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Student, Date, Page___ of. Johnston Individualized Education Report Card Crystal Boes, - Teacher ‘st Report:_03/01/2016 2nd Report 3rd Report: 4th Report: By 2/2/17, when given a 6th grade passage, will read and answer the comprehension questions with 80% laccuracy for 4 consecutive data collections. Progress Code: 1st Report:_2 ‘2nd Report 3rd Report: ‘ath Report, (Comment 1: March 2016 (epring 8th grade): is averaging 65% accuracy on the comprehension questions after reading a th grade passage. [Comment 2: [Comment [Comment 4: fist Report:_03/01/2016 2nd Report ‘3rd Report: “ath Repor [By 2/2/17, when given an assignment (or writing prompt), ‘Will produce a writing sample scoring 16 points, using the attached writing rubric, for 4 consecutive data collections. Progress Code: 1st Report:_2 ‘2nd Report [Comment 1: March 2076 (spring 8th grade) {is scoring 14 points on the attached writing rubric. 3rd Report: ‘th Report: Comment 4: fist Report:_03/01/2016 2nd Report: ‘3rd Report: ‘4th Report: [By 2/2/17, when given a classroom assessment, __will score 90% correct for 4 conseculive data collection days. [Progress Code: 1st Report:_2 ‘2nd Report: ‘3rd Report: 4th Report: [Comment 1: March 2076 (spring 8th grade) Is averaging 89% on classroom assessments. [Comment 2: [Comment 3: [Comment 4: ‘ist Report:_03/01/2016__2nd Report 3rd Report: ‘4th Repor By 2/2/17, when given classroom expectations, will score 80% on the attached behavior rubric, including, {cllowing directions, requesting breaks appropriately, being respectful, responding appropriately to requests, and problem solving appropriately for 4 consecutive data collection days. Progress Cod ‘Ast Report:_2 2nd Report 3rd Report: 4th Rep [Comment 1: March 2016 (spring &th grade): Is averaging 82% on the attached behavior rubric. Comment 2: [Comment 3: [Comment 4: = This goat has Doon met ogtess has bean mage tovards he goa. appears tht he goa wl be met the time tha EP i reviewed Progress Codes | 3 Progress nas bon made tovaré he goa! bul he goal may al be mat byte time te EP is eviews. ogress tafe to masts goa byte bine the IEP i revewea Inciona sale wl be changed. '5= Yur en nat work on tvs got during is eperting period (powde an explanation othe paces). H Date Printed: 03/10/2016 Copies: School, AEA, Parent(s) July 1, 2015. ‘Student: Date:_08/25/2015_ Page__of Johnston Individualized Education Report Card Crystal Boes -Teacher ‘ist Report 10262015 2nd Report:_O1/16/2016 ard Report: 03/01/2016 4th Report By 8725/16, when given social skill instruction and classroom expectations, will maintain 86% or higher on the attached classroom rubric (3: dependent, 2: Adult Prompted, 1: Unable to comply/demonstrate) scoring his ability to {follow directions the 1st time asked, using appropriate verbal interactions, using appropriate physical interactions, having only the materials he needs out on the table, and being respectful to peers & adults and attend school 8 periods a day Progress Code: tst Report:_2 2nd Report:_2 3rd Report_4 ‘th Report: [Comment 4: October 2015 (8th grade, Fall) ‘yas made good progress on his goal as he starts his 8th grade year at Johnston Middle school. He is currently, attending 4 periods a day and averaging 82% (actual scores: 94, 97, 92, 80, 88) on the attached behavior rubric. struggles the most when asked to work on a non preferred task, such as math or writing. [Comment 2: January 2016 (8th grade; end of 1st semester): is averaging 87% on his behavior rubric. (actual scores: 90, 88, 86, 77, 93) He is attending school 4 periods @ day. If his behavior is maintained, a Sth class will be added soon. [Comment 3: March 2016 (spring 8th grade): is currently averaging 84% on his behavior rubric. He is attending school 4 periods a day. [Comment 4: ‘ist Report: 10/26/2015 2nd Report: 01/15/2016 3rd Report:_03/01/2016___th Report: By 6/24/2016, when given classroom instruction on a 3-4 grade level covering number sense, multiplication, division, |geometry, variable, data analysis, and functional daily living skills (budgeting, money identification, time identification), will score an average of 80% on classroom assessments. Progress Code: _1st Report: 2nd Report:_2 3rd Report:_1 4th Report: [Comment 1; October 2015 (8th grade, Fall) [While math is not his favorite, does a good job completing his work and understanding the concepts. He will complain each math class and grumble about doing the work and the purpose of it while completing the work [Comment 2: January 2016 (Bth grade; end of 1st semester): |__.s averaging 88% on his math assessments. (actual scores: 67, 82, 100, 90. 