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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?


Jill Lyn Rooks

ITEC 7410, Semester: SU 2014

ESSENTIAL CONDITION ONE: Effective Instructional Uses of Technology Embedded in Standards-Based,

Student-Centered Learning
ISTE Definition: Use of information and communication technology (ICT) to facilitate engaging approaches to learning.
Guiding Questions:
How is technology being used in our school? How frequently is it being used? By whom? For what purposes?
To what extent is student technology use targeted toward student achievement of the Georgia Learning Standards (GPSs,
To what extent is student technology use aligned to research-based, best practices that are most likely to support student
engagement, deep understanding of content, and transfer of knowledge? Is day-to-day instruction aligned to research-based
best practices? (See Creighton Chapters 5, 7)
Morning broadcast is
Internet often goes
Each grade level has
Band-width cannot
streamed via Safari
down .
access to a wireless cart
support the systems
with a full class set of
technology usage.
Technology is not used
Teachers utilize Google
Teachers are reluctant to
as frequently as it could

resources such as Gmail
be (laptop carts go
on a daily basis.
system has
implemented Bring
Information is relayed
Technology is used as a
Appropriate staff
Your Own Devise
to staff via SchoolCast
processing opportunity
development programs
and Remind.
rather than high level
are not implemented to
enhance technology
All classroom teachers
skills. (Creighton, p.48)
are provided a



Time and classroom

Promethean Board.
been formed to better
and practice rather than
management concerns
Digital Newsletters are
real-world problem
deter teachers from
sent out monthly.
implementing and
Computerized web(Creighton,
learning new
based programs for
Technology is used
remediation and
In 2011-2012, CMS was
more for staff than
acceleration including
identified as a Focus
practice and previewing
Title I School due to the
new material:

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

Classworks, Moby
Math, Rosetta Stone,
Renaissance Learning,
etc. (CMS SIP)
Several teachers use
technology to
implement higher level
thinking such as that to
appeal to constructivist
learning. (Creighton).
Differentiation occurs
within each classroom
to account for
differences in academic
levels of students;
grouping is flexible and
students may either be
remediated or
accelerated based upon
their performance.

gap between our highest

and lowest performing
subgroups, that being
White subgroup and the
Students with
Disabilities subgroup.

Summary/Gap Analysis:
As evident from the strengths, Carrollton Middle School recognized the importance of using technology. Most teachers integrate
technology in some way to increase student achievement in mastering both the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards and
Georgia Performance Standards. However, while teachers understand the importance of a digital driven generation, most are not using
technology regularly to support research driven practices. The constructivist approach is often not evident.
Technology is readily available; however, it seems to be used more for teacher-led instruction and communication than studentcentered learning. Most lessons available in Rubicon Atlas Curriculum Mapping, technology components are not included, or are very
minimal. Due to the limited resources, technology use is basic. Technological advanced teachers are branching off to explore new
technologies which will serve as a support for current and future practices.
Data Sources:

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?
Carrollton City Schools. (2014). Retrieved June 20, 2014, from http://www.carrolltoncityschools.net
Creighton, T. (2003). The principal as technology leader. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.


ISTE Definition: Proactive leadership in developing a shared vision for educational technology among school personnel, students,
parents, and the community.
Guiding Questions:
Is there an official vision for technology use in the district/school? Is it aligned to research-best practices? Is it aligned to
state and national visions? Are teachers, administrators, parents, students, and other community members aware of the vision?
To what extent do teachers, administrators, parents, students, and other community members have a vision for how technology
can be used to enhance student learning? What do they believe about technology and what types of technology uses we should
encourage in the future? Are their visions similar or different? To what extent are their beliefs about these ideal, preferred
technology uses in the future aligned to research and best practice?
To what extent do educators view technology as critical for improving student achievement of the GPS/QCCs? To preparing
tomorrows workforce? For motivating digital-age learners?
What strategies have been deployed to date to create a research-based shared vision?
What needs to be done to achieve broad-scale adoption of a research-based vision for technology use that is likely to lead to
improved student achievement?
The schools current
There is not an official
A STEM committee has
Teachers are unsure of
vision can easily
vision for technology
been formed to better
what technologies to
include technology with
implement STEM into
use to be effective
a little revision.
the classrooms.
Technology is scarcely
BYOD is implemented


