplementary Requirement S1 of an optional str ie provid. Ths tall apply only when specined byte putas inthe ore. 1.3. This specication i expressed in bh ict-pound uni and in SI unis. However, ones the oder specifies theapplcble "Nt speiseston designation (Suns), he ‘owe sl be fused wo inch-pouad uns 1A The vl stated in eter inchpoand ui o Sk unit are tote regarded partly a standard. Within he text the ST unit ar shown in rackets The values sarod {nec spite ae nt exact eqavalenes; tereloe, Sytem useadependey othe other Combining ‘ale fom he wo aysems a esl in nneonformance ‘Sih he speciation 2. Referenced Documents 21 ASTH Standarie A.UBIA 1928 Specifcaon fr Alloy Ste an Staless Sel Boling Mates for High-Temperature Service hay ot he bang Cee, Chand Type mtb ca SA-453/SA-453M A310 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanica Test dag of Steal Prose [A43VIA ASTM Speciation for Allo. Steel Turbine- “Type Botng Material Specialy Heat Tete or Hh “Tempernie Senice 1830 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of St, Cast ‘Won, Open Hear roa, and Wrought on 159 Pact for Sapling Stel a eon fr Deena tion of Chemical Compton E159 Potion fr Conducting Creep, Crep-Roptre, and Sue Rope Test of Metle Manas 2.2 ANST Standard: ANSEL Unified Stew Tieads ANSLBIE21 Sire and Hex Bois ao SciewsInlding ‘ex Cap Serews and Lag Seress ANSI 1822 Sua and Hex Nots ‘ANSI BIB3 Hexagon Socket aed Spline Socket Serews 23 AIAG Sandor 1.5 0200 Primiy Metals lenication Tg Application Sandars 3. Terminolgy ‘A Defions of Terme Spec t0 The Standard ‘31 bolting materal — hie covers rolled, fxge, or hotextoed has ols, aus, stews, washes, td, ‘dad Bolts; and also inledes hose menaced y ‘et hein or oll dhening techniques S23 heareament charge ~ one heat of ati ot teted in oa ath coats pert used, the weight pocaiod ate het eatment hare shall not exceed the weights in Table ‘33 for aot shal comlt of he quant shown in Tale 2 4 Ordering Information (41 Theingiry and order hl ince the following 411. Quart (weight o number of pees). 412. Type of marl (bar, bls, mu, e.), 413. Grade and das, LA. Meth of fishing oe 52), LS Type of tead deste (ee 522), ALS. Atematve test wtiad option (80 1243), LT Batt shape option, if any (ee 82). 4L8- Thread opin if any ee 8.3), 419 Testmetio or surface qual, ifany se 10), 4110 Test leation option, if any ie 1), LIL Rejection option, sf any (6e 12.1, ant 4112 If suessropeare testing is ot rogue (ce 720, S._Matrlls and Mamfactare SA Mating Process: ‘SLL The mats shal be made by one or moe of ace of contomible secre practice. ‘512. Vacuam, postive atmosphere, or postive slage my be wed dig malig or pouring of he heat 52 Finishing Proce ‘$21. The product sal be hot ihe or cold {shed (ground ough tare or cold der) at speed fom the purchase over ‘522 Theating shall be performed ia scodance ‘with Table 10. When sot specie bythe purchaser, te ‘spe spied shall be the opin ofthe mata 53 Hea Treamment — Fach grade and class shall be eat wet as presi in Table 3. 6 Chemical Compostion 61 Hoot da — 9 aoalysis of ech het of test shall bead by the manafctarero deen he pce Ages ofthe elements specifi in Table 4, Tis analysis ‘all be mae rom ts sample ken dring the oor Of the bal The chenial compost thes deemined ‘hall eepated tothe purchase ot his ereentaive snd ‘ll eoafoon the reuremest specif in Table GLA Stes with add lead sal not wed (621A produtt analyse may be made bythe por ceacer from fens samples representing the Bolling 622. Sample for chemical nay, xcept or spe trochemial analy shall be then is socorance ih Preto E59, The chemical composon thes dternined ‘all conform tothe reuizements For produt aalsit ‘rion ar specie ia Table 623. A product snalyishall made bythe man ‘aotrerof bar ck made from vcr emled el 63 Methods of Analysis — For veftce purposes, Tet Metis 30 sal be ee, 7. Mechanlcal Properties A Tonton Tes TAAL Reguirments — The mate sal coneem © the room erperte tensilein each eat entnet charge (eee 312), TA.2 Mamber of Specimens: ‘14.21 Hea Trected Baro — When at moe a0 two sizes of brs ae est teat in the same load, one tension est shall be mae from each siz in each Heat of real a the etext carge (ee 31.2). When ‘ore thn two zs of bar stead inthe sire charge, te tenia tnt sal be made rom one bof ech of he te largest Siamtors fom each heat of wate ne eats care. 7122 Finished Pats — One ensionte sal be ‘mute ifthe ot comists of partsof hesame nora dame ter If he tt conse af pcs of more Dn ae nose ameter ofeach beat involved ia the fo (see Section 3), 7.2.3 The diameter range sal be increments of yin (125 ma TALBA Tension os ae not rqute ca fished stat ae farce from estes ar fished In acorance with te regienen of thi speifeaton fd tested in accordance with 7.121, povied Bey ae "113 Test Location and Orientation — Spcinens shall tenn acoréance wih Test Methods an Defi ion A 370, Apex Aly fem the br stock wed to mae the protue, 7 Test Methods 714.1. The tension test specimen shall be machined fo the form and dimensions presen he Inet ue of Tet Mths and Definite 370. TAA2. “The yield sveagh sll be detriaed by the ofietnethod ae described in Ge Its ave of Test Medbods and Defnitons 370, 72 Sie Rupare Tes: TLL Requirements Tre meer shal corm 9 the sreserupe oquementspearbe in Table 5 for Aesigntroperates above $00°F (427°C). Material net free pe tested ell be peraenty stamped NR 7122. Te somber of specimens shall be the sane ss th oie uber of tenon fst pein. 72.3. The et locaton aad onan sal be the same a ht required for he tension tt species. ad Tet Method: 7.24.1 ‘The ropare test shal be performed in seconde with Prato F138 7122. A combination anooth and notched est specimen, machine to the diessons pesrbed in Fig. Td Tate, sal bette in accordance wih he sta rapt elemets prescribed in Tale S. Te et hal te cued to roe The pare shall ocar in the 71243 Asanalemstive proces and, when spe cially approved by te porcarer, separate sna sd ‘ole et socmens, machined fiom adjcent sectors fhe ane lec, wit gage sections conforming the Teaptnesimensions of Table 6, may be tested vader the [Shovecondtions The notched spermen need 0 beteted ‘orupne bvtehall not roprefn os ethan compas lon Stents specimen TAs When the minimum specified tie 0 p- tare in Tale 5 har bean achieved, ierementa loading tay be sed o accelerate the inet ope. Atif ‘of 8 to U6 preferably 8 to 10 h the sees sal be Ince in increments of 500 pi [345 MPa. Rapsre ‘Beton andlongation queen sal be as pressibed in Tale 5, 72262 nd 7243, 73 Hardness Test: ‘TAM Requirements — The materia shal coform 0 the som eperatrehtdoes requirements reseibo ik 132 Number of Tet TALE Bars 2 in. [50 mm] and Over — One est on exch alee length 72422 Bare ander? in. (50mm) — One tt on tet 106 of the milsrexted lent. 723 Text Locations — The hardness tet shall be mae tthe cen ft rt section for ars 0 Tn [25 mm] in diame, and athe ideas on bas [25 mm) and Inger in ameter: ‘TAA Text Method — The tet hal be erormed in sccordace ‘wih Tet Methods an Definitions A370 Dimensions and Permisible Variations 1 Stndad gerissble variations in snes of bars shal beat st fort Tale 8 for bolle bars and in "Table 9 fer coldness. 2. Headed bls sal be semisfnithed, exagoal a sap, and in accordance withthe dimensions of ANS [BIG2LL Not shall be Betagoral ia shape, and in accor dance with he dimensions of ANSIBIB.22-Usless ote tress the ANSI Stndarheay bolted aut srs Thal be ori Hr socket bead faenes are roqared, the fimeanon shall tein sccotace wit ANSI BIB3, a8 ‘pened by the prcaser 3. Att, sad bots, andaccompanyeg aus, unless oerwze speci by the purchaser, sal be dead in ‘cotdance ith ANSIBI, Class 28 1028 or Bish ‘Witwer thread when speed 4 Bolt, sre, sts and td bol sal be oie. Points shal ef and chamfered o rovaded at open of ‘he manufacturer Leng of point on snd and 0 ols hall be one to (v0 complete teats as measure from the eateme end parallel fo the seit. Lengih of sds nd se tlt sal be th tended length and shal be ea Sheed mn ft ead to it tress, 9. Workmanship, Finish and Appearance ‘98 Pied pas sal ave 2 wodkmntke fish, ‘maximum pin, [16pm] AA on the threads, body dead At, aad beang x 10, Workmanship and Quality Level Requirements 104 The material sll be wiform in qu 208 fee of ef that would be detent te inteaded service Sich defect my be determined by convetionl etc tsa speed on the purchase tes. AL nspection 1A The manutecturer shall afford the purchasee’s inspector al esol flies nacesry tsb that the ater rein arabe in accordance wit he ‘ciation, MUN ingpcton By the purchaser shall not ‘eee annceasiy sith he manufactures pens. ‘sil tts aod inspections sll be made a the place of ‘anafactre, oles trwise pred ts 12 ejection and Rehearing 12 Rejection — Unless otherwise speci any ejee~ tio basa on ets mad in nevordance ts is specie tin hl be epee tothe manfatrer win 6D ays From te recep ofthe eatery the porcaser Matra dt shows injrour defects subsequent to is acoparce ‘tie nanan wok wil be rete sd he ma fhotrr sal be ou. 122 Rehearing — Specimen teste in accordance with hs specication tht represent rejected mat sal be prscred for 2 moss from he dt of theta repo. In cae of dsiaisfacon withthe esl of the tes the manufacture may make cain for a shenrng within ha ime 13. Certification ML The podocer’ceiesion sal acide he bol- Ing Grate, Clas, od Type an eal ttt the tesa was manefacied an tet scordace wih spec 182 A reportf the st seas shal ncded with the ceication atthe ine of shipment. The speciation designation included on any te opts shall che the sppeopie year of ve ned revston lt, ay. 14. Product Marking 1H Bars — Esch i, bd bon sab peopesty tagged itr dorale tage (ate lato equivalent) showing the heat sumter, eps, condton, speciation ‘esignaton, end sie. The specication er mrked on the mata ore ot ined speton yar of ice sd revision eter, 1.2 ol, Was, Stud, and Sd Bots — Grade, ass, nd manetacore'sidufcason symbols al be applied FIG.1. coMBiNaTiON swooTH.NoTEH PARE A one ed of sms % i (10 ram) in ameter arp and the beds of bots i. [6 mun) kn deme se lager Ifthe avanble ara is nada, the grade oad las symbols may be mad on one end and fe mane ‘urs desiaton sya marked on the ots eo. The ‘ype desgaton also stall appear with the grade snd cas Symbols onal boing mates 143 Por puposcs of ideaticaton marking, he na face i considered th organization tat certs the fastener was manufctared, ample, ete, ad inpected in accordance withthe specication td the results have been determined o meet he eguirements of thi epi 144 Bar Coding — I ation to the roquiements in 14, 142, and 143, bar eoing eae a «supple mentary idenscaon metiod. Ba coding doa be cot sistent with AIAG Standard B-5 020, IF ted sll items, the Barcode maybe plied tothe box or x btn ‘aly apped tp 1 Keywords SA bols-sek festeners-tecl marking: motel, resptationbardeaig sel reser ese eres Son Teter steel baralloy, sts! boing mar see anges sel values; temperature service appistion®- et year de STRESS-RUPTURE TEST SPECINEN (Gee Tle 5) * | (OT 42 | a frsco 2 cons Wet tld 2h bide 1 faseoa ae caen 283 mie gan as | 1 foto a 29 00 «41 thé noon 25% ons «4° hd 3 sna section Pa A sessnasint aster raaue2 CONTINUOUS HEAT-TREATMENT CHARGE SIZES Lorsizes ——— SO Danis tne) ot Sg WOT Danse on io a ee aa Tar, e040) ve 4 Cah 2 ret Soo tes Orr ater C6) ‘cootzren Ge ital Mss re wore) saosin soon Se) ow ait ‘uae tastes HEAT TREATMENT REQUIREMENTS* as Sasi Te Teoma Tea 1 [isso #25 900217 ot 2 ant ad ne 1905 = 25 a0 2 WL ol 1 a et [isons aston # ect tls h min ana gee [1805 225° (eds ech lsh a [atone eel told m in andl ems [teas 2257 (75 4 WG) oN a ee ico Ahh oa ee eta 400 1730 760 tlt 20 fcr lo ‘aos so sew ech nino acon sho to ie? a0 70) hl 20m ace ea eo ase ab = 30) ti 30 acs sss to ee 030 6 70, hl 20 mc et to "io sas cab = 10), 30a eo ssh aor 30 eth fae 5 omc ot "oF Wao = less Wis ON ae us saasyanaent 29 SECTION m, PART A TaoLe (CHENICAL REQUIREMENTS as 0 como Prot ie ara, rot fa ao ume 96 (ror Un mtr 96 ‘Gerri Wamnse 2a toe Siense aot Prager Gono a 2s ou pared oor ‘acum 6-130 bas woos es ‘nse Fi jose 3 sare crease os Crane tas Pea ha Varo, ro fy aon ct herr Ua emt 3 ror Une fromow Sommer 30s wr See Soe Mnyede 255.5 ate ery &% a Soot Bien Saker oon orca at tame s ‘STRESS RUPTURE REQUIREMENTS Sie Tone tea Si” tune to “tan