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Forget the flash cards! Use an ordinary deck of playing cards to make math fun. Try Math War to
practice basic math operations:

1. O  the Jokers, Kings, 10s, and Queens.

2. Deal the remaining deck between 
 <one learner, one tutor).
3. Two rules: Aces are One, and Jacks are Zero.
4. Each player flips up a card and the learner has to add, subtract, multiply or divide the numbers.
5. When the student is right, he or she keeps the cards.
6. To make it harder, each player flips up more than one card at a time!

Pou can use this method of playing cards to practice any type of math, all the way to the GED level and
beyond. This includes algebra and geometry! But how, you ask? First, à      for these
brain workouts. Always start with a ͞warm up͟ round of the lighter stuff before getting started on the
heavy lifting. Because of the element of chance, these problems often don͛t work out to have easier
answers͙just like numbers in real life.

1. Try more digits: each player flips up more than one card at a time.
2. Mixed practice: use operation cut-outs & tape to the Jokers, Kings, 10s & Queens <you͛ll have 2
cut outs left over). Keep these in a separate deck & flip up one ͞operation͟ card between the
two sets of numbers you flip.
3. Fractions: one card <or more) is the numerator and one card <or more) is the denominator.
4. Decimals: use a face card or a piece of scrap paper to make the decimal point.
5. Percents & ratios: use a face card or piece of scrap paper to make the percentage sign.
6. Algebra: the Jokers, Kings, 10s & Queens become your variables. Pou might also want to make
pieces of scrap paper with <parentheses), square roots, and positive or negative signs.
7. Geometry: start with your formulas and use the flash cards to get the numbers.

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©eturn to the simplest version of Math War. When each player flips up a card, make a    
   à  . And since you are working with adults, you don͛t have to censor the
results. Trust me, this will hold your students͛ interest and make math much less intimidating!

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