Northern Democrat No 50 Apr 10

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The Northern no.



The newsletter for Liberal Democrats in the North of England

lNick Clegg visited the Newcastle Aviation Academy on 23rd April to boost Ron Beadle’s campaign to take
Newcastle North from Labour. Liberal Democrat candidates now need your help for the final battle.

comes North
Northern Democrat general election special edition
Produced, printed and promoted by Jonathan Wallace, 7 Laburnum Grove, Sunniside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE16 5LY
It’s the final countdown
Northern Democrat opinion
Your help can make all the difference
Can you feel it happening? Out there, in communities throughout the North, something is
afoot. As we go into the final days of the election campaign, many of us feel we are on the
verge of something big.
Labour are crumbling in the North. In much of our area, the Conservatives are off the
radar screen. It’s the Liberal Democrats who are taking the battle right into Labour’s
YouGov are predicting gains for us. The Northern Echo and Evening Chronicle are saying
we can make gains. But to turn the dream of victory into reality, we need your help now!
That extra bundle of leaflets delivered, that extra street canvassed, that extra page of
phone numbers called - they can make the difference between winning and losing.
Help now! Help tomorrow! Help this coming week! And help us to victory!

YouGov predicts Lib

Dem gains in North East
13% swing from Labour to Lib Dems -
Tories squeezed - Brown set to lose
A poll by YouGov in the North East has shown a 13%
swing from Labour to the Liberal Democrats could
take place in the North East at the general election. Poll predicts Lib Dems to
On the back of the result, regional newspapers, The
Evening Chronicle and The Northern Echo, are predicting
win city seats
the Liberal Democrats could pick up all three seats in ...[Lib Dems would] beat
Newcastle as well as Blaydon and Durham City. Nick Brown in Newcastle
It means Labour’s Chief Whip Nick Brown could lose East
Newcastle East to Lib Dem Wendy Taylor.
Brown, a loyalist supporter of his namesake Prime
...They would also take the
Minister, courted controversy recently by alleging Lib Dem Newcastle North and
run Newcastle City Council could tamper with votes cast in Central seats from Labour
polling stations if the election count did not take place
immediately after close of polls. Brown offered no proof and would win Blaydon and
for his allegations. the City of Durham as well.
Newcastle North Lib Dem candidate Ron Beadle said Evening Chronicle 28th April 2010
the poll was encouraging but warned, “There is still a lot of
people who are making up their minds.”
It’s the final countdown
Flying high as Nick backs
Ron in Newcastle North

lNick Clegg and Ron Beadle meet students - and the media - at Newcastle’s Aviation Academy.

Nick Clegg arrived at Newcastle

Airport on Friday 23rd April with the
sun shining down on the Liberal
Democrats - literally!
With 2 successful Leaders’ Debate
appearances under his belt, and polls
giving the Lib Dems a big boost, Nick
arrived to back Ron Beadle’s campaign
to win Newcastle North from Labour.
The two visited Newcastle Aviation
Academy near the airport.
“It was great to have Nick here,” said
Ron. “It was a real boost to our
Nick is the only party leader to visit
To help Ron’s campaign, call:
0191 214 2857
It’s the final countdown
Durham Indoor Market
welcomes Ming Campbell
Former Liberal Democrat Leader Ming
Campbell has visited Durham City to
support parliamentary candidate Carol
Woods in her campaign to win the
marginal seat from Labour.
Carol took Ming to Durham’s Indoor
Market to speak to stall holders about
challenges facing small businesses in the
current economic climate.
Enjoying a cup of tea and a home-
made scone in the market’s newly
expanded Bistro Cenno, Ming said: “It’s
great to see the Indoor Market in Durham
expanding even in the current difficult
economic climate. This market is a great
example of local businesses seizing the
initiative and investing in the future of their
“It is vitally important to support small
businesses and entrepreneurs as they are
the backbone of our economy. We need lFishing for votes: Carol Woods takes Ming Campbell to Durhams
to get the banks lending again to ensure Indoor Market to meet traders.
that innovative businesses keep on
investing in the future.”
Carol added: “At a time when unemployment has doubled in Durham in the past 18 months, it is vital that we
support local businesses. They provide great facilities and job opportunities in the heart of Durham.”
Colin Wilkes, managing director of the Durham Market’s Company, said: “We are delighted to welcome Ming
Campbell and Carol Woods to the Indoor Market. Their visit is most timely, just as we have seen the expansion of the
Markets’ mezzanine-level cafe and several other businesses too.
“This week marks a real celebration point for our traders, who continue to work hard to profit in the current
economic climate.”
To help Carol’s campaign, call 0191 3830119.

Adoption meeting
Alan Beith and Baroness Diana Maddock
were the guests at the adoption meeting for
Newcastle’s three candidates Wendy Taylor
(East), Gareth Kane (Central) and Ron
Beadle (North).
YouGov are predicting the Lib Dems could
take all three seats on their recent North
East opinion poll which shows a 13% swing
to the Lib Dems from Labour.
It’s the final countdown
Redcar welcomes Vince
Shadow Chancellor Vince Cable has visited
Redcar to help Ian Swales gain the seat
from Labour.
Redcar could be the “Portillo moment” in the
early hours of Friday 7th May with a gain that
would send shockwaves through the political
Labour are defending a majority of 12,000
but their support has slumped in a series of
council by-elections over the past 18 months.
At the same time, the fortunes of the Lib Dems
have soared in the constituency.
Vince Cable visited the constituency and met
workers from the recently closed Corus steel
Meanwhile, Iam Swales is calling on the lVince Cable and Ian Swales meet Corus workers in Redcar
Government to rethink business regulation in (photo from
order to make it easier for new companies to
set up on Teesside. His call was backed by North East Lib Dems Fiona Hall MEP. The call was made following a visit
to the Ensus biorefinery plant at the Wilton site in Redcar, which came online earlier this year.
The Ensus plant, the largest biorefinery in Europe, produces bioethanol, high protein animal feed substituting for
rain forest soy meal, and non-fossil carbon dioxide for the drinks industry. It has created 100 jobs on site and around
2000 in the supply chain.
“Ensus is a success story and shows how the Wilton
site, where I used to work, is transforming itself with the
new technologies of the 21st century,” said Ian.
“The British business regime is difficult for any new
company trying to get off the ground. Holland and
Germany are much more user-friendly. If we don’t make it
easy for new enterprises to base themselves on Teesside,
then they will go elsewhere.”
“The message we heard at Ensus is that European-level
regulation is helpful, because it gives investors certainty, “
said Fiona Hall. “But much more needs to be done at a UK
level to get new green jobs off the ground. That is why
support for green jobs is a key commitment from the
Liberal Democrats.”

lRight: Fiona Hall and Ian Swales visit the Ensus

plant in Redcar, the biggest biorefinery in Europe.

Stuffing party at Swalwell Social Club

Members in Blaydon, where Neil Bradbury is aiming to overturn
Labour’s 5,500 majority, gathered in Swalwell Social Club on the
evening of 29th April for a drink and nibbles and a chance to
watch the final Leaders’ Debate.
But it wasn’t all relaxation! A large quantity of envelopes had to be
stuffed as well.
“We got through quite a few thousand envelopes,” said Neil. “It was a
great way to get some work done, relax and watch the debates.”
It’s the final countdown
North East regional manifesto
Lib Dem Chief Whip in the
House of Lords, Lord David
Shutt, was the guest of
honour at the launch of the
party’s regional manifesto at
the Falcon’s Rugby Club in
Speaking at the launch, Lord
Shutt said, “The Leader’s
debates have shown that the
Liberal Democrats are a
credible political force. Here in
the North East, the Liberal
Democrats have been Labour’s
main challengers for years and
have demonstrated that we are lThe regional launch: left to right -
able to make a difference once Ian Swales (Redcar), Wendy Taylor
in charge. (Newcastle East), Lord Shutt, Carol
“Our principles set out in our Woods (Durham City), Ron Beadle
manifesto nationally will also (Newcaslte North) and Cllr John
bring a very positive change to
Shipley (Leader of Newcastle City
the region: our planned tax
Council.) Right, Lord Shutt who
reform means that people in the
North East will have an average launched the manifesto.
£700 extra to spend each year; we will invest £175m into local schools with
children from poorer backgrounds to make sure that each child gets a fair
start in life; and we will invest in the North’s manufacturing base by
improving the region’s infrastructure and refurbishing derelict ports which will
enable giant offshore wind turbines to be produced here rather than abroad.
“The Liberal Democrats are committed to real change for the North East.”

Labour’s totally contradictory

messages - in the same leaflet!
by Northern Democrat Editor Jonathan Wallace (first appeared in
I called into the Newcastle North Lib Dem HQ recently to see how Ron Beadle was getting on. Whilst there I joined in
the general merriment and hilarity about the totally contradictory claims about crime and public safety that had been
found in the same Labour leaflet.
Turn to page 2 of Labour’s “Local Voice”. It states, “With a Lib Dem reluctance to vote in favour of the power to break
up teen gangs, it’s hardly surprising that many local residents have told The Local Voice that they are afraid to leave
their homes at night.”
Then turn to page 3 of the same “Local Voice” and find a quote from a Stuart Hepinstall, presumably a “local resident”.
What does Mr Hepinstall say? Here it is: “It feels safer to walk around here than in the past: there’s more police and
less crime.”
I’m looking forward to the next edition. Apparently it will say on page 2 that Lib Dems spread plague and pestilence
and as a result people are dying. On page 3, the “Local Voice” will be claiming that everyone is living longer, happier,
healthier lives with Labour having eradicated all disease and illness.
The edition after that, it is rumoured, will be looking at the way Lib Dems eat babies for breakfast whilst
simultaneously claiming that under Labour all breakfasts are vegetarian.
It’s the final countdown
£15m per year for Northumberland’s
schools under Lib Dem plans
Alan Beith, who is defending his seat in Berwick upon Tweed, has made
education one of his key campaign issues.
The Liberal Democrats’ proposals for education would result in an extra £15m
for Northumberland’s schools every year - tackling the underfunding which has
been felt under years of Labour and Conservative governments.
Sir Alan said, “The proposals we are putting forward start to deal with
government underfunding of schools in Northumberland which has occurred
because of the funding formula, which helps London authorities but harms areas
like ours.”
“We have some excellent schools in our county but they could do so much
more with additional funding. Giving our young people the best start in life is the
most important thing we can do for their future.
“Some of the schools here receive significantly less money than the national
average because the Government gives a poor cash support to Northumberland
Council to pay for our kids’ education. lSir Alan Beith
“Under our plans, Northumberland schools would get a further £15m from the Government which they could use to
cut class sizes and provide more individual support.”

Keep in touch with Lib Dem candidates via the web

Frank Hindle, Gateshead!/pages/Frank-Hindle/95807225969?ref=ts
Ian Swales, Redcar:
Carol Woods, Durham City!/
Tara Saville, Easington
Wendy Taylor, Newcastle East
Gareth Kane, Newcastle Central
Ron Beadle, Newcastle North!/profile.php?id=598998412&ref=ts
Alan Beith, Berwick
Mike Barker, Darlington!/pages/Mike-Barker-4-Darlington/316022052682?ref=ts
Neil Bradbury, Blaydon

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