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Chloramphenicol versus ampicillin plus

gentamicin for
community acquired very severe pneumonia
children aged 2-59 months in low resource
multicentre randomised controlled trial (SPEAR
Rai Asghar, professor,1 Salem Banajeh, professor,2 Josefina Egas, microbiologist,3
Patricia Hibberd, professor,4 Imran Iqbal, professor,5 Mary Katep-Bwalya,
Zafarullah Kundi, FRCP professor,1 Paul Law, associate professor,7 William
MacLeod, assistant
professor,8 Irene Maulen-Radovan, professor,9 Greta Mino, professor,10 Samir Saha,
Fernando Sempertegui, director,3 Jonathon Simon, director,8 Mathuram
Santosham, professor,7
Sunit Singhi, professor,12 Donald M Thea, professor,8 Shamim Qazi, medical
officer,13 for the SPEAR
(Severe Pneumonia Evaluation Antimicrobial Research) Study Group

Objective To evaluate whether five days treatment with injectable ampicillin plus gentamicin compared
chloramphenicol reduces treatment failure in children aged 2-59 months with community acquired very
pneumonia in low resource settings.
Design Open label randomised controlled trial. Setting Inpatient wards within tertiary care hospitals in
Bangladesh, Ecuador, India, Mexico, Pakistan, Yemen, and Zambia.
Participants Children aged 2-59 months with WHO defined very severe pneumonia. Intervention
Chloramphenicol versus a combination of ampicillin plus gentamicin.Main outcome measures Primary
outcome measure was treatment failure at five days. Secondary outcomes were treatment failure
defined similarly among all participants evaluated at 48 hours and at 10 and 21 days. Results More
children failed treatment with chloramphenicol at day 5 (16% v 11%; relative risk 1.43, 95% confidence
interval 1.03 to 1.97) and also by days 10 and 21. Overall, 112 bacterial isolates were obtained from
blood and lung aspirates in 110 children (11.5%), with the most common organisms being
Staphylococcus aureus (n=47) and Streptococcus pneumoniae (n=22). In subgroup analysis,
bacteraemia with any organism increased the risk of treatment failure at 21 days in the chloramphenicol
group (2.09, 1.41 to 3.10) but not in the ampicillin plus gentamicin group (1.12, 0.59 to 2.13). Similarly,
isolation of S pneumoniae increased the risk of treatment failure at day 21 (4.06, 2.73 to 6.03) and death
(5.80, 2.62 to 12.85) in the chloramphenicol group but not in the ampicillin plus gentamicin group. No
difference was found in treatment failure for children with S aureus bacteraemia in the two groups, but
the power to detect a difference in this subgroup analysis was low. Independent predictors of treatment
failure by multivariate analysis were hypoxaemia (oxygen saturation <90%), receiving chloramphenicol,
being female, and poor immunisation status. Conclusion Injectable ampicillin plus gentamicin is superior
to injectable chloramphenicol for the treatment of community acquired very severe pneumonia in
children aged 2-59 months in low resource settings. Trial registration Current Controlled Trials


Pneumonia is a leading cause of death in under 5s in low resource settings and accounts for
about two million deaths in this age group annually.1-3 The World Health Organization
recommends standard case management of pneumonia on the basis of disease severity.Very

