Takiya - Entry From The Encyclopaedia of Islam, New Edition

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it ‘TSKIDDA — TAKIVYA, on who ive in «tented camp and was described By Ton Bata ae a Bere a Khaldon decree Takidda a a meeting place fo pigs Gorn fd afin and says that ira exchanged git with the anfs of he Mzab and of Warga (Heptins and Levon, Capas, 306, 338-9, His sing of Takia (sarouly twenty of seventy days teste south and t0 the west of Warghla) indicates ome confision with Tadmadat, a Berber town in ‘Aap Tfras, some 250 km/150 miles north of Gao, though there ie Hide doubt ha his description of he place actualy refers to. Tak ‘Other sours portray Taba as haunt of seal AESe'd Ten aid (ed. O. Houdas, Pars T88, 6}, menvons it as a place where some sche ars fled, 875/14741, 10 ecape the persecution of ‘Sunni ‘AIT of Songhay,Abmad Baba Ain! afb, 330-2, 935, 348) records that alMaghit (g) aught these ea. 1890, and gies boographies of evo eh Tet ‘century scholars who bear the aie “ak Tali SMABD b. Muhammad al-Anusammant 955/1588) nd abNagib b. Mubammad (afer 1604/1595), “The precise location of Tabidés has been a subs ject of tapute, ‘ot leat because there are several Kocatons which have “Tagidda” as an element of thelr names: TagildanTaent tor Tagiddaen-Tesoam, "al (he sal”, TagiddecTagait Cot the dour. palms") fd TaghddaneAdrap Co the mountain” all to the west of Agades. At the fst of these sa is extracted fn regular bass, leading Lote to suggest that Ton ‘Bay's account of copper production shou be read sr lt production, More recently has heen demon= Stated that Azelie fometimeseeered to a Tagigds. ars "the fet Tagla” according to Dj. Haman, ‘ia BBL, 98, some 25 km TS males northeast OF TagiddieneTsemt, locaton neae which copper ‘was smelted over many centuries. Te ecm likely that [Ruel war che location wted by Thm Bott, and that i war dhe principal scdement of mall Sha ply, Knows tothe enteral world sap a8 Tai, Tins genera picure seems contrmed by the teport of the Genvede merchast Mallat visting wie in 1447, eho mentioned “Theda, which compres one prosiore and thee bso "The history of Takes ie sketchy. Abad Babs (Ala emul in Muara Bell, [gh amy London 1951, 15) says i was founded by Sanhadja, and these ma well have been members ofthe Masa (who seed in several Saharan fing lcaion (Walaa, ‘Timbukw and perhaps Gao) inthe Sth? eh-l2th centuries, ther descendants would be the lesan, ‘ow considered a Tuareg group. Mal probably exe ‘Goed uzerainy over Tada nthe BUh/T40h century foce Ibo Kalin in Gore 336, 339, governing it indirectly through its sullen, Te was destroyed in svar with Agades inc. 1561, For more than two ce tories, however, i had played an important ole in trade between Noch Affca ard Hausland, and be- tween the Nie Bend and Ep. dad ped copper to Hawaland and Born, asd perhaps {BP ou ae Hee R’ Many in 7. He Se Nar, 3 1962}, 393.5, Jibgraiy: N. Lesion and JP, Hopkin, Gapas of ary Arabic ses for Wet Ace stay, Grttdee T0010 Abed Bb alti No lib bespieafiag, Cairo 1351/1932; Ch Se Roncire, La domme de Mie ov mane de ‘apse pra, Cairo 192527, 16) Ueuer of Antonius Maltinte, Engl wis G. Crone, The way of Cadaose aah, dbeats on western Apia te sod haf of he XVB cay, London 1687 (Habluyt Soc, second series, LI, 85:00), M. Conicr,Tedewicemt in La gigophie” xsi (250), 158.64, M. Abadi, La coli digo, 1927, 27547; K Mauny, Table tinct sane mes gy Dakar 1961, 150-41; H. Chote, Recess Tala in BIEWN, ov (1972), 428. 