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Assessment Plan

This assessment plan has been created for an 8th grade Dance 2A
class. The gender make up is about 50/50 with girls and boys. There
are 20 students in the class, which is a relatively small class size for
the dance department. In this class there are no special education
students, and the class as a whole is generally on-task. There are
about 5 gifted and talented students, but they interact well with others
and focus attentively.
The assessments given in my class will all be informal. Most
assessments will be performance/participation based: a student will
perform the provided task and based on their participation will receive
a grade. From the performance I can watch and gather information on
what students have understood and what students have not
understood. From here, I can choose to address the issues on a classwide or individual basis. Because what I see will inform my future
instruction, this is also a type of formative assessment.
I will assess participation in a variety of ways. The first way I will
assess participation is by students being on time in block formation,
dressed out, and no gum in their mouths. Points will be subtracted
from the student for lateness, not dressing out, and chewing gum.
Additionally, I will do 5-7 walk abouts every week where I will take
marks for participation. While walking around students will get points
taken away for off-task behaviors, off-task conversations, and not

working cohesively as a group. These participation scores will be added

up for a score that is imputed weekly into the grade book.

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