severe pneumoniathe most advanced form of the diseaseis defined as the presence of
cough or difficulty breathing, with clinical symptoms and signs of pneumonia and any
accompanying danger signs (cyanosis, inability to drink, difficulty in waking, stridor in a calm
child)5 and carries the highes tmortality. First line treatment for this condition recommended
by WHO is injectable chloramphenicol followed by oral chloramphenicol5 to treat for the
common bacterial pathogens that cause very severe pneumonia: Haemophilus
influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, and Gram negative bacteria
such as Escherichia
coli and Klebsiella spp. Although chloramphenicol may have had some advantages in the past,
the increasing resistance of bacteria, particularly H influenzae and S aureus, to this antibiotic
adds to the longstanding concerns that it is bacteriostatic and associated with bone marrow
toxicity, particularly in malnourished children. An alternative regimen already being used in
some areas, combined ampicillin and gentamicin, is bactericidal
and provides good coverage against H influenzae, S pneumoniae, E coli, and Proteus mirabilis.
The combination
is synergistic and bactericidal against the common Gram negative organisms associated with
very severe
pneumonia, including E coli, Enterobacter spp, Klebsiella spp, Proteus spp, Serratia spp, and
Citrobacter spp.
Although in vitro penicillin resistance among Spneumoniae has been reported, this has not
been clearly associated with worse clinical outcome in pneumococcal pneumonia. Although
the standard case management strategy
has successfully decreased pneumonia related mortality,specific information about the
efficacy of chloramphenicol in very severe pneumonia is sparse. In addition to concerns about
increasing resistance28 or adverse clinical outcomes,9 diminished clinical response and
increasing resistance to penicillin and gentamicin among children with community
acquired severe bacteraemic pneumonia has been seen in Congo29 and elsewhere.27 Only one
study has directly compared the clinical efficacy of ampicillin plus gentamicin with
chloramphenicol in young children with very severe pneumonia and found no difference
between the two regimens.28 The study
was, however, limited to one country and not powered to detect less than a 10% difference
between treatment arms.
Given the lack of evidence on regimens other than chloramphenicol, we carried out a
multicentre study to
determine if injectable ampicillin plus gentamicin is superior to injectable chloramphenicol for
the treatment
of community acquired very severe pneumonia in children aged 2-59 months in seven
countries. We chose ampicillin because of its greateractivity against H influenzae and some
Gram negative
enteric bacilli, such as E coli and P mirabilis.

Our primary hypothesis was that treatment failure at five daysamongchildren aged 2-59
months withWHO defined very severe pneumonia was greater for parenteral chloramphenicol
than it was for injectable ampicillin plus gentamicin. The primary outcome was treatment
failure at five days. Secondary outcomes
were treatment failure defined similarly among all participants evaluated at 48 hours and at
10 and21 days.
This randomised, non-blinded efficacy study was carried out at eight sites in seven countries:
Bangladesh; Guayaquil, Ecuador; Chandigarh, India; Mexico City, Mexico; Multan and
Rawalpindi, Pakistan;
Sanaa, Yemen; and Lusaka, Zambia (box 1). A consensus protocol was developed by
from the study sites, WHO, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, and
the Center for
International Health and Development at Boston University School of Public Health. Study
doctors and study nurses at each site were trained on the study protocol andWHOcase
management for acute respiratory tract infections usingWHO training videos and exercises to

ensure inter-rater reliability among the study staff. The clinical investigator at each site
oversaw and monitored the study staff.

Box 2 shows the criteria for study inclusion and exclusion. We informed families about the
purpose and background of the study, the study procedures,risks, payments, and
confidentiality. They were told that they could withdraw their child from the study at any time
and that he or she would continue to receive standard medical care provided to children with
similar illness in the participating hospital. They were told that during admission to hospital
their child would be assessed every six hours or more often if needed, for any change in their
condition until there was an
improvement in breathing difficulty and satisfactory oxygen levelswhen breathingroomair.
They were told
about the need for follow-up and when and where to bring the child back to the hospital after
discharge to see
if they were still infected.

WHO prepared lists for randomisation using permuted blocks of variable length (6-8-10), with
block sizes presented in random order. Separate randomisation lists were prepared for each
site according to nutrition status of the children (severely malnourished, defined byWHOas
oedema or severe wasting=weight for height <70% (3 z score) or severe stunting=height
for age <85% (3 z score) versus not severely malnourished, as assessed during the baseline
examination), and individual patient assignments were placed in opaque sealed envelopes.
After each patient
was selected for study, the next envelope in order of study numbers (that is, in numerical
sequence) was opened to determine the treatment assignment: thus the investigator could
not know the order of randomisation
and was unable to predict the next assignment. Before opening each envelope the doctor in
charge signed and dated the opening flap of the envelope. The card inside, with the patients
treatment assignment, and the signed envelope were attached to the patients study file. To
prevent tampering with the randomisation process, envelopes were checked to ensure that
the assignment could not be seen before the envelope was opened. During site visits the
presence of the signature, date, and time notification was evaluated and compared with the
date and time of randomisation recorded in the medical record.
Baseline assessment

