Prayer Development

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Jacob Carmody

April 6, 2016
Prayer Development
Scripture Passage:
1 Timothy 6:9 Those who want to be rich are falling into temptation and into a trap and
into many foolish and harmful desires, which plunge them into ruin and destruction.
Every day we as human beings are tempted by evil. We feel the call to do what the devil
wants us to do. We have the urge to do what we feel will please us despite the morality of
it. But what we must remember is not what we want, or what we feel the need for. We
must remember what God wants from us; for us to show love and kindness, and not to
give into evils temptation. As we grow older and encounter new challenges. We must
remember that the Lord is good and wants what is for the best of us. Whereas the devils
only desire is to ruin us.
Let us pray.
Lord guide me into your light,

Help me to see through the devils lies,

Help me to hear your calling,
Help me avoid the snares of Satan,
Help me know what is good by your word.

Lord guide me as I stumble through the darkness of temptation,

So that I may see your light,
So that I may grow in your love,
So that I may receive your everlasting love,
So that I may find peace.

Teach me, Lord, to see past temptation, to turn away from Satan, to walk away from evil,
and to show others the path into your light.

We ask this in your most holy name, O Lord.


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