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Document ID: WICOMP-T1

Work Instruction for testing of computerized system

1. Overview:
This document must accompany the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for testing
of computerized system.
It provides working instruction related to each section mentioned in the SOP.

2. Test Strategy
The test lead must be able to review the system requirements document the design
document and be able to identify inputs, processes and outputs that need to be
tested. Based on these a testing strategy is arrived at. A testing plan is documented
using the test plan template.

3. Test Plan document

Use the standard test plan template (Doc-Id=TCOMP-T1) and fill out the following
System Name and description: Get these from the requirements document
Business unit and name of Business owner: Get these from the Project charter
System Change control Number: Get this from IT support or Change control team
Release number and Version Number: This will be release 1.00 if its the first
release. Major release is an Integer, Incremental releases will be fractions. e,g. 1.00
or 2.00 or 1.10 or 1.11 etc.
Version number is a subset of a release number and will be an integer starting from
1. e.g : Rel 1.00 Ver 1
Description of Changes: Identify and describe (in brief) all functional Items which
have been modified / created and need testing.
Testing Plan Section:
In this section classify the testing into Manual System test and User Acceptance
Describe how many test scripts will be in each of these test suites and name them
Signature Section:
The signatories will be the following;
Author generally the test lead name and signature with dates in the format DDMon-YYY.
Business Owner - name and signature with dates in the format DD-Mon-YYY.
Reviewer IT Quality representative name and signature with dates in the format
The signatures must be in the above order.

4. Manual System test / User acceptance test document

Use the standard test suite template (Doc-Id=TCOMP-T2) and fill out the following
System Name and description: Get these from the requirements document
Test Suite name and description: Get these from the Test Plan.
Release number and Version Number: This will be release 1.00 if its the first
release. Major release is an Integer, Incremental releases will be fractions. e,g. 1.00
or 2.00 or 1.10 or 1.11 etc.
Version number is a subset of a release number and will be an integer starting from
1. e.g : Rel 1.00 Ver 1
This will be followed by a number of test scripts.
For each test script will have header information with a test script number such as
Test suite number T1. For e.g. TS1-T1
Make up an appropriate test script number and enter it here.
Description of test script: Identify and describe (in brief) all functional Items being
tested in the test script.
Precondition Section: here you specify parameters or setup criteria (such as user
permissions) that need to be met before starting the test. Also specify any data file
to be considered for testing.
Enter the Testing steps in sequential order with a step number and provide the
expected result. Also specify and screen shots to be taken and these should be
labeled with step number, testers initials and dated.

5. Execute Manual System test / User Acceptance test

Execution of test scripts can only begin once all signatories have signed on the Test
Plan document.
Execution of the test scripts for Manual system test should be performed by users
who have systems and technical abilities. User Acceptance test scripts should be
executed by general application users.
Execute the application as stated in each of the test scripts. The testing steps must
be executed in sequential order and compared with the expected result. If the
observed result is the same as expected result the enter the word Pass in the test
result column. If observed result is NOT the same as expected result the enter the
word Fail in the test result column.
The testing must stop at this stage and the tester must fill in the Defect form with a
defect number obtained from the test lead or the test reviewer. In the defect form,
details of the test failure such as Step number where the failure occurred,
description and also attach a screen shot of the failure result , if available.

If testing cannot proceed further, all Expected result statements must be struck out
and boxes in the observed result column must be entered as N/A.
Screen shots to be taken, wherever specified, and these should be labeled with step
number, testers initials and dated.
The minor issue must be corrected on the test script step number by hand and
using ink to strike out what is incorrect and writing the correction. This must be
initialed and dated by the tester.
All test scripts, screen shots and defect forms, upon completion, must be signed
and dated by tester and forwarded to Reviewer for review.

6. Create Defect Log/Minor issues log

The Defect Log must be created by the Test Reviewer using Defect Log template.
(Doc-Id = T-DEF-T1). All test scripts must be completed before making entries into
the defect log.
Fill in the Header information related to the system being tested with System name,
release number.
Enter all defect numbers from the defect forms with a brief description of the defect
and the severity (A Major defect and testing could not start, B-Minor defect,
testing stopped at a step and could not continue, C Minor defect, Testing could
continue). Test script number and the step number must also be entered.
Similarly fill in the Minor issues log with details in relevant columns such as Test
script number, step number, details of the minor issue and the correction made.

7. Test Summary Report

This document is created by the Test Reviewer or Business Analyst.
Use the test Summary template to create the document (Doc-Id = T-SUM-1).
Fill in all the header information as mentioned in Section 3.
In the Test Summary section enter all details about the execution and results of the
test scripts.
Mention the date when the testing started and ended.
Identify any exceptions or deviations that occurred during testing
Identify how many tests were successful, how many failed and the severity of
Also mention details of Re-tests that were carried out to fix and verify failed tests.
Ideally all test failures must be closed before making a recommendation. If there are
open defects, alternative workaround solution must be identified and documented.
In the Recommendation section, enter any recommendation that you feel justified
for the computerized system implementation. For example should it be
implemented or further corrective action is required before implementation. What
are the risks if it is being implemented with an open defect. These must be
discussed and explained to the Business owner before signature.

This document must be then signed by the Reviewer, Business owner and sent to IT
quality for signature along with all testing related documents mentioned in Sections
5 and 6.

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