When children were admitted to the hospital we took a standardised baseline history and
carried out a physical
examination, laboratory evaluations, and chest radiography. Blood was obtained by
venepuncture for complete blood count, malaria smear, blood glucose levels, and bacterial
culture. Lumbar puncture was done on participants with clinical signs suggestive of bacterial
meningitis, and we examined cerebrospinal fluid for total leucocyte count, differential
leucocyte count, biochemistry, and bacterial culture by Gram stain.
Case management protocol

Children received the first dose of antibiotics within two hours of enrolment. Those
randomised to the
ampicillin plus gentamicin arm received ampicillin 200 mg/kg/d in four doses every six hours,
gentamicin 7.5 mg/kg/d as in a single daily dose. Children randomised to the chloramphenicol
arm received 75 mg/kg/d given in three doses every eight hours. Study drugs were procured
for all sites from the
International Dispensary Association, Amsterdam, Holland. Oxygen was delivered at a rate of
1-2 l/min
by nasal cannula for children with oxygen saturations less than or equal to 90% (or 88% in
the two high
altitude sites of Yemen and Mexico) and continued for a minimum of three hours. Study
doctors assessed the
children every six hours using a standardised form, which included vital signs;
cardiorespiratory examination;

use of oxygen, salbutamol, or antipyretics; and pulse oximetry. If the doctors detected a
failure or if they thought that for any reason a change in management was indicated, this was
reviewed with the
site clinical investigator before a decision was made.An evaluation form was completed at 4860 hours after
randomisation and again at 5-6 days after randomisation,recording any treatment failures
that had occurred
to these points.Once children had completed five days of inpatient care and were improved
enough for discharge they
received ampicillin plus gentamicin daily as an outpatient. The parenteral gentamicin was
given once
daily at the outpatient clinic or other sites. Sufficient oral amoxicillin (45 mg/kg/d divided into
three doses) was provided to complete the remainder of the 10 day course. Likewise, children
in the oral chloramphenicol
arm were also given sufficient drugs (75 mg/kg/d in three doses) to complete a 10 day course
of treatment.
The primary caregiver gave the children their oral antibiotics. Adherence to these regimens
was assessed
by pill counts and return of empty drug vials at followup visits.
Follow-up evaluation was at 10-12 days and 21-30 days after discharge. The children were
from the study at the completion of the 21-30 day visit and no further information was
collected. If children failed to attend for follow-up study staff attempted to assess them at
Study outcomes

Box 3 provides the definitions of primary and secondary outcomes. Children met the primary
outcome of treatment failure after five days of admission if any of the events in the box
occurred at any point after randomisation. Any change in antibiotic treatment during this
period resulted in classification as treatment failure and the need to change the regimen was
assessed clinically and throughout the entire five day period, not just at the end of five days
of treatment. The study protocol did not permit modifications of the antibiotic regimen. We
used the same definitions and approach for the secondary outcomes of treatment failure as
defined in box 3 by 48 hours (allowing data to be collected up to 60 hours) and treatment
failure plus relapse (hypoxaemic pneumonia) by day 10 (allowing
data to be collected up to day 12) and by day 30 (allowing data to be collected between study
days 21-30).
When the study physician suspected treatment failure (seebox3), the physician contacted the
investigator or coinvestigator for confirmation. At that time the antibiotic was changed and
other appropriate
treatment provided. Additional chest radiographs, blood counts, blood cultures, and other
laboratory tests to aid patient management according to clinical judgment and the usual
practices of the participating site were obtained. Broad guidelines for the management of
children who failed study treatment were: Staphylococcal pneumoniaCloxacillin or oxacillin
(25-50 mg/kg intravenously every six hours) were added to the regimen. The duration of
treatment to be at least two weeks. Empyema was managed with chest tube drainage.
Pneumocystis carinii (now Pneumocystis jiroveci) pneumoniaCotrimoxazole (with
trimethoprim 20 mg/kg/d in two divided doses) and steroids were added to the treatment
regimen. The duration of treatment was for at least two weeks. Non-responsive Gram
negative infectionIf infection with Gram negative bacilli unresponsive to the study regimen
was suspected on the basis of clinical deterioration or development of shock, a third
generation cephalosporin such as cefotaxime (100-200 mg/ kg/d in four divided doses) or
ceftriaxone (100-150 mg/kg/d in a single dose) was used. Ceftriaxone was provided by the
study. Mechanical ventilationMechanical ventilation was provided, when available, to
patients with treatment failure and persistent cyanosis while receiving supplemental oxygen.
Laboratory methods