Tegra, Rete, min, ease oe FCS ts urs ine ‘stingy ae ech ew 2e1 secrion par A tase 6 ‘Test SPECIMEN DIMENSIONS eat Gogo D Gaye Stmater Nach secre ‘edna, veg, ser, tot er Rew aats se es ok frp or Te ere ‘Sat end 991 C008 fr spcma 4 5 te 5 apr eh Cte era sitet 3h so gp ee eer Sree’ ‘Stan oft ee vt tesa 00005 CR ene ope ln 2 8 NOTE 8— Lemetstnir £— % +n n. 000 saaesiaen 200 SECTION 1, PART A rapte7 MECHANICAL PROPERTY REQUIREMENTS ae seem, a8 AZ, camatanind Reaclonet ries i “ian “han artes eae cue seo % nae * Rtemt of paces ney eee 20 SECTION, PART A suassaacan raste 8 PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS IN SIZE OF NOTROLLED BARS) Pee ved en Sey Soe ae Tere raote — PERMISSIBLE VARATIONS IN SIZE OF aa an ns cso a He a es foe toe oes ‘Permissible Variations tram Geiieces Sao om tant Spied Stam fhe Sop om 85> seine ment" Tae Qwiurignd gio akt_——gets Gur hacia hel code (Oas) onna tm) Sebeeheike Sekar Sate Plesk Uswanmct”” Goescouun Ganesan? SUE Deis Go Sate cae rwdewiootieat ony ome) _ Sans fs) Sees otk te oom See femense “hs seas et ot aie er 24 Pa ‘Sec eerste wr se Seaew tem S Squier ae Scaieerm OG For anes of eo 0 a me Sabet ‘wera econ Gmoeetmd 8 Seekentin ee ewan vaste 10 — et THREAD TYPES z 05, ons Te “tperation Heat Treatment Status Swicowsnm Ga 88 my Mccen Paeipatennn Semewsnm Gas 383 me Meret ttn Semewsee re iS " ore 5.01639, ° a9 SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENT “Te following supplementary reiement shall apply only when spied by the pucker nthe inuiy, cours, and ede. Si Marking ‘SLI. Grade and mansfcrrers Meniiation symbols shal be apied to one end of studs and to the beads of os of allie. (Uf the valle rea inadequate, te rade symbol may be marked on on end and he maniac {ters endfcaton symbol marked onthe ober ed) For ok sad stad smaller than % in. (6a in arate and foe a. (6 sa) sted reurng more than stl of between the purchaser and the mancfactre. SPECIFICATION FOR PRESSURE VESSEL PLATES, CARBON STEEL, HIGH-STRENGTH MANGANESE ASME SA-AS5/SA-455M. ab tial wo AST Seon ASSIA SHEEN 1. Scope {LA This pecan covers highs eng r= bom manganese sel plas intended for welded pressure 1.2 Tissetis usally made toa senile orcappst deordaton practice however, at he pucsses oe Stal product's opin, the ste] may be tnd sion {led oe suminut eed 13. The maximum thickness of plates fished unr this epcieation sal be 3 fa. 20 mi 14 Forplaes produced from collan fumished witht eat resent ot with es elioving only, tb adaioal fequiremens, including additonal fing reeiremerts ‘She repoing of adtiona est ess of Speicaton ABSIA 2M spy 1S ‘The vals stdin either inc gound wnt or SH ts ae be regarded separately a standard. Wain he text the SI nits are sown in brackets The values sated In cach syste ave nt exact ual therefore ach system mate wed ndapendely of be ober. Combining “ales rom the to ster elo noccnformance ‘wih de speciation, 2. Referenced Documents 224 ASTM Standards ‘A2MA 20M Speieaton for Generl Regusemants for Sel Plats for Presoe Vessel ‘3. General Requirements and Ordering Information ‘AL Plates spied to thie prot specication sail, conform Speciestion A 20/8 200, which outines the teving aod rtesing metho and procedures, permissible ‘vations in dimeotons and mss, quay and repair of, seus, making Ioan. ‘32 Sposftion A20/A 20M lsoentblishas the ules chasing pst otis ecient, 33 Inadion ote base requrement of thir spci cxton,conain soppementayfeguverons are avaiable ‘were addtional cone, testing, oF examization Is {loguited to mest end wre egoremens 4 The purchaser ie refer tothe ted spplemen tay sequent this sperfeation and 0 the dtd resumen in Specicaton A 207A 20M, AS-i ae exci from qalifetion to thi speck Scaon anil hey are processed int shed plates Paes produced fom coll means plates hat have teen ct 10 India! length from eal The processor dee on tol, ori tsperale forte operation invelved i he roczsting of cle ito fished plnes. Such operations include decoiling, leveling, cltng to length, testing, Saspeton,conitoning est reatment if applicable), packaging, onking, loading for shipment, and ce or — sp ft fe wt Spain acon teens pug pr em a se scat Spee 408 36 the requirement ofthis specification ain con- ‘ict withthe eqiements of Speefeaton A 20/A 20M, the eeqiement of this specification shall preva 4 Heat Treatment 441 Plats te normally suppl the aed con ‘ion. The plates may be ordered normalized or sess ved of bth skies ‘ua SeeTION PART A ‘Cental Compenton saat 1 » Teal al cf chemi ee neatoat RequIReMeNTs mets Gen in Table 1 ae Seem ae Mechanical Propertin “ae ois 1 Teson Tet ~The plates, a reeset by he Peictaie 8708 temsion teste sal colo © Be Feeemens aaa eo sve in Table 2 Sion hoa rete a sam ores: (A Asta ah et an poet nes na (oA prc sree ot sen mat 040% ‘owen sn, 68% mon ret aa TABLE? ‘TENSILE REQUIREMENTS Hetaiin er darsteosene ow SDAIN ‘35am 5 ma 2 wn Teams, wi Fees Ta G66 rae ws 207 ‘ee seh Sate Bre) Sener Comameamiaoonmi=n %c) 8 a rs ential in 2 2 2 be Speatan 8 28200 oan ten 201 socrioN uPAR A saassenint SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS Sopplementar requirements shall not eply ones spied in the purchase ods. A ts cf saadardaedupplmentaryrqaienents forse tthe opin ofthe purus sincuded InSpeciteaion A 20/208, Thos att consdeted stable oraz with his peice ‘dn te listed below by tte SS. Simulated Post. Weld Heat Treatment of Mechanical Test Coupons cy INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ne secrion PART A SPECIFICATION FOR DUCTILE IRON CASTINGS FOR PAPER MILL DRYER ROLLS SA-476/S4-476M, (Deel i AS Specie ASIA EO) re erlang na 1] Wma ncn many 1. Scope 1.1 This specication covers dtl ron castings for sein pressure conning paper mil ryec rolls atteper- tas up to sS0°F (250°C). bean the properties of the ion fn varius lations of (he same cating or between th properties of x eating an tose of ates pecimen cs rm he same ion (et ‘Appa XD. 13 The vals se in eter ieh-pound units oe St nits ae tobe regarded separetely os andar, Within he text th Toit are abown in rackets The voles sated ‘in cash syste ae ot enact equivalents efor, each ‘tem call bused independent ofthe er, Combing ‘aes om he wo sje may relia noscnformance with te speiication 2.1 ASTI Standard [8 TesMethoe or Tension Testing of Metalic Mate E10 Test Method for Brine Hardest of Metalic Mate 194 Guide for Radiographic Texting [E446 Reference Radiographs for Stel Cains Up 2 ‘in St ma) in Tekno 3. Terminology ‘AA Defnions formic tems common ton easings are found n Temisology 6H, 4 Ordering fatormation 4 Ones formate purchasedothe requiem ‘his speceation sould inl te folowing information: 441 Quant, 442 Syecticaion amber and date of ise, 41.3. Deseaipion of cating by patern number oF 444 Heat wesest, I required ee 5.1, 445 Type of tet coupon (48 92), 41.6 Corifcaion, i rogue (ee 18.1, 417 Ming locaton (ee 14.1), and 41.8 Aédionl equienens. ‘SA. Thecastingsmay be stress reed ata temperature ro excend 120" (650°C 6 Chemical Requirements {61 The cating stl conform othe felowing chem 62 The casings shal have a ctbonequivalet of 3.8 1045 incase eat cason 0.3 alee + Pogtans) 63 The chemical analysis for ttl ean shall be ‘made on ser chilled as pocl-typespecinees or om thin waters apporiately in (08 mm tik, tox test coupons Dailings stall not be wid duet atendant Ie of graphite 7.__ Mechanical Properties 7 Their represented by tet conpone sal conform to ease requirements peeseibed ia Table I 112 The yield suengh prescribed in Table 1 may be Serie y any of te approved procedures desenbed in 3 o Test Methods Eat 113. The Brinell harness ofthe materi shall be & ‘minimum of 201 HB. Hadacs shall be condted In aczranee with Test Maho E10, wing» 300 ket load, The est maybe made cir ihe esting om 8 ‘est coupon represeting the esting 8. Workmanship, Fils, and Appearance ‘81. The castings sal confom to the dimasions on ‘he deavings fied by the purchaser, of wo dewing has teen provided, 10 the dimensions prediaed y the ster supplied by te purchaser Surfaces of he castings ‘Shall be fe of adhering san. Roane, rises, Oa, ad ‘ther exrancous met shal be reoved. Sampling 9A ‘Test coupons shall be pou frm the same ira asthe easing! sepesened 92 Test coupons sil be cast either tthe "Y" block ‘ae an shape shown in Fig 1 oto he deals of he Vin, 2mm es block own in 2 The peo est coupon ard whe seat, hei of he Bloc sal Deupeied by the prchaer 93 The test coopos shall be catioopen mole made cof sable core sn with imum 1 98 ao] of ad forthe tn (25 nn sine and 3 [75 of std Tor he 3 i. (75mm size. The coupons sil be If In ‘he mold al lack 944 Teble 2 shows the eglvtent geomet shapes with vaso dimensions anf the eqvalent block, based on cooing ris and may e used asa guide for Selection of the proper "Y" Mock tobe spcted a rope se the eng. 93 When he casings areal wet, he test coupons shal be best weated wih the cating hey represent 10, Tension Test 1041 Tension especies sale cbse rom est ‘coupons shown in ether Fig. 1 or Fig 2, and machines to the dimensions sbowa i Fg. 3. Test coupons eas as "bles (Fig) shal te sectioned as shown in Fp. & 102 One tension tet sll be perforied fr cach 210 SECTION HPA A 103 if any specimen shows defecve machining or Mas, ic maybe discarded and another sabia from the same casing represented, 194 Ifan apparel sound test specimen fis to con- orm tothe tae requirements, two reste maybe made. etter ete fails conform to he requements specl- ‘hed the casings shal be rejected ALL Repairs LA. Casings made t this specifstio that leak on sobsqient hydrostatic testing may be repaed by os headed plugs provided the folowing requirements ate ALLA No welding or brazing shall be permit 1112 The diameter ofthe pl shall nt exceed the diameter of standard 2 in, {80 R2] iron pipe size pipe ple 1113 The pops, where peta, shall conform in aut mensions tothe stander iron pie se ioe ples. In adaton, they sal have fl esd engagement cons nding tots theknes of the epaedsecuon. Whee a tapered pug is impact becabse ofthe excess wall themes in ems of pig ditmeer and coincident tread ‘engagement, othr types of plugs may be wie provided tot all dea engagement and effective sealing agaist pressor are obained: Whee posible then of he lags Should be ground smooth fle intlation to conform 10 the inde snd utile cmtous of he eid TLLA ‘The material rea which he pag imino tured shall conform in all eects to hs speciation TLS ‘The area adjacent to the ied ole shod ‘be examined radiographically in acordance with Guide Bod. The aes examined shall mec the reqlements of ‘Severity Level} of Reference Radiograph E46, 116 ‘The thickness of ny sepaied section in tea- on to the size of plug sed shal be nt less than tat sven in Tbe 3, TAL. ‘The minimam radive of corvatre of the ‘epsite sect ofthe eying ip Felaion to te sae OF ‘log wed al! be oes than tat ven iTable 4 11.8 A repaired ater may consis of « maximem ‘fue lugs wit asparieg such thatthe stance beeen adiacet pgs shall ot be es than those ited in Tale 5, Adjacent ates of real in which ech coutas exe than one plug. shall be scparted by atlas wie the isiance seqeired Table S forthe to aeaest logs separating ie we aes. M12. Surface imperections not exceeding 0% ofthe thickness ofthe seuion and other minor defects may be repr by phigsing provided the dame of te Bag oes not eee tse ‘nu sucrion ,PaRT A 12, Inspection 2A The manufacturer shall afford the purchaser's nips ll eatonabl faites necsery to sti tat ‘herr isbeing peodoced and fursshed in aecordene ‘withthe pecifenon,Foosyinspctonby the purchaser ‘hal no nerfereunneceray withthe manaactaers pein. All ests and inpecoas sal be made at the ‘lc of manufacture ules otherwise agreed. 14. Cetifeation TAL ‘The mmufatire'scerition sll befumished stating tthe teal was anfacoed sapledeted, sd ingpctd in accordance with he reqatements of his ‘ecicaton and wa fund o mex the equemeats. In ‘tition oth cetfeaton, a et report sal be furisbed ‘Showing the els ofall ess perfomed. 