York County Office of Children, Youth & Families Provisional License

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va pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE This certificate is hereby granted to COMMISSIONERS OF YORK COUNTY To operate YORK COUNTY OFFICE OF CHILDREN, , YOUTH & FAMILIES Located at s u 1 The tot cr the ta Restrictions: This certificate Is granted in accordance with the Public Welfare Code of 1967, P.L. 31, as amended, and Regulations ‘55 Pa.Code Chapter 3130: Administration of County Children and Youth Services and Other Supplementary Program Regulations and shall remain in effect from March 14, 2016 until May 15, Uniess sooner revoked for non-compliance with applicable laws and regulations. No: 315973 — tila felt COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLWy DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE VIA CERTIFIED MAIL, APR 0-5 2016 Mr, Terry L, Clark, Director York County Office of Children, Youth and Families 100 West Market Street, Suite 402 York, PA 17401, Dear Mr, Clark: The Department of Human Services (Department) conducted inspections of York County Office of Children, Youth and Families, 100 West Market Street, 4” Floor, York, Pennsylvania, 17401, on October 19 and 20, 2015, for the purpose of conducting a renewal inspection, The enclosed Licensing Inspection Summary (LIS) document includes details of the violations of the regulations at 55 Pa. Code Chapters 3130 and 3490 and the Child Protective Services Law found during these inspections, Many of the areas of noncompliance were previously clted during Inspections conducted by the Department in 2015. The failure to comply with the applicable regulations, and failure to comply with the acceptable plan to correct noncompliance items as specified in detail in the enclosed LIS document, is the basis for the revocation of your second provisional Certificate of Compliance and issuance of a third provisional Certificate of Compliance. See 62 P.S. § 1008; 55 Pa. Code §§ 20.54 (a) and 20.71(a)(4). The Department will issue York County Office of Children, Youth and Families a third provisional Certificate of Compliance (Certificate #315973) for the time period from March 14, 2016 through May 15, 2016. See 55 Pa. Code §§ 20.54 (a), 20.71(a)(2) and 20.71(a)(4). The Department approved your plan of correction on March 14, 2016. ase note that a maximum of four consecutive provisional certificates of compliance may be issued to a legal entity for each specific agency. See 55 Pa, Code § 20.54(c). Faliure to Implement your plan of correction could result in the loss of your Certificate of Compliance. Asa reminder, 55 Pa. Code § 20.56 requires that the current Certificate of Compliance be posted in a public place at your agency. You may appeal the refusal to renew your second provisional Certificate of Compliance and the issuance of a third provisional Certificate of Compliance by filing a written petition within 30 days of service of this letter, See 55 Pa. Code § 3130.82. Your petition should indicate the reasons for the appeal, being as specific as possible as to the areas of disagreement. Any appeal must be filed with: Director, Bureau of Hearings and Appeals Department of Public Welfare Post Office Box 2675 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105 ‘Your appeal must be received by the Bureau of Hearings and Appeals within 30 days of service of this letter. If you appeal, please also send a copy of your appeal letter to Ms. Gabrielle Williams, Regional Director for the Central Region Office of Children, Youth and Families, Hilltop Bullding #52, 3 Gingko Drive, Second Floor, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 17110. If you do not OFFICE OF CHILOREN, YOUTH & FAMILIES PO BOX 2675 | HARRISBURG, PA 17120 [747-787-4796 | Fax737-787 0444 | wwnsdpwstate pes Mr, Terry L. Clark 2 choose to appeal, the decision of the Department will become final 31 days from service of this, letter. The Department has worked closely with you and your staff to identify areas of needed improvement and to provide technical assistance. We stand ready to continue to provide oversight and support to York County throughout this process as required by the Commonwealth Human Services Code, We look forward to continuing to work with you and would be happy to address any questions you may have. Sincerely, Cushy AU Cathy A. Utz Deputy Secretary Enclosures ¢ci_ The Honorable Susan Byrnes, President, York County Commissioner The Honorable Christopher B. Reilly, York County Commissioner The Honorable Doug Hoke, York County Commissioner ANNUAL SURVEY AND EVALUATION SUMMARY NAME'OF AGENCYFROLIT: [ TELERAONE: ‘GEE REGIONAL STRFE APPROVAL [DATE ‘York County Office of Children, Youth and Famiies [71764-6406 | ‘ADDRESS: ae COUNTY: oa cee 4100 West Market St.4° FL York, PA. 17401 Yerk ae gy afalee Pome INSPECTED BY: * | Gwe A Sot | 3lelo | Michae! Yekum, Mark Sohrode, Joyee Chistian, Fain Bough Ta ESL —] CONANT] wranOONED werecon | sisrecmion WREPECTION Us (Yeo ‘The Depariment of Human Services, Office of Children, Youth and Families, Central Region Office conducted the provisional licensing inspection of York County Children and Youth Services by means ofa random sample record review, interviews with administrative, ‘supervisory, and casework staff, intemal policy/procedure reviews, personnel record reviews and an agency fiscal documentation review. York County Office of Children, Youth and Families was issued a first provisional Certificate of Compliance effective November 48, 2014 through May 15, 2015. The agency was issued a second provisional Certificate of Compliance effective May 16, 2015 — November 15, 2015. The Department has been monitoring the agency through on site visits, file reviews and contacts with staff during the time of the provisional licenses. The case sample was drawn from cases assigned to all program units and casework functions within the agency. 