Teachers and school

addressed in the SIP,
and administration
basically only being
Technology specialist
system cannot keep up
encourages teachers to
mentioned as a skill and
has been assigned to
with the ever increasing
use it.
drill resources and some
CMS to help teachers,
availability of
Most teachers view
serve students.
Most teachers are
The pressure to
digital learning as the
Team leaders have been
next generations
unaware of the NETS
demonstrate student

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

Parents are mostly
willing to encourage
technology use if they
have the means to
provide it.

There arent specific
lessons via Rubicon
Atlas Curriculum
Mapping that pinpoint
technology use. (CMS
Few teachers can serve
as leaders in the
technology movement
due to lack of

encouraged to add tried

and proven technology.

growth in regards to
standardized tests leads
teachers to abandon
new technology lessons
for tried known lessons.

Summary/Gap Analysis:
Carrollton Middle school has the underlying vision to use technology to promote learning. The school follows the School
Improvement Plan, however with very limited mention of technology; the use of technology is not definite. Most teachers are unaware
there are NETs standards, and have few skills related to technology to implement them.. The schools, parents, students, understand
and support the use of technology in schools, however lack of training is provided to and education in using it.
Many resources are available, however, until the technology is included into the SIP and teachers are trained on not only what is
available, but also how to use it, many teachers will not use it effectively. Professional development needs to be aligned with current
technologies available, and how to use them effectively to increase student-centered learning.
Data Sources:
Carrollton City Schools. (2014). Retrieved June 20, 2014, from http://www.carrolltoncityschools.net
Rubicon Atlas. (2014). Carrollton City Schools. Retrieved from http://carrolltoncityschoolspublic.rubiconatlas.org/Atlas/Search/View/Default.

ESSENTIAL CONDITION THREE: Planning for Technology

ISTE Definition: A systematic plan aligned with a shared vision for school effectiveness and student learning through the infusion of

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?
ICT and digital learning resources.
Guiding Questions:
Is there an adequate plan to guide technology use in your school? (either at the district or school level? Integrated into SIP?)
What should be done to strengthen planning?
The SIP is specific with
There is no technology
A STEM committee has
There is no designated
goals, just that it doesnt
plan in place.
been formed that can
shared vision so it is
include technology.
difficult to go forth with
BYOD has not been
technology plan.
plans until it is it is
The system just gained

charter school status so
implemented due to
Teachers are reluctant to
higher standards are
lack of training.
to use.
try new technological
Teachers often do not
Administration is open
advances unless a plan
New Flex Classes have
attempt the use of
to teachers requesting
is in place.
been added to the
technology, or abandon
certain technology tools
schedule to meet the
it quickly.
if they can show how
needs of students.
they would be used and
how they would benefit
The school recently
changed its email
system to Gmail so now
teachers can utilize
Google resources more
Summary/Gap Analysis:
Carrollton Middle School does not have a Technology Plan in place, which is hindering educational progress and growth.
Technology should be included in the SIP plan, as it creates a more balance learning environment reaching the digital age generation.
Collaboration within subject areas would allow feedback and ideas to be shared to further include technology in the lessons. Using
GoogleDrive would not only help with technology collaboration, but would also create a platform to share resources with students as
The STEM committee will be working with creating STEM lessons to be included in curriculum studies, but they are limited to
their involvement in the technology plan. A committee focused clearly on the technology plan would be beneficial to not only the
students, but the teachers as well. Creating a technology plan would enforce the viewed importance of technology in todays
generation. Due to the recent status change to a charter school, a committee should be formed and a school technology plan should be

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?
created in the first year of charter school status.
Data Sources:


