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Art Subject:

Visual Art

Time duration:

1-2 hours

Learning Focus/ Links to


Students are making and responding to artwork.

Creating persuasive text.
Develop and apply techniques and processes when
making their artworks (ACAVAM115)
Explore ideas and practices used by artists, including
practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists,
to represent different views, beliefs and opinions
Explain how visual arts conventions communicate
meaning by comparing artworks from different social,
cultural and historical contexts, including Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander artworks (ACAVAR117)

Assessment Strategies:


Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and

persuasive print and multimodal texts, choosing text
structures, language features, images and sound
appropriate to purpose and audience (ACELY1704)
Are the students explaining how visual art
conventions are being communicated in the
given painting? Gaining kowledge and
understanding of Aboriginal paintings
identfiying symbols and exploring it in their
own artworks? Do they understand the
features of a persuasive text? Have they
used the appropriate language and
This activity provides opportunity for
formative assessment and/or summative
Internet access

Laptops or workbooks

Computer/projector screen or printed

handouts with the Aboriginal symbols
and Old Mans Fighting Dream

Modifications/ Adjustments:

Newspaper to cover desks for

Art Aprons (to avoid paint on clothes)



Paint brushes
You may decide to produce a
PowerPoint discussing Aboriginal Art
Review design elements and
Provide examples of work for students
particularly visual learners so they
have an aim and an idea of what the
finished product will look like.
Simplify questions for lower level
Ask students to present their
persuasive speech to the class.

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