10 cut of 1,081 Child Protecfive Service Intake records, 5 out of 515 Placement records, 10 out of 3,220 General Protective Services Intake records, 10 out of 184 GPS Screen Outs, 10 out of 250 Ongoing/in-home Service records, 1 out of 43 adoption case records, and 39 of 39 new personnel | records for agency employees hired since the prior licensing inspection. ‘York County Office of Children, Youth and Families is @ public chid welfare agency serving primarily an urban population of approximately 440,755 residents in a 3 class county. This is an agency and county with avaitable resources and innovative practices. | There are targeted services available to utilize for very specific family needs including: mental health, drug and aleaticl, housing and | truancy. The county caseworkers and supervisors are provided information regarding the range of services available to children and families within the county and are adept at making referrals for the children and families they serve. The infrastructure within the county | agency allows for timely processing of referrals. Many of the services available fall under the Human Services umbrella within York | County. There appears to be sound collaboration between the agencies that will make e positive impact on the families served. The | Human Services Department offers additional services such as Family Group Decision Making and / or Family Team meetings to all of the families served. The Human Services staff team within the agency and the parfcipating families participete in these family focused meetings. The meetings can be scheduled when needed. Scheduling is flexible end based on each family's availablity. L Page 1 of 21 The county agency has expenenced a signticant amount ot tfanstiion among agency personnel curng the past year. Ine county has ‘seen staff tumover in various levels of the agency's hierarchy. The county experienced a recent change in administration to include: a new administrator, fiscal officer, and division manager. The agency was also impacted by some of the agency's more seasoned caseworkers leaving for other job opportunities or retiring. Sixteen of the thirty-seven caseworkers in the agency's intake department have fess than six months experience. In order to deal with the high volume of referrals, the more seesoned workers and/or supervisory staff have had to conduct all of the agency investigations while the new workers receive the required training. Having supervisory staff cary individual caseloads does affect the ability of the supervisors to provide direct supervision. The additional workload hes created a heavy burden on existing staff and has resulted in some staff burrout. York County Children and Youth Services have been ‘experiencing a higher number of intake referrals. From October 1, 2075 to the date of this licensing inspection (October 19, 2016), the agency has received 283 intake referrals (GPS and CPS) that were assigned for investigation. The agency administration does have hope for staff stability to improve. At the time of this ficensing inspection yeview, the county did not have any vacancies. This is primarily due to aggressive hiring by administration to fil vacant positions. These new or less seasoned ‘workers will soon be (if not already) placed in the case assignmert rotation end begin conducting case assessments themselves. This should ease some of the burden placed on the agency supervisors and tenured staff. Overal, the county has a faily experienced senior management staff famailiat with county services andlor a background in child welfare. The new management staff has demonstrated a commitment to making necessary policy and practice changes moving forward. One of the biggest challenges agency management has identified is ensuring that no referral is missed or assignment delayed due to the high volume of referrals. One way the agency ‘addressed this concem wes by oreating an addifional intake soseening unit io answer telephone calls and accept referrals for assessment. Once a case Is accepted for assessment, itis assigned that day to an agency intake worker and supenisor. The county yy has been divided into three distinct service divisions; The Division of Intake Services, The Division of in Home Services and The of Permanenicy Services. The county agency has also added an assistant administrator position to. provide oversight of the three service divisions, The county has placed emphasis on bolstering the decision making skills of the supervisors by having them go through critical thinking and strength based solution fooused supervision trainings. This should havea positive impact on the support and education agency caseworkers receive, It is anticipated that this will positively affect the children and farnilies the agency serves. ‘The new agency workers’ post training willbe linked to a county agency mentoring position. This staff position will be a social work training specialist whose role will he to help assist with transfer of learning techniques and provide additional support to new or less seasoned staff. ‘The county administration has indicated that they wil confinue to be foousing on response times for CPS and GPS intake referrals received. The county agency has developed a process to ensure thet the assignment of new referrals is not delayed. The current process is the referral is assigned to a specific worker and supenisor. CPS referrals are almost always assigned with either an. immediate or same day response time. The longest amount of time a caseworker may be given to respond to a CPS case is 24 hours. This shonid only occur when the child's sefety is assured. During The Department's monitoring and ficensing inspections, it has been determined that GPS referrals are belng evalvated and provided appropriate response times for agency follow up. This was identified by the Depariment as an area the agency needed to improve upon. “The agency hes made significant progress in this area. This has been substantiated during the Department's ongoing