14, Product Marking MAL Castings mde in secordance with thi species ‘ion sal have the are ofthe manufacture & hs eg nized wade mark and this secifeation number cast on oF Inde stamped on surface dexpnte bythe pacha FIG, 2. KEEL SLOCK FOR TEST COUPONS eo aa) ei : Lt — Co | owe SSECGE SST “ i : i katad beter! FIG,3. STANDARD ROUND TENSION TEST SPECIMEN WITH 2. (50 MN GAGE LENGTI snare ao secriow Par A Locks FIG.4 SECTIONING PROCEDURE FOR " rast 2 EQUIVALENT GEOMETRIC SHAPES CORRESPONDING "Tov" BLOCKS Tague 1 TENSILE REQUIREMENTS NGatromh sorlstupcy, —Getest tees sini" St ‘oun secrion PART A tase 3 rates univ THeXOESS OF REPAIRED SECTIONS MINIMUM RADIUS OF REPATRED SECTIONS owe pt Seon suse oreo as howe ped pia aoe x too =. {Gise n Lspmen lene of OOP RESALE 2 Fania koma, emo ean 4008 egos cae Sten tm Aiton hos Sam ew Nii Pec Poni potty Sine view Betws vio Shae Moa Mew " Came ance te nA pls = 25 7d tot Sia en) ane eee = a oe ce ten 0 1 Tes = 9 a md rear eee RG ane Ene Ten ee ene 20 Secrion PART A APPENDIX (Nonmandatory Information) XI, MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CASTINGS, XL The mechanical popes of ion casings are Inunced bythe coling rte during sd ster solic tin, by chemical compost, by beat restent, by Oe ‘eign ofthe cstiog, bythe design end nate ofthe el, by he lcton and effectiveness of pte and te, and by eran or actos. X12 The cooling te the mold and, therefor, the operies developed in any parts seton sre ial needy the presence ores, chills abd caplet changes In sexton dhcknest, nd the existence of bosses, tee tons and intersections, soch as junctions of ibs and Doses. Boca ofthe complet ofthe itnctins of thee faci, no prcae quanta reaoeship canbe ated between the prope ofthe on ia vaious loca tons ofthe sme easing Btween the propre of 3 sing and thse of test specimen cas from te same iron When wes relaondip is important and must be Known fora specie aplcton,itmay be more lowly sscenained by appropiate experimen. ‘XL3_Whea rable infooatin ic unaveable onthe telitionship Between popes in easing and those in ‘spurte cat tes specimen, nd whee experimentation ‘woul be onfesibe, he an of he est casting shoud be oslo a approximate the hicks of he main oF ‘Seating seton of te casing. 2 SECTION PART A SPECIFICATION FOR STAINLESS § SHAPES FOR USE IN ‘EEL BARS AND BOILERS AND OTHER: PRESSURE VESSELS SA-479/ /SA-479M 1. Scope LL Tisspecitcaton covers hot an cold-inisbed bars ofssnes ste, inlaing rounds, suas, and besagons ‘chancel or use in boiler and pressure veselcorstrtion. ‘sty ts a le (metic) units re be egaed seprtely a5 sad; ithe extend tbls, te SI uni are shown in orack ts). The values stated in each sytem are nat exact equiva Tens; hereto, ach syst mst be ed dependest of the other Combining valves frm te 0 systems may ‘ena in nonconfomaace withthe speifeton, 123. Untes he onder specifi he pliable MP spec ine pound is 2 Referenced Documents 221 ASTM Standards: [A262 Practice for Detacting Susceptbiywo Ilegen- Tae Attack n Antec Staite Steels {A370 Test Methods snd Deion for Mechanical Test ing of Stet Product |AGBUIA 480M Speieation for Genera Requirements for ‘Stiles Stee Bars, Billets, and Forgings [A751 Teat Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Cea Analse af Steel Precis 112 Tex Metods for Deming Average Gai Siac E527 Practice fr Numbering Metals aod Alloys (UNS) 22 onber Document SSAE 11086 Reconmended Prscice for Numbering Meals 3. Ordering Information ‘31 itis the responsibly ofthe purchaser 6 speci a eguremous that are necessary for material erred under ts specication. Such feqeiremens may inl, bt ent ied to the lowing SAA Quanity (welgh o amber of pees 341.2. Dimensions incading ames or thickness (and wid, shape o form, spplieable prints or sketches, og ‘313 ‘Type or UNS desgnton (Table 1 SLA ASTM desigmtion and edton year other ALS. Heat wate condition Section 4); ‘S16 Fine (ce Maaufocure retin of Species tion 8484/8 4400): 3:17 Supplementary Requirements invoked forse cla services (oseribed athe ed ofthis specication): ‘ALA Whether bar ze tobe rolled ae bars or oot fiom sip or pate; 34.9. Preparsion for delivery (see Preparation for Delivery secon of Specification A s64/A 4800 S110 Marking requements (ce Marking secon ‘SLIM Surface preparation of shapes Ge: Manutac- tare tection of Speciation A 464/A 48) and ‘RA2 The intend we ofthe trl i he pur haar consis this eal information NOTE Acc en ono afte: 020 Neapia Boum unter ty Ot 2A(Sio4 nh Type OF ONS S300 open ASD [A A) ne tees ot fey opal phn ny eh Ca, pe mating tn 4. Heat Treatment AL Austenitic Grade: ‘ALL Bxcepfor the stnn-hardened grade see 4.1.3) andthe htsoled side (Ge 4.1), ll austenite grades fstanes steel shal be furishedin he slstion annealed ‘conon, with oben ight ol owing and stagh- ‘hing permited (S= Supplmeniacy Reqaement 55 if “meting st be the fal operation) Solon annealing foe all pads, except the H gates (ce 4.1.2), NO836T (Ger1 8), S31254 (004.15), SS2080 (Gee 15). S33228 {en 47), S34569 (ee 41.9, and S315 (80 4.19), shal const of (1) heating the mate toa teeraue of 100" [1O10C] minimum otha ran Bowery ears. enter ato olution, and cooling rapa to pve grain ‘boon carbide esis: aerate (2) (excep forthe combo and ini sailed grades 309Cb, 310Cb, 3160, 316, 321, 347, and 348) immediatly following hot working while the temperature above 750° (955°C) so that ran Boundary carbides ar in seluion cooting rapt prevent rain bounany carbide Precipitation. Whon Supplementary Requirement 82 5 Invoked ll austenite yates excep SSOBLS shal pss he Smerganlarcoresion est requirements esrb in $2 {412 ForH grades, tb nin elation session tenpertres shal be as fllows: 4121 When bot fishes, 1900°F [040°C for “Types SOK, 3004, 5101, and 316K; 1925°F (050°C) oe Types 321M, 347H, a 3481, 1.22 Wher cold worked prior to solution ‘aneaing 900°F [040°C] fr Types 304, 309H, 3108, and 16H; 2000 (1095°] for Types 3218, 347H, and ate. NOTE: ain neg ones ve 81085) un rie eee Simba an when wr can fc, Fach oad eat ern at 0 32 band [Sthatcnas itr boc) chstenecn my mee oT ee eH ge et 413 Srain Hardened ausraic Type $16—Whos “Type Ube desi wih ceased macatal properties, m dete secriow PART A thes areed condition may be speci ands pro~ det by soltion nealing as described 1 flowed ty susin bring ofcienttomeethe required mechani x properties, Soloion annealed and sun-hardened ‘material sal bcpabl of meeting the terrane como ont of Suppimenary Requirement S2- 41.31. Two sin hardened conons have been etablishod for ditfeen ppliaons: Levelland Level 2 (Geo Table 2. 414 High tease Type X0-19 shal be inthe ot role or stan-hatend condition an shal be apale of ‘mecing the mechanial pope requirements of Table 2 td ptsing the iterator croton west presen 52. The sin hardened condition is achive by solton neilng followed by cold working suficin 0 develop the requted mechanical properties. 415 Soon anaealng of S31254, $3050, nd ‘2654 sal conse of eating he mse 1 a empera= {of 2107F (1150°C] nim for an appropri time, followed by water quencing or rap cooling by oer 41.6 Soto saeaing of $34565 shall consist of ‘nating the materi in the range oftemperstre fom 20S0%F [20C) to 2140" [1170°C] for an appropriate ie followed by water quenching o ply cooing by ‘thet meas. 4417 Solution aneling of 533228 sal consist of heating the material in the temperature range 2030 10 2160"F(1120t0 119°C) fora appropiate ine atowed ty water quencing cr rp eoolag by exer means. 41.8 Soin ameating of NH36? shall consist of eating the mate temperature of 2025°F {1105°C} ‘imimom for an appropriate tine, followed by water ‘encting o rap eolig by eter means. 4419 Solionsnnalng of $38315 sill conse of esting ihe teal fo temperate of 200°F [1150°C] Ininimu foram sppeoprate time, followed by water quenching o rapidly cooing by oer means 42 Aucteio-Ferre Grades 42.131, $32205, and $2550 sll be ta risked nthe seucle condition wih subsequent srigh- ‘ting penned. The aaeaing treatment of S31803 and ‘$2550 sal cos of heating the atl 9a tempeae tare of 1900°F (1080°C] nium or a appropriate ine followed by water quenching or rap coabngBy her ‘nem. Th seating eusut oe $32205 sal ese ‘fhesting the mt oa temgezatic cf 900"F []O4C} ‘nisimor for an appropriate time, followed by water ‘ierching, 422. S5210 sta be nso aoa he ene Fal #lemperse of 1870 F (020°C) mina fran sport ime followed by water quenching apd oling by ether mens. 4423 $52950 sll be annealed by beating the mate raleatempeante of 1825°F [95°C] 1875 (1025) {oc anappopit ime, allowed by water quenching of ‘apd cooing by oer mene 424 $32750 shal be annealed by beating the mate sa toa temperatare of 1880°F (1025°C) to 2060°F {1125%¢} for an appropriate time, followed by water ‘renin opi coaling by ter mean. Sobmgoent ‘Msghering sal be permite. {425 522760 aha be amnaled by heating th mate rial toa temperature of 2010°F (1100°C] to 2085°F {1140°C! for an appropriate time, followed by water ‘gushing or pid Coling by ole means |426 UNS $32906 all be annealed by heating the ruta t a tempera of 1900 (100°C) fo 1980"F (8tPfor a appropriate time followed apd coling Inaleomster Soeequen srighening ball permited 42.7. S39077 sai be anes by testing he mate- sale IDO [050°C] to 2060°(1528°C fer an ap ie ine, flloned by water qaescing ce aid coking Ey tir meine. Subsoqvntstaighening stall be pe 43. Pariic Gaderer pads sal be anes vo mac the eouitemens of Table 2 44 Martone Grades: “AL Al grades of mannsic tes shal be up plied in ier the annealed cdion ori the tempered raion ar species bythe purchaser (sce 3.13. Tea Deted material shall be normalize, ot shall be guid ‘uraced fiom 1700°F [923°C] minimum, flowed by ‘pring i accordance with 442,443, 0r 445, '442 ‘Types 403 and 40 tempered teal sal be etd tempering temperate fora lest 1 Bm 2S rim] feo secon as flows: 442.1 Condon 11290 (675%) nisimam, Moo"F (760'C) mx. 4422, Condon 2—1100°F (595°C) nim, Moore (360°C sain 4423. Condiion 410S0°F [555°C] minimum, Ho0'F (760°C) masien- 443 Types 20430, 14, sn 41 tempered mate. le shal be eld a 1100" (595°C mina fo at est [Din (25 mm] of cross secon. Maximum tempering tempest shall be 400°F SCH 4A For $4145, bat to 170°F (925°C mininum aodolé for Thattempertre minima. Aircal abel ‘ore 22°) and temper at TOO (595°C misimum of 1 per inch of eos econ thickness iam 445 For St1s00 Resto 1750°F (985°C) aiaiom, sic ct to 200% [95°C] © lower price sy epoaal Intemedine temper apd poe to the foal wempe The faa temper al be between 10°F (S65°C] and 50°F [aoc 446 Woentheprchaser eect to perform the hard sing and tempering het tenimen,marcsie mates Shale supp by the manufac inthe anes eon Sion fe 4), i Cs case sal be the purchases responsibilty to apply the proper hest extent an 10 cndact the tents he Seems never t assue Bat the eu properties ar obtained. General Requirements 1 Inadiion tothe requirement of tis specication, sul requeeat ofthe coment edisont of Speitesson ‘AASMIAABIM shall apply. Failure Yo comply wit the ‘general rucement of Speciation A 484/A 84M con Sinates nonconfomance with ths epeieaton, {6 Chemist Composition {61 Ciemicl composition shal be repre the pu chuerce hs tepesenativ, and shall conform tothe reqerenent speied in Table 1 {62 ‘When a prodct nay pefomnad or requested ty the puch, the tolertce init a deserted in Spe feation A 484/A 484M spply unless Supplementary Reqierent 3 i ivoked {63 Metis nd practices reltngo chemi snlysis eure by thi peeation shall be in sceordance with ‘Fat Methede,Prcties, and Teminology A75 11. Grain Sine for Austenitic Grades 7A All senite grades shall be tested fr average ‘ral az by Test Methods B12. 