ISTE Definition: Robust and reliable access to current and emerging technologies and digital resources.
Guiding Questions:
To what extent do students, teachers, administrators, and parents have access to computers and digital resources necessary to
support engaging, standards-based, student-centered learning?
To what extent is technology arrange/distributed to maximize access for engaging, standards-based, student-centered
What tools are needed and why?
Do students/parents/community need/have beyond school access to support the vision for learning?
Many web-based
It is difficult to create
Parents and students
Many teachers lack
programs are available
BYOD lessons due to
have the opportunity to
skills in order to help
for use at home with the
the varied technologies.
come in to the media
students be successful
use of passwords.
on technology.
Technologies are often
use computers.
Every classroom is
Monitoring multiple
checked out.
Students are able to
equipped with student
devices is difficult
Computer carts are not

Not all parents have

properly maintained not
Most students have
plugged in to recharge,
digital access.
access to electronics
The low number of set
school website/class
outside of school.
Many teachers do not
computers per
Students are allowed to
allow students to use
classroom can hinder
All teachers are
bring devices to school
the technologies.
the use of the
to use on the BYOD
Firewall blocks access
Set location of
to some needed
All school personnel
Students and parents
programs or websites.
classroom student
have access to
computers cannot be
Many activities are
PowerSchool, the
changed, limiting
teacher-led rather than

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

electronic gradebook.
Students can use the
media center computers,
cameras, videos, etc
Programs can be access
if permission is
individuals are provided
technologies specific to
their needs.
Every classroom has an
Elmo image projector.

student led.

Each grade level has a
computer cart.
Each classroom has 4
student computers.
There is one mobile
Promethean Board.
Each classroom has an
installed Promethean

flexibility of grouping.
Students no longer
view Promethean
boards as high
technology, so they can
become disentranced.

Summary/Gap Analysis:
Carrollton Middle school has a wealth of technology resources in which teachers and students have access. The technology is
evenly placed throughout the school with additional technology available to ESOL and SPED students as needed. Parents are afforded
access to the same technologies as the students if they request it during school hours. Some technologies can also be checked out.
Some challenges the school faces is the lack of training for the technology, and the need for monitoring students. Also many
students do not have access to technology outside the classroom. Due to limited storage space on computers, students need to have
flashdrives, which they frequently lose. Multiple devices also lead to technical issues that need to be addressed during class in order
for students to continue working.
Furthermore, while many parents believe technology is important in education, they often do not enforce the importance of
completing projects using technology and view it as playing.
Data Sources:


ISTE Definition: Educators and support staff skilled in the use of ICT appropriate for their job responsibilities.
Guiding Questions:
To what extent are educators and support staff skilled in the use of technology appropriate for their job responsibilities?

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

What do they currently know and are able to do?

What are knowledge and skills do they need to acquire?

(Note: No need to discuss professional learning here. Discuss knowledge and skills. This is your needs assessment for professional
learning. The essential conditions focus on personnel, which includes administrators, staff, technology specialists, and teachers.
However, in this limited project, you may be wise to focus primarily or even solely on teachers; although you may choose to address
the proficiency of other educators/staff IF the need is critical. You must include an assessment of teacher proficiencies.
All teachers are
Many teachers can only
Our Instructional
Often the technology
proficient in using basic
do basic technological
technology coach is
teachers use, fails to
Microsoft Office
available to teach how
work when needed.
to use resources.
Teachers use
Teachers can create and

technology more
development doesnt
read spreadsheets in
efficiently than being
to teach how to use the,
always address what
order to manipulate
able to assist others
for some resources.
teachers need to learn.
with it.
Online video sites such
Time is limited o learn
All teachers have been
Teachers dont know
as YouTube and Vimeo
how to use new
trained on Safari
presentation programs
provide tutorials
outside of the basic
Students can teach the
Teachers can update and
teachers to use new
Many teachers cannot
manage their webpage.
apps and programs.
use the technology to
Teachers know the
integrate lessons, or to
technology is available.
create products.
Summary/Gap Analysis:
Teachers in general have at least some skills in regards to technology. It is apparent that there is a prolific amount of technology
available that the teachers dont have skills to use; therefore they do not use it. Daily use of certain technology creates proficient
users, and many teachers are viewed as advanced.
Teachers need to be provided time and training to use the technology available, which will in essence, make them more able to use
other technology as well. Most teachers would like to know how to do more with technology but due to time restraints, do not pursue
training. Webinars, online tutorials, and support should be provided to teachers in order to use technology effectively and increase
their skills and knowledge. Having these resources available on an as needed basis would increase teacher motivation to learn.

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?
Data Sources:

ESSENTIAL CONDITION SIX: Ongoing Professional Learning

ISTE Definition: Technology-related professional learning plans and opportunities with dedicated time to practice and share ideas.
Guiding Questions:
What professional learning opportunities are available to educators? Are they well-attended? Why or why not?
Are the current professional learning opportunities matched to the knowledge and skills educators need to acquire? (see
Skilled Personnel)
Do professional learning opportunities reflect the national standards for professional learning (NSDC)?
Do educators have both formal and informal opportunities to learn?
Is technology-related professional learning integrated into all professional learning opportunities or isolated as a separate
How must professional learning improve/change in order to achieve the shared vision?
An Instructional
Technology is not a
There is a substantial
Teachers often have a
technology specialist is
focus for professional
budget for professional
negative attitude toward
assigned to the school.
training due to lack of
time to learn and use it.
Grants are offered
State required
recognizes the need for
development does not
through the school for
teachers to have
reflect the NETS
additional professional
development beyond
development. (CMS
what is offered to all.
development dont
Technology is not
necessarily meet the
West GA RESA offers
integrated within
needs of the teachers
Administration allows
professional learning
frequent professional
for peer observation
during the school day.
Little ongoing support
Requests for further
after staff development.
development is usually
granted on an individual

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?
Summary/Gap Analysis:
There are multiple opportunities for teachers to obtain professional development, and adequate resources are provided for the
teachers to implement the training they have received. However due to time restraints and pressure for achievement on standardized
tests, teachers often gain a negative attitude toward professional development. Administration also does not seek the needs of
teachers, as each grade level could have different needs. Instead professional development is all grouped as a school, often leading to
unengaged teachers at these sessions. The teachers and administration need to work together toward a common goal. A technology
plan would better unify the teachers and admin in providing step to reach the goals of the shared vision
A positive is that there is a significant budget to provide teachers with professional development opportunities. Professional
development is provided at no cost to the staff.
Data Sources:


ISTE Definition: Consistent and reliable assistance for maintaining, renewing, and using ICT and digital resources.
Guiding Questions:
To what extent is available equipment operable and reliable for instruction?
Is there tech assistance available for technical issues when they arise? How responsive is tech support? Are current down
time averages acceptable?
Is tech support knowledgeable? What training might they need?
In addition to break/fix issues, are support staff available to help with instructional issues when teachers try to use technology
in the classroom?
Our tech support is
Technology specialists
After being instructed
Students have
reached through an
arent supposed to work
by the tech specialist,
significant knowledge
online request system,
on your technology
teachers can share their
of computers and
organized by priority
without a work order.
understanding with their
change settings.
and importance.
Laptops often do not
If technology fails to
Response time is quick.
Grants and funding can
function properly.
work properly, novice
purchase newer and
Teacher laptops are
Programs must be
more up to date
teachers will not use it.
installed by tech

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

Most equipment in the

school is in working
Teachers who use
technology frequently
are often willing to
Laptop carts are
equipped with programs
individual teachers use.
Media specialists can
often troubleshoot
technology issues.

specialist, which has to

be on work order.

A separate budget is in
place for technology.

Summary/Gap Analysis:
Carrollton City Schools is a large district in which all schools are located on one campus. Carrollton Middle School is just one of
the schools the technical specialist services. While it has the intended result to have technology up and running quickly, in reality the
teachers often have to put in more than one service request due to the demanding tasks necessary to run the school.
A suggestion would be to possibly have someone other than the technology specialist with a password to load common, risk free
items. Teachers can often provide technical support and knowhow but are limited in doing so due accessibility. If at least one teacher
on each hall had access to provide some of the minor services, it would not only cut down on the technology specialist demands, but
would ensure teachers were more eager to use working technology.
Data Sources:


ISTE Definition: Content standards and related digital curriculum resources
Guiding Questions:
To what extent are educators, students, and parents aware of student technology standards? (QCCs/NET-S)

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

Are technology standards aligned to content standards to help teachers integrate technology skills into day-to-day instruction
and not teach technology as a separate subject?
To what extent are there digital curriculum resources available to teachers so that they can integrate technology into the
GPS/QCCs as appropriate?
How is student technology literacy assessed?
Technology standards
Activities are not
Performance Products
If the standards are not
are listed in Rubicon
included to use the
rather than standard
clearly in the
Atlas Curriculum
NET-S listed in Atlas.
assessments lend
technology plan,
teachers will not
Teachers are not aware
implement them.
Some ebooks are
of the NET-S standards.


If teachers arent aware

Student technology
is creating multiple
there are standards then
Online digital
literacy is not assessed.
lessons across the
they cant be active
curriculum planning
Common Core still has
learners and users of the
Teachers recently
limited quality digital
technology within them.
graduated or in graduate
studies seem more
aware of the NET-S and
open to use the
technology available to
reach the goals.
Teachers using the
NET-S are often willing
to share their ideas and

Summary/Gap Analysis:
The system is transitioning in with new assessments and new guidelines centered on the Common Core Georgia Performance
Standards, which are assessed by student growth. They are also planning and adjusting the schedules and programs with having
newly acquiring the charter school status. While there is a lot at stake, with change, it would be a good time to implement a
technology plan that includes teachers being aware of the standards.
While the curriculum and lessons are located in Atlas, teachers seemingly are not aware of the technology standards to be
integrated into the curriculum. Many teachers and even administrators dont realize there are both NET-Student and NET-Teacher

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?
standards. Integrating the NET-S into the lesson plans and delivery should be required, and assessed. While the district supports
technology, not enough is being done to make sure teachers are given the training and education needed to implement them. The
school as a whole should provide time to the staff to understand the presence if the NET-S and be instructed to include them in their
instructional methods.
Data Sources:
Rubicon Atlas. (2014). Carrollton City Schools. Retrieved from http://carrolltoncityschoolsrublic.rubiconatlas.org/Atlas/Search/View/Default.

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?
Appendix A
Technology Planning Project Survey
1 How long have you been teaching?
o This is my first year
o 1-5 years
o 6-10 years
o More than 10 years
2. How would you rate your comfort level in using educational technology?
o Not comfortable at all
o Novice- I need guidance and how-to steps still
o Proficient- I am familiar enough that it works for me
o Advanced I am completely at ease and couldnt teach without it
3. How would you rate your skill level in using educational technology?
o I dont use technology
o Novice- I only use what I have to, to get by
o Proficient- I can complete most technology tasks without assistance
o Advanced- I could help others
4. In a normal week what is the rate of student use of technology in the classroom:
o Seldom or never
o 2 4 times a week
o Everyday
o Its always an option
5. In the past school year, have you had your students complete a technology rich project
that involved problem-solving or creating something?
o Yes
o No

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?
6. Do you feel students are able to complete work more efficiently and/or effectively when
using available technology?
o Yes
o No (please explain)
7. Are you familiar with using social media platforms such as Edmodo or Evernote in your
o No, what is a social media platform?
o Ive heard of them but dont know what they are
o I know people who use them at my school but I dont
o I use one in my classroom.
8. In communicating with parents and students do you use:
(Check ALL that apply).
o paper/phone communication
o email
o Apps such as Remind!
o Teacher website, wiki, or blog
o Social Network sites (Edmodo, Facebook, etc.)
o other (please list) _______________________

9. In the past 3 years, how many professional development opportunities regarding

technology and the implementation of, have you been:
(Workshops at the school, workshops in the district, online workshop, conferencing, one on one with
a coach, etc.)
A. Offered to take

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?
o None
o 1-5
o 6-10
o 11-15 hours
o Too many to count
B. Taken
o None
o 1-5
o 6-10
o 11-15 hours
o Too many to count

What kind of supports, options and/or opportunities could be provided that would
help ensure that you can increase your skills in implementing in a successful meaningful
manner? (ex: more classes, more instruction, more guidance, more examples, more
technology, etc) Be candid.

(Optional) Please describe how your students typically use technology in your classroom. Give

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