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The Weather I

R: Welcome to Chinese Studio, Wo Shi Raymond.

Y: And Wo Shi Yajie. And today we're going to teach you how to describe the weather.

R: Lighting strikes! You know I think all we need to teach people is how to say the different
degrees of hot.

Y: Why is that?

R: Cause in 20 years our children and grandchildren won't know what snow is since it won't

Y: Whatever you fatalist. Here are the key words of the day.

Key Words of the Day

Weather forecast 天气预报 What did the weather forecast say? 天气预报怎么说?it’s really hot
outside. 外面很热 It’s very windy. 风很大。All in today’s Chinese Studio

R: I’d like to do some outdoor activity today. So what’s the weather like?

Y: Luckily I read the weather forecast this morning.

R: So what did the weather forecast say? Wait, how do you say that in Chinese?

Y: tian1 qi4 yu4 bao4 zen3 me shuo1? 天气预报怎么说?

Tian1 qi4: weather

Yu4 bao4: forecast or prediction

Zen3 me: how

Shuo1: say

Weather forecast how say--- what did the weather forecast say?


  Coryright 2007 
Y: Hey Raymond, what's wrong with you?

R: Its soo.. Hot.. out .. here... turn off the heater.

Y: Raymond its 20 degrees out here.

R: Yea exactly. I don't think I can make it, why don't you tell me how to say "Its really hot
outside". 外面很热

Wai4 mian4 hen3 re4

Wai4 mian4: outside

Hen3: really, very much

Re4: hot

Outside very hot ---it’s really hot outside. 外面很热

Y: Hats off!

R: Why?

Y: Cause your hat just flew off your head.

R: Oh my gosh. how do you say its very windy. 风很大。

Feng1 hen3 da4

Feng1: wind

Hen3: very

Da4: big

It’s very windy. 风很大。


R: Well stay warm and keep out of the wind.

Y: That's right, its a cold season so stay hot.

  Coryright 2007 
R: Before we leave lets find out what the quiz of the day is.

Y: How do you say "What did the weather forecast say” in Chinese.

  Coryright 2007 

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