91) [Gomment 3: March 2016 (epring 8th grade): s currently averaging 89% on his math assessments, [Comment 4: Progress hat been made towards he goal. It gppear thet the gos! wil be met by the tine the IEP ie reviewed, Progress hat been mags towards the goal but the goal may nl be mel by the time the IEP i revewes. Progres mnt sutloar! to ect tie goa byte ine the RP ironed nerustonal tegen wl Ba ahenged dot work on this goa rng this reporng pid (provide an explanation fo the parents) Progress Codes Copies: School, AEA, Parent(s) July 1, 2015 Student, Date:_04/30/2015_ Page__of. Johnston Individualized Education Report Card Jared Power - Teacher ist Report:_05/26/2018 and Report:_10/26/2015 ord Report:_O1/15/2016 4th Report:_03/01/2016 By 4720/16, when given the expectations in all academic classes and social skils instruction, will have zero instances of inappropriate behavior for three straight weeks. Progress Code: 1st Report:_2 ‘2nd Report:_2 3rd Report_4 4th Report Comment 4 rade great progress throughout the year and he had a pretty good 4th quarter. He was re-evaluated right at the end of the year and had a couple of weeks with a new goal. Looking at his data from the last two weeks of school, did a good job for the most part outside of his related arts ciass, Digital Communications [Due to the loose structure ofthe class and hands-on activities taking place was more prone to acting out to gain [peer attention and a lot ofthe incidents recorded on his data were from that class period. During that time, the team ried to provide more structure and closer supervision to help _—_-be successful and he will need those same [supports as he heads to JMS. [Comment 2: October 2015 (8th grade, Fall) (Over the last 10 days has had 15 instances of inappropriate behavior. Each day was 4 or less, The most challenging area for __is complying with the directions and prompts that are give to him, When gets frustrated, he will shut down and refuse to do anything. Ho has made progress this year with communicatina frustrations after being removed (without administrative support from the general education classroom. ‘are! needs to continues to work on communicating his needs to the classroom teacher and associate prior to being removed. [Comment 3: January 2016 (8th grade, end of ist semester): JOverthe last 2 weeks, has had an average of 7.3 instance of inappropriate behavior a day (actual scores: 19, 10, 17,8, 4, 12, 3, 6 2, 2). He is doing a better job of moving on after an incident and getting back to his schedule and lexpectations [Comment 4: March 2016 (spring, 8th grade) ‘s curently averaging 9.2 instances of inappropriate behavior a day is goal has been al rogrets has been made towarce he oa. spear ha the goal wl be matty the te the IEP i reviewed. gress Pas ben made towards te goal butte go may ro be met by te te te IEP i revewes. ogress no ufc to mest tis goal by the tme tn IEP ia evewed nsivosons strategie wl changed, = Your sid not war on ta goal during a epertng period (rove an explanalon to the parents) Progress Codes H Date Printed: 03/10/2016 Copies: School, AEA, Parent(s) July 1, 2018 ‘Student; Date:_01/19/2016_ Page__ of Johnston Individualized Education Report Card Crystal Boos, ~ Teacher ‘ist Report:_05/22/2018 2nd Report: 10/20/2015 3rd Report:_01/15/2016 4th Report:_03/01/2016 By 3/26/16, when given an th grade reading passage and ime fo work, will correctly answer 80% of the [comprehension questions. Progress Code: 1st Repor ‘2nd