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Natural M. Breeden
SWK 4910 001: Integrative Field Seminar

Engage in Practice-Informed Research and
Research-Informed Practice

Practice Behavior: 11

Use practice experience and theory to inform

scientific inquiry and research.

I observed my supervisor as she conducted an

individual meeting with a student who had been
reported by her teacher to have potential signs of
rape and/or abuse. After sitting in on the meeting
and observing my supervisor and the students
actions, I conducted research about signs of rape,
as they apply to children.

Practice Behavior: 12

Apply critical thinking to engage in analysis of

quantitative and qualitative research methods
and research findings.

Observing student behavior when they meet with

my supervisor and I, I further gain knowledge
through conducting research about issues such as
rape, behavior, neglect/abuse, etc.

Practice Behavior: 13

Use and translate research evidence to inform and

improve practice, policy, and service delivery.

For my Agency Project, I revised a Student Attendance

Contract and created a new and needed project,
Making IT Count. The project was created to respond
to ten or more unexcused absences and tardies students
have accumulated. I conducted research to see how much
of an impact absences from school and leaving school
early have on a students academic performance. The
research evidence found and the needed project will
attempt to improve practice, policy, and service delivery
as it applies to the students and the students

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