72 The H grades stall conform to an average sain sine a follows 721 ASTM No, Gor cose for Types 308H, 309K, 10H, ana 36H, 722 ASTIANo, or couserfor Types 321H, 34TH, sd 48H 173. For 22615, the grin sie at detenine in aco aac with Tet Methods E112, comparison mebod, Plate Tis ahl be No.3 o er 74. Supplementary Requirement SI sal te invoked ‘when non-H grade asent sinless sels we ordered Tor ASME Code applistone for service above 10°F {swore} 8. Mechanical Properties Requirements 8.1. The atc sal conform othe mechanical pop- naires pied a Table forth grade ode, Atleast oe room temperate tet shal be prforned by ‘the manicure op a same fom teas one bat Of Spe rom ech lt of materia, 2. The lldsength hal be deteried bythe offet (025) method a5 prescribed in Test Metods and Defi Hone A, 43. Manensc material sppisd inthe annealed con tion shall be capable of meting the ardenod and tempered ‘mecha prpers whe bates in ascedace vith 4 Harness measurement, when rquite, ell be rae at a ocaton midway between the surface aa the ner ofthe cos ston 85 Marenstc grades shal be capable of mecting the dares reguremess afer hest esting st speed in Thble 3 9. Corrosion Testing 91 ‘Austenitic stiles secs sfton sone by te teraive methed (ee (2) im 411) sal be tet and asthe mexanalarcororon es eieents ened ins 10. Certscation 1041 The material manufoctarers ene of compl ance certjing Us he rater we mona ond tested in accordance with tis speifeton, together wits ‘repost of theresa reid by tis specication tnd the purchase ode, all be fished a the ine of ship men. THe cerfiaion shall be postvely rable te Tot of miter! presented, 11, Pradct Marking 1.1 Inadatioa tothe marking reqatement of Speci fewion A ABA SHAM, mater that have been beat wae in aocordance with 4.1, 42, 43,4 or have been Sain hardeoe in acordance with 413 shal be enitd by pacomeat of the following symbols afr the rae Aslgnaton: TAL Anson Grade: LLL All gates the seneled condition —A, UALA2 Sein hardoned Type 316, Level 1-81, ULL Suain hardened Type 316, Level2-82, TLL. Hotrod Type XM-19—H, TLLLS.Sualaharered Type XM-19-S, 11116 Material mecting Supplementary Reqeiement $1~ELT (amecesay for H gad). 11.117 ta sont all or making cei ‘ments of ti pecition, when Se inv ll grades Inte direc quenched condone wenedin cordance vith 4.1 (2) shal be masked "D” 1112. AusentioFertieGrades—Al grades inthe ansaid contion A. 113. Ferric Gradee—All gras inthe snnetod condition A. HLA Martens Grades MLA All grade inthe sea condition A, T1142 Types 403 and 410—COND 1, COND 2.0 COND 33 pn forth tmpin anperatie employed HAAS Typed, $4150, Type XM te ered mutes 12 Keywords 121 en tans sel stent ete doplex sinless see, eetc sift sts marie sinless Sel ressane-conaning pars, presse vessel service Stainless te brs sls ta shapes; temperate er ‘ies applcstons—high mn SecTION PAR A stesso pass coemeal ewes = core 57 se = ae : ee EE co My SBR ER TR, EES eee Goes ws Stove 2a SecriON PARE A Taste [CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS (COND) We a Dale Ve co or Tye carton gees Softr_Sian _Cyonian Nie Mivooee _Stum Ober hme = sme 5 90% 0mm exe moan 210 1se20 tan 2 He ey sn" 0m a ao tah mans ase ns ome cma 0 tno 258 tt gam om ome aaa om saa Einar (2 nities ann marie hPa E87 an AE J 08 pies yy ATH ed SAE Se AST 5-8, {CEng lo 9p, mae a ttn ited eed aha ‘ttn ant oe an ea! amc srt big presen nae ea se ae ao (oe Sor rane! some ce an (e) Sapper Raton 3 {Fn coer tobe per fr i ra {Prat aan ere othe mena in cae nd os ot 0.982% {rau vee fee 2o1o Section, Pane A sass raat? MECHANICAL PROPERTY REQUIREMENTS Teen vs Sab Rtutan Tene Sem Cat a ren, Sl Stange meray an Nara, ns beste im conten “tee” etathar_nin Sh Yaar ns Set ein oe! wn Stone ‘tiny cee wot soe 38 Viele cs08:mn aot ion) amos St oetiteam ison tals ioe "sam St wionei owas 30 wro‘iem Gt mm et srsintrbed ASLO) 25D BO Gevkwrtn cote sninaces ies) mon) 3 Sram Eig 7M narnia Zoe Sun hos SB 3g sey sean, Seco ‘eon e oS ‘Some, suee dove soe aon” Some, sbeeen——Suoen Se St em, ‘Bio Sgn ate ik 3 ‘Stan S300 ‘Sto, sen, one lotrel 9388) es (a500" wr 210 2% (50.816 Srainhwcees Wel? 90Cbe0) 65 L430) “mat omeioin sie sininkoceesien 2 @9C380) 380300 Sek Shon soie) donk 38 on ttn stew Sais oe ers Sal) She ce “tse Stes) Shsis Seonct wins) Gees) = Seis aoe yutsea)_ 38) shown ‘mn secrion rawr taate 2 MECHANICAL PROPERTY REQUIREMENTS (CONT'D) vt mE Retin Teme seat“ orm) aes Bee semi, a eS Hy Ls esgdon te cotta “eat” ition Se ‘Sree cess amos i) Zo Bee meses inca Toes 2 Seo se SS semi we Sonne wie Sam mY St ie ‘seats ome otees) 30 30% ? jouss) fous) af Re 2 vote. ud is Bee sexo os ios ‘elem Sede aeiegnd stone _sananet = (© ci fr om a ma a es ein tray eTelecare rein te ee ee a al gene repr te ie Puce eval wae we pee mbes ee (0) Roan Vl Sey as {Tesh Tt {85 Fo min pr fered. (Forgan? 0mm yO Pa na site {© ft mr i 9 ke, ts ese eg aoe a 38 Pa mir ee enh (0 engin n 2050 12 nad ion of ef 35% min pif cl ates ba {0 Engin in 2m of 12 min areca oa a 2 in gee oa alee rs (Armless beep a mecing he wap on masons mn eat ae 8 re ai 43 anv secrion pase A rage 3 RESPONSE TO MEAT TREATMENT Tet Teme “Tempeaure as set FCC cantata (0 Tener re SF OSE ‘SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS “Thefllowing may be madereqhrement when the puchaerapecis hem ob plicable St. Materials for High-Temperature Service SLL. Utes as grade hasbeen cde his upple mentary requirement shal be sere fr ASME Code ‘paleatons or service above 1000°F (540°C), S12 The werispemited ture an atten tnt sel the coresponding H grade when the material mess allregirements ofthe rade icludiag chemistry, Soealng temperate, an gai ie (ee Sesion 7) SI The were permite to use an L grade austenite stainless sel for sevice above 1000 (540°C), subject ‘o the splcabl allowable sues able ofthe ASME Code, ‘when mater eats al qurerent ef is peica ‘ion andthe rin sie ie ASTM No. coast eter nin in accrduoce with Tet Met 112. The grain than sal be epaned on 8 Coie’ Text Report. 82, Corrosion Tess ‘$21. Intergramla comorion tess shall be performed ty the minfcurer on senstized specimene of Types 3OML, 361, 52, 37, an 38, afore cher austenie ‘nes on spesimons representa of he eeshgped fidon” All seseitcsthntse el hl be capable of asin nerganular corso ess in hea biped con ‘log. Tes halle peefomedin accordance with Price Bot Prices A262 3. Product Analysis ‘S24 An analysis shall be made bythe mansion sample from one bar inact defined in Speciation [AABA/A 481M Te analy sall mec th egueaets of Table 1, nth evetf faire, the lot represented shall, be rejrted except hats the oon ofthe acufcarer, teh br in he lot my be tated fer aceopance. Predict, ‘uulyis tolerance provisions donot =p. 54, Mateil for High Cycle Fatigue Service ‘S41 The mechanical properties of ars fished i eng under 20 [6] shal be determined by testing ‘eel ofeach bat Bars fished in eng of 208 (6 se) and over shal be ested at cach en. ‘SS. Material for Optimum Resistance to tres Corrsion Cracking S52 This splementay ceouirement i to be refer in acemtanee wih Lt with soliton anneating 3 he Foal operation and with no wubsequrat old drawn et tted: Sighting is peed a 4 Binal operation 0 meet the straightness requirements of Sperilicaion ‘AAREIA ABIME alee speticelly prohibited by the poe chase. APPENDIX (Noumandatory Information XL. RATIONALE REGARDING DEFINITION OF SOLUTION ANNEALING IN 41.1 XL eis generally tesopnied tn sutenie stese ‘tel we solution aneaiod by hesing t «tmperatre {hat dates (ale ino solson chromium cubes nd ‘guenhing reply so atthe ehvomium carbides wil ot ticipate inthe grain boundaries, which cou case ss- pity to intergranular crosion i etal cone tive envronmeat. Ths, sohiton anneling als con be ccomplishel for aostabikaedgraes by taking an tage of hot rolingtemperatrs tich always exceed folauon annealing temperature requires, canning ot roling ighingtempecses wel above mati seluion annealing eqiements, an immedi quench inintepra withboeoling Sbilzed grades itn colme ‘mor anim ade) came be hanced this way snce sr ari soltion, witout subsequent rebcating X12_For Boiler Cade applications involving tempera ‘ue at wih optimum resistance fo cee dee, he Tse rinse of sia oon anal byreexing is geeraly desire. Fort reasoo, a maim gan sze te been reqied ofthe H grees (tet for optinam slvaedtomperstie properties), anda mandatory ran Sis tat adept has been ade forthe poo-H pales fo tat he iformatin 5 avlable for thse desing C0 Feeley» non-H grade to H grade, X13 Tosa the concerns inadvertent assignment of fie gined materi o elested temperate applica tions spel marking har been sed for mater tht ets th rexurenent of Soplementry Requirement LAA mandatory tet for secepiity to ntergrana- lar coosig as Ben de for mse oon nasled byte alemaive meio sce (2) 411) 50 that tory ff dts canbe accurultes, a hae ben done in he past for materi solionsoealod by reheating. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. SPECIFICATION FOR GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS AND HEAT-RESISTING STEEL PLATE, SHEET, AND STRIP ‘SA.480/SA-480M fy ech AST Sein A HOA ML) 1 Scope LI This speciteaoncover a roupof gene euie- ans that uns obese speed ibe purchase oder lt sheet, nd ip, onder each ofthe ollowing pei8- fabons sued by ASTM Spelicaions A 167, A116, [A2ADIA 240M, A263, A264, A265, A665, A693, ‘AT and A395, 1.2 In cae of conflict between 8 requremest of & ‘rode speieation nd a requirement of this specifics ton the predot specication shall preva Inthe ease conf between requirement ofthe pedo speciation fora seqemest of ths specication snd a moe sringeat ‘urement of he ptcte oder, th purchase der Sal ‘reval The purchase order reqieneats shall ro ake ‘recedence I ey, i ay Wa, vile the reqiements fhe prt peifestion ori pciston: fr exam- le, by waving 8 et regen or by making est Fepiement ess singe tae ote regarded separntly a standard. Within he tex he SI nits are shown in brackets, excep tht when ‘ADM i specie, Annex A3 shall ply forthe dies ‘Sonal leases and no the bracketed St vale in Annex ‘AD The value state a each syste are next oui Tents therefore, each system mt be wed independently ofthe ater Combining values rom th wo systems may ‘eau in nonconformance withthe spcieston, |L4-Thiespsciscationand the applicable mater pec ‘ications are expres in both ic-pound and SL uns, lower unless the order specifies the applicable "i specienton designation (St oni) the material shall be ouished in sct-poud uais 21 ASTU Standart A167 Speciation fr Snes and Heat Resin Cho rtm Nickel Stl Plt, Sheet and Sup ‘A176 Speteaon for tales and Het Resisting Cvo- rium Steel Plt, Shot, and Strip -A24QVA 240M Specifation for Chromium spd Cho ‘nm Nickel Stns Set Pte, Shs. and Sip for Pressure Vessels ad for Geral Appistone '8 262 Pree for Dezctng Suscepabiy to Intergran far Anack in Austen Stainless Stee ‘A263 Speicalin for Cororon-Restng Chromium Ste. Cd Pa, Shes 9 tip ‘264 Spesifiton for Sunless Chromium Nickel St {iad Pie, Stet, und Seip |A265 Specifeatca for Nickel and NickeLBas Alloy ‘AHO Test Methods for Peel of Feebly Magnetic Matriss A310 Test Methods nd Deion for Mechanical Test- lng of Stel odes ‘A666 Specitcaon for Annoled Cold Worked Austen ‘ie Sanat Stel Sheet, Stp it, and Flat Ber N43 Specie for PrcipittionHzdenieg Stainless nd Hest Resting Stal Plt, Shet, and Seip ‘A700 Practices fr Packaging, Marking, and Londiog ‘Meth for Stee Products foe Doses Shipreat ASI Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology foe Chemical Analysis of Stel Products A763 Prats for Dating Sscepthity 0 Inerren Tae Atack in Feriie Stainin Steele A193 Speciation for Rolled Flor Plt, Stiles See! ‘A495 Specifstion for Free Machining Sikes Steel Plt, Stet nd Sip [A928 Test Methods for Detecting Detrimental Intermeta- le Phase in Wrought Dap Avstentferitic Stain lee Stele E112 Text Methods for Determining the Average Grain E140 Hadness Conversion Tables fr Met (Relation. ship Among Bagel Hares, Vickers Hardness, Rok ‘ell Hades, Soperfcial Hardness, Knoop Hardness, {nd Selerrenpe Hanes) 2.2 Federal Standart Fed Si No. 123 Marking for Shipseat (Civil Agencies) 23 Miliary Standards MIL-STD-129 Masking fe Shipment and Storage MIL-STD-163 Stel Mil Prodact, Prpastin for Ship et and Storge 2 AIAG Standard: B-5 Primary Metals Identification Tag Application ‘sanded 225 ANSI Standard -Acureded Stands Comets X12, (ANSI ASC X12) 3M Defintion: Sud Phe, soe, sp, and cold work a ued a (ts speietion spy tothe following: 2LL2 plate — matralY%gin (5.00 mo) and over in bikes nl over 10. (250 mm] in with: Fines for ple ae scaly shown in Sexton 13, U3 sheet ~ mei under Yq in (3.00 ma) a hikes nd 24, (600 mm) and over wih, ies {or oheet ae scully shown in Section 1 3.44 srip — cold-rolled material under “gin (5.00 ml in thickness and uncer 26 fn (60 mo 0 with. Fishes are detailed ip Section 12 for strip. and ip eds in Section Id for Cold Rod Sip, 34.5 cold work — be changing of mechanical prop 4. Ordering tnfermation “41 the expomsbity of he purchase to specify aI reurerent tha are necessary for mata ordered Under his specicaon. Sbeh requirements may inelude, butte no ited, he following 41 Qoantty (eight ant mamber of pice) 442 Nome of macril(stsnes see, 413 Condition hotoied, coldrole, sone, eset, 4.4 Fish (ee Seton 11 for Shes, Secon 12 {oe Srp an Sexson 13 for Pate) Inthe es of pith finishes, specify whether ooe or both sides ee fo be pol she, 44.5 Tenge (the applicable material specication sequies tis Jeti, 416 Form (late, shot, o i), 4417 Dimensions (iknes, wid, eng), 447 Thicke shall be dered to decal ‘rsodoal hikaes.Thewt ofthe age numbers dour aged st being an archaic erm of td ueflnes not having genera agreement on meaning. The gage number hall ot be bse fr rejection. L172. Thicket, with, snd eng, when spp cable, shold be ordered in the eames for eral, 060 im by 8 in by 120m [152 mm by 1219 mam by 3068 418 ge, stip oly (see Section 14 for Cold- Rolled Sup), 419 Type or UNS designation, refer othe aplies- De mai pecan, “4110 Specicnion designation snd ate of ie, 4 4.112 Restitions (if dered) on methods for severing yield strength (See appropriate footnote 0 Imechaia popes Ube of the taste mute speci ‘ate 4113 Mashing equrement (to Seton 28), ‘4134 Preparton for dtvry (2 Seton 25, nd 4115 Magne permeability test (wen requied, Refer io Section 19 OTE 1 — np accng ei ow: 2 gl, ‘his ele sD by ey I Tp 10 8 5. Proves SA Tho eel shall be manaturrelpoduced by the folowing ra specie nthe aplicable material speci S\LL_Thestel sll ema by oe of he fllowing process elecio,eleeuie induction, o ter state cers 5:12 If sspecie ope of meking i reed by te porcar, i hal be oo specie onthe pre on 6 Heat Anatyis 7 G1 Ap analysis of each heat shal be made by the stel poder detains the percenages of he elements 2a SECTION PART -ecitod in teaplicble materi specication. This ana- ‘ys sell be mae from test sample taken daring tbe otcng ofthe melt from te f-poces rot ner [nth manufcturing flow. The cecal composison dus ‘deerme! shall conform othe applicable trl sper ‘Beaton. 