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What form can workplace bullying take, and what should you do if you experience bullying?

(slide 44)
Inform your supervisor or someone you can trust.

Read the Duties of Employees on slides 50 51, and provide an example for 2 of the points. *
What is an advantage of having a Health and Safety Representative or Committee in a
workplace? (slide 52)
-co-operating with the employer on health and safety matters.
-following health and safety instructions provided by the employer
-correctly using personal protective equipment and clothing

What are the first and second steps to resolving a health and safety issue? (slide 54)
Report the issue and resolve it
If you cant resolve an OHS issue with your employer what is the next step to take? (slide
Isolate the issue and await further instructions

An * denotes that the answer is not directly provided in the PowerPoint.

Health and safety at work is
responsibility. (slide 13)

What is your employer responsible for? (slide 13)

making sure that the workplace is safe, and that your health and safety are not put at risk.
What are you responsible for? (slide 13)
Your own safety and those who are around you
Why do you think younger workers are more at risk of injury? State at least 2 reasons.
(slide 14) *
They are not as experienced
They might not ask for help
What are the 3 steps to fixing a hazard? (slide 15)
-Spot the hazard, Assess the risk, Make the changes
What is a hazard? (slide 15)
Hazards are things in the workplace that can put you/others around you in danger, such as things
you can trip on, or not wearing PPE.
State 2 examples of a hazard. (slide 17)
Faulty machinery
What does assessing a hazard involve? (slide 18)

Whose responsibility is it to fix a hazard? (slide 19)

Yours and/or the employer's.
List the 6 ways you can make a change to fix a hazard. (slide 20 and 21)
Spot the hazard,Assess the risk,Make the changes
Slide 22 24, match the pictures to the words.
1-E, 2-PPE, 3-Sub, 4-Safe, 5-I, 6-Instructing
State 3 types of manual handling injuries. (slide 25)
Back injury
Pulled muscles
Broken bones
State 3 ways to reduce the risk of manual handling. (slide 26)
Lighten loads, use mechanical assistance, Ask for help
What are 3 warning signs of hearing loss? (slide 30)
difficulty hearing others, asking others to repeat themselves,
Have ringing in your ears
Noise in the workplace should be around what range of decibels? (slide 30)
Ranges from 60+ past 85 needs ear protection
Electric shock occurs when . ? (slide 32)
Electric shock happens when a person becomes part of an electrical circuit and the current flows
through their body.

How might people suffer from an electric shock in a work environment (State 3 ways)? State
3 ways to prevent electric shock in a work environment. *
Follow instructions, ask for help, check measurements.
-Can occur from miscalculating things and not doing the job correctly.
Who is the only person allowed to perform electrical work? (slide 33)
Only licensed electrical workers can legally do electrical work
What type of mechanical equipment can be found in a work environment that might cause
injury? State at least 3 types of equipment. State 3 ways to prevent injury caused by
mechanical equipment in a work environment. (slide 35) *
Make sure the guards are fitted correctly, PPE is worn and nothing can be tangled in the machinery.
What are the 2 different types of safety tags that can be used? (slide 39)
Danger tags and Out of service tags
What is stress and how do people feel when they are experiencing stress? (slide 43)
Usually people who are stressed feel a sense of loss of control over their lives, or that they can't

What are 2 things a person can do to help stress? (slide 43)

Talk to others to help relieve stress, keep fit and healthy.

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