20; FUT, Noes, The Tans: ther Lilie Ua end “i ifision se Sol, Warminster 1975, 38-40, RR. Bucalle, Tales ays dca, Bl int fangs Eigen, os (197), 71977 8. Bers ‘and P. Goulequee, Du eure ot sin J Sse des Acris, abi (1976), 7458, 8. Berm, Dwr Typhi, rection ot press eer iia Cea Tale (gin N Behar (od, Miles ‘gains, Paris 1983, 153-71; Do Haman, cr ‘ior Sodon ede Bae sla ary de Tiyan, Namey 1969 (Eudes Nigenennes, no. 33) 95-109, 187-96. Bernus and P. Greer feds) {La sgn din Gal Tega n Tem Nee te, Act Toledo Pipl sseaoe miele (= suds nigiviennes $1), Niamey 1991 (JO. Heswen TTAKIVYA (4), alo ade’, lat tated and as spradeace, fear Gee if, sx, ark, Beat 1956, x0) 401-4; TH, x, 3968) and als, to ate "revealing, spreading information", denotes dispensing with the ordinances of religion jn cases. of constraint and when there isa possibility of harm. "The Karn itself aoids the question of sulleing in the came of religion in dogmates by adopting = Docettsaladon fara TV, 136) and in every by the figs and by. allowing in case of need. the nil ofthe faith XV, 108), sendship veh unbe- livers (ID, 2) and ehe eating offre Toads (V 11 V, 31. This point of sew 3 general in lam Buc, as Mubammad at the same Gime asserted he proclamation of his mon to be duty and hed tp the heroic example of the anceat saute and the Drophess as a model (V, 71; Ill 40; ete), no dee Ite general rule came to be lak. down, not even with the separate sects Minor questions whith are ‘ery filly dicused, are whether lake i simply permed alleviation through God's indulgence (rb) fr a dy iis necesary in the iterest of the come ‘muni. “ekiye was never rejected even by the extreme swing of the set Kirgites (ys) although among the Aaraks inthe felted question of divine worship ‘when danger threatens (alfa hay [gz], often fGven a an example that one should not inerrant the alt eves i his horse or his money be stlen From him during it. The advice is alteady ol: “Goo sve the believes feeedom of movement ta’) by fake; therefore conceal thysell™ The principle dope ted by the Ibid, however, was chit “iaiya is a cloak fr the beer he has no eligi who har no taknpe™ (Djumayyi, inks dos, wi, 127-8) “Among the Suni authories the quesion wa not such’ buming one. Nevertheless, aTabatl says on Sra XVI, 108 (Tab, Balik 1525, xa, 1225 Il any ‘ne compel and profes unbei wih his congue, eile his heare contradic him, in order t escape Bs enemies, no blame falls on him, because God takes hi servants ae their hears believe”. The reo- ton for tis verse ie unanimously sail to have been the exe of "Ammar b. Yar [ga], whose conscience ese set at ext by thie rwlaton whem he a wor Tied shout his freed worshiping of ils and bjure tation of the Prophet Ie is more in the nature of ‘TaKIVvA hes sprcation, when in hi conection the question of Ina aint vestigate, tht in cer Rn creumsanes eg: thet of death 4 Afukin whe Cannot five openly profesing his ith may have ‘migrate “since Gon earth wie”. Women chen, Imaids and show who ated by eomsestons lor them, are permited mua comnance”| bat am inependent india! snot used in ake nor und to hig ifthe. compision remains within ‘endurable Bis, a inthe cate of Temporary Sipe ‘iment of Hoging which does not res in death ‘The endesoun, however, to represent apa a oly at mort permited and not ur all creomtanecs ‘higaory, a cren sone Sunas cea to oid fon the bai of ra I 9, han rete in the inven Son of admonitions eg al Lama to br god Ice wah unbeber the beng cf sca enbelt™,To prove that stead marge dom a noble thing, the story tok of the wo Misti priones of Rlusylina [gs], one of whom Awe Rr wo be freed to acne the an Prophet, while the her sed forthe Propet. The Aue repored to have asd: “The dead man has ‘parted hr ghtowsose and cerainy Of ee fant has ataned Re gry, peace be wit Min? Bot God