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Richard Dalziel

Junior Game Programmer

Tel: 07590846464

I am an avid gamer who has a fairly open mind with respect to game genres. The games which tend
to take up most of my time are those which involve a high amount of team and social play. This
attitude has also transferred over to my work on creating different games at university; I have
consistently preferred to create these games as a team and to work as collaboratively as possible on
these projects.

During my time at university I have obtained a vast amount of skills ranging from programming
languages/libraries such as C++, Java, CG, OpenGL, Berkley Socket API, Ogre 3D Graphics Engine,
ODE Physics Engine, OpenAL 3D Audio API.


University of the West of Scotland
BSc Computer Games Technology

1st Year 2nd Year

Introduction to Computer Animation B1 Algorithms: Dynamic Data Structures & Files B1
Introduction to Programming A Cooperating Processes B1
Introduction to Computer Game Design B2 Abstraction & Specification in Program B1
Sequences and Patterns A Computer Games Design B2
Computers Systems C1 Real time 3D Graphics A
2D Computer Animation B1 Interactive Physical Modelling B1
2D Graphics Programming B1 Mobile and Web Games Development A
Mathematics of Space and Change B1 Introduction to Database Systems B1

3rd Year 4th Year

Object Oriented Software B2 Virtual Reality Systems B2
Client Server Methods B1 Collaborative Virtual Environments B1
Software Testing B2 Computer Science Honours Project B1
Software Project Management B2 Games Console Development B2
Advanced Games Programming B1 Serious Games B1
Computer Game AI C1
Computer Games Technology Project B1
Professional & Ethical Issues in B2

Clydebank High School
1 Advanced Higher – Chemistry, C.
5 Highers – Music, A – Physical Education, C – Chemistry, C – Mathematics, C – English, C

The programming languages which I have had most experience with are C++,Java, openGL and CG.
During my stay at the university I have also gathered some other important skills in using different
libraries and working with open source engines and several other skills which are described below:
University Projects:
• Cooperating Processes Project involved modifying multi-threaded java code for a lift
system which required an arbitrary number of lifts to operate concurrently.
• Interactive Physical Modelling required implementing a mini 2D snooker game using
C++ and OpenGL implementing the physics from scratch.
• Mobile and Web Games Development required making a game using Java in a team
for either a Mobile or for the Web.
• Client Server Methods taught basic networking using C++ and Berkley Socket API.
This involved making a messenger program.
• Advanced Games Programming was a more technical coursework, covering
techniques such as Bump Mapping, Environment Mapping, Reflections, Shadowing,
and Motion Blur. All achieved via C++ OpenGL and cg. This work was completed in a
team of 3, video of this work can be found at :
• For our Computer Games Technology project we decided to work with the same
team as Advanced Games Programming work. This project was intended as a
competitive project against the other teams from the year. Our game won 1 st prize
at Digital Futures. Video of this work can be found at:
• Collaborative Virtual Environments required 3 group members to create a patch by
modifying the Second Life client. This is a fairly large piece of software and provided
good experience with working on a pre-existing code base with limited
documentation. This also forced us to us version control systems to get the latest
revisions of the source but also to make patches from those revisions using Tortoise
• My Honours project is focusing on the use of advanced decal systems to show
damaging effects on environments. This will be again making the use of advanced
shader techniques to achieve visually impressive effects.
• Games Console Development focuses on development on the Playstation 2 and
Playstation 3 consoles. I intend to focus a great amount on this module due to it’s
key relevance in the current industry.

I am an enthusiastic gamer, over the past few years I have mostly been gaming online. I occasionally
play my Playstation 3 on select releases but most of my gaming is done on my PC. I tend to focus
more of my time in the multi-player online games which required a large amount of team-play. For
example, I enjoy being part of a squad on a FPS strategising on how to beat an opposing squad. Or I
also enjoy playing MMORPGs and being part of the theory work in creating strategies to kill the
scripted bosses within the games. These tend to be my more favoured choice of game. However on
my consoles I tend to be more interested in Racing simulation, Fighting games and Single player RPG

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