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To Kill a Mockingbird

Study Questions for Chapters 4-7

Name: Theo Pologeorgis
Answer in complete sentences below. Include page numbers where possible.
Chapters Four and Five:
1. Explain why Scout goes back to the Radley Place one afternoon?
Scout returns to the Radley house one afternoon because she spots a wad of gum in a knot in one of their
trees. (Ch. 4, Pg. 33)
2. What is their neighborhoods opinion of Mrs. Dubose?
The neighborhoods opinion of Mrs. Dubose is that she is the meanest old woman who ever lived. (Ch. 4,
Pg. 35)
3. What does Jem say about the Indian-heads they find in the knothole of the tree?
Jem says that the two ''Indian-head'' pennies are really old and that he can find out if they belong to
someone else when school starts. (Ch. 4, Pg. 35)
4. What new game do Jem, Scout, and Dill play?
The new ''game'' Jem, Scout, and Dill play consists of imitating the stereotypes of the Radley family. (Ch.
4, Pg. 38)
5. After Atticus catches the children with the scissors, what is Jems reaction? What is Scouts and why?
When Atticus catches the children with the scissors, Jem responds with, "Nothing," (Lee 40). Scout almost
tells Atticus, but Jem cues her that the game is a secret, so she doesn't say anything. (Ch. 4, Pg. 40-41)
6. Explain why Scout becomes annoyed with Dill.
Scout becomes annoyed with Dill because he had said that she was the only girl that he would ever love
and then he had neglected here and followed Jem around. (Ch. 5, Pg. 41)
7. What does Miss Maudie tell Scout about some kind of men?
Miss Maudie tells Scout that, "some kind of men whowhore so busy worrying about the next world
theyve never learned to live in this one..." (Lee, 45)
8. What is Jem and Dills plan to contact Boo Radley?
Jem and Dill's plan consists of placing a letter on the hook of a fishing pole and slipping it through the
shutters.(Ch. 5, Pg. 45-48)
9. What order does Atticus give the children regarding Boo?
Atticus instructs the children to leave Mr. Radley alone and to stay clear of the house.
(Ch. 5, Pg. 49)
Chapter Six and Seven:

Why do Dill, Jem and Scout run from the Radley Place?
Jem, Dill, and Scout flee from the Radley place because they spotted a shadow of a figure coming
towards them and it fired a shotgun at them. (Ch. 6, Pg. 53-54)

How does Dill explain Jems missing pant?

Dill explains Jem's missing pants by saying that he won a game of poker and Jem had
bet his pants. (Ch. 6, Pg. 54)


What, according to Scout, causes Jem and her to begin to part company?
According to Scout, she and Jem began, "to part company" when Jem said that the adventure
at the Radley house was a mistake. (Ch. 6, Pg. 56)


Summarize Scouts assessment of second grade.

Scout assesses second grade as bad as fist grade. (Ch. 7, Pg. 57)


What does Jem finally tell Scout about his pants that he retrieved?
Jem tells Scout that when he went t retrieve his pants, they had been stitched with messy
stitches and sat folded near the fence.


What do Jem and Scout realize about the carved soap figures they find in the knothole?
Jem and Scout realize that the carved soap figures that they found in the knothole are of
themselves. (Ch. 7, Pg. 60)

When Jem and Scout find the knothole filled with cement, what explanation does Nathan
Radley give? What does Atticus tell Jem about the tree?
When Jem and Scout find the knothole filled with cement, Nathan Rudely says that the tree was
sick and rotted, but Atticus later said that the tree looked healthy to him.
(Ch. 7, Pg. 62-63)

Chapter 8:
Who most likely left the gifts in the oak tree, and who were they for?
Boo (Arthur Rudely) most likely left the gifts for Jem and Scout. (Ch.8)
Why was Jem crying at the end of Chapter 7?
Jem was crying at the end of 7 because he not only lost their form of communication with Boo
Rudely when the tree was filled up with cement, but he also feels that now Mr. Nathan will prevent Boo
from communicating with them in any way.(Ch. 7, Pg. 62-63)
What does Mr. Avery tell the children about unusual seasons of the year?
Mr. Avery tells the children that the season only change when the little boys and girls of
Maycomb misbehave. (Ch. 8, Pg. 65)
What happens to Miss Maudies house?
Miss Maudie's house catches on fire. (Ch. 8, Pg. 69)
Describe the incident with the blanket.
When Miss Maudie's house catches fire, it spread to other houses and Atticus tells the
children to stay at the edge of their yard and not to retrieve anything form the house.
When all is under control, Atticus questions Scout about a blanket that is draped over her
shoulders, she doesn't know how it got there. (Ch. 8, Pg. 71)
How does Miss Maudie react to her loss? What does this tell us about
Miss Maudie is thrilled at the loss of her house. She had been growing too old to keep up
with its upkeep and had though of burning it herself but had know that she would pay
arson charges.(Ch. 8, Pg. 73)
Chapter 9:

Why does Scout get in a fight with Cecil Jacobs?
Scout gets in a fight with Cecil Jacobs after he declares that Atticus defends niggers. (Ch.
9, Pg. 74)

What is Atticus about to do which places his honor in question?
Atticus is about to defend a negro named Tom Robinson in a very controversial case and
this is a very unorthodox decision, thus placing his honor in danger. (Ch. 9, Pg. 75)
Who is Atticus defending, and why does he choose to take the case?
Atticus is defending Tom Robinson and he take the case because he said that if he denied
the negro his services, then he wouldn't be able to hold his head up in public. (Ch. 9, Pg.

Does he expect to win the case?
Atticus expects defeat. (Ch. 9, Pg. 76)
What do the Finches do at Christmas?
At Christmas, the Finches go to Finch's Landing. (Ch. 9, Pg. 77)
How do the children feel about their relatives?
Uncle Jack is the only relative that either of the children like. (Ch. 9, Pg. 77)
Compare and contrast Uncle Jack with Atticus.
Uncle Jack, the baby of the family, is an unmarried doctor, who has little to none
experience with children aside from his nieces and nephews. Atticus on the other hand, is
the oldest in the family and has two children (Jem and Scout) and is a lawyer. They both,
however, were educated by their father. (Ch.9)
8. How does Aunt Alexandra feel about the way Scout and Jem are being brought up?
Aunt Alexandra feels that Jem and Scout should be brought up in a more respectable
manor. (Ch. 9, Pg. 81)

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