Standard microbiological techniques31 were used to isolate and identify S pneumoniae and H
influenzae. The

minimum inhibitory concentration of ampicillin, gentamicin, and chloramphenicol for

bothHinfluenzae and S pneumoniae was determined byEtest according to the manufacturers
instructions (AB Biodisk, Solna, Sweden).
Data management procedures

Data were double entered and validated locally with CENTRY software (US Census Bureau,
Washington, DC). We sent original copies of the data to the Data Coordinating Center at
Boston University, where the electronic data were cleaned and discrepancies resolved.
Statistical analysis

The sample size of 1182 participants was based on finding a 30% or greater reduction in
treatment failure
with ampicillin plus gentamicin compared with an expected 25% baseline failure rate
withchloramphenicol,a 1:1 allocation ratio, 80% power, an level of 0.05, and two planned
interim analyses for early stopping with OBrien-Fleming end points. We analysed the data
using SAS software. PROC FREQ was used to calculate relative risks and 95% confidence
intervals. To identify risk factors predictive of treatment failure by day 5 and death by day 30,
selected a group of factorsimmunisation status, sex, hypoxaemia (oxygen saturation 90%,
or 88% in the
two high altitude sites in Mexico and Yemen), blood glucose, central cyanosis, age, weight for
age z score, and breastfeeding statusand we calculated relative risks. We then included all
variables with statistically significant relative risks in a multivariate logistic regression model
built using a backward elimination procedure with PROC LOGISTIC. Treatment group and study
site were forced into the model and we retained all variables with aWaldPvalue of 0.20 or less.
We used the GLIMMIX macro to calculate the final multivariate models, in which study site
was included as a random effect. Because diagnostics are not available for the random effects
model we report
model diagnostics (area under the receiver operating curve characteristic and Hosmer and
Lemeshow goodness of fit test) for a fixed effects model.

Enrolment of children occurred between August 2000 and April 2004. The data safety
monitoring board
ended accrual at the Zambia site after 23 enrolments (2.4% of total) in November 2001
because of high
mortality; this was possibly due to HIV/AIDS. The Ecuador site was added in March 2003 to
augment enrolment. A total of 958 children aged 2-59 months with very severe pneumonia
were randomised:
479 to ampicillin plus gentamicin and 479 to chloramphenicol (fig 1). Enrolment was
before full study accrual owing to funding limitations, which prevented the extension of
activities through
another season of acute respiratory tract infections. Table 1 shows the number of children
included from
each study site, and table 2 shows their baseline characteristics. No statistically significant
in the baseline characteristics were seen between the two treatment groups. All randomised
children were
included in the intention to treat analysis for the primary outcome of treatment failure at five
Overall compliance with treatment was 95%: 94.4% of children in the chloramphenicol group
and 96.2% in
the ampicillin plus gentamicin group. Primary outcome: treatment failure at five days
Of the total 131 (13.6%) children who failed treatment by day 5, the cumulative rate was
higher among those
assigned to the chloramphenicol group (relative risk 1.43, 95% confidence interval 1.03 to
1.97; table 3).
Numerous children had more than one reason for failure but only one was chosen for the
study; either the first condition to appear or the most severe if two or more were reported
simultaneously. Treatment failure at day 5 most commonly occurred as a result of a change in
antibiotic treatment (n=71) for several reasons, including a diagnosis of septic shock (n=23),
bacterial meningitis (n=5), empyema (n=5), or other comorbid conditions. Persistence or

