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Canadian Governance Reform Council

914 950 Drake Avenue

Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6Z 2B9
Ph. 604 609 0520 (Cdn)
Ph. 0435 872 867 (Au)

April 17, 2016

Australian Federal Police
16-18 London Circuit
Canberra ACT 2601
Attention: Constable Donney
Dear Sir:
Re: Facts, Circumstances, Allegations and Evidence to Justify the
Filing of a Police Report

Further to attending at The Civic AFP police station on Wednesday, April

13th and speaking with you, the purpose of this correspondence is to put
you in receipt of the evidence on which my allegations of burglary, theft,
assault, stalking etc are founded.
I indicated to you then and I am reminding you now that the facts and
circumstances are voluminous and multi-perspectival; and very importantly,
their review requires an open mind. What's being delivered is exceptionally
unprecedented. The genesis of my ordeal is in the late 1980s and evolved
in various ways to the point that what I experienced in Canada over these
many decades followed me to Australia and has plagued me since my
arrival in Sydney on December 4, 2015. I had really hoped it wouldn't and
am very dismayed it has and with such ferocity.

I respectfully suggest you can feel confident whats presented is bona

fide in part because of my academic and professional credentials and family
pedigree (bio).

Second, the underlying allegations were litigated in the

Federal Court of Canada beginning in September 2002 and my credibility

survived the proceedings. Plus, the Board of Directors of The Canadian
Governance Reform Council, an academic institute I founded in March 2012,
consists of well-educated professionals, who are highly respected members
of their communities and have been involved in politics for considerable
periods of time (bios).
All documentation and evidence has been posted on what Ive labelled The
Aussie Intel Reform website (AIR). Your investigative review ought to begin
with what is identified as the Joint Submission.1 (Click the four arrow button
located at the bottom right corner to expand the document to full screen
size.) So you dont get bogged down in too much detail and acquire a basic
understanding of the nature of my circumstances dating back so far your
review ought to begin with page 1 and then skip to pages 4-5.
If youre perplexed that such an abuse of power would occur in Canada,
skip down to the bottom of page 8 and read a summary of my academic
research findings. Finish this part of your edification at the middle of page
12. (You can postpone this step or ignore it all together.)
Return to the AIR website and scroll down to the document entitled The
Malfeasance List. Begin reading at page 4 and peruse the categories of
unlawfulness, taking note of the bolded ones as these abuses of power
happened when in Australia. That I experienced many of them was the
proof of what is stated in the first paragraph of the Joint Submission.

For convenience, Ive added the link to each document referenced herein so
you dont have to repeatedly access the AIR website.

Addendums One, Two and Three that follow the list of categories are not
relevant to your investigation.
Return to the AIR website and scroll down to the document entitled
Submission to Attorney General George Brandis QC. This entire submission
consists of a chronology of my allegations of criminality while resident in
Canberra, along with all the evidence I could acquire.

Youll note I

substantiate my claim the conduct complained of violates the law by citing

the relevant provisions of two criminal codes and other legislation.2
Not relevant to the allegations, but nonetheless very important is what is
alleged beginning at page 11 and starting at What is documented herein.
Sr. Constable Greenup took my police report on what kicked off more than
a fortnight of what became serial criminality as alleged in the Attorney
General Submission; namely a theft of my flatmates bike in my possession
from the Woden shopping centre bus interchange on March 22nd (File No.
5938125). Finish reading after the first paragraph of page 13. When law
enforcement is observed not to be fulfilling its responsibilities, the AFP
and/or Attorney General has/have jurisdiction to investigate. If theres a
second instance of whats alleged during your conduct of the investigation,
itll strengthen to the point of confirm my reasonable suspicion; and Ill
upgrade my inference to a criminal complaint.
On Friday, April 15th, I attended at the Woden shopping centre and met
with two members of the security division, Jack and his supervisor Kimi. I
asked that CCTV footage for the period 6:50 to 7:40 p.m. on April 3 rd be
secured; as it captures the results of an injury sustained by an assault as
described in the Attorney General Submission (pages 10 11). I provided

Because I am a member of the Canadian Bar and have no formal legal training
in Australian law nor license to practice in this country I did my best to research
these provisions. There is a possibility I erred in what I cite as legislative

them with the card you gave me and they may be in touch with you. They
indicated they will be following up with Sr. Constable Greenup.
Return to the AIR website and locate the two submissions entitled
Submission #1 and Submission #2 to National Library of Australia's
Security Manager Mark Straughair. These compile instances of criminality
at the facility. He indicated to me that should the AFP formally request the
CCTV footage of what I draw attention to he will provide it.
I am in the process of preparing Submission #3; which will be addressed
to the AFP as per his request in this email:

That compilation which will be comprised of what transpired at the library,

my residence and on the streets of Canberra will be posted on the website
mid-week for your review. And you can expect further documentations of
that nature going forward. I will contact you by email to alert you whenever
something relevant to your investigation has been uploaded.
For your records, I am currently residing at 3 Bunbury Street, Stirling ACT.
If there is a need for an interview, questions answered, clarification or more

documentation, I can be reached on my mobile on 435 872 867. And here

is an image of my new passport for your records.

Should there be a need to provide answers to relevant questions by way of

interview or otherwise, a desire for elucidation on any matter or more
documents, do not hesitate to contact me.
Best regards,
Brad Kempo Esq.

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