monitoring and thss licensing inspection. Pace 2 0f 24 All case specific regulatory references contained within the License end Inspection Summary do not contain specific identifying demographic data due to Statutory prohibitions relating to confidentiality. Practice Area: Safty Aesesement and Moros OSR indicator: Safety rom Exposure to “Threats of ann OR Insicator Safely hom Risk to SerfOthers ‘SUMMARY OF AGENCY PRACTICES: ‘Sais Assessment and Monforng fas best ancthes area of fous Torthe county agency, The agency has developed a process to ensure that workers are following the principles of the safely eesesement and management process ‘Rranual hrough training and suport piovided by supervicors and management. The county agency continues to llize thelr established sefety leads and supports to oversee the process. The expectation is that all chloen wil be ‘seen and assessed when a referal is received. At the fime a referral is received, itis assigned to an intake worker along wit the supervicor. The county agency hes mede it a prioily to ensure thet agency workers are responding she ‘same day the referral is received. in addition, required paperwork fs fo be compisted when workers are having Sontact with each Family. Agency workers a required to have ther paperwork completed and handed in io thaic Sesignsted supenisor within 24 hours for review. The supervisor then reviews the safety assessment worksheet and the Structured case notes which include ths details ofthe contact withthe femly. New caseworkers are accompanies by thelr supervisors when first being assigned cases for assessment for addiional instruction. Siould an agency ‘casearceker have 8 question regarding safely while in the field, they have been instructed to Contact theit supervisor, If the supervisor is nol avaiable. the exrectalicn is for the caseworker to contact the division director andlor te ‘euperviser of the day for essistenoe. In addition, the supervisors are required o review the safely assessments with the assigned workers as required for supervisoty reviews, “The agency supervisor is responsi for documentation of how safety was assured within the supervisory log. This is. practice change ead is a requirement for agency supervisors. in addition, agency supenisats ere expected 10 Complete a licensing checklist wen corpleing ether a GPS or GPS repor. Ths another mechanism to help ensure steps are ot missed. ‘The county agency's Gualily Service Departinent has beer reviewing salty ‘Sesesements complated by the Intake Department for all cases being ascepted for ongoing crvioes. This review ‘aust occur porto the case transfering to anctner unit. After 2 review, the Qualty Service Department meets with the Intake supervisor and casevorker fo review strengths and arees that could be improves. Should there he ives vwth is review, the Divston Ditctor fs notes and appropriate conectons are ten developed inorder to move ‘enverd. “York County has implemented a datalled standardized forrm whichis signed by all parties along with safety plans trat ‘confi thatthe subject family has been provided notice of thei due process rights anc Grlr ably to request @ ‘courthearing, This form fias besn observed in agency recomds by Departmental staff during licensing inspections end ‘monfioring sessions. The county agency has.a policy in ploce regarting how they wil procead with safely plan reviews-and hearings, When a ‘amily enters into an established safety plan, a hearing is het within 72 hours to ‘assure thatthe parent's due process rights have been upheld and al paies continue to be in agreement with the ‘Wentified safety plan. The agescy peridically revisits this process with thelr solicitor anc the cours to assure that ‘he famles are recehing appropriate notices regarding thelr rights. “The Departmental review foune that the county agency has made improvements in the ares of safely. It should be acted tat the majority of safely citaons issued during this Ncensing review involved two specif CPS cases. The caseworkers that were assigne! to these cases are no longer with the agency. The supervisor providing oversight ia, this unit has been working to elminate the deficiencies noted in these records. Instabilly of casework staf and lack Page 3 of 21 ‘of support to unit supervisors has been identified as an area in néed of improvement. The county agency management is aware of these issues and are now ensuring that assistance Is being provided. The review found three safety assessment worksheats rot completed for required intervals or maintained in the case fles, The review also determined one safety assessment worksheat was completed for the case conclusion interval that was not completed timely. The worksheet should have been done prior to or atthe time of the case conclusion / decision, The review also found concer with one GPS assessment record in which custody was shared between the mother and father, The father’s home was assessed, however, the safety assessment worksheet for this assessment was not maintained in the case fie. Two addilional issues noted pertaining to safety were: timeliness of completion of a safety assessment worksheet (the chid / family was seen as required but the worksheet wes not completed within 24 | hours ofthe date of contact). The other concer when reviewing the timely completion of the safety assessment worksheet was 2 record in which the egency supervisor did not sign the worksheet within the required time frame. The Departmental review found that county agency caseworkers are completing monthly contacts with the children Practice Area: Casework Visitation with Family | and families being served. The agency has implemented a specific form that is to be completed during and/or post a Visitation, The completed form provides details of the contact and highlights any observed safety concerns, The form GSR Indicator: Planting for Transitions and | is t9 he maintained within the agency case files. The review of the structured case contacts