Field Experience

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Robyn Jackson

Mr. Jamison 4th Grade Science and Math

February 16, 2016 8:30am

TLWBAT: Use multiplication, division, and figures to determine whether a fraction is equivalent. (Math)
TLWBAT: Distinguish the difference between inherited trait and an acquired trait. (Science)
This is my first day at Brookdale as a teacher candidate, I was nervous coming into the classroom. I was
assigned to fourth grade and two different teachers. Mr. L. Jamison and Mrs. M. Wright. I am unaware of the
students names and their different personalities. Right now, I am attending the math and science class with Mr.
Jamison. They are going over there daily starter, moreover he is going group to group interacting with the students. A
student was trying to cheat by taking a picture of another student paper, in result of him cheating the IPad was taken
away. Mr. Jamison is using a video to show students to how to solve fractions. I guess because he is a male teacher
he is not as affectionate as a female teacher. Bell Ringers
1. James went to a store and picked up 452 packs of chicken. There are 24 pieces of chicken in each pack.
How many pieces of chicken does he have?
a. The children used a box method to answer the question and came up the answer 10,848.
2. Write 5 equivalent fractions foe .
a. 5/10
b. 6/12
c. 2/4
d. 3/6
e. 7/14

March 23, 2016 10:00

Mr. Jamisons science class came in quietly and grab their notebooks, then they proceed to do their daily starter. Mr.
Jamison has all his classes set up in groups depending their strengths in the classroom. At this moment he stepped
out of the class to take a couple of students to the front office and left a student to write down names. The student

actual did a good job at keep the names track of those who were speaking. When Mr. Jamison stepped back in the
classroom, and found out who was talking. I observed that children do not like to get in trouble by themselves and
tend to tell on their peers. The teacher tends to sing to help himself not to yell. I think this group is calmer than the
other group.
April 7, 2016
Today in Mr. Jamisons class, we were reviewing with the students for the standardized statewide test that are
approaching. The children were broken up into groups based on the number they were given (1-4). Each group had a
team leader and a person in the group that was going to work out the problem. When the problem was placed on the
board the groups worked together to get the answers, write the answer on the dry erase board, and hold it up together
before the other groups. If the problem was correct the group gained a point, if wrong they lost a point. Overall, it
was just a simple review game that the students enjoyed. As being fourth graders, I expected them to fuss and argue
with each other, but one student was fussed at for making the other student cry. As the game went on, it was
intervened because Mr. Jamisons unexpected guess stopped by to see the students and give them some motivational
talk for testing. The students and I actually had a little bit of bonding time together. I asked them questions like what
were their
April 14, 2016
Today in Mr. Jamison class, student teachers from Claflin University were teaching the students the scientific
method. The class interacted well with them and it was a learning experience to see other teach the students and their
reaction. To end the lesson, the student teacher ended it by letting them do an online game with their IPad.
Afterward, Mr. Jamison toke over and spoke to the class until it was time to leave. Overall, my last day was sad
because I had really enjoyed this class and their different personalities. When it was time for me to leave, I hugged
all the students goodbye and gave them a mini motivational speech. To show my appreciation I passed out candy to
the class with a special note.

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