62. Mesos se practice relating chemical analy ties bein accordance wih Tex Metbods, Pract, ‘3 Tenmlacogy A751 63. Tho ste sill nt contin an upeifed clement forte exered grade ote ena that he tee conforns ‘otberequrenents of nother grade for whch ht element ‘isa speed element having equiel minimum conten. Fr this requitement, a grade ie dened as an aloy four guidelines, Various production methods may be ‘Sedo aba thee finishes HLLI2. Shoes canbe produced with one ortwo ses polished. When poised on ee sie oaly Cs permite to Fough andthe ther sid nade oan Ue coy fates 12, Finish for Strip 12 The various types of lish procurble on coll rolled stip prt ze: LA No.1 Foish— Co-ed to specie thick- ress, sanealed, sa esa 1212 No. 2Fingh—Saness No. Fnth foliowed bo x fn ight colds pss, generaty on highly po Shed ro 210 SECTION HPA A 124.3 Bright Annealed Finish — A bright cla rolled finish ane by final annealing ina cond stransher forsce.| ALA TR Finish —Cold-wored to obtain eid ropes. 2.5 Pols Finish — Sines ses sti also svaable in plished iss rach az No.3 and No. 4, ‘ch ae explained in Noe 4, NOTES — Epon Sp Pith 1 — Apne ac es om al oy ae i 8 sated ote operat en costa Ts ‘Pedr sme ev foal prt ew pn, ‘ieee ber Ne Pat eee ch fo heat pe a ae won opin These te erry cate tomcdndomanate ties rime Ph — Se Noe 13, Finish for Pats 1B The oes offi avaible on plates a: IBALL Hor Rolled or Cold-Rolled, and Ameaed or Heo Treated Selo nlcesove, a teed ish ‘recs plates in his conto gery cutned hea resting epplicadons, Seale impairs comsion resistance AL HorRlled Cold-Rolled, ond Araealed oF “Heat Tested, end Blast Cleaned or Pickled —~ Condition ‘ud fiish commonly teed for erosion essing and ‘mostheatsesisting spies esenally a No. Pish IRL Hot Rolled or Co led and Annealed or Heat Tete, and Surface Cleaned ond Polished —Plish Sah geneally No. # Fish TRLA Hoe Rlled or Col-Rolled, and Annealed or est Treated, and Descaled, end Tenper Passed — ‘Smother finish for specninedapcatons ILS HorRoled Cold Roie, ad Ansa or Hoot Treated, and Descaled: and Cold-Relled, and ‘Annosed or Hest Treated, and Descaed and Optionally Tomper Posted — Seoul fish with greater Fedo fom sifoe imperecsons tani 1.1.4 14, Rages for Cold-Rolled Strip “MAL Thetypes ofedger avaiable on stip rots ae HALA No.1 Bige— A rolled ee, eter round or square as specified 2 No, 3 Bdge — An edge produced by sting. siaorsa-m 1.13 Wo, 5 Edge — An approximately square edge rodoed by rang o fling set sits. 15, Heat Trestment 181 ‘The het retest shown in dhs seston ae 10 be fllowedunlesrotervise speed inthe applicable ‘eri peicaton. Heat weatment thermal ecles shall, Se separate from other hrmal resin ce forest le proces hema eels re ot pemited as asst {ut for the spate annealing yee 182 Aust pee 182.1 The mater sal be sltion enneled to ete mechani propery guzren of he applicn be material specication unless oterite sited In he rue peifeston. 1522 Exceptaindiated jn Table Al2 Seis 30, XMAS, NOSOO,S30415,$30815, 31725, $3172, and 552615 asec chromiomaicke steels, when speci onthe purchase ode, hal capable of mecting the test foe resance fo intergraclarconsin specified In 182. 15223 For grades aiid wit tasium o lum ium, reer w Nae 6 Nore Son mang epee 0 LC an Int hve sips ser wage poe ‘Slsting cots he ta pepe SC AC, Bathe ec nS eo ‘pa ee 03 bce ied ‘Si Te mutter soy omer (ellos ato se ser gh epee Biopebecwernenndetcke Segre oe ‘SoesSe Marr oa nh ema 2 sce S24. For he sine H yest noted hat he est restmentrogiemests own n Table AL2 dif as ‘faction uf whether he material was cold Worked er bot fies 1525 ‘The chromium manganese nickel types (201, 202, $20103, $2040, 820153, 821800, XM, XM-18, [XME19, XMC28, od XME3I) shall be soliton smesled ‘to meee mechani propery reuiements ofthe a ‘ble mater specieation nd exhibit adequate reis- ‘nce 1 interganuar croson (ee 18.2) Foe S20161, the est treatment especie in Table Al. 15251 Note at some ef these pes contin igh arb content ht con adversely affect essunce 10 ‘ergranula erosion. 153 Dupes Types — The duplex ypes salle solution need i aecoeance with Table AI 2 150 Marenc and Fee Types: 1SA1 The chromium steels ($32803, 400 Sees, ‘40045, 41085, 541050, 841500, 843952, 844400, ‘44635, 'St4660, 844700, S4473S, E4800, X27, and M2) hale ea teat in sac a manner ato tty ‘Stheegiements for mechanical and bending poperin specie inthe sppleable material specfetion an (Gicet for 400 secs, 41080, and 41500) to provide for adequate resistance oinerganalar atk 1SA2 For S#1500, eat to F750" (955°C) min mum, nr c00] to 200°F(93°C] of lower prior to any ional ntermedite temps an pris tothe fal emer The fal trper sll be Beoeen 10SO"F (S69°C] and 1150 (621°), 16 Number of Tests 161 Unless otherwise spect by te applicable mae al speeifcaon or by agement between the sole and ‘lowing nome of tents ae to be perfor 61.1 nthe cate of pte, sheet, nd sip produced in al Fom, two or ror hanes tests (one fom each nd of oly oe bend test, wien rquited; one peme- ‘tilt, when egied and one or moe tension test hardness diference between the two ends ofthe coi ‘exceeds 5 HRB, or oqivaleot orf the materials temper rolled eaileproperes must be determined on both cai ede W612 Inte cite of plat, see, sup proce In cu lengs one tension est Ivo lesan tet Hf Bo ‘aerials teripe rlled (one esion et or sina ice 1); oe bend test when equied, and one or oe far tees tet hall be made on each 100 or les picer of the ste bet and areal Icknes rolled separately Pig either a ot or eons ‘aie moac tance aenpenemete dleestea pera scuttle en es ‘Scetetewastestenme pee eyed tbc sch spectnehs fo peclncs sec fr 17._ Test Specimens 1 Fenton Test 17441 Tension cst spacimeas shall be ake fom ‘ished mates an shall be Sled in eter or bat us longtoinal nd nanserse direction. Te tension ext spes- ‘men shall conform 10 the appropiate secons of Test ‘Methods an Dainitons A370, ales others pied inthe spplable tec specication o speed spon by W7A2 The esting spend between te ye sength and te frcure of the pein, shall be conducted at a constatstain vate ternen in (3.18 man) ad in. [12.70 man ies, per ich (25.40 ram of gage eet Per minute, or aa costed speed that wil give stain ‘ae wihin trang. Fore purposes fs spcicaa, the ato rain sl te determined by atria pacer, Indieato,or eons, o by diving the uit elongation bythe clad tine om yield suength o aca 172 Hardness Test tis permite 1 perform bak ness tests on the pends of he sion specimens befece they are subjected the tension wes TTA Bond et specimens (when requ) call be taken from Srished materi and shall be eee i the transverse detion or ae nde inthe aprcale mate fil speciestion ora agreed upon by the sll 0d the putchatr, lo to cate of uannere bed tet speimene, {hens of bend stl be pall the destin of ling. 17.32 Bend est specimens from shect nd stip product shat be the full ices of te mute and Spprosistly Pn, [254 msn] in with. els permed to ‘ound the edges of he est specimen 0 ras el 0 ‘oe al the specie cen 1733 The with of sep for which bond tes an ty mide eject o pata limitation on the length of the bee teat specimen. For navow stip te folowing Leh ores _ eee e825 a ae "44% Orr siet Ra waLO DSL od tesa) Sian 5s wer von ‘Bend test pecans sal be of any suitable length over the spied minim leg 174. Beod test pecimess taken fom plates sll, ‘ela ful ices of the mate up and iecadag 4 1127 mn in cknes of suitable length, sad beeen | tnd 2'in (25. and 50.8 ma] 0 wth Iie pei to remove the sheared edge 10 & depth ofa est 4. 3.2 Sin) tats peed to smooth he sds wih 2 Me It is permite to break the comers ofthe cost secon of th specimen witha fle. bot no appreciate ound of the comes spent due Section PART A 1735 nthe ese of plates over in [12.7 mm) in thickness, if permite 1o se bend tt species, Imecinedt0 | in, [254 mm) nomial with by Ys a. (127 am} nominal heknes ae at least 6 in (1524 em) Sleep. Onesuce, abe he ou surface in bending. shal be th rp ruace of the plate; boweve, surface eparaion by Hight grinding is permis. is permis fo rund the edges to Ye in (1.6 mm ais, When ped by be slr abd the purchaser, is permited rmetify the erat secon to in [12.7 me oming sre 1736 ne cst of plas over in. (25.4 mun ia thickness, bed tess must be aed upon between the Sele and he purchaser 173.7 “The bed wt specimen shall withstand cold ‘beating hough te angle specie nthe appleble mae fl speciation witout cracking othe ouside of the ‘et portion 7A Toe bend stl be made over a dametrequl to the mirater of hcknestes of at sts shown ate ap able aera specication or vera single pice of fat Stock equd tthe somber of thickness shown in the ‘sppcale mute peiicaton: oF us flows 17AAL- Material vp toa iclding % i. 3 a) ‘in hicks sal be bet over apiece (or pees) of fat ‘tock that as he same sonal thickest f the mati ing tested (VT), allowing the tet mata form its ata curva 1742 Matsil over i. 5 mm] and wp 10 and ncuding i, (254 ra kes sal be Best over 1 ple (or pees) of fat dk equaling eo times the Ahchness ofthe material being tested (2 allowing the tet tel form natal cana. 18, Spec Tests 1A Tote tess arsed the methods and accep ance criti all be are upon between the seller sd ‘he prcaser and spied othe purchase dr. 182 Resiance to Iergranlar Corovon 1821 The iterraula conoson test, Pract E oF Paice A262 not required unless tis specified on the ptchte order All aosente chromsmateel pee excep the Heyes ar expected to Be capable of pasting At tet, However, ot necessary to ctally re ie test nla is specified on he purchase ode. Note hat Practices A262 ror the eto be psf on ses aed species inthe o-carbon ad ied types md ‘on epocimens representative of te shipped ondton {or ctor pes In the cae of low-carbon types containing 58 or me molybdenim in he species compostin, ‘epics of he seasitzing weatnet por otesing wo shallbea mates for negotiation between de sel and the parchasr. When specie, all at rolled products ofthe ‘hoatun-nickel series 30 series) thickness upto and {ecioding 2 ia. (508 mam] nomial si shall be capable of passing the itrranlarcoosion test inthe shipped Condon In the cave of Heavier plates of type oer {han 304, OSL, 508Cb,310Cb,316Cb, 3161, S16LN, S16, 307L, 321, 347, 348, 931705, and 831726, he plist of hs wt sal bea mater fr negation Detween the sller and the pacar 1822 The ype ar ot pomly subject ier _raslarcomorion ets However, stipe specity Practice B of Pracces A 262 for Type 31H when ter ‘pana cori sf concer. En tis css, the purchaser ‘hlnfor the seller sad are yon the egureentsand ‘hese erent bal es sated on the parchase oer 1823. Aster ctronium manguaese-nike types (201,202, XM-17, XM-18, XM19, XM-29, XM-31, 20400, and21800) arto be heat weated for inrgramaat scrrosion resistance. Whe inegrnssr corso tests ‘se rogpred,they hall be as apeed vpon between the Sele a the poche. 