Title Styles

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Ben Fellows

Title Styles
A title sequence is placed onto a film to inform the viewer of the main actors, the director, the producer and
other production information and the films name and logo. This provides a small amount of information to
the viewer, and allows time for a story introduction.
When I make my title sequence, the order in which the credits will appear will be as follows:

My production company name (An Infinity Entertainment Production)

Film Title (Distress)
Starring (Cast) (The main or most important actors will be shown. They will start with the main
character and go down in order of importance. Usually, the order in which they are set is:
Production Company
Lead Cast
Supporting Cast
Music Composer
Director of Photography
Music by
Produced (Directed) by Ben Fellows

When the titles are on the screen, they should stay on the screen until the viewer has had enough time to
read it. A good amount of time for them to be on screen is about 2 or 3 seconds each, as its not too long,
but it gives enough time for it to be read. A young child may not be able to read the text as quickly as an
adult, and so this time could be too fast so will need to be displayed slightly longer. The text could be bigger
so they can read it easier.
I will place my main titles in the middle of the screen so that people are drawn to them. This is because the
middle of the screen is the main focus. However my titles will be off centre, then the viewer can choose
whether to look at the film in the background, or the names on the titles. Less important titles like music and
editing may be placed closer to a corner, and made to be smaller than the rest. An example of titles with
continuity is the Man of Steel titles. They follow characteristics of the name of the film the credits have a
shiny, metal and silver appearance to come across that they are made of Steel. They also used a strong
font; this is because it also represents metal, and its characteristics. This effect makes the titles more
relevant to the name and what the film is about.
My titles will be presented in the colour white in the capitals with a static texture and will flicker on screen
and off screen throughout.

Ben Fellows
The different types of film genre represent their film logo/title in different ways. Here are some examples for
my chosen genre (Which is Horror):

This logo for The Howling shows the text being morphed into a shape which could represent blood (if you
use your imagination). I may feature this type of style in my design so that people get the idea of a horror,
and that there will be scenes of violence that feature blood. Its also a little bit scary. Even though there is
no clear evidence of an animal or antagonist, you get the idea that because of the name of the film, and
that the texts edges look to be furry in a sense, that there will be a wolf type animal which is the main
antagonist. The letter W in howling looks like it may be shaped after a wolfs ears. This text shape is
another clue as to what antagonist there will be in the film. The use of the black background may be to
create an isolated setting. The black may represent shadows and or darkness. Because the text is coloured
in red, it could represent that the evil and bloody wolf may appear from dark shadows in the film. The use of
capital letters on the text may be to emphasise the threat that lies behind the name. The H in the logo has
a distorted line between, which could represent a scratch from some sort of animal (most likely a wolf).

This logo for the film Aliens will influence my design in a way that is not literally represented, but the idea
will transfer across. In this image, the letter I may have been made to look like an aliens eye. My logo will
not have an adaptation of an alien eye. In my case it will have traits that relate to the name and nature of
the main antagonist of the sequence (the killer). The use of the eye shape which is implemented on the
letter I shows the viewer that the film will be about aliens (if you didnt get that from the text already). The
light green tint that the text has could show that everything that the aliens are associated with is futuristic.
The thinness and tallness of the font may be there to show that they are tall creatures; however they are
able to blend in and stay hidden on a planet (presumably Earth). The title of the film could also imply that
the film is solely about aliens, or the attack of aliens on earth.

Ben Fellows

Here are some examples for a different genre; Sci-Fi:

This logo for Tron Legacy will influence my design for my logo as the text has neon outlines and a slight
glow. I will feature this in a similar way because it can be used to represent a text glitch with different
colours. This logo is presented in this way because the film is about a virtual world that is made of lots of
neon lights and shapes; the main type being the light blue colour. So when you look at this logo, you
remember the film and what it is about. The title logo is made like this so that the objects and occurrences
in the film can relate to the name. The top of the letters T and R are connected and this may be to
represent an error or glitch. This is because the film is one big computer game that may run into errors.
Again the neon blue outline has a reoccurring appearance throughout the film. The constant neon colours
could imply that the film is futuristic, and that it is mostly fictional. The word Legacy is styled in a thinner
font, and is sized to be smaller than the word Tron. This is there to state importance as the name of the
film series is more important than the name of the film.

This logo for Jurassic World will influence my design for my logo because the logo features a big and bold
font style. I will also make my logo have a big and bold font style so that it attracts the attention of the
viewer. It may also have something that is related to the story in the background of the image, as this gives
a small idea of what the film is about to the viewer (in this case, a dinosaur). The use of the fine lines which
are in the centre of each letter could be to represent parts of a bone; because the text itself is coloured in a
white/grey tone, and this, with the dinosaur in the background, connotes the idea of a bone. The font of the
text has a bold style this could be to represent the dinosaurs themselves because they are large and
strong. Because the title and logo looks to be carved out of stone, this may represent the history that the
dinosaurs hold, and how old they actually are.

Going by the name of my sequence Distress, I may make the text have a glitch and shake effect. This may
personify the text and make it look like it is distressed itself. This then relates to the killers personality and
how the film will progress. Coming from the Tron logo, I will also make my logo have a light glow (maybe of
a red colour so that it represents blood). I may also feature some sort of cut or slice that has taken a chunk
out of the logo so that it represents a knife slash from the killer. This means that the title will feature an oldTV style glitch effect with default RGB colours (red, green and blue), and it will have relations to the killer (a
knife, and slit through the middle).

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