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Project Proposal form

Learner Name
Centre Name
Teacher Assessor

Nicola Avitabile
South Island School

Learner number
Centre Number

Ms. Srivastava



Artefact / P304

Proposed project title

Aviation Studies With Simulator Demonstration

Section One: Title, objective, responsibilities

Title or working title of project (in the form of a question, commission or design brief)

Title: An Introduction To The Basics Of The Aviation World

I will be learning about a variety of subtopics about aviation mentioned in detailed below. I will then put
this information into some demonstrational/tutorial videos using my flight simulator, which will be
uploaded to my YouTube channel. I will then make a webpage where I will upload all my videos and I will
talk about the video and what things I learnt in the particular video. I will also be giving background
information on my career plans as well as mentioning how I and many other people intend on becoming a
pilot and what are the advantages and disadvantages of being a pilot.
Project objectives (eg, what is the question you want to answer? What do you want to learn how to do? What do you
want to find out?):

I will be making a videos going in depth into the art of aviation, learning the physics and a lot about the
plane itself and its different parts. I will also be learning about different procedures needed to land and take
off a plane and also how to read charts, maps and how to decode the weather briefings. I will study how to
approach a plane using different systems as well as how to communicate to the control tower and I will
record all of this on a simulator.
I want the videos to be informative and of high quality. The videos should serve a purpose and that is
introducing some of the sort of things you will need to do and know how to do as a pilot. By making high
quality videos I would like to also develop my movie editing skills as they can come in useful for a variety of
projects in different subject.
My final objective is to create a fan base so that I can get feedback on my videos and inspire people to

follow their aviation dreams. I could do this by opening accounts on social media or making sure I engage
with viewers when they comment on the videos. At the same time I am hoping by doing this project it will
show airlines my great interest in the field of aviation as well as making me look like an all round candidate.
If it is a group project, what will your responsibilities be?

This will be an individual project.

Section Two: Reasons for choosing this project

Reasons for choosing the project (eg, links to other subjects you are studying, personal interest, future plans,
knowledge/skills you want to improve, why the topic is important):
I have chosen this project because I intend to get into Bucks or Embry Riddle university and study aviation. If possible
I would like to get to on the Cathay Cadet program first and foremost and Cathay tend to hire cadets based on their
passion for aviation. By doing this project I will be able to largely demonstrate not only my knowledge but also my
passion for planes and flying. If I do not get into Cathay then I will attend the three-year university course, which
would give me all the licenses required to fly. By doing the project based on aviation it will not only get me ready for
some of the topics I might study in depth in the university or at the program but will also show that I genuinely want
to become a pilot not for the money but for having the privilege to fly. This also may increase my chances of getting
into the university of my choice.
Another reason is this summer I intend to get my private pilot license in an astonishing 7 weeks of intense training.
Therefore having previous knowledge would give me a very good starting block and could potentially aid me in
getting the license. By getting the license I would look like a very passionate candidate for the cadet program and
also for the universities as they will be able to see that I took my own time to go out flying and I am capable of
understanding the theory based around aviation.
Section Three: Activities and timescales
Activities to be carried out during the project (eg, research, development and analysis
of ideas, writing, data collection, numerical analysis, rehearsal techniques, production
meetings, production of final outcome, administration, evaluation, preparing for the
presentation, etc):

How long this will take:

All research needed for the project / collection of resources

Production of the video with the research and my understanding of it
Present all theory learnt from research
Making of website
Evaluating the project and making reflections and conclusions

8 weeks
15 weeks
5 weeks
2 weeks
5 weeks

Milestone one:
Complete the website layout and start at least 1 video.
Target date (set by tutor-assessor):

Milestone two:
Complete all the videos and be ready for the final stage.
Target date (set by tutor-assessor): End Of September 2015
Section Four: Resources
What resources will you need for your research, write up and presentation (eg, libraries, books, journals, equipment,
rehearsal space, technology and equipment, venue, physical resources, finance):

For my project I will be using my aviation books I have at home for my main information. Jeff Van West and Kevin
Lane-Cummings call the book I will be using Microsoft Flight Simulator X For Pilots Real World Training. The book
talks about from what you need to know as a beginner to being an expert on the flight simulator, which is the
program I will be using for the demonstration/tutorials.
If the information Im looking for is not all in my books I will do some research online. There are plenty of online
websites either for online flight schools or from blogs and videos created from enthusiast. For example I will be using
videos created by FroogleSim to better understand how to communicate with the Air Traffic Control. I will be using
Weebly to be developing my website where I will be putting all my explanations, videos and other documentation.
To make the video I will be using Microsoft Flight Simulator with some other add on programs installed to add to the
realism. For example Accu-fell is a program installed in my simulator to improve the physics in the game. Finally to
edit my movies I will use iMovie and will then upload them to YouTube.

What your areas of research will cover?

The things I will research and demonstrate understanding of in the videos are as follows:

How to read and decode the weather report (METAR)

What SID and STARS are
Understanding the checklists
Reading a basic ILS approach charts and effectuating an ILS approach
How to communicate with ATC
How lift works
How drag works
Parts of a plane
How planes turn and climb or descend
How to take off and land correctly with a professional airline plane

Comments and agreement from tutor-assessor

Is the learner taking this project as part of the Diploma?


If yes, which Diploma are they taking? BTEC Diploma

Comments (optional):

Is project derived from work which has been/will be submitted for another qualification?
Which qualification (title and unit)?



Comments (optional):

I confirm that the project is not work which has been or will be submitted for another qualification and is



Comments and agreement from project proposal checker

Comments (optional):
I confirm that the project is appropriate.



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