worsening of very severe pneumonia (n=31) accounted for the second most common cause
of failure followed by death (n=24) and the persistence of danger signs (n=27). With the
exception of persistence of very severe pneumonia, all of these individual outcomes occurred
more commonly in the chloramphenicol group but only
change in antibiotic treatment approached statistical significance. Several factors were
associated with treatment failure on univariate analysis: poor immunisation status, being
female, baseline hypoxaemia, and receiving chloramphenicol (table 4). By multivariate
analysis predictors of treatment failure were hypoxaemia, poor immunisation status, and
being female (table 5).
Secondary outcomes: treatment failure at 48 hours and 10 and 21 days

By 48 hours after randomisation 87 (9.1%) children had failed treatment, consisting of 48% of
the total cumulative number of treatment failures. At this early time point an excess of
children failed treatment in the
chloramphenicol group (n=54) compared with the ampicillin plus gentamicin group (n=33;
relative risk
1.6, 95% confidence interval 1.1 to 2.5). Similarly, with the exception of persistence of very
severe pneumonia,
the cumulative total number of children who failed treatment through days 10 and 21
remained higher in
the chloramphenicol group, and the distribution of reasons for this remained similar to those
observed at
day 5 (table 3). Figure 2 also shows the time to treatment failure (log rank test P=0.024).

Of the 65 deaths, 24 occurred in children after treatment failure had already been declared for
other reasons. In 46 cases (74%) the child died within 48 hours of enrolment, indicating the
rapidly progressive or advanced nature of the illness. By univariate analysis poor
immunisation status, being female, and hypoxaemia at presentation were associated with
mortality, and by multivariate analysis these factors independently predicted mortality (table

Baseline bacteriological investigations were done on 471 children in the chloramphenicol

group and 474 in
the ampicillin plus gentamicin group. Of the cultures undertaken at enrolment (958 blood
aspirates, 24
cerebrospinal fluid aspirates, and five lung aspirates), 112 (two children had two organisms
isolated) gave
positive results for pathogenic organisms in all but one aspirate, from the blood (table 6). The
two most
common organisms isolated were Staphylococcus aureus (n=47) and Streptococcus
pneumoniae (n=22), followed
less commonly by Haemophilus influenzae (n=8), Escherichia coli (n=6),andPseudomonas
aeruginosa (n=6; table 6). On antibiotic sensitivity testing most of the S pneumoniae
organisms were susceptible to chloramphenicol
(13/14) or ampicillin (15/16), and all were susceptible to third generation cephalosporins. By
contrast, only half (19/37) of the S aureus isolates exhibited in vitro susceptibility to
chloramphenicol and 42% (16/38) to ampicillin.
Treatment failure in the presence of bacteraemia

Treatment failure at 21 days was significantly more likely if bacteraemia with any pathogenic
organism was
present at enrolment (table 7). The size of the effect and the degree of statistical significance
for treatment
failure at 21 days and death increased in the presence of S pneumoniae bacteraemia,
however, but was not
associated with bacteraemia due to S aureus, irrespective of treatment group. In a subgroup
analysis of children with bacteraemia stratified by treatment group (tables 8 and 9),
chloramphenicol was associated with a higher risk of
treatment failure at 5, 10, and 21 days. No increased risk of treatment failure was, however,
found among

those children with bacteraemia in the ampicillin plus gentamicin group. The excess risk in the
group occurred in children with S pneumoniae bacteraemia. In this group, treatment failure
was three to four times more likely at any of the study end points, and death was nearly six
times more likely. By comparison, bacteraemia due to S aureus or S pneumoniae was not
associated with higher treatment failure or death in the ampicillin plus gentamicin group.