between the caseworker ee and each child was observed to be detailed and provided specific information regarding that child. In addition, visits GSR Indicator: Pareal/Caregiver Functioning | with children in foster care or other plecement settings included individual meetings with the child (when applicable) | 10 ensure the child had the opportunity to speak openly and cover areas of progress etc, The agency supervisors ere ‘expected to track and ensure visitation is being completed for each case. The Deparimental review discovered twa in | home cases out often in which a required contact between the egency caseworker and the child andlor family was missed, in one case, the family had been evasive with the agency and non-cooperative. The county agency should review their policies and practices regarding when they should open a family for ongoing services andiorif subject children are in need of placement or other living arrangements. The second case in which a regulatory violation ‘occurred was an ongoing case in which one monthly home visit did not occur as required, The review’ found no areas ‘of missed monthly visitation for subject children in placement, ‘Older youth in placement through the county agency receive 16 and 18 year transition meetings. These meetings are utiized to develop skils and plan for the child's ability to eventually live independently. The review of the transition plans found them to be targeted to meet each individual youth's needs. The county agency has a designated Independent Living Services Unit which is active in supporting youth toward independence. Resources are made available to each youth depending on need. This unit also works to link these youth to services that will continue to be availabie to them after agency involvement has concluded. z | The review found that the county agency continues to exnibit sound agency pradliee in the area of festering Practice Arca: Fostering Connections Activities | connections. The agency has shown an ability to think creatively and at times ‘outside of the box’ to maintain children. in an environment where they wil have the best opportunity for success. The agency makes attempts to keep children with family and/or relatives, and keep siblings together, Should circumstances occur in which siblings need eee Ras ad vo separate placement settings, the agercy develops plans to ensure the siblings have the opportunity to visit one Seer another and maintain positive sibfing connections. SR Indicator: Parent! Caregiver Functioning QSR Indicator: Engegement | The agency has a Family Finding Unitwhich conducts family searches, along with family engagement. The county SR Indicator: Tearing | maintains documentation of such family finding efforts within a separate folder attached to the case record /fle. The review of county agency placement fles found each fle to have a family finding file which maintained documentation of family finding efforts. The county will utilize kin when identified; such family members will be assessed ang if appropriate will be utitzed as a placement option. All kinship care and traditional foster care homes ere obtained | through contracted service providers. &s the agency no longer approves any resource homes, no family resource it | home reviews ocourred during this licensing inspection. Page 4 of 24 1 “The county agency has several Guétdian ad Lams (GALS) who are actively involved in the plecement ofthe chidren | con their caseloads. The GALs are cesponsible to provide a clear voice forthe children gerved, especialy forthose | who are abie to identify potential kinship resources. The county agancy uulizes the Family Grcup Lecision Making | Process to identify and plan for specific family members who can cate for children, ether laformaly through the | formal kinship process. ‘The review of placement case files determined thatthe county has developed positive ‘solaboraton in area of team formation and functioning. All appropiate individuals associated wit the family /ease were given the opportuniy to be involved in meets sad provided follow up trough the Rie of the ease, Practice Area: Shared Case Responsibilty “The couniy children and youth egency and juvenile probation office have an exdsting process in place regarawig ‘Shared Gase Responsibilty (SCR). York County Chaidren and Youth Services along with York County Juvenite Probation have an existing Memorandum of Understanding reading practices and procedures for when a case is assigned as SCR. Agency stail receive a standard reference guide to help creamline the SCR process. Within the ‘aent icensing period, the county hes served youth who were defined as SCR. The majority of trese cases involve ‘youth who have been placed due to juvenile comictions. Therefore, the Juvenie Probation Oifce tekes the lead on the placement casework, while the CYS caseworker visis wih the child and assists with any addtional services the: child or family may need. The Judge who hears the case determines which agency ie the lead in each case. Staff from children and youth and staf from jwenile probation meet on a monthly basis to review SCR cases, Otten, once jweniis charges are resolved, JPO wil close their portion of the case. However, CYS wil often remain open with the {amily to ensure appropriate services are being provided to the amily. The agency monitors the case Lntl 2 ime for safe closure is determined and ‘he family demonstrates the abilty to be sel-suffciont. Practice Area: Family Service Planing ‘OSR Indieater: Assessment end Understandiog ASR Ineicator: Long-Term View QSR Indicator: ChANouth and Family Planning Process SR Ingtcator: Pieaning for Trensitons and fe Adjusters {SR Indieator:Iterventon Adequacy and Resource Avalebaty | aR indicator: Msctaiing Family Relatonatios (QSR Indicator: Tracing ané Adjustment “The county agency uliizes a standardized Family Service Plan that icludes Sections to meek al regulatory requirements. Agency casewotkers and supenvsors were able