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Angels swap network Israel" – a new initiative by Sharon Weshler of "

"Global MarkeTeam Ventures", a call for smart(er) entrepreneurs

Many of us entrepreneurs have met with this angel or that angel group, from my study
there are between 3-5 meetings with investors every entrepreneur manage to arrange on
his own or through his network, most are irrelevant….TO HIM !

Why not use the knowledge this entrepreneur acquired, get the useless (to him) names and
contact info on people he met with and make them useful to other entrepreneurs, in return
– put this entrepreneur in front of 3 new and very relevant people, new angel investors who
may potentially like his venture and climb aboard…

That is why I founded the "Angels Swap Network in Israel" and the idea is simple : I will act
as a buffer, where entrepreneurs share up to 3 Angel investors they know with me, in return
I will provide them with 3 new angels from my data base or from other entrepreneurs who
shared the same with me, that way everybody win, this is actually a WIN-WIN-WIN scenario
as the two entrepreneurs give something that is useless for them and get useful contacts to
approach, I get to manage a growing DB of angel investors I’m already running and if an
entrepreneur wants more than 3 contacts he will deal with me direct as the broker from that
point on and we can set terms together.

As long as you give 3 names you get 3 names free, if you need to meet tens of angel
investors in Israel it is also doable, yet through my investment banking firm Global
Marketeam Ventures and after you signed my FF agreement, I will introduce you to the right
angels after I screen them obviously.

I already started a pilot last week with 5 entrepreneurs I know well and the model seems to
be working well, climb aboard and talk with me if you are interested in joining this initiative.


Sharon Weshler

Global MarkeTeam Ventures Cell - +972-54-570-3535 Skype – sharonweshler

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