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Ryan Belz
Wertz- Orbaugh
UWRT 1103
8 February 2016
Nazi Led Human Bio Experiments
The particular field I will be inquiring further into regarding the Holocaust is the medical
experiments done by the Nazis, both in the camps and at separate research facilities. It speaks
to me because its the most recent and large scale documented & institutionalized humanbioresearch. I read up on this years ago when I heard about a notorious doctor that was trying to
create a super-soldier of sorts. He performed sick, twisted experiments on prisoners to get what
he wanted. I also read up on Nazi scientists attempting everything from space travel, new
elements, teleportation, and alien communication.
The only background knowledge I have on it are the brief articles I read as a 10 or 11year-old. That being said, it was all it took to spark my interest. Upon enrolling in this class I
looked into it again and found new leads as to where my research might take me.
I will look into both primary and secondary sources for my research. The primary
documents I hope to find are medical records written by those conducting the experiments as
well as accounts of the experiences by spectators or even victims. The secondary sources will
most likely be resources pulled from the international Holocaust museum and others of the sort.
Two specific question I have is as follows: Were Nazi doctors really attempting to create
super soldier technology? & What sorts of elemental and teleportation technologies were Nazi
scientists toying with during World War 2? These will add to my paper by diving into the lesser
known topics of the holocaust. Public education is very likely not going to teach anything about


this to its students, but rather teach about the more popular aspects of the holocaust such as the
politics and the genocide.
One angle I could take into this topic might be looking at it from the side of the Nazi
leaders. What were their goals, motives, and inspiration? What did they honestly think they could
accomplish through this testing? The other angle I might take is from the side of the victims.
What sorts of testing was done to them? How were they selected and treated during such
My jumping point will probably be from here: What sorts of human bio experiments
went on during World War II by the Nazis? This is a very broad question that allows me lots of
room to grow off ideas or to take another completely different route. A question such as this
fosters true inquiry. By jumping from topic to topic based solely on my own curiosity I will grow
as a writer and hopefully learn something I never wouldve otherwise.
I have been an effective and useful peer responder by operating on a number of different
levels. By this I mean that I was helping with sentence structure, making notes on organization,
and correction MLA mistakes. Also, I underlined pieces of Jillians word and offered my own
suggestions as to how she should fix things or make them sound better. I feel as if I have helped
her uncover some key mistakes that will save her paper when she goes to edit.

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