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SAP Materials Management (MM) Module

City of Portland

Printing a one-time invoice-to address on a purchase order

In SAP theres a one-to-one relationship between Delivery Address and Invoice Address. This means that
when you selet a delivery address for a requisition or a PO, the invoice address automatically comes along
with it, and is printed in the Invoice To box on the printed PO.
If you need to issue a print purchase order with an invoice-to address different from the one linked to your
delivery address, follow these steps. You can do them on the requisition or on the purchase order.
1. On the Delivery Address tab, do not fill in the Address field (or delete the number there if youre
creating a PO from a requisition that already had that field filled in)
(Note: The Address number causes the selected delivery address AND its associated INVOICE
address to print on the PO. Leaving this field blank will cause the PO to print with the invoice area
2. Overwrite the address information with the DELIVERY ADDRESS you want the vendor to use. (This
would typically be the delivery address you usually get by filling in the Address field. You have to type it
here because youve left the Address box blank.)

Overwrite content with desired

delivery address


3. In the PO header, select the Texts tab. In the Header Text box, enter invoicing instructions to the
vendor. Anything entered here will print in the header area of the purchase order.

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SAP Materials Management (MM) Module

City of Portland

4. When you preview or print the purchase order, the Invoice-to box will be blank. Invoicing instructions to
the vendor appear in the header area.

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