1824 NOGHOD sal be heat weued for inergramar cmrosin resistance. When interganaaycerolon tests Sr equed, they sal be a6 agreed epon between the tele aod pues. 1825 Consion test are not normally eee for the 4D series ypes. Lower carbon corrosion eristant ‘ypen( S440, $4865, S460, S470, SH8800. 544735, ZXNELT, and XM-33) are beat wad for esitance to ‘asin For 54400, S463, 4660, $4470, 14800, 'S435, XM, and XME33, ergralarcooson tet ing of Patces 763, Practice X.Y, o Zales steed upon between te sll and he pacha. 183 Dement Itermatall Pases Duplex Stain- les Staels ~The tos or ett nteretaipses In wrought duplex sanler stl, Mods A,B, or C of ‘Test Methods A923, ae not reuired ules specified ‘onthe purchase et. Al dupe cust Fie) ype that are stein Test Mths 8 928 are expected tobe apbl of parsing hee tests, However, ot essary ‘oat the fess voles specie onthe purchase ede The splicbliy of these tests to daplex snes ‘els rotted ip Test Methods A923 shal be amar ‘or negation between the seller and the purchase. 19, Text Methods 19. The propniesenumeted inapplicable specif ‘ations sal Be determine in accordant wit he fallow Ing ASTM sands B91 Tovion Tests —Tet Methods an Detnitons ano. Bess 191.2 Brinell Tess — Test Methods an Defnons Asm. 19:3 Rockwell Herdness — Test Mets and Detaons 4 97, WOAA Hardness Equlvalents — Toles B 140. 19.15 Invergranular Corrosion (when spcled) — Practices A 252, Practioes A763 19:16 Permecbiliy Test (when required) Metis A342, 191.7 Charpy Impact Testing (when required) — Test Meds ad Dettons A370. 1918 Inermatlic Phases when specified) — Tet Methods A 923. 20, Retest and Retrestment ULL Reet are pemited in sccrdane withthe pov sons of Test Meds and Definitions A370, 202. Hany test specimen shows defective machining or develops avs ts pomited to dad the ved Specimen and subiate another epcinen 202.1 the percentage of elongation of ay tension specimen Jess thn that specied and ary pare ofthe fcr Is more than % S191 man rom te center of the gage length of the 2 in. [503 mm) spesinen ols ‘uate he mide half ofthe gage eng ofan § in (2082 mm) specirmen andes by sae mas placed ‘om De specimen Before ting eet shal bead 203 111 bend tes species fl, st conden of beating moce severe than eauted by the speteton, 2 retest stall be pesmi, ether on 2 dope specimen tr ona rasining potion ofthe fled specimen INA teresa ofan et tae nt in cnr with be coqirements ofthe applicable mati specics io, the predseris permite te option of eetng sch lots: The mater sal be aecepe if he elt of res ‘onreveted tril az within the specfd reget. 205_1f any specimen selected to represent any hast fail ma ay ofthe tet regureces peed the pple mail spsican, tiepermited to rehest "eat the mated epeseed ad rerum it for tesing M6 AF the product analyse falls to conform to the specie its, nase sal be made on new sample ‘The rents of thi eter shall be within the epeibed 21. Repair of Plate by Welding ‘2 Repa ofsrice deste of plate, by welding Is pemited ies prohibited by ether specftons or purenns onder resizemant. 212 Defect depth shall not exceed 's ofthe pomizal ‘Bikes, and the ol ste shal not excoed 1% of the late surface ares ules poe pproval om Ie purchaser Ie csined 213 Unacceptable imperfections shal be aby pre- ued for weling by grinding or mschining Ope clean fect, such a pit or ipeseon, wil not neces require preparation. 214 The welling procedure an the weer welding operators shal be quid in sezardance wile Section IX of te ASME Cole 215 The welding coosunsbes shall be stable with the plat. 26 Ales copie welding, the welded area shall be rnd sooth snc bended fry fo the surrounding 22. Inspection 2241 lnspeton ofthe meri by th purchase ropte- Sentai atthe posucing plat shall be mages need ‘pon etveen the pochaer andthe sel ae pao he pct oder, 222 Unless othe psi nthe contcto p= ctasconder (the sellers responsible forte prfosunce fal he inspection and wet equiremens i Ws specs ‘en, (2) the sellers permite 16 ase bis own or oer sulabe ities ote perfornance fhe nspextion a ‘etiog ae (3) the prenaer sal ave the ight prfrms ny ofthe inspectio and tet st ohn hs spoon. ‘The manufacturer shal feed the purchase inspetor al ‘ensonbl facie easy to sat he inspector tnt te mate i being faith fm aceorance with the Speciation. Inspectionty the parece sal otter neces withthe minature 2A Rejection 2S Unless otherwise specie, any rection bused fn tes main accordance wit Bus specie shall ‘be reponed tthe sl wii 6 working ys fom he recip ofthe material 3) the purchaser 232 Mate dat shows injurious imperfections as escrited in Section 1 sbrequent os acceptance he purchaser's works wil be ejected and te sll stall be rut. 24, Rehearing 241. Samples tse in accordance wit this pier i tha epesent ected tel sal be ened foe Ate wens from the date ofthe noieation the slr ofthe reeton Tn cate of dination with he rele ofthe tet, the seller is poled to make claim for & ‘hearing win tat ne 25, ‘Packaging, Marking, and Loading 281 For Commercial Procurement 25.1 Marking — Unies eherise sect in he spgiale tral speciation or the pore cde, ‘king shal be conducted as feows SANA. Shoe, sp, and plate sal be marked ‘ono face, the eatin nated below with te spec ‘eatin dination number, eye of te (ype oe UNS Aesgnton, materi dentition nome, andthe rae for rk ofthe manufacturer Pr sect rp and pine ‘whore length and with dimensions ar bth les than 24 In each pce shal be marked wth the ype of stl to asia denteaton number The speciation and ‘Svgnaton ner and name or ark of he nascar Shall be marked on the ie) o atc wo the em or bance The characters shall be ofsochsize sto be ley Tepe. The mating shal be scien stable 10 wit ‘tind ronmal handing. Unies otherwise specified bythe prchaser, the marking athe produce’ option permit tedobedove wih) muking Bui (specie maximum Input of desgoted element inthe marking eid is reqied bythe purchaser, tall be so sated oo the rane ode), (low-res lun-nosed eeinous or {owsteseblun-nosed-nterapted-dot die stamp, () 3 srbratony tool wih 3mm peas of 1005 [01 tn oe lesrochomical etching. 2541.2 Pat shet, spin ct lengths, and pate stall be mated into places tar the ends or shall be ‘eninously ine marked along one ede. For at het, ‘Sip incu length and plate whose length and with ‘imensone re oth ess th 48 in iis permite omar ich poses In ony oe place. as 2SL13 Shes, sip sp plate incl form shall tae ear he ontaide cod of the col. The nie of the ool shal also be muted or salve a tag oF bel tached and marted with he iafomaton of 25111. SALA Material less han % i. (64s) in hikes sal ot be marked with le Maps 25.1.8 The manufacarr’s test donieation umber nl be lepbty stmped on each est specie, {0 be shipped tote ensorer 253116 Mai ht conforms completely with the regiment of two pes of el within he edeing _ecieatonis permite be maredasboth ypesof sel [vided ht he mana i cetlying the ates as hnecng the regurements ofeach of be types of ta Swch acing, ued hall be par ofthe same making as aed fers single pe of el, otal be a Feparte bi sila marking immealyadacet to the masking ‘ed for single typeof ne. 25:17 “The AIAG primary meas entiation tag (AIAG B:5) ls permite tobe eed an auxiry ‘sod of enc a cases where abu coded ident eatin tag it esol. Use of this tatod shall be by sgremeat between purchaser and sop. 28:2 Poctaging and Loading — Unless oterise secied in the applicable material speciation ar the ‘Purchase ore, pckaging ae loafing shall Be in ace ‘ance with the procedures recommended by Practices 252 For US, Goveranent Procurement 25.2.1. When specie in de contact or order, and fur ist pocerement by or dct shipment tote gore ‘tent, matting for shipment sal be a sconce with Fed Sed No, 23 for vil ageneiet and MIL-STD:129 for rary ageels, 252.2 When specified inthe contact rode, mate sil shllbe preserved, packaged, end packedinacrodanee tit the rejects of MIL-STD-I63. The appesle love sabe a spoiled in he contacto art ANNEXES: (Mandatory Information) Al. PRODUCT ANALYSIS TOLERANCES AND HEAT TREATMENT REQUIREMENTS [ALL Listen Annex AI aetables showing the perm ‘ed vaiions of compost for product amis relative to specied chemical equreents (Table AIT) aod the heat teatmentroqutemnent for ype of sinless tel covered by produc species that ference Species: tion ABA 480M (Table AL) ‘AQ, PERMITTED VARIATIONS IN DIMENSIONS, ETC. — INCH-POUND UNITS AAU Liston Annex A2 aretable showing te permis sie vasaasin dimensions expensed in inc pount units of messweneat Thee requirement nctuding the Sunite but shal e app Yo A 480M Regurerent for A 80M are given In Annex 3, "A211 The dimensional tolerances ate grouped by prodsction mato’ (ht rallng or cold ring, with or ‘eithoat cofling), product width (oatrow (< 26 in [et0 mm or wide (2 2m [610 me) sd by produ imeasan adress 22 Cold-Rolled Narrow (< 24 in [610 nam wih) CCl Prcered Product ~ For thickness, with ng, ‘nd fates tolerance ables, eer to Table AZ1-A28. ALS Cold Rotod Wide (24 (610 mn wi) Cl Proceed Pract — Pot tikes, wt, kong, ai ABA Hot Rolled Marrow (< 24 in (610 mo width) Ccou-Proersed Product — For tisknes, width eng td ates tolerance ables, fer fo Tables A2S-A2 12 [ABS Hov-olled Wide (24, (0 mm! wih) Col Procened Product — For tices, ith length. 20d fates tolerance bls, fe to Tabs AZ 13-216 ARG Ho Rolled Product Proctied Wit Coiling — For thickness, wih length and flames tolerance tbls, refer to Tables A217-82.20, [N27 Cold-Rolled Product Proested Wihou Coll ing — For thicess, wid, length, and Sane olerace table refer Tale A22 AB Teermcet for Other Dimensional Crete tice For iber tolerance ble for to Tables AD [Aa PERMITTED VARIATIONS IN DIMENSIONS, ETC. — SI UNITS AML Listen Anes AS are tables sowing the eal ted variations in mensions expressed in Ions of ek suemest Those requremeet hall aly w A 480M bt ‘hal oteppy tw A480 Reguitemeatsfor A s8Oare given jn Annex Az ALI The dimensional nleances ae grouped by ‘rodocton method (bot rling orcad roling, wid o witout cing), product with (narow (600 mm) oe de (200 ms), and by predactdiension wiessed [AS2 Cold-Rolled Narow (< 600 mim width) Coit Pr ested Product Po ike, ith length, ao Manes terance bey, ver to Tables A2 I-AA ASS Coli-olled Wide (2 600 mm width) CollPro= ceased Prduct-—Por thks, dt length, aod fates ‘Shrance tbls, pefr to Tables A3S-AR8 [AAG Hor Rolled Narrow (< 600 mm widit) Coll Pro- ceed Prduct-— Portes, wih, leg, and Panes tolerance tbs, wefer to Tales A3-A.12. ARS Hor Rotied Wide (2 600 cm width) Ce Pree ceed Prodct-—Porthiekes, wih eth, an aes, tolerance tables, refer to Tables AS TS-AS 16 AG Hoc Rolled Product Proceed Without Cong — For chess, with, length and fates tolerance ls, felt Tables AL IT-AR20 AST ColivRolled Product Processed Without Cote ng — Fo thicess, wid, length, aod lames leratce ASE Tolerances for Otter Dimensional Charatese tice — Fo ther tolerane bls, ero Tables A234 3. |A& REQUIREMENTS FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW MATERIALS ML New esi may be propos for asosn bx specications referencing this speeationsbjet 1 the [AGLI Applicaton forthe aon of 3 ne grade toa spcifenton shall he made 6 the Chars of he subcomltee whieh fas joradcton over Bape ame secrion par A A412 The eplication shall be accompasid by stoemeat from atleast one user inating om thee is 2 ted forthe new grade o be ince inthe eppcable spesitaton ‘AGL3_‘The appiation shal be acompanied by est at as required by the applicable spcioon. Test data om minimum of tee tet ots, as die by te speci featon, each fom a itfeeat ea, stall be fished "ALS The application shall provide recommend ions feral eqirements aprearingin the apbeabl spec fe ‘ALLS The application shall state whether he sew sae i coed by pest CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS (PRODUCT ANALYSIS TOLERANCESHE TaaLe AL Tease bow ne Sec Ue or Wt Lunt asin tt Unt or aimam ot tr exmes ‘Sheeran 2 __Minramtint___—Eknens__—_—Spcad Rang 5c i cate 90018 coe i eta er tsteasa.nel am? Maines 101.09 et eos Gert te208 wel Se ses ans toe Cent pt 0138 oo me isnmzseie iS Tata 030 i on Proglane to00t8 ue ‘008 ‘tr 851020, Si Ceae 