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[]AlsciendeApocalypse 16 points 5 days ago*

I made that list for my Alliance about which champions are good on Defense:

Black Bolt duped

Gamora duped


Spider-Man Symbiote duped

Superior Iron Man duped



Iron Man duped

Iron Patriot duped

Ultron rank 4


Magneto (highly) duped


Black Widow

Daredevil duped

Moon Knight

Punisher duped

Electro duped

Hulk duped

Luke Cage

Spider-Man duped

Doctor Strange

Juggernaut duped

Scarlet Witch duped

Unstoppable Colossus duped

And this is the list of the champions that are acceptable on Defense:

Captain Marvel

Gamora unduped

Miss Marvel


Spider-Man Symbiote unduped

Thor duped


Rocket Raccoon

Ultron rank 3



Cyclops 90S


Daredevil unduped

Spider-Man unduped

Spider-Man Morales

Yellowjacket duped

Guillotine duped

Juggernaut unduped

Unstoppable Colossus unduped

I looked at 3 main factors to decide how good a champion was on Defense:

How long it takes to beat it (Groot, Luke Cage, duped Iron Man...)

How dangerous it is to miss one beat against it (Electro, Storm, duped Hulk,
duped Gamora...)

How surprising the champion can be (duped Spider-Man, duped Scarlet Witch,

edit: if it's possible to put champions on Heal Block nodes, then those champions can
be put on the "good defense" list as long as they are positioned on Heal Block nodes:

Ant-Man duped


Spider-Man Morales

War Machine duped




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[]thedukeoftankDaredevil = Stuns for daze 2 points 5 days ago*

I agree with most but I would add Daredevil duped to the Good Defense set. Try hit a
high duped DD with anything projectile. DD is much better than Spiderman in that
instance. I would also say Electro duped on the 1st list and take him off of any lists
when unduped.
I would also add Magneto highly duped to the Good Defense set. Sucks when you use
a L3 and he only looses less than 1000 health using a 4/4/40 champ. Plus, you have
great bleed, easy attacks following specials and heal block.

They do get easier. It took me over 180-200 win streak to get one. Now I am completing them in about 50...and that
is with a lost streak in there.

They do get to the point where you can reach 1.1 in your sleep. Like I have really slacked off this arena taking almost
16 hours off and I am at 950k.
This is your first step into making them easier.
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[]thermaltoothpaste[S] 3 points 11 days ago
Hope so. 2 more to go!
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[]jf3rc 1 point 11 days ago
How do you get it in 50 matches?
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[]DhamonGrimwulf 1 point 11 days ago
Streak with 4-stars. Having a 5-star (if you refresh) is even less!
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[]jf3rc 1 point 11 days ago
Hmm it usually takes me around 70-75 matches to get to 1.1 m. I guess I don't have as many four stars as you guys.
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[]DhamonGrimwulf 1 point 11 days ago
I'm close to 40 4-stars right now. And a single 5-star. Definitely helps =)
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[]jf3rc 1 point 11 days ago
Ah I am at 18 4* and 0 5*. Dang.
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[+]ScubaSteveSauve comment score below threshold (3 children)
[]trackhurdler 1 point 11 days ago
Masteries help a ton too. I've lost like 4-500 points on each of my 4* champions because I got rid the DE and LC
build. I have 27 4*. In 9 fights that difference is about ~35k? You can save yourself a lot of matches if you have it
done correctly.
Also you can take your time! If you have a good enough roster... just play only your 4* champions. Instead of earning
15k per match (3x3), you can earn 20-24k per match (3x4). That means you also get more breaks!
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[]LeisureSuitHulk 1 point 11 days ago
Why's it painful? you did it with zero wins you're a wizard! All kidding aside, it does get a lot easier. I did it in 45 wins
this time around.
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[]jf3rc 1 point 11 days ago
Do you have a 5*?
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[]LeisureSuitHulk 1 point 11 days ago
I have 9 4/40s, and 25 3/30 4s that help a lot, but yes I do have a 1/25 5 which was good for 18k points.

[]KtroutAMO 2 points 11 days ago

I have 9 teams right now that I use in infinite streak. They range from 1 team of rank 4s to teams of rank 3 3*s. It
basically takes me 80 rounds to hit 1.1m. Each round is usually around 3-4 minutes, so we're talking about 280
minutes or so = about 4.5 hours spread over 2 days.
Basically on the night of the event I'll do about 18 fights to get into infinite streak. I do 4 cycles the next in
the morning, one afternoon at lunch, one when I get home from work and one before bed. The next day I do 2 cycles
and sometimes another couple of fights.

It takes me about 70 wins to get it. I have 13 4* and a total of 8 teams. 4-5 runs a day is doable. It gets easier.

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