to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the circumstances requiring agency involvement along with services needed and cr family progress required for safe closure. The Family Service Plans reviewed were found to be individual, thorough, ano targeted per the famy's situation. Families were provided a vetiely of services specific to meet their individual needs. The plans were weil ‘waitten and provided clear instructions to access the services needed for completion ofthe ieniied goals andlor | Objectives. “The plans reviewed established a clear Umeine for completion of goals and! incuded basic objecives to | be met itisty anc progressive goals were Wentited as next steps. This ensures that debiltang problems are | edciessed frst. This wi allow ‘he parents the abity to focus of longer term goats fueron inthe planning process, ‘Youth 14 years.of age and older were able to provide-input into theirpians. The plans cieary documented that [dependent Living (IL) youth he targeted plans to mact their speciic needs. The review also detotmined that | youth have discharge pians developed early enough in the process to eupport them through thelr eventual tranestion ‘to independence. ‘These plans are presented fo the courl.to approve prior fo the youth's cisciarge, FGDM fs ulilzed | to support the youth and assist inthe development ofthe overal plan. The review found that families are utiizing GDM. ‘The county agency hes made a commimert to bolstering family service planning as t relates to family engagement. ‘The county wil continue to Keep this as an area of focus. They have acinioviedged thatthe femly participation at fimes isnot being properly documented and sometimes fe not occuring 2s ehould, The county Senior management staff needs to stress the importance of this to agency supervisors, The Supervisors need to infor the caseworkers of the requicerients and benefits of family finding efforts. The agency needs fo continue effotis in és area and put ‘emphasis on improving efforts tp increase engagement of fathers. The supervision provided to the caseworkers to ensure such areas of engagement and participation are occurring and being cocumnented within the case recor wl boa key factor in the agency's success. “Treeview oft home ce record diecoveres areas of concem perahing ip famay sere planing in? outettne_| Page 5 of 24 + i } t | TW eases, rorinese z genta oases, ane creanon or me inna! ramay service Han ves CuRsICe the requied Sony | day time period form the date tre case was accepted for ongoing services. In addidon, docurnentation regarding | family paticipation and signatures of family members on the plans were not found in the case record. One additonal ‘concer noted was that in one ofthese cases referenced, the agency caseworker was no ionger withthe agency, and Inthe escond case record, the county agency will need to review what their elfors and lavelvement need io be moving forward as the family hes been evasive end non-cooperstive with the county agency. Practice Area: Farily Engagement Pracaoes GOR indicator: Physical Heath SR tnsicator: Emotion WlBeing SR indicator: Early Leeming and Deveiopment (SR indicator: Engagement Eons (QSR Indicator Role and Vion ASR tncicator: Teaming “The agency 15 proadiive in ther attempts © engage frilies, the County Saeney curventy Wites Family Finding and Fan Grow Dassion Making Conferences. Intervie wih bth agency workers and surerviorsdeteaned that | Dromation of engagement with families is fostered within the agency practice. However, de to increased workloods ang the significant tamover of exit, many of the principles of family engagement will nesd to be continuously reviewed during supervision end training sessions. Families are encouraged to paricpate in the Family Group Decision Making process. This process is @ way to promote additional engagement with chiliren and famifes Served, “The progrem offers suppoct wie empowering familias ip take responsibly and idenily areas of concem requiing resolution based on their ndivicual needs. Family Group Decision Making Conferences ate available for cider youth as they are rensitoning out of agency care, The agency has staff trained to conduct Accurint’ Parity Searches to Jocate muftiple kin resources fr ehdren entering care. Overall agency workers are ublizing engagement sis when, exploring potential Kinship resources with parentsicaregivess.Gnce identified, the agency is responsibie for ‘contacting these potentiat resources te determine ther interest ané appropriateness for proniding care to ientiied ‘chisen. The agency is consistently completing Ages and Stages assessments as required for younger citiren that ‘meet the criteria. Early intervention and health Services are a valuable tool for the agency to Hak famiies Yo available ‘services within the county. Also, these services can be provided without the need for agency services depending on the cumstances. The county agency's Quality Assurance Unit reviews cases petiodically io escist with ensuring that the agency és folowing regulations and providing quality services to children and ferniies. ‘York County has 2 designated Family Group Decision Making Unit through their Human Services Department thats able to schedule conferences tc meet each family’s needs. The unit does not only serve the agency. but aloo provides Family Group Canferexces through referrals from: local schools, protaton, haspials, and ather community embers in need of femly support. These family referrals need not be involved wath York Couniy Children end Youth ‘Services to recelve the same ferily planning services. ‘The counly participates in the Roundlable process. The ‘county tas ongoing roundtable meetings which are well attended and provide a vaiuaaie mechanism for practice ‘change both within the county child welfare system and te cout system. The county bas implemented an Inererated Parent Prison Vision Prom, The pogatn als fo contact between te subject chit and 2 | _parent which can be hefd within