1050, on Sweat 108, nel 8 site wate os Sere 366 met S30 rot 020, 30 Sede ts08, mel SE fe 2010088 el one Sst nel 8.0 Stose 3.9 Aietom 0h nd 088, 08 erst 668 el Seat 200 mc) 810 er 20009 3000; Oa erst 038 mel er 09 oo Sie eioa ea Sie one toi a Hoybiinen e920 060, os Ser eet se) Ba ert 200, et bas “se nt po at nt “pr sa is tal ur O68 ha rat Wen ila, te meat es ee rhe ee 2m seemon n.PaRr A raste a12 HEAT TREATHENT REQUIREMENTS co ‘ee eset a maces Fe ra a an Wa Ae Sones nae sas ei sei 0 368 seve ioe) . Sone abn an ao ie fe : fo Hereimrrseimen —f ee ieorioees : SHB sae sme Heats : a Fri ——_ a leer : Soe Iolo : a inotaerraareried —E cee Moroomertae era —f Sat ary atl by er mes of te ert aetna sa Sse cy op bes ea veh Tah wt oy ales te as Gets myst eepomtn eens a singh be wend ay Sw Seed Ths, Cd 02 ro 6 9.403033 ve (oes oaaate gaze east se Soosiaasiveastocaasy ne pais cass oon G20 (re aoioashn eons 30) st recon casein 0013 £099 na Dros tS 0017 C4 ne Cerone ele oaks 80 in raises 0g8 50 in ‘rr ai toast onaao oan ‘er ocrotosn}to ba (076h et Sreraszotosutts nae 070} mt ‘er 8609 (6 7650.00 et (er ce toe beae nae net Gerasss nents beso Sertoss tem vesou an rer oso it bt 75 et Ger asso earliest 75h et (er Ch-5Nt 0100238 et (er ce abt 00.238 et Ger oues Bato 298) et Gereieo aso nizstam ft 188 Grr ooh beh Caan) et ‘ue 68 FLO sr 7 vn SucTION 1, PART A Taste 021 ‘PERMITTED VARIATIONS IN THICKNESS FOR COLO-ROLLED, KARROW, COIL-PROCESSED PRODUCT AS COILS AND CUT LENGTHS. Thos Tere te Tis an Wis Ge Od Ue ares ‘ase na wesc, Wi Co, ‘sos a sass) ete 2008) Tks Tene Sais aon Pier} Boose aon ‘tear Coe se osercmca ‘ea oa5) Saoas oan fea t030) NOTE 1— Th ancl ten tt (958 rom te epee se, eon a es an (254 ne mere sue nen snot in (238 a om pre ae oie stirs ee tse a cena Taste 122 PERMITTED VARIATIONS IN WIOTH FOR COLD-ROLLED, NARROW, Cll PROCESSED PRODUCT AS COILS AND {CUT LENGTHS FOR EDGE NO. 3* We Then, Ue iid With Cn Com TELOUG Let ech aetna Bao Qewian looetuaraa intel omsrnak wea SiwGan fasts» ena» saath oats eausinsoy loosest oastael-o oman 8 pierce "Frc ts nt ath te eh, or Bt Ne tne a 2ow secrion par 4 sissnsasne ‘ante 027 PERMITTED VARIATIONS 1N LENGTH FoR cOLD- ROLLED, WIDE, COIL-PROCESSED PRODUCT AS CUT LENGTHS NOT RESAUARED Taeaney a ecd Lv mt oer ie Uptonmelea aces) ° obese toons xo. raa.e aze PERMITTED VARIATIONS IN FLATNESS OF COLD-ROLLED, WIDE, COlL-PROCESSED ‘PRODUCT AS CUT LENGTHS Ti ped Suen Led San ot Fanos” Spee es, rae? ‘nom ee ‘som sae douse ewan Stocisen Ssoan maownisn Zeus aioe Tie Lat Suna oF Sea Faw Poems, Wah cei ‘ero? ttn on ‘a Pr e478 - ished Age-Harcening Stiles Stes Bar snd Shapes A565 Speciation for Martens Staines Stcl Bars, Forgings, end Forging Stock for High-Temperature A SRA 580M Speci for ree Machining Stiles Ste Bars, HotRoled or Clé-Pnished | GBBIA 638M Spectcao for Precipitation Haréesing ton Baee Soper Bars, Fogigs, and Forging Stock {or High Teapot Service A700 Practices for Pakging, Marking, and Loading “Metis fe Stee! Products for Domestic Shipment |ATOSIA 705M Speciation for Age Hardening Stiles ‘Stel Fegings ATSI Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemical Analyrs of Sel Prodets [AIBIIA ESIM Syecicson for Staines Sta Be, Bi Tas, and Forpnes fr Use in Core Componens ED Test Methos fr Deeemiing the Average Grin Sie 1 19 Practice for Condocting Creep, Cresp Raptr, sd Sess Rupe Test of Metalic Materials 22. Fader Stndarde: Fo S1-No 123 Mag fee Shipment (Civil Agencies) Fd, Sd No, 183 Contatous Maing of lon end Ste! 23 Miltary Stondan: MIL-STD-129 Making fr Shipment and Stoage MIL STD-163 Preservation of Ste! Pda fo Shipment (Storage and Overseas Shipment) Primary Metals Bee Code Standard 3 Terminology (AA. Descriptions of Terms Speci to Ths Standard 3114. Bass, shapes, forgings, and billets or other semi-nished material a ued inthis specitestion are etd a flor 42 Bore right lenge tha se produced by: hot rling, forging. extroting, ec. Als incloed are small. Shapes with all pensions under 5 in. [125 ra] and Ho ‘ole fats up o 10 in. 230 me] ielsive in width soe (0.125 in (30 mm] and over in thicoess. Cola-sbed are maybe eld eran. tired, pound o policed sad se pouce en ssgit ghar or fom neiehened nde dor wire Als, bare may be produced by cating {Hom ip pats, provided thatthe Jong destin of cot tr is pull tothe final rlling ection ofthe sp NORE cei mi tr 0.105.500 ck B13. Fersings Pats prodvcod by hot, mechanical hoping of sch product a bar ail, o ther sm machines. _— MA ihe — A semiinished pend (produced on mls or by forging or contiavs cating ackines) hat egies sbuequens ot alg or hot forging. Six se generally opto 36 in” (23D em) in cess section Br egures oF rcanges ith with lee tan tie he thickness AS. loons — A semisnished peat (protocol on liso by enon eating shines that regures ‘sbsquen hc rolling et forging, Sle are generally ‘ver 36m? C20 en) i quae or retangareosSec- tion itn wit lee than ice the sks. Rete Stn wlth ice the Uhutres or eter ate sased ‘316 Sab or Shet Bars — Tho prot ofa pi- say ail sich as bloming,slabing or thst bar eal, fr cetious oe pret csing machines, which ae ‘Sipps witou fetes work ter tan cating 1 legth face conning wad only for eon into she, Sp opie ‘32 The ems eandom lengths, mle length, and od or eae engi ae defined as flows 321. Rendom Lengths — A length ange of notes than 24 in, (mls for example, 100 12 [S04 LF ITH [to Sm or 150 205 0 6 122 Mulple Lengthe — Frequently, fabricating operations wil gle small wit bar engths. When sch ithe can, single bar conning yeodetormined number ‘of sch ois may be peed Such bare deseibed 5 $ mull length ar, andr common to eclade fa he Specie length an allowance of i. (6. msn] per wit {© entre cating the required umber of pices, 123 Deal or Exact ength— Bars specie dead or exact Tengihs may te eer bat Seared or hot sve. Wines greter acaricy im length or fretom fom ead Aistotion is required, bars can be miachno-cu after ‘machine-srulgtening. The permissible vriations in Teng for dead ce exact length bas ae shown in ables tthe end of ths specication {entiation of Material kL For Chilion Procurement 40 Bars ad shapes shall be popely med ot tagged ith te ame of manufac, purchaser's name ‘sd orderauer, ASTM specication number, eat a ber, rade ofp, condom, abd where appropiate Sis length and weigh. Ualos otherwise specie, te rnetind of markog isthe oon of he manafacer, day be mae by hot stamping eld samping, pair, fe marhing tgs started theta, If, or boxes. 4.12 Forgings shall be legibly de stamped ith ‘hemamicnrerssmbol or name, materi specication nunte, type. and het hepiiosion When de Hampirg ‘oot penta the purchaser else pel or eleco- etching may be ved 2 For Goverment Procrement: 42:1 When specifi! in he cont ot order. snd far cle procurement or det abn toh Gover sens ming for spe. Im adn wa eg tents speciied in the contactor order, shall Be ia cordance ith MIL-STD-129 foe military ape i Sn azorance ih Fe. St, No 123 for cv genes. 422. For Goverment procurement bythe Duane Supply Agency, bare and sper shall Be coninany makes for identification in aecordance with Fd, St Ne, ‘S._Materils and Manufacture 1. The mei maybe fumished in oe of he cod tiene detailed nthe appa materi pein tat issn-worked, exude ot forged, forged and machined, annealed, cold-worked or hea-weated (normalized and epee, or queuched snd tempered, [52 The (pe of ith provable a a follows S21 Hot hithed Bars — Hotnshed bats a commonly produced by hot rolling forging, pressing, suing, ngs, looms or bilo fal meno. Hicinlsed bars ray be soject to various operations Induiing amealing ce oer eat weatng, cleaning by lng, Mast cleaning or eder methods of desealng, feogh ting end mactne sghening, At the option ct ‘he proscar, otsinithe bar maybe sje cement ining, polishing, ec, © provide close tolerances ot Improved surace coadion 52. Bars Cat fom Sip or Plate ~ Two sraces eae ox pik, to cl sie, 8c when est ‘wait afer eoting fn which cto, ll sacs il Be ‘sealed o pile produced from hotfnthed bars by means of dition! pation, or exarpe col dering, ceteris grinding, polishing, ee o provide clove tolerances, improved sa fave connor higher suengh level. 524. Bary and Blltsor Otter Sem Finished Mate iat for Reforging — Material may be conditioned to Femave injurious Surface defects provided tbe dep of ‘centring does nt exceed ht wah fects te surace ‘ombon o mensions of the aie ob forged rn S28 Shapes — oiling 25:1. Shapes may be subjected elder Clas A cor Cha C sure preparation sped on the purchase Imperfections of rade tre Sch 3 fn tears ad Sngped edges, povided the underweight tolerance i at fexceded andthe mrimim dept of rndng at any one ont dosnt exceed 10% of the Wickes ofthe scton {Cas consist of pining for the removal of al visible sueaceimpecions, provided the underoeight oleance ‘Saoterceied andthe wou dephf grinding aay ‘ne pint dos Rot excet 108 ofthe Hickness of he 152.6 Forgings Descaled by machining, basting or peta, unless earn speci. scaled by machining, ending 6 Chemical Compton Gt Heat or Cast Anal — The ehosical anys ‘ofeach hash be deermined in sceonance wit be tpelcale meal specication and Tee Methods, Pr ts, and Terminology A751 62 Product Analnie— When seq aprodat sal ‘esl be detconiod in secoanee With Tet Mens, Practice, an Teminaogy A751 Te chemical compost. in Tibe 1 {63 ‘The st shallot conan an mnepecied element forte ordered grade tote exten that he tee! confomne to the roquienents of another grade In the referencing product pecition, and any ofthe product peccaons ‘tint scope ofthis peerl spit, for which Tha clement sa species minim, ‘1. Permissible Variations in Dimensions 7A. Unless aberwse specie onthe purchase exes, ‘mensions a pete in he followin: TAM Bare — Tables 2 rough 11 74.2 Shapes — "Tebles 12 trough 18 and igh 1 ‘TA3 Forgings — As speci ioe puchase oder, coin pints or sethesSocompanying he puch det TAA. illets or Other Sen:-Fhished Material for Reforgg —Bilets and ber hl conform othe shaped tom Teer hear P3003 a YC eas oa1stas@ omsare excel omern7a Yom Ser vmatatniesnon ateeo eae doieiban ometaass Onis) Sootors Fyesaed eetysS0G0W7SouL el YeCS50)_ uO) 0023.60) m2 gen) _9er9 (0401 o6s0%078) 00d ete ttre weet a oc pn of eee rate 15 Taste se PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS IN ;IIGULARITY TOLERANCE FOR EXTRUDED SHAPES SIZE OF HOT-EKTRUDED SHAPES hat nd ae oer a . Src Si, oo Aine estasto mem Sam : meio ie estoroh int Sone m9 SECTION ua A raste17 LENGTH TOLERANCES FOR EXTRUDED SHAPE LENGTHAS Fe tegpsw wiz Tore riz ‘a ne ce Seed Sue Ber ese oe a Wesmosmied GRGswa e ARGSemo “aie eb — rn bin a a lo fh don eh Whe be ran gh, rin 2 wo ‘eee gh en a ram a 8 vaste 18 “Twist TOLERANCES ‘engnat nores: (3) Thesmourtfsoatingn sn exes ag ie ed i ean be ante yt hight oh ‘rar rom fe retrane ase hes) «ng ang easton ew an ovo IL eT A nea ‘Seco Tense ‘eer sin [38 mm to 4 1900 mm) 0.188180 rm) rere ise ‘ozo fa50 mm) ANNEX (Mandatory Information) AL. