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There are four blood groups known as A, B, AB, and O. these are the phenotypes which are
expressions of genotypes. Below is list of genotypes and corresponding phenotypes.








Blood groups are based on proteins called antigens, which are present on the surface of red
blood cells (RBCs). If antigen A is present on all the RBCs of an individual then they have blood
group A and so forth. Antibodies are also present in the blood plasma, if a person has antibody b
in their plasma then they have Blood group A. It is of great importance that this is noted when
transfusions must occur, since the wrong transfusions can cause lethal reactions. Blood group
O is considered the universal donor, since a person with blood group O has no antigens present
in their blood, if no antigens are present then this blood type can be donated to any blood group
since there will be no antigens present to be detected by the antibodies in the recipients blood
plasma. Blood group AB is considered the universal recipient since persons with this blood
type can receive donations from donors with any of the blood groups; this is because persons
with blood group AB possess no antibodies in their blood plasma and so no blood type will be
recognized as foreign by the body.
NOTE: See table 10.4 in your text for a list of compatible blood types for transfusions

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