the county prison. This continsed contact is important to maintain thet connection Page 6 of 21 ‘ereen me parent ana cnoc. m eouton, Ine program can nes) ne parent continue Working OA iaeRUMEC goats included in their Family Service Plan and Child Pemanency Plan. Practice Area: Permanency Activities QSR Indicator Sebity ‘OSR tndleator: Ling Arrangement (ISR Indicator. Permanency SR Indicator: Academic Stas SR incieator: Patay fo Indepenience t (O88 indicator: Parent and Caregiver Funetioning (GSR Indicator: Efforts to Timely Permanence Practice Area: Placement Slings ‘OSR indicator: Ling Arrangement “The Gouniy agendy is carrentlya Phase One Pemianency Pracice lillatve Oouniy. The oounly isto bagi reviewing and recording the family’s progress or tack of progress forall cases via three month cese reviews, This allows for al ‘court involved cases to be reviewed atthe 8, 12, 15, 22, and:24 month ime periods. Cases can be reviewed at ‘shorter intervals when applcabe. Court hearings that lave not occurred within the requires timeframes were due to court ander parental counsel requesting confinuances. If this occur, efforts are made to reschedule the hearing as ‘soon 2s possible. The records ‘eviewed documented that sil partes received notice of hearings, copies of the. petifon and the resuling courkrders es requited. The county agency is developing concurrent caso goat pans for ‘the sutject child / youth to help achieve a more timely path to permanency elther by reuniSeation or otter means. Service objectives and placement goais are idenified on each Child's Pernaneney Plan ond references witsin their Family Service Plan, Each nlar provides a case specic example detaiing service objectives forthe identified child, ‘amily, and associated service providers. The counly agency has implemented the use of tiage meetings when 2 need for placement oocars withn the county. The mesting involves the caseworker, supervisor, agency management stat, Ferny Group Decision Makina staff and the agency sofictor. The meetings include a review of the Groummstances resuting in the need for placement and assiet wilh the identification ofthe feast resbictive placement ‘seling possible for the child. ‘The ceview found that all permanency activities were documented within the case file, Parents are receiving copies of | the Chilé Permanency Plans wtich include vistktion schedules, Children in placement are visiting with ther farniios | atleast once every other week as requized. The county agency is responsive to eneuring siblings, when net able to | be placed together, are maintaining sibling relationships via vistation | The county patisipates in Loca, Rounctable meetings which incude: Judges, agenoy aoliors, parent atomeys arid | olherinteresied stakeholders. The process assists the agency to stzezrlie the services tat are offered to chidren Involved in te court system. The agency consistent utlizes SWAN services in areas of perrrenency, such as: Child Drofies, child preparation, child speciic ecrulstent as well as adeitional adoption support for achievement of ‘permanency. For older youth transitioning into a different placement setting or being discharged from agency care, | ‘he Independent Living Programs ery active i idping youth fo find: permanent housing, exxbecfeducaton, end | | Snancial support services, The county's adoption recoris were well maintained. ‘The review of the adoptive fies dit ot ctermmne any regulatory cations. The Departmental review found the placement and adoption cae racords reviewed well organized and met cegutory requirements. Inorviewe wah agenoy caseworkers and supervisors ‘rovided helpful details ofthe cases belng reviewed. The staff were able ta kentty spectac case proces and ‘objectives that would need fo osour por > case closure. The case fles were wel! maintained and current The Teview found no areas of noncompliance pertaining to the adoption records selected. Toe review of five permanency ‘cace les had only one area of 10n-compliance dee ts 2 Child Permanency Plan that was not saned by the agency ‘caceworker and supervisor. The review of the cther placement records ciscovered documentation of participation, _| requires signatures and verScation that.al required parties received copies of the plans. | Placement stability assesses the degree to which the chi or youtl’s dey ivng and learning arangements we | stable and free from addtional isk of lecuption. The county agency stives to Bently the lent reatricive placement setings for children. ‘The county ullizos family Ending and have bagun implementing @ ‘ater engagement \workgrcup fo help asclet inthe engagement strategies to ivoive fathers and the patemal side cf the cc's Family to | Bolster resources avallabie foreach chic. ‘The agency has a Solid practice in plabe for expiorston of Knahip | rescurces at the onset of piacement, and continues to see kinship resources throughout the time of placement, The | sounty agency altempts 0 piace sings together whenever possible. When ths camo: be achieves, atemp's are _| Page 7 of 2 | mace 1 xeep siningsin close proxmry or pacea wn ine same prowee’ agency so vists can cocuras mequennyas j | | possible: uniess tere are safely conoeins or 2 court order that would probit euch Visi rom occuring. The agency | also expiores options o maintain @ chid in his or hor home school distict should placement be necessary. The | agency has implemented a tear to review permanency cases to determine tho creumstances of each case, Theaiso | | Continuously reviews the plecerent seting to ersure tat tis the least restictive seting possine. This tearm is also ‘entiying action steps to safely reduce the numberof youth that are curendy in congregate cae. “The following Chapters: 3850, 3700, 3130, 2490, CPSL and Chapter 20 were seviewed dusing the provisional fcensing review. Based on violations with cegard to Chapters $120, 3700, 3490 and CPSL, the Department of Human Services, Otfice of Children, Youth and Femiles is issuing the folloving