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW MATERIALS ALL New materials mny be proposed for inlsion in specications refeeacng this Speciation of Genaal eguiremens, subject othe following condos: ALLL ‘Tho aplication fr the adition of new _gzae oa spcieation sal be made tthe chimman of ‘he esbeommitie which Bar orden over ht sos ALL2 The applicion sal be scone by a stvoment fom a eat ne se ining tha het 62 eed for he sow grade to be inched ia the apple sesseaton ALL. The application sab accompanied by test {fom s minimum of tee tos, 2 deny the speck ‘eatin, ech fom a difereat het shal be furnished ‘ALLA The appliciion hall provide recommend ‘ios for al equiemeatsappering in te applicable pec ALLS The splieation stall ste wheter the sew ad is covered by pet APPENDICES (Nonmandatory Information) X1._ RATIONALE REGARDING DEFINITION OF LOT FOR MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND CORROSION TESTING XL Ris gnerally recognized tht material dosribed ‘snot mas be "produced ender the sume proesting ‘coudins” which means the Same manag exer umber, sme sna, samo hea sume bea-weatng proce ure and same subsequenl processing. Under thot condi tio, singh sumpes canbe sletd oe represattive ‘ofthe tua es, witha least one sample fr exch 20 000, pounds of mate. ‘XL2 Following the pimple described in X11 goer. ally seus that the peoducer contol each of seve u- race ons constioig the rane Io 0 at X12 Set point temperance and proces neance mach, X122. Timesttampertr fol thermal wearent all mach within TO, X13 All fomaces used be similar in Sie and mee ‘the niet requirements oF octmenedfrnace qual. ity asrance program nd XL2A-Theqenchsytomsaretbe same withrespect 1o vlune, typeof queachant, and crust ra, XLZE Furey, it woald be expected tat grouped oat be Randle win a elaively sho time pred, ta that hardness esting be performed on at est oe sale er charge, XL3.The od definition of ot for mechanical testing aed on sly the words "sume se, hes, and eat tresment charge is balch face” assures that heat treating Is he only proces allen popes. This Kid ‘fd ignores te effet of eter processing, por to an eobsegust to Beat eating. Moreover, i asumee that each het tented batch wil be unform and uigue ater thn reproducible Ina bea ean specs ‘which canbe convlled easly roughout atch sad rom Trico batch, with he net rele hat kip batches an be considered pat of single otf equpment abd procesing parameters meet the mandates of X11 and Kuz, XLA The sampling specie for mechanic popes is not a tatsest sampling plan. Tesco, provies ‘aly peal ia, Assurance of uriformity Wid he lot mb obtained ely by the producer edu cule ling the processing parameters X2. BAR CODING 1X2. Bar cding 10 ieniy see! i nr spec sdarsied sn Commitee I specifeations. Commitee ‘el endorse the AIAG tar code standard for primary ‘metals fer stl products and proposes that his bs coding ‘anal be coniered a possible auxlary method of ‘dentition ‘mo SECTION PART 4 SPECIFICATION FOR STEEL CASTINGS SUITABLE FOR PRESSURE SERVICE ASME SA-487/SA-487M se i AST Spi 1 Seope 11 Ths pectin covers lowly tele nd tent ines sels inthe aoralized an emere, oc (iene and tempered, canton sable for peesie ‘oiinng parte, The weld ofthe clases in this Secleaon varies rm realy weldsbetowelsble only ‘ith adequate preastons, andthe welsity of cach {Sas shoud be considered pir to sembly by fsion wing 112. Selec will depend on desig, mechani, and serie conditions Users shot ote tht hardens at some ofthe rads mentions many resi the mci Size at which the required mechanical properties are sain, 13 The vaoes sted in eter inch sound ws o St ‘wits eo be regarded seputely a stan. Within he text te ST units re sbowa in bricks The vas Hed Jn ech system ae not exact eguvalens terefre, each system mst ued independealy of he ober Combining ‘ales fom the rwo systems result onconfomace with the specication. Icy pound unis ar applicable or nae ordered wo Speifoson A487 and SI ont fer 221 ASTM Stoner ‘A-3Teat Methods sad Di ing of Sel Prodcts A SHBIA ABEM Prati for Stet Casings, Welding. Qu ‘Mentone of Procedures and Peronae A MBIN103M Specification for Steel Casings, Gonrl Regueents, for Presore- Containing Pats 165 Pate for Ligid Ponerant Meiod E709 Practice for Magnetic Parle Exanicution 22 American Sotey of Mechanical Engines: ASME Boiler and Prevsure Vel Code, Seton IX ions for Mechanical Text am 23 ManafscurrsStandardeation Society ofthe Valve nd Rings Industry Standard SP-55 Quality Standard fr Steet Castings — Vial Metiod| Genel Condtons for Delivery form to the applicable requirements of Speifstion ‘NTOB/A TO3M acing te soplerneatary equines "hace indicated on the purchase rer Fala to comply Wwth the general requirements of Specifeation 1N7037A 703M constitutes nonconformance with this ‘pesestion, In cae of confit betwen the regiments ef his speciation and Specitcaion A 703/A 03M, ts ‘pecifention sal preva 4 Ordering Information 441 The inguiry and erder shoal include or indicate tne fllonin ALL A deesigion ofthe casing by patra member dang (Gimensonaltlereess stl be cade on Ie castng drain, 412 ASTM designation and yer of ese, 413 Grade alas of ates, 4A Options in the specification, and 4.15 The sopplementey requirements desired incading the sndard of sxepance 5. Heat Treatment SA Allcastngs shal weit ses eaten nated ln Table 1. Pretminary beat eset pio 0 fal het ‘esments well as maltipe tempering permis 52. eat eatment shall be peforme fer th cating ate bee llomed 0 cool below the wanformaion ange 53 The fumace temperate for eat eating shal be ete cored by use of ecading ype pyemees 6 Chemical Compostion G1 The set shall exafom to the rssrements to chemical composon presse ip Table 2- Predet ‘stays tolerance shall conform to the product analyse ‘olernce shown a Specifinion A 703/A TOM. Prodet nays leranees for sinless grades we not pesey ‘pple peaing development of these Lm. 7. Tense Requirements “TA. Tensile popes of rel wed forthe casings shall confor othe equvement prescribed in Table 3, 8 Quality ‘1 The surface ofthe casing shall bee of aderng sand, sale rch, snd ot ters as detenined by visa ‘examination, Other surface disoniites shall met the “isual cceptanoe standards spectied inthe oder. Visas “Mettod SPs or ote visu sands may be wed 0 eto ceptable sure dicots and finish. Use. ‘opuble vial surface diconinutes shall be rected and ther removal verified by wal examination ofthe Teall caves, Wien methods aolving Big tener ‘ares we used inthe removal and eepat of scoatiies, the cating sll be preheated to stat the tii temperature in Table 4, ‘82 The castings shall not be peene, plugged, or impregnate to stop leaks, 9. Repair By Welding 94 Foccastngs ce tan thos lnendod for use ode [ASME Boiler and Presse Vee Code ropa shal be Ime using procedures amd welders qualia der Pres tice A ASS/A A884 22 On casings intended for we under the ASME. Boiler and Pes Vessel Code eps shall berate ‘by procedures and welders quid under Seton IX of the sade 93. Aterepir welding all eastings sal be posted eat west in secordence with Table 4 or eest ese In tcocdnce with Table 1 9.4 Weld repre sll he inspected ung the same quality standards sare used to inspect the castings. R= examination ofthe weld repay adlography when Sup- ‘plementary Regtrement $5 has been spcie wl nat be etary whon ap applicable sare tspeton meted twas wed fo locate the eicominaty except for the fl Towing 9.41. Weld repairs on eatings which tave lesked ‘on hydronic 942 Weld repairs on cating in which the depth (of any cavity prepared for rept welng is more thn 20% ofthe wal hemes or Ii [25 ml, whicever is ser. DAS Weld epi om cntings im which any cavity reponed for welding ie pester approximates 10 [os.em 10, Prodact Marking 101 Casings sal be mated fer mate entiiea- on with the pra ad cls symbols A, 4C,CALS-A), F exam orrovernrerererarncoencarrernocercancer [ me SecriON i, PARTA TABLED LEAT TREAT REQUIREMENT ean eres oo tro) iseo ro) so 005} issn) esa! ro sees 3 50 (0) Seo (ae) So tee rots Hanserst hase) han Ges) he Ges) Mos aes) prereresterceen as CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS (MAXIMU) ale? M PERCENT UNLESS RANGE IS GIVEN) ee a = = nih = at. “van Ses ison Mogan oa = ra z aE a Ey 4 ion 9, ee ves “ee Socom Sag oat a eA Fe usevaneys ‘nav NOLES OM ame secrion ran A sasmisaasrot ras.e 3 REQUIRED MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Verena Egan 2 Relat Tar Pres Tease eng min MPa, Smart ahead Tie Deioatin case ous "mn witueay ‘RAZOR mn mim ie man Rtn m2 A steesanoG ssc00 2 Bo} 8 fetaornisos Seco. 2 Bo: 2 iano Seo 2 Bf sSbasao SSees. » eof of See eas 6 Boop k Ste oot) 5 250s) SE iootwe sisi, @ nas) mw 3k “tate fous w 2 ete ferns i nes Gos 2 alateesretiiva sieeve) 10 cus boat se " Hips Gunn chow A etmarasstoel Sots) % chant thenm_§ oot 1350) i sss tn B 837, Tal ant CAS Te crisis i on CAN pn or asus MINTUME PRE-HEAT AND POST WELD HEAT TREAT REQUIREMENTS Tiaras Prete oe _cs_ ero FP) Pot Wel et re FC) Y Ae 0G) MOL naman 2 ores sete man 8° oon Sooty cts mnie ston) (S397 minimus couse) tisa lear mnine Scots) oo tsyt mamas Scotian) Sis0 se mm feats) ta0:G981 mnman “aie, iee:sts¥ emi scalzon) 1750) so ii qe 40°F C05 ter 900° (A ni ‘otgos) oe .s98/imen ‘totzes) tise canor iam ‘Stoison) ves" ocram Seti) Pa opr an od 960) Sy tm PWN he sa rma a lea npr rece, 2 ‘ven fm fh ing Eon 20 BH) etn he edt aT ‘ove Secrion PAK A ‘SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS “Tne folowing supplementary rogiemeats hall rt apply ules specie in the pars chase order. A listo sunduized supplementary requirements for ws tthe option ofthe purchaser isincted in Speen A703/A 702M. Thwe which ae ordinary considered suai forse with this speci ate given below. Others enumerate im Speciation ‘A'O3/A 703M nay be ved wit i pecieaton upon sproment eee he ramfae- ‘ur and pubaser Sl. Unspeced Bements ‘St. Magnetic Particle Inspection ‘5. Radiographic Inspection ‘SR Charpy Impact Test ‘S81 In adition to the requirements sted in 8 of ‘Specification & 703/A 703M, the following specific reirements apply to tie speciation: ‘SELL When SB i spc for Grades 1B, 28, 48, 68, TA, 4B, 98, or LOB, impact popes shall be ‘eerie by pesfoning « Charpy Vente impact est 2 -S0°F [-46°C) with speci minimum average valve (F 15flb [20 3 ant asec miu single vate of 10 feb (147). Other temperatures my be vied open ervomeat betwecn the manafcarer snd the putcbase, in which cae $8.13 shall apply. Other higher specifi minimum average and sage values may be 0st jon eemen kotwen the mamuacter and he purchases, [$8.12 Impact requirement for grades ote han 18,28, 48,65, 7A, 85,98, and 10 shal be agreed pon beteeen the manuficrer andthe purchaser. S413 Wen an impact tet emer oer than sor a6} aed far ese re sted in S81, fe loves tt temperate at wc the mae met ‘he inpct oem shal be taped wt oy sre ‘Shp ines ahead ofthe materi symbel one ‘pa or examp 25 1B for 257-4] and O23 top fr -25°F 32°. S10, Examination of Weld Preparation ‘SIO The metod of prfoming the magnet puricle origi pena tet shal be in sesordnoe wih Price 1B 709 or Pracize E168, INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SPECIFICATION FOR CASTINGS, NICKEL AND NICKEL ALLOY ASME, SA.404/54-04M (eri wih Sei, Pu BSAA x a Cen a ne ay, ming mes ASME eseton) INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SPECIFICATION FOR QUENCHED AND TEMPERED VACUUM-TREATED CARBON AND ALLOY STEEL FORGINGS FOR PRESSURE VESSELS AGE SA-S08/SA-508M_ (ee wih AST Senin ASIA SOM) 1. Scope LL This speciation covers quenced and tampered ‘vacuo eae carbon and ally se forgings fo prose ‘vse ch a thee odin cto sytem Series, ‘covers forgings for vestel closes, sll ange, ie set, reg, Beste, snd smile prs 12 All gates se considered weldable weer pro nations, Weldg teceighe i of fandamentl impor tance, andi is presupposed that welding proceed Inepecton wil bo in scondance with spptved methods ‘orth gra of mata wed 1.3. The ver stated in ether Stunts or inch-pound unitate ob reared separately standard. The valu Sted in each system may ot be ac equivalent for, each yer sll be red independent ofthe oe. Combining ales rom te two systems may elt 00 ‘onfomance withthe standard 1.4 Uales the order pects te applcble“M" spect featondesigaton, te ate hl be farsshed the Inehpoand ni rd tm cin bt NOTE: Dagan be an hn ns 1S This sandard doesnot purport to addres all of (he safer concerns fon. ascated wth fr ure Bi the responsibly ofthe ure of he sandard establish sppropriat safer anhalt proton and determin he ‘ppliabliy of eulotory Umiations prior ake 2 Referenced Documents 2A ASTM Standards AZISIA 275M Test etod for Monet Parle Exam ton of Stel Forgings ‘A310 Test Mebods sed Defisiton or Mechanisl Tet ing of Stel Products |ABRBIA 3HBM Practice for Ulrisonic Examination of Heavy Steel Fepngs |ATBBIA TERM Specicai fr Stel Ferings, General Requirements A SG6IA SE6M Tet Method fr Magnetic Pale Exam ation of Sto Forgings Using Aerating Cent 1208 Test Mebod for Condacung Drop-Weight Test ‘Detemine NitDuctlity Transisen Temperate of Fee rie Stet E428 Practice for Farin snd Control of Stel Refer: ‘nce Blocks Used in Utavoic Examination 2.2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers dard Bailes Pressure Ves Code— Section, Ales NB "2300, NC2500, ND 2900, NE7300, NF 2300, NG 2300 3. Ordering Information 3M Purchase Order—Inaésiton tothe orderiag nor mation eqied hy Spesfiaton A 78/A THEN, the pur hase shall inode Wich the nguy and orders dtaed Sting that locates the arse of sinifcnt Toding in the forging (shen requ, he method of slacking est Tecaon See 61.5 and 6.1.) and purchase options (oe

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