In our randomised controlled trial of injectable chloramphenicol compared with injectable

plus gentamicin for the treatment of very severe pneumonia in children aged 2-59 months,
children who received chloramphenicol were more likely to experience treatment failure than
those who received ampicillin plus gentamicin.Atrend to higher treatment failure in the
chloramphenicol group was evident after 24 hours of treatment (fig 2). Of particular concern
are the adverse outcomes of treatment failure and death when children develop bacteraemia
due to Streptococcus pneumoniae. Although the most common isolate from sterile sites was
Staphylococcus aureus, optimally treated with a penicillinase resistant antibiotic such as
cloxacillin, our findings indicate that very severe pneumonia due to this organismmaybe
adequately treated with chloramphenicol or ampicillin plus gentamicin (gentamicin does have
activity against S aureus). The high rate of S aureus found in blood was unexpected. It might
have been a contaminant insome cases althoughwedid provide training in an aseptic
technique for obtaining blood cultures and this procedure was evaluated by the study
monitors during site visits. The clear benefit we observed among children receiving ampicillin
plus gentamicin in the presence of confirmed S pneumoniae bacteraemia occurred despite a
high degree of in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility to both chloramphenicol and ampicillin.
Only half of the S pneumoniae isolates were tested for antimicrobial sensitivity to the study
drug, however, and it is possible, although unlikely, that a high degree of resistance to
chloramphenicol among the untested
isolates accounts for our findings. Alternatively, this might constitute further evidence that in
vitro antimicrobial
susceptibility testing may not correlate closely with clinical outcome of bacterial pneumonia.
In addition to being one of the commonest causes of childhood pneumonia, S pneumoniae is
also one of the more common causes of meningitisoften occurring concurrently with
pneumonia. It is possible that some children in this study who presented with very severe
pneumonia due to S pneumoniae also had meningitis. Although no child with suspected
meningitis was admitted to this study, in a previous trial of very severe pneumonia, 13% of a
similar group of
children in Papua New Guinea had meningitis during the course of illness.28 In our study the
properties of chloramphenicol might have been insufficient to kill S pneumoniae organisms in
the central nervous system, thus accounting for the higher failure and death rate in this
group.40 Likewise, the bacteriostatic
properties of chloramphenicol might have been insufficient to eradicate advanced infection of
the lungs with S pneumoniae in children with very severe pneumonia. Our rate of adverse
treatment outcome is consistentplus gentamicin.28 The relative risk for an adverse outcome in
that study was 1.14 (95% confidence interval 0.97 to1.47), which falls within the 95%
confidence limits of our studys results; however, we show a larger and statistically significant
effect size, with a43%relative improvement in treatment failure at five days and a greater
than twofold better outcome among children with confirmed bacteraemia due to S
pneumoniae at enrolment. Moreover, the bacteriological data reported in the benzylpenicillin
plus gentamicin trial were obtained only once children failed initial treatment (to guide
change in treatment), whereas our microbiological samples were obtained at baseline,
before study treatment had begun. The investigators and members of the data safety
monitoring board
reviewed the benzylpenicillin plus gentamicin paper after its publication and concluded that it
was ethical to
continue with our study to tackle some of the limitations of that study. Superiority of ampicillin
plus gentamicin was shown until analysis of the final dataset. Several baseline factors
predicted treatment failure on multivariate analysis: poor immunisation status, being female,
hypoxaemia, and receiving chloramphenicol. Neither the newer conjugate pneumococcal
vaccine nor the older polysaccharide vaccine was routinely used at any of the study sites and
could not account for this factor being associated with increased treatment failure. It is more
likely that not being up to day with immunisations was a proxy for poor health seeking

behaviour, which might have contributed to delay in the onset of seeking care or other nonspecific health status behaviours, as evidenced by many deaths occurring within 48 hours of
the childrens presentation to hospital. Being female was independently associated with
higher treatment failure and death, which is similar to other studies of overall mortality and
severity of acute lower respiratory tract infections
and mortality.Hypoxaemia at presentation was strongly associated with failure, as has been
observed in other settings.The multivariate models adequately fit the study data and had
reasonable discriminatory power.
Strengths and limitations of the study

