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Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Don Rutti and I am currently the head science teacher at NOVA Academy ECHS. I
have known Alyssa Verdin for over three years now and have had the pleasure to be her teacher in one of
my science courses. One of my first real experiences with Alyssa was during her junior year while taking
my anatomy and physiology course. I immediately took note of her work ethic and motivation, as she
was one of my top performing students in this class. Homework assignments were never late and were
always thoroughly and thoughtfully prepared. She put exceptional effort into class projects, keeping her
work impeccably neat and well organized.
In class discussions I could always count on Alyssa to enrich the conversation by asking thoughtprovoking questions, or sharing insights that went beyond typical high-school thought. Her performance
on quizzes and exams were reflective of the hard work, which contributed to her maintaining straight As
throughout the entire year. Always prepared for class, always engaged in discussions, and always working
diligently, Alyssa was an exemplary student in my classroom..
Alyssa is no stranger to community service. During her high school years she has been involved
in such activities as The Mix, where she helped prepare and serve food to the guests who attend. She has
also been a mentor to young people through a program called Ontrack. She truly has a giving heart and
makes time to help others around her. On number of occasions she has supported NOVA Academys
summer school program, where she assisted teachers with classroom duties and students with
assignments. These activities are a testament to her desire to want to give back to her community.
Overall Alyssa is an exceptional individual whose skillset and ambitious drive make her a perfect
candidate for any college. I confidently stand behind this student and know she will give 100% to any
challenge that stands before her. If you have any questions about Alyssas qualifications please feel free to
contact me directly.

Don Rutti
Science Teacher
NOVA Academy Early College High School
1010 W 17th Street
Santa Ana, CA 92706
(714) 569-0948

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