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Test Questions

1. Which of the following issues should be entered in the Defect Log ? Select all the answers that apply.
1 The test script has a spelling mistake on one of the steps. Incorrect
Feedback :This is a minor issue and does not stop a test from going ahead.
2 The test script steps are wrongly numbered. Incorrect
Feedback : This is a minor issueand does not stop a test from going ahead.
3 The result(s) of a testing step do not match with expected result. Correct
Feedback: This is a wrong result and constitutes a defect. This should be addressed with a
description and possible reason in the defect log.
4 The verification of results by comparing with another step is not correctly referenced. IncorrectFeedback:This is a minor issue. The test script can be corrected and the test can continue.
2. Who issues the Defect number for entries in the Defect Log.? Select the Correct Answer
1.The Tester Incorrect A tester needs to notify the test lead and obtain the current defect
2.The System Administrator Incorrect He/she is not involved in formal testing.
3.The Project manager Incorrect - He/she is not involved in formal testing.
4. The Test leader Correct - A test lead maintains the defect number between several testers.
5. The Test reviewer Incorrect Test reviewer reviews the results of a test and verifies that the
defect log and minor issues log entries have been properly made.
3. Which of these minor test issues should be entered in the Minor Issue Log .? Select all the answer
that apply.
1. The test script has a missing step number. Correct - This is a minor issue. This can be
manually corrected with initial and date. Description of the wrong step number and step number
should be entered in the
minor issues log. Testing can then continue.
2.The test script has a missing test data set. Correct - This is a minor issue. The data set name
can be manually entered with initial and date. Should be entered in the minor issues log. Testing
can then continue.
3.The statement has a wrong spelling. Correct - This is a minor issue. This can be manually
corrected with initial and date. Should be entered in the minor issues log. Testing can then
4.The test script steps are wrongly numbered. Correct- Minor issue all steps should be
properely renumbered with initial and date. Should be mentioned in the minor issues log. Testing
can then continue.
4. Following information must be entered for a defect in the Defect Form. Select all the answer that

1.Test script name Correct This is required for proper identification of the defect.
2.Step number Correct This is required for proper identification of the defect.
3.Name of tester Correct This is required for proper identification of the defect.
4.Name of project manager Incorrect Irrelevant data. It does not identify the defect .
5.Unique defect number Correct - This is required for proper identification of the defect.
5. Resolved defects remain documented in the defect log.
True - Correct answer Defects which have been resolved should be fully explained in terms of
root cause and the correction made and the final re-test results.
False Incorrect answer Unresolved Defects also should be documented in the defect log
and are marked as open defect. It is up to the deciding authority (business lead ) whether to
implement the system with open defect. Ideally no defects should be left at time of

6. Defect log and Minor issues log can be filled out using a black pencil.
True Incorrect answer As mandated by regulatory audit, entries with pencils are not
False Correct answer - As mandated by regulatory audit, for any entry to be valid, it should
be made with blue ink.
7. It is not okay to scribble a statement in the defect form but is okay to do so in the Minor issues log.
True Incorrect answer As mandated by regulatory audit, all corrections should be indicated
by pen with a single scratch out line such that the corrected value is visible. This should be then
initialed and dated.
False Correct answer As mandated by regulatory audit, all corrections should be indicated
by pen with a single scratch out line such that the corrected value is visible. This should be then
initialed and dated.

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