citations wich require = plan of correction, Page 8 of 21 KEGULAIORY FINDINGS REQUIKING PLAN OF GURREUIIUN, County Comments: As the egency continues with the challenges of e 40% turnever in Caseworker positions and an 85.9% increase in referrals responded to in 2015 ‘when compared te 2014 (additional 2200+ referrals), we continue our commitment fo improving practice. The agency hes undergone a recent ‘gency restructuring, where the roles of intake, In-Home, and Placement have heen more clearly defined. This clearer definition allows for a more consistent management of these divisions 2s each division reports to a single Division Manager. The Division Managers are then supervised and held accountable by the agenoy’s Assistant Administrator via dally feecback. There has been a recent overall redefinition of the agency's Senior ‘Management level of the agency to help support clearer defineation of -esponsibilty to enhance staff accountabiliy, especially af the supervisory level, Of the 26 total citations related to practice issues during this licensure review, 80.8% of them originated from supervisors who are no longer with the agency. We have been working to hold all staff accountable to their work. Upon discovery of performance deficiencies, we have best implementing corsective action plans for areas.vihere citations occurred which has resulted in some staff departing the agency. All new supervisors ate being introduced to their supervisory role with a meeting with the Aciministrator fo clarify supervisary expectations and they are also being paired vith the agency's mentor position to help get them acclimated to their new role. As the agency has undergone this transition, there has been greater partnership and collaboration with mutiple Groupsientiies including the Chile Welfare Resource Center (CWRC), our Advisory Board, 2s well as our Chikiren's Roundtable to support education and training needs of the staff. ‘The state's Central Region Office of Children Youth and Families (OCYF) has been providing consistent on-site technical assistance. Continued case reviews by the state have demonstrated a sieady improvement in practice. A refocusing on staff training has been a key strategy to improve agency performance. Discussions of cupervisory expectations and accountability are being had with afl supervisors ent managers at mordhly super isory/management meetings to rentorce their roles in coaching, taining, reviewing, guiding and monitoring the work of casework staff. The agency is also beginning to conduct buletinireguiation refresher taining during these mectings to strengthen supenisory knowledgelawarenss of recuirements.sohey-can-more proactively monitor workload and implement strategies for change to prevent future censure citations. Each month, CRC is attending these mstings and doing extended trainings for the supervisory/aciministrative level staff on a variety of topios related to enhancing thelr supervision skils to improve raonitexing and oversight of staff 22s wel as focusing on ways to be more supporive of staif according to thelr indivcual learning styles. Al slaff are being continually educated at ‘Staff and division meetings on the importance of key areas around safety, permanency, and well-being and the agency's training specialists currently coordinating a 2016 training schsclle for staff that wil continue to reinforce important staff sk sets in these areas. Supervisors, along ‘with the newly created mentor position, Rave also begun dolng role play sittations with newer staff to bud confidence and better prepare staff far field work to help them learn techniques for managing their workload. ‘The staff mentor position within the Continuous Quality Improvement (QI) Division has begun working with all supervisors with concerted attention being given to new supervisors to help them develop positive, productive habits for effectively supervising their staff. We also hope to have an impact cn supervisory retention and cormpetence by focusing some of our aitention on eupporting supervisors in en effort to enhance their alt to be more effective in their roles due to 2 recent tumover of supervisery lavel staff. a ‘The CO Department hras modified jis ongeing intemal case review precess to focus more concisely on repeat citation areas. Important areas such Page 9 of 24 Eee as sarety wit aiso conunue Yo be Monrored reguianly In gh oF ths Mors TocuseG aperoacn. nis Wit alow Tor a greater ocus on mess targetea ‘areas and allow for more data to be collected on these variables. This wil help provide more focused feedback fo caseworkers and supervisors 42 Initiate corrective action: and fix deficiencies. ‘Through case reviews conducted by the CQ Division, results will be verbally communicated to the caseworker and supecvisor in order to educate thom on regulatory expectations. This wall include an explanation of regulafory compliance for any citations located through the review. Additionally, ail resuits wi be provided to the respective Division Direcior for monitoring and followup. AAs agency wide trends are discovered, communication will be made to all staff andlor appropriate divisions via small and large group meetings or all-group e-mails. ‘The GPS, GPS, and case acceptance checklists have been previously developed and uilided by casework staff to guide their work during the course of an vestigation. ‘The checklists were recently enhanced to include specific modified language per the updated CPSL, as well as areas that were repeat citations located through the licensing review. Additionally, the checKists are ailached to supervisory logs when a new referral received and the supervisor is responsible for reviewing the checklist curing each respective supervision. ‘The purpose of the enhanced CPS, GPS, and case acceptance checitists are to ensure thet caseworkers are provided tools fo prompt them on timetames for specific regulatory ‘expectations during daly practice. ‘The checkistis to be uiized forall