Did You Understand The Storyline?: Yes No

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Oreoluwa Shoyinka

In-between production
As Media

Did you understand the storyline?





20% of the people who left a feedback did not understand the storyline behind
clean cut which is understandable however because 80% of the people who left
feedback understood the storyline I decided to keep the storyline the same.

Oreoluwa Shoyinka
In-between production
As Media

What type (genre) of the film does this look like?




100% people who left a feedback understood the genre of the clean cut. As they
were no thriller option given to them they all chose the closet genre to it which
was horror. I kept the genre of clean cut the same because everyone was able to
make out what the genre was.

Oreoluwa Shoyinka
In-between production
As Media

Did the titles help you understand the film?





This was a 50/50 feedback, some understood and others didnt. Clean
Cut is the title of the film. I chose to keep the title the same as it adds a nice
contrast to the thriller. The title can also be seen as onomatopoeia because there
is nothing clean about a cut, these two words are opposites. I found this
interesting hence why I kept the title the same regardless of the 50/50 feedback

Oreoluwa Shoyinka
In-between production
As Media

Did the sound work well with the images?





90% of the people who left a feedback said that the sound worked
well with the images whilst 10% disagreed. As majority of the people who left a
feedback said that the sound and images worked well together I did not change
anything in the thriller apart from adding a voiceover of Nicholas saying say
your prayers in order for people to understand what was written on the board.

Oreoluwa Shoyinka
In-between production
As Media

Did the editing suit the film and make it easy to understand?
Yes No



90% of the people who left a feedback said that the editing suited the film
and made it easier to understand whilst 90% disagreed. A slight improvement
was made to the film by adding a voiceover of Nicholas saying say your prayers
in order for people to understand what was written on the board.

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