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For our senior communication portfolio the two papers that I chose each show a different

but important part of me and my interests in communication. My portfolio includes the following
papers: Global Stereotypes of Women, and Relational Assessment.
In a Women and Gender Studies course I took, I wrote a paper looking at everyday media
and pop culture, and how the messages depict negative images of women. I explore the way
mainstream televised portrayals of women depict unrealistic beauty which perpetuates damaging
stereotypes. These actions can negatively shape a womans self-respect. Another thing that
appealed to me was the notion that society either does not notice the vast amount of
misrepresentation media illustrates, or that we do not give it the proper acknowledgment as a dire
problem that needs to be corrected. This paper struck a key interest with me because it illustrates
how even the most subtle message, once received through ease and repetition, can shape an
entire audiences perception of an image or idea.

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