tase the other ah alleiaton, no. pushy tent shal fl pon i m “ati is above all of special sigiiconce for the Shits Tnderd ts cosdeed thr disingoshing fe tute, oe However abvays wh sic, ae Nagra SUTAG in the Teddy a Algheel proces puna al Rat ee i commentary Mahal gar a atadis tua rua, Caro 1529/1905, 181-2. The Peculiar fate of the Shi'a. that of suppressed minor Fry with occasional open but net abvays nero re lon, gave then even more than the. Katies casons and examples for exteme ting aids ‘ery opposite: even the finds, woualy masters in the ar of agus their cre made the challenge to ie leaden “He wo has 40 men at Ri pod fd doesnot sek his igh is no mar”. The Zayed | ire a among the camber af helpers who remove | fhe neces of tai from the Imam, tha of thse tse fought at Badr Ii 2 common polemical charge Sf the Stns, quoted fom the seinen of the Shi Uherseves thatthe later, a awe of hing mate ‘yr are not jusiied in employing tas we the Tocivers, in paricaar, while repesening the Inds ss examples compel one to reste nes, appeal. on the other hand to the conse of Alt daring the eri fof the thce fist caliph and to the ppb of the Mahar as examples of taie. Bee is expeesed by hear tongue, and. hand theory of probe, developed wih considerable dialectic sk, caleultes funder what eal or expected jun “the permiting twat pleasing tv Go and the forbidding of hat 5s dpleasing to Grad can be dispensed with; Obsen= ance with the hear i always snttely necessary But IT considered 36 probable to anyone (lan ghalae “ai gana oi hei erin sat an ijary wl befall im, his property or one of his co-ignins, then eis released foot dhe oligaon to fight for the faith wath hand or tong Tn Shr biogeaphin concealment isa rgular fae fare we ate ta that the hero rake the Iwo rele fon ke the prokibtion of wine under compulson, Sad this snot always reported as exeeable, Bu ince far them ala Muhammad is the Prophet aad sie 6 among. the Sunnis a prophet may ot practice latina in mates of his office, Ixcante there one could not be erin of the revelation, we have, In| ss, View of the double example of dhe Tnaims, in the ode of moras foe the ordinary pious men of the Shi'a, the following sayings of ‘At in joxtaposton: tis the mark of ele to prefer wo practi justice cen if injtes you rather than ijuntce wen i Bor we w you" and as an explanation of stra XLIX, 13: "He among you tho te nest honoured before’ God isthe most fear (of God that i, he sho wes lmao elon = ahr fina Sind it ake ssid "APtoan four iad”, but at ‘he same time the chapter on dik See wo be read tvah the impli undersanding thatthe Sighting it peimarly agains ole Muska: 18 aso 0 be noted {hat the tape of the Shits not 9 voluntary deal (cE Khransit, Rendor of gama, ‘Tehran 1306/18, {sy 66-7, but one should avoid. a marr that Seems unnecessary and usees and preserve oneself forthe faith and one's colgonse In any ease, because of thei atachment to tas, the Shi" have devoted mero erie to ke Thr Inet Phra 40S a 1160R3. ies ali of wre 26 epistles and other works, including (I) the Rf ‘Hating ta Teds of Abw "-Muaddal al Shaybant SUK (387/007) (2) the Tato of ‘AI aBaket (940/155), of which there i a ms of 1100/1688 In the trary of $b. Djevar AL Bahr al Um in Nadja (9) the R eeataye of Agha Muhammad Babe libs (1206/1791), also with a at Nagar felonging to Sh. Meghan, (8) the Taina, in 000 ese by Muigz alin Mubammad al-Hilr(. 