cases, regardless cf type and reviewed during supervision. These, checklists were reviewed and modifies by the egency Policy Committes, which is comprised of members of Senior Management and the CO department. ‘The purpose of the CQl case reviews is to review a random sampling of cases in every divect service division within the agency and to locate and ‘identify both incividual end systemicissues. The COI reviews are provided to the data analyst for data tracking in order to identify ifthe systemic issue is related to @ specific requiation, division, supenvsor, caseworker, lc... This allows the agency fo develop strategic plans regarding internal plans of conection and has already proven self valuable in informing auministraive decision raking. ‘This helps aide in sustaining change by indicating whether compliance with Tagutations is occurring and/or where issues persist. When documented that issues persist, the reviewe provide Jnformation on where updeted strategies need to occur to assure the agency cores into compliance with reguiations. For Safety concems thet are not repeat citations, these too will be incerporaled into the modified CQY Divisions case review tool. While the tool is being modiifed to focus on repeal violations, there are some important areas inclucing safety, which wall continue fo be included within the toot regardless of repeat violation status. Overall, the agency's focus with staff is "back to basics,” meaning thel many of the processes and practices being reinforced through trainings, discussions, meetings, reviews, elc...are around what is really occurring duting day to day supervision of staff in order ta ensure appropriate fevels ‘of support, guidance and monitoring are occurring during the various phases of the casework process. In addition, there is @ renewed emphasis on ‘accountability at all levels of the organization in that the expectation frcm the top doum has been clearly articulated and bong reinforces by the actions being taken to address and resolve problems in a timely manner. we le Pace 10 of 24 Chapter 3190 313921(6) Re: Safety This i @ repeat citation from the second provisional review which ‘occurred in March 2018. InZoutof10 CPS files reviewed, the setely assessment worksheet ether red not been completed or ‘was notmeteined inte cae In out of 10 CPS records an lout of 10 Sereen Outs. reviewed, tho safely assessment worksheet was rot completed timely. Inthe CPS recorg, the cose ‘was documented as completed on 9/30/18 but the concluding safety assessment Inscreen out record, the case file roview detennined the county agency provided a couttesy assessment for another county. The agency ‘worker was in the heme om T2AINS to observe cad assess the safety of the chid but ie safety assessment worksheet wes not completed antl 8315 In outof 10 CPS case fies eviewed, twas determined that the agency supervisor signed the safety assessment worksheet 80 days afterthe | Sperted contri wih “The county agency execute officers ‘shall ensure that tre agencr is applicable Federal, State and Loca! statutes, ordinances and regulations. “The Safety Assesschent and ‘Management Process requires the ‘caseworker to complet= ans sigo ach safety assessment werkeheet ‘utthn 72 hours of contact at |ach required interval throughout the ‘casework process, and the ‘supervisor sign the worksheet wit, 10 days of completion. “The Quatly Service Department at the agency began te review each case fle completed by the Intake ‘Departmenis for all aocepied cases prior to transfer, and forall GPS and CPS referrals atthe conctusion of ‘the investigation. This review hes. slowed for ncompiste or missing paperwork to be completed or located ina more timely fashion. ‘Te Department recommends that» | the agency continue to inelement this process and that hey periodically evaluate the effectiveness of this plan of ‘correction sa that they can make 2opropriate changes in a timely Teshion. Ienmestatety, October 20, 2015 and ongoing. ‘A Yacking mechorise fr safety asgecements Ting [Eseoompletod an net defor the mes wil be Sereloped and used by Caseworker. Ceseworkers ‘il ring thor eciong mechenis to supervisory ‘Sessions to provide accurate safely assessment ' {Ges to he supervisor. Gaseworkers wit mainisin 7 ‘ll safety scosementsin the cave fe. Supanviors i {08 size the supendsary og and CPSIGPS checkst ‘tached fo the eferalo rat completion of he | i Safety assessments and docmentéates. Tes j 2 Ai Updatsn expoctaons nil be comranicatd 13 7 ae agmey casenortersand supenieorsaithenedtal | ACS ‘Saff mooting, By uong the ovis consistent, we} ‘caseworkers wl be colinvaly excosed/temsnde of dee the regulator requirarmants, which vil neipmmem | Ve ‘Reorporate bose toms into ther daly practice. 5 ‘Supenisors ave expected to use the tools provided in a i SARS ioenton Sheers Fa alu Sescsmert se Furby Semon Ph GSrccpon/emganea, by sengsome te ate SSetiin capers @laty sets Sterne ‘Shove beeing tere emer i TRevoreegit Detienss ae aonnsed ih at Seema, Oe erupt apart ond itgeepertponcies whe bop oad Seesatinenieneecet, Communication s ooauring between supenisors, caseworkers and manages on a dally basis a : ‘feoughout te various phases ofthe casework proces, Cacewotters are expocted to cons wth ‘20k specie guided questons that vil assist te in ‘etermiing the appopristoness of safely decisions SSnd montior te cotipladon of papenvonk according {othe regulary and statutory eplrements. Dison Managers ae expected o ukze fiir supervisory t i Page 11 of 21 agency casewomer completed | uesoons w asses nem m mononng me acesons ‘he socament. ey snpercans on caser orvaicn eye | enti! 319021) | Wit ouot10 OPS case es | The county gency executveofcers | immedietely, | Catenoter i conglete a safely axessnert | Re:Safety | reviewed and 1 out of 10 GPS | shal ensute that he agency ‘October 20,” | win 72 hours of mesting wif each pevervoeregiver t Aiseceimant | Georonenes wegereya | ames manteratian oteand "| ges outa te taste) and rotoompiee aatety Siptