2014 01 IDIP Unit A Past Paper

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4-33631-1.2 ‘in NEBOSH NEBOSH INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMA IN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Unit 1A: International management of health and safety nebosh TUESDAY 24 JANUARY 2044 3 hours, 0930 to 1230 10minées racing tno i alowed bore to start of his examiaton. You mayne wnt anything ding tis paid ‘Anewer both Section A and Section 8 SECTION A ‘This section contains sk questions. Answer ALL SIX questions A questions cary equal marks. “The maximum marks for each question, or par ofa question, are shown in brackets. You are advised to spend about 18 minutes on aach question, ‘ta each answer ona new page. 4 (@)__Inrelation to a binding contractual agreement, give the meaning cf: (express terms; @ (i) inplied terms. ° (©) In retation toa new contract, outine the heath and safety informetion that ‘shouldbe stated inthe contact tems. ° 2 (a) Outline the concept of the organisation as a system. Co) (©) Identify suitable risk controls at EACH point within the system AND give ‘an example in EACH case. © 3 In‘elaton to health and safety, outline the status AND roe of (2) rated intemational conventions: ° (©) ratied international recommendations. e TDwenaor OnesOsna0”) pogo) ane turn aver ‘This question paper MUST be returned to NEBOSH after the examination and must NOT be copied 4 Amaintonance worker was asphyxiated when working in an empty fel tank. A, ‘subsequent investigation foun that the werkor had bean aperating without armio-work. (@)Outine why a pormit-to-work would be considbred necessary in these reumstances. co) (©) Outline possible reasons why the permito-wak procedure wes not followed on this oocasion. 0 5 The.accidontrat of wo orgarisations fs iferentathough they have the same ‘25 werkfree and produce dentical producs. ‘tine posible reasons fortis iflerence. {19 Outline the societal aco tha inlence heath and safety standards (10) SECTIONS “Tis ston contains ve questions, Answer THREE queston on ‘A questions camry eau marks, “The maximum mars for each question or aro a question are shown in brackas ‘You re avd pend abou 30 minutes on ach quoston ‘Start eachansworon anew page 7 (a) Outline the meaning of ski-based, rule-based and tnowledge-based’ behaviour c) (©) Wit reference to practical examples or actual incidents, expan how EACH ofthese types of operating behaviour can causebumaneror AND how human ero may be prevented oy 8 A fori ruck skidded on anol il causing a serious injury oa visor (2) Explain why the accent shouldbe vestigated. “ (©) Outine the steps to oow in order to investigate the accident (9) (2) entity possibie underying causes ofthe accident o DASA ONEBOSH201 —__—pagoofe—— ‘This question paper MUST be returned t0 NEBOSH afte the examination and must NOT be copied o C] 0 (a) © © @ (Organisations are said to have both formal and informal structures and groups. ‘Outline the diference between Yormal’ AND ‘informa inthis context. ‘The development ofa health and safety cuture requires 2otrl,co- ‘operation, communication and competence. ‘Ouitine what co-operation’ means inthis context AND give examples to ‘support your answer. COrganisatonal change can, if not property managed, promote a negative health and safety culture. (Outline reasons for his. ‘Outline the principle of faut ree analysis, ‘Outline the technique of fault tte analysis ‘Outline the limitations of faut tree analysis. ‘An offic is protected wth an automatic fe detection and alarm system. A, ‘numberof false alarms have boon activated. A false siarm can be ‘eiggored by sunight striking a UV flame detector, dus obscuring a smoke sotoctor or by afllre of the primary power eupply. 79 primary power le ‘normally supplied by connection to the mains electri. ths should fal, ‘a back-up generator activates fo supply the elctcty ‘The expected probabilties of the causes ofthe false ala below. shown ‘Cause offale alarm Prooabilty ‘Sunight tking a UV fame detector 02 ‘Dust obscuring a smako dotoctor a1 Power faire a1 ‘Back-up generator doesnot lat 0s ()—Constructa simple faut tree AND calculate te probably of a falge alarm. Show calculations in EACH cate. (1) Identity the main cause of false alarms. (li) Outline remedial actions that could minimis fale alarms. Cy @ 1 y sy ° 0 ® ‘TDAR/a0T ONEBOSH DOE pageSl@___——_______ please turn aver ‘This question paper MUST be returned to NEBOSH alter the examination and must NOT be copied 414 You are the health and safety manager attending an annual senior management ‘meeting where health and safety performance objectives are being reviewed, (2) Outline factors tht shouldbe considered when soting health and safety ‘objectives. @ (b) Explain why health and safety performance shouldbe reviewed, «) (6) Outline factors that shouldbe considered when reviewing health and safety performance, ° IDASTAO) ©NEDOSH 7014 paged ofa ‘This question paper MUST be returned to NEGOSH alter the examination and must NOT be copied

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