1309/ G1 of whieh there is mo. in the brary of Sb Hibat kin alShahrasint, Tn the lst resort, tte 6 Based on intention, 0 wwe continually find. the appeal made wo mye in this Connection. The validity of the proesion of faith a fan act of worship is not only seed by the core Formltion of the intention too st, but dis the certs of i, so that i alone county, funder come pulson a profession of unbebet is made i the lips {e werhip performed along with unbelcvers, God's fights alone" can te injured hy lala, He has the power to punish che consraner, and only in certain SGreumsances will a slight portion ofthe punishment {a upon the one constrained. ‘The ees ted in tie connection, especialy in adhe wth mental reserva ‘lone give, however ample pois to njre an’ ‘llowceeatute, ‘The oral dangers of tia ate considerable, but st may be compared with simula phenomena in ether felgions and ven among the mysice The el Sgusion wether auch forced er and. devils of the {Eid are not sll Bes and devils of the ith, + not [put at all by the one "who conceals bis eel ews", She isnot in a sate of confidence which would be broken by les or deni Bibliography: Goldner, Des Prnsip de tipo fn Iam, 2DMG, be (1906, 213-26, where fate sam den Berg, Batavia 1882-1, al Bast, Mire, Zanbar 130471886, 128; Djumayst Khamis Kawa thas, Zanaioar 1297-1304/ 880-3, i, 127 A U3t-—Zaydtes ms. Berlin $665, fl 33a, 4878, fl ‘6b; C. tan Arendonk, De spams on ht Zac Inamat Fen, Leiden 191 sce Index, Re Sirti mann, Das Sets de Zaidle, Strasburg 1912, S0Nmamts: Nawbakit, Fok afi’, Ixaabul 1831, 35M) Asan, Mal ‘flan, Caio 139671676, i, 188 My and pas, Shahrasan, a. Mia a Tl, Cairo 38/1907, 5, 124 Hy 6 6 "TARIVYA — TAKKALO 1; Ton Abi ‘Hadid, Short Nak ldlighe, Cairo 158571965, i 5; Ibn Tasiyya, Ming sn, Cairo 808/i962, i, 18 : Dwar b. Husayn a Hill, Show aim, Se. Petersburg 1852, 199 A Tye abMtaae al Allin. aLHhih, Malbeag 3 Wa, Telwan 1525 W, i, 1580; Horo, im i, 4, 637—Druzes: ma 'Berbn, Mq_ 814 (aot in Award) fo. Mb; Tha Hlazm, afFa! fi Tol Cairo 1317/1898-1800, i, 112 Fv, 6: Shaan, Balance dele ot maine, ed Perron, Algiers 1098, $56 M—Modern general surveys. of the opie: Tihrant, a Dio Tehran 1360/1941, i, 8035; Rashi aL Gis’, di alia, Nadjt 1589/ 196, 17660; Mab alls, Als fo abidne“adarnye, Baghdad 1301/1885, 180-04; ‘Ahmad Amin, Deb alin, Caco 1388/1964, i 2s6u, Hasan lA, DP sone anions ‘Stine, Beiut 1395/1975, x, 8590. IR, Sromuae[Moxran Dyes) yA, Savvaw Has (b. Taba, 27 Sep- tember 167% @ Teh, 8 fanny 1970, Persizn politician and scholar of Iranian studies 1, Lite. The son of Sayyid Tals Urdabidh he received bath a tadional tame and a modern edie ‘tion including natural science and French and, «© Some extent, the English language. In Tabriz he Founded, wth thee likesminded fens, an ephemeral Journal, Gangineys finan (19084), and then eaveled fort yearn the Cabeasi, Land, Beat and Eayph returing with, Wesern modernist ideas and sepa Thien Moving wo Tehran at the tine of the Conte tonal movement [see DUsTCR. i) his reptation a= fone of the more radial, even revoluonary, seit ‘Scoued his ection o the int Magli as 9 represen (auve for Adharbayjan, arousing the fear of Muam- sad ‘Alt Shah who plod, as the sources all agree, to kil him and fe other consutinaliss. Hence ‘when the Shah replied with har ancomtiaonslse ‘coup of 1826/1006, Takizada took refuge i the Bee ‘sh Legation and then made hs way to Ewope, 10 Paris and. Londons in the latter place, he. worked ‘with the Tran” Commitee there, and his eendship Irth the famous Persan scholar E.G, Browne dates From this ime He returned to Tab and then vo Teban, become ing 4 memaber of the provisional seting commie Wwe Mulaminad ‘Alt Sih was deposed and a meine ber of the second Magis for the Democrat Party (ioe data Bu he hed wo leave Persia in 1910 afier the mutder of Sayid “Abd Allah Bibi, and After periods in Turkey Landon and the