Report:_2 3rd Report:_2. ‘4th Report: [Comment 1; May 2015 thas done well over the course of 4th quarter. His focused efforts along with his independent reading have paid off: he averaged 85% comprehension on grade-level reading material. Summer reading will help keep his skills sharp (He has enjoyed the non-fiction books he's read throughout the year. | would suggest something along those lines, as well [as something fiction based. We weren't able to finish "Touching Spirit Bear,” by Ben Mikaelsen. imagine he would enjoy the ending ofthat!) [Comment 2: Oct. 2015: averages 78% on his reading probes. His highest score, 100%, was when he read through the passage and highlighted important information. His lowest score was 60%. (Comment 3: January 2016: ‘averages 80% on 8th grade reading comprehension passages. His highest score was 100% and his lowest score was 70%. [Comment 4: March 2076 (spring oth grade): is currently averaging 82.5% on 8th grade reading comprehension passages. fist Report:_05/22/2015 2nd Report: 10/27/2015 SrdReport:_01/15/2016__ 4th Report:_03/01/2016 By 3/26/16, when given a topiciassignment to write about, will produce a writing sample scoring 80% on the 6 traits writing rubric. Progress Code: __tstReport:_3 2nd Report:_3 3rd Report:_3. ‘th Report: [Comment 1: May 2016: has averaged 87% accuracy. He continues to have vivid and creative ideas, but struggles to be receptive to the editing/commenting component of the writing process. Revising his work for a stronger final piece has also been @ [challenge for him, [Comment 2: October 2015 is averaging 84% on his writing probes. We used the literature letters from Mr. Ernd’s class to track progress. He followed the rubric and provided the information that the teacher requested in the paper. He did receive assistance from his associate. When asked to complete a writing prompt on his own, he scored 33% on the rubric. ‘Comment 3: January 2016 averages 63% on the 6 Traits of Writing Rubric. This includes support from the associate. He has been moved to a basic English class for 2nd semester. [Comment 4: March 2076 (spring 9th grade): [ie curently averaging 46% on the 6 Traits of Writing Rubric. fist Report:_05/26/2015 2nd Report: 10/26/2015 SrdReport:_O1/15/2016__4th Report:_03/01/2016 [By 3/26/16, when given classroom expectations will scores 02% on the attached classroom rubric (3: Independent, 2: Adult Prompted, 1: Unable to comply/demonstrate) scoring his abiity to follow directions the 1st time Jasked, having only items that belong to him, completing classroom work appropriately, putting papers in folders/being [organized, being focused on instruction, and keeping hands to self. Progress Code: 1st Report:_1 2nd Report:__1 3rd Report:_3. 4th Report:_2 (Comment 1: May 26, 2016 (End of ath grade): is currently averaging 99% on the attached behavior rubric. Goal will be maintained as he transitions to oth grade. [Comment 2: October 2015 (9th grade, Fall) is averaging 97% (actual scores: 97, 97, 98, 96, 98) on the attached behavior rubric. (Comment 3: January 2016 (Sth grade, end of frst semester): is averaging 92% (actual scores: 90, 94, 91, 92, 64) on the attached behavior rubric. [Comment 4: March 2076 (spring 8th grade): s averaging 91.5% on the attached behavior rubric. [ast Report: ‘2nd Report: 3rd Report: 4th Report [By 3/26/16, when given classroom math assessments, wil independently score 85% for 4 consecutive data collection periods. Progress Code: __tst Report: ‘2nd Report: ‘3rd Report: 4th Report: [Comment 4: [Comment 2: (Comment. [Comment 4: > Tn goa pas boon mat ogress has boos made lowetce he goal. sppear thatthe goal wil be mat by the time he IEP reviewed ogress has been made owerds te goal bute goal may na be mat by te te the IEP i reviewes ogress not utient to mest ths gos by be tm te IP i evewed.Iatvcsona!sratoges wl be changed. {= Your end didnot work on ts gal during bs epering period (rowce an explanation tthe parents) Progress Codes Copies: School, AEA, Parent(s) July 1, 2015

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