The strengths of this study are its randomised controlled design using a standardised protocol
that was applied across different paediatric populations in seven low income countries. In
addition, the microbiological data increase our understanding of the bacteria associated with
WHO defined very severe pneumonia in these settings and permit us to determine the
treatment failure and death rates by specific organism isolated. Also, the low losses to followup in both groups (<1%) strengthen confidence in the outcomes and minimise classification
error associated with an intention to treat analysis. Limitations of the study are its non-blinded
study design, which may have introduced bias by study
doctors determination of treatment failure, particularly for the specific outcome of change in
antibiotic. It was considered unethical to give placebo injections to tackle differences in
inpatient antibiotic schedules, however, and it was not possible to adequately blind with the
findings reported in a trial of benzylpenicillin was shown until analysis of the final dataset.
Several baseline factors predicted treatment failure on multivariate analysis: poor
immunisation status, being female, hypoxaemia, and receiving chloramphenicol. Neither the
newer conjugate pneumococcal vaccine nor the older polysaccharide vaccine was routinely
used at any of the study sites and could not
account for this factor being associated with increased treatment failure. It is more likely that
not being up to day with immunisations was a proxy for poor health seeking behaviour, which
might have contributed to delay in the onset of seeking care or other non-specific health
status behaviours, as evidenced by many deaths occurring within 48 hours of the childrens
presentation to hospital. Being female was independently associated with higher treatment
failure and death, which is similar to other studies of overall mortality and severity of acute
lower respiratory tract infections and mortality Hypoxaemia at presentation was strongly
associated with failure, as has been observed in other settings The multivariate models
adequately fit the study data and had reasonable discriminatory power.
Strengths and limitations of the study

The strengths of this study are its randomised controlled design using a standardised protocol
that was applied across different paediatric populations in seven low income countries. In
addition, the microbiological data increase our understanding of the bacteria associated with
WHO defined very severe pneumonia in these settings and permit us to determine the
treatment failure and death rates by specific organism isolated. Also, the low losses to followup in both groups (<1%) strengthen confidence in the outcomes and minimise classification
error associated with an intention to treat analysis. Limitations of the study are its non-blinded
study design, which may have introduced bias by study
doctors determination of treatment failure, particularly for the specific outcome of change in
antibiotic. It was considered unethical to give placebo injections to tackle differences in
inpatient antibiotic schedules, however, and it was not possible to adequately blind extra
study doctors at each site to treatment assignment because of differences in outpatient
antibiotic schedules (daily oral amoxicillin plus gentamicin injectionsv oral chloramphenicol).
We therefore developed rigorous criteria for treatment failure, and study monitors who visited
each site monitored all treatment failures to ensure that the study was being done according
to protocol. Misclassification of pneumonia
due to a bacterial cause may have also been present owing to the non-specific nature of the
definition of very severe pneumonia. Although this would tend to minimise our power to
detect a difference in treatment groups, we none the less detected a statistically significant
difference between chloramphenicol and ampicillin plus gentamicin. It should be noted that
these findings have limited applicability in areas of high HIV prevalence, where the spectrum
of causes
for pneumonia is different and includes Pneumocystis jiroveci an organism not covered by
either study drug. Finally, we determined whether one of our sites (Zambia) that was removed
from the trial prematurely because of inadequacy of the treatment regimen in HIV infected
children unduly influenced the study results.Weconcluded that it did not as the proportion of

children failing treatment at day 5 were similar after exclusion of the Zambian site: 70 (15%)
treatment with chloramphenicol and 50 (11%) failed treatment with ampicillin plus gentamicin
(relative risk 1.40, 95% confidence interval 1.00 to 1.97) compared with 16% v 11% (1.43,
1.03 to 1.97) in the entire cohort. We believe that our study shows clinical superiority of
injectable ampicillin plus gentamicin in the treatment of very severe pneumonia in children
aged 2-59 months in an urban referral hospital setting, where all patients with very severe
pneumonia are expected to be treated. These findings have important implications for
updating WHOs global guidelines for the case management of pneumonia, which until now
have recommended chloramphenicol as the first line antibiotic treatment for very severe


Community acquired very severe pneumonia has high mortality and is caused by a variety of bacterial
Parenteral chloramphenicol is the standard treatment but has not been rigorously tested


Streptococcus pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus are the most common causes of very severe
Ampicillin plus gentamicin is superior to chloramphenicol, especially against S pneumoniae

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