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Lesson: Earth Science

This is an Earth Science Lesson for the students portfolio. Lesson will be done in ASL, Signed English, and spoken English. Attention will be given
to sign production and correctness, vocabulary development, and correct speech articulation.
Essential/Guiding Questions
What are Earth Resources?
What are the names of things we find on Earth?
Where are they found?
Are they man made or natural?
How can they help us?
What are they used for?
Learning Objectives
Define, describe, and explain earth materials
Recognize that there are a variety of earth materials (e.g., rocks, soil, pebbles, water, and sand)
Identify an object as natural or man-made
Students will be able to:
Identify specific earth materials by picture or tangible object
Utilize the internet to look up related vocabulary words
Identify and label/name the materials in sign, speech, and print
Draw the materials
Recognize the materials in the environment.
Describe what the material is used for in the environment
Why is the material important?
Tennessee State Standards
Content Standard: Earth Science: The student will investigate the properties, uses, and conservation of Earth Resources
Alternate Learning Expectation (ALE): ES. 4A. Recognize that there are a variety of earth materials which have basic observable and measurable
Alternate Performance Indicators (API)
1. Recognize that there are a variety of earth materials (e.g., rocks, soil, pebbles, water, and sand)
2. Identify an object as natural or man-made

Vocabulary written, read, spoken, and signed

Earth, science, materials, resources, observe, measurable, man-made, natural, dirt/soil, sand, rocks, pebbles, and water.
Use the online picture dictionary to look up vocabulary words from our worksheet
Make Pretest
Make worksheets MODIFY
Find materials for Earth Resources/Materials Nature Walk
Materials for book
Make Post test
Exit ticket activity (planting)
White Board
Crayons/colored pencils
Construction paper
Camera - pictures
Collection of earth materials dirt/soil, rocks, sand, pebbles, and water
Instructional Procedures
Part 1 - Introducing Earth Resources/Earth Materials/Nature Walk
Pretest Handout worksheet packet.
Define - on their own? (First time no help, second time ASL and Signed English and speech) ***
What are Earth Resources?
What are Earth Materials?
Can they name (write, say, or sign) some Earth Materials on the list from written/sign choices?
Can they identify (write, say or sign) from a picture?
***Record Data

Vocabulary look up
Earth, science, materials, resources, observe, measurable, man-made, natural, dirt/soil, sand, rocks, pebbles, and water.
Use the online picture dictionary to look up vocabulary words from our worksheet
Practice spelling, writing, saying, and signing
Discuss and write descriptions on the worksheet
Earth Materials Walk (outside)
Identifying and collecting Earth Resources
Look for our vocabulary words in our environment
Find materials and collect samples
Take pictures
Part 2 - Group Discussion and Writing - Critical Thinking Activity (inside)
Review vocabulary
Discuss nature walk
Discuss our samples -man made or natural?
Where can they be found?
What are they used for?
How do they help us?
How are they the same/different?
How do they feel, smell, look etc?
Fill in appropriate boxes on worksheet.
Creative Activity
Create an Earth Materials book (individual)
Directions- draw and identify collected samples, using the right color and correct spelling. (mostly on their own (I will assist with
interpreting and prompt them to ask each other for help.)
Cut and sort pictures
Match the written label with the object they drew and paste with the pictures we took from the Materials Walk.
Glue samples of the materials on the paper ( if possible)
Name and Date on book? Correct spelling of vocabulary?
Conclusion/Post Test
(Redo pretest with additional questions)
Define in your own words and give examples
What is Earth Resources?
What are Earth Materials?

Can they name (write, say, or sign) some Earth Materials from memory? Matching/sorting test?
Can they identify (write, say or sign) from a picture?
What are they used for?
Are they man made or from mature?
Record Data
Exit Ticket/Activity
Identify vocabulary and explain the lessons activities expressively and receptively through print, picture, speech, sign while planting a flower in a jar
using Earths Resources. Then the flower will be given as a thanksgiving present for their family.
Students Diverse Needs
Formative/Summative Assessment
Formative Students will show understanding during the lesson by answer questions and giving examples in various communication
Summative o Post-test written, signed, and oral answers from memory onto worksheet and matching/sorting test.
o Planting flower while labeling earth materials and answering questions.
Data Analysis and Reflection on Planning/Instruction; Plans for Re-teaching (as applicable)
Based on data collection of classwork and a pretest, the students formative and summative assessments results determine additional
steps needed for mastery of this objective and standard.

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