United Sites, ‘went in 1918 t0 Germany at the German gover ments suggestion to help organise an ant-Brish and fnicRussan “Commitee of Iranian Nationals" Founding the journal Kwa, ise as pla but later as a cultural and literary journal ao, he cemained in Germany al 1921 With the defer of the Cental Powers the Come mittee wan dusohed, Takizids returned to Persia and tow fille varions government postions, senang alo ‘a4 deputy in the Bh and sth Mage He wat ‘Opposed to changing the consution to alow Rds ‘han (Pakaws) fg] to assume power. During Rid ‘Sus reign he lod sich offices ne governor of Kv Hin and: ambasador in London, and as. Minster ‘of Finance was concermed in the negosations of 1933 for the extension of the Ango-Persan (ater 1935 AAngo-ianian) Ohl Company's agreement. He was ako ambassador in Pati, bur becoming. gna om _pata to the Shah, went t» Besin and then Landon, Shere he sated teaching at London University On the abcation ofthe Sh (1941) he became amb Stor to Duin ‘Rewming home in 1918, be became member of tbe Tat Mag ands prteior at Tehran Universi Sn in 1949 2 sonton acting for Se a Present ise Senne. “Among hotmny cour ecies hing these two decades or of hoe was hs Srvltement in the Soy fo Nadal Monument ncn conuncton wah UNESCO, te Isat fr ‘Talon and PbLenton of Book (Bux Taina sei ha. 2 Titerary work, Amongs hit important works in Beran were hie Gin der kal Tee {an ISI571097, rep ase x of his collected work See bebo a sendy om rdw, in Kan NS tk {120d wort on Ngrd Kirt and Mink His fics‘ ther wing are calected In ala Tote Afi, 10 ol "Tebran (393377 Ta70-, of which vole sd conti hi wring Sn European languages His wrong in European ian gus were pty poses and par in he eld ENS, ade He hed an nee to bogey ad with 'W Liten publihed. Poss Blopope ie 1920, For «complete logy, soe Be ow orobiographny. nt fin, "Ten 1372/1999 "Bilingrepye There are references to. Tae dx contietonaitsctvives in most ofthe books on the movement, E.G, Browne, The Ponan ‘cub 1505-1008, Cambge TON Abroad Kita, "thé mate fat "Tehran 130! Toor; Mar Mita, Teh Sh medr- faye da ln, 7 ole. Tehran O34. See ao ‘WB. Hensng and Ears, wl San Je haar of SH. Tac, Ldn 1962 ep SMA Djamaloacehy Taga t r acay 1-18 pd Bra big 1920, Hab Vag (od Vabsimay Tattle beanies aries dar dni be ots, "Tehan 1380/1071 ‘tea Arnon) TAKKALD (Tisiaso, the name of 4 group ‘of Tureomans_ originating fom the. regions. of Mente, Aven, Sern, Hari and Genmyan in souahers Atal an aren known ‘coleetly a ‘Takei Tye] ah Hiibadin, ed Nir Hin Moby Tehran 138 AHS/1982, 27. "The Turcoman tribes of Antolin were one ofthe primary targets of Salon. propaga (ee Tevna ur turnin ty an oe Takai repent ayo hs al al ented the senate of the Sale ‘Boe Djnsyd and Hay (gs 905/1599, hen Iieaa poe mad. s) sanmoned bit mporter 0 ‘ayo Min at Erin, Taka continge formed art ofthe force of 10 men who semble there FUNC Savon. Sats on Be hut of Sle Iran ‘Varieun Repent, London 1987, no. 1 63. At the fine of te sublcent of the Safavid ste in S7/1301, the Toki tbe wes ed among the Seat tribe” (pat iyi) of the iia a] (fara Stmer, iment ants ve pein ‘Snai Teskoe i, Soars 1976, 46-7) ad the ‘Thal were cmaied asa abe “ofthe ce (aay ‘mon the Std having Adopted the ld. Ture. ‘ongol system of uitay organisation (Masts Havel, Je Chiko Ls Qi. Lee aan sf ‘8d Bin 1087, 52. fer the major retin Asa ‘Minor led ty Sbblul Babs Tataia in 91771311 fad eee, futher 1.500 Tabla teen ‘chgeed to Peri aod jin Sha Ts ‘Aer the death of Tani 1 (30/152), and the acesion of the young Sbth Tahmap I igs], cl stor empied berwcen mal cation of ii tt.

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