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The Quest

A fair lady is in danger and it is your teams duty to return her safe and
sound! Answer the questions, collect the clues, solve the riddle, and rescue the
lady! The first team to correctly solve the riddle and rescue the fair lady will
receive six Mustang Points.
Members of your team
Each member of your team will have a specific role to fulfill in addition to helping
each other answer questions and solve riddles.
1. Analyst - reads the questions and clues (some teams may have 2)
2. Strategist - leads discussion on questions and clues
3. Scribe - records information from quest
4. Quester - collects the clues, performs the quest, and rescues the fair lady
How to Complete the Quest
1. As a team, decide on the answers to the questions on the quest sheet. The
scribe will record the answers.
2. The quester will find the answers on the index cards around the room and
collect the clues.
3. The analyst will read the clues aloud.
4. The strategist will help put the clues in order and lead discussion on the
meaning of the clues.
5. The scribe will write the answer to the riddle on the quest sheet and give it to
the quester.
6. The quester will show the quest sheet to the wizardess Merlina and leave on
the quest, hopefully to return with the fair lady.
Quest Rules
Keep discussion quiet. Much is at stake, and you do not want other teams to
use your information!
The quester must present his team with all information gathered. If the
information is not helpful, the team must work together to determine where
they went wrong.
Present your teams complete quest sheet to the wizardess Merlina at the
gate for inspection before leaving on your quest.
The quester may only leave the room once to fulfill the quest, so the team
should be certain that they are correct before sending him/her.

Quest Sheet
Use any resources necessary to discover the answers to these questions.
Write the answers on the lines.
1. From which magical being did King Arthur receive the sword Excalibur?
2. What did King Arthur name his beautiful castle and city?
3. Who were the parents of King Arthur?
4. How many of the known species of hymenopteran insects, Latin name
Formicidae, are in Freaks pants? (Ch. 8)
5. According to Freak, what is a word for an experimental device propelled by
flapping wings? (Ch. 3)
6. According to Freak, at what time does optimum darkness occur? (Ch. 10)
After reading and discussing the clues, where will you search for the fair lady?

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