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Isaac Golf!

Gillion,(In Spanish 1)!

Spanish 2!


Golf 4!

How does Manuela Senz exhibit qualities of both La Malinche and La Virgen de Guadalupe?

Mexicos Heros!

Its a warm night in the bedroom of Simon Bolivar, a powerful political leader, in Bogota
in the San Carlos Palace. A man breaks through the door with a dagger with intent to murder
Simon Bolivar. Ms quickly jumped in front of Simon and guarded of the assassin giving Simon
enough time to escape. She was forever known as The liberators liberator. She changed
history that day by protecting Simon which later lead to him controlling much of latin america
representing the rebel spanish forces. Manuela Saenz, La Malinche, and La Virgen de
Guadalupe are three of the most important people in the creation of latin American history.In the
lives of all three Manuela Saenz, La Malinche and La Virgen de Guadalupe they had an
immense amount of power and affect on history. They all were important women who could
inflict huge consequences and and all chose not to. They were faced with important jobs and
decisions, but always did what they could for the greater good for Mexico. Manuela Saenz
shows the qualities of La Malinche and La Virgen de Guadalupe by expressing her want to
always do what she could to help and always being a strong female figure for Mexico.!
When Ms became the lover for Simon Bolivar she was faced with many issues as to how
to fight for their freedom. Simon Bolivar would have gladly given in on his often campaigns
searching for freedom for the rebel Spaniards. But Ms would do all she could to protect Simon
and support the rebel cause. Ms would often supply food, medicine, and anything needed for
the rebel troops to support their cause. At the battle of Junin she served with the cavalry as a
woman to fight for her cause. Ms played a major role in the creation of Mexico and helping the
spanish rebels.!
Mss strength, dedication, and compassion is also represented in La Malinche as the
negotiator for Hernan Cortes. Cortes during many of his expeditions would use translators to
talk with the natives of any land he came upon. However despite what was said he usually
would just murder them all and take anything valuable. But Lm would do all she could to protect
the natives and keep cortes under control. Lms compassion and influence on Cortes was
crucial to the creation of Mexico. Lm would warn the natives of how dangerous cortes was and
how they need to comply with his rules. When she became his lover Lm would do her best to
protect the natives and keep Cortes from killing the natives. Cortes didn't always listen, but Lm
saved countless peoples through negotiating between Cortes and natives.!
Lg is the biggest symbol for Mexico's search for freedom and equality. Originally a
miracle sender who appeared for Juan Diego telling him to build a church on top of Tepeyac hill.
Her image as a sweet Mexican mother was used in father Miguel Hidalgo in his fight for
mexican freedom. Today she is the image of mexico and mexicos fight for freedom. She is
considered the figure for doing good in Mexico and became the poster image for Mexico to have
its freedom and equality.!
Today all of these people represent doing good in the world and doing good for Mexico.
These three women did amazing things for Mexico, the creation of Mexico, and the liberation
and equal treatment of Mexico and Mexican peoples. These women are Mexico, they are the
freedom fighters for Mexico's freedom. And they are the Heros of Mexico.!

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