Kursus Singkat Program Pembangunan Organisasi Untuk Kecemerlangan Sekolah (Prod)

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Kursus Singkat Program Pembangunan

Organisasi Untuk Kecemerlangan Sekolah


Aktiviti:1. Pendaftaran dan Pengenalan
PrOD & Moral Imperatif
Tindakan: Urusetia dan PK1
Aktiviti 2. Keberkesanan Kendiri/Peribadi
- Model kepimpinan
- Mengurus perubahan
- Membina Pasukan
Tindakan: GB,PK. & Unit Agama

Kajian KES
Cabaran Kepimpinan sebagai Guru
(Professional Discourse)
- Pengalaman Kendiri
Tindakan : Ketua Kumpulan

Transformational Leadership
Being a strong leader is not about/being

someone to Lean On, it is actually about

making leaning
- A shift from an enviroment of BLAME to an
enviroment to ONE of trust.
The shift unleashes human spirit, expands
individual capacity
Everyone should embrace the mantra- that is
100% responsible and no one is to blame

Leadership should not be define by the

exercise of power, but by the capacity to

increase the sense of power by those who are
led. To create more leaders
Is the ultimate aim of a leader

a change in followers
focus on transforming others, to help others,

to take care of each other

Enhances the motivation,morale and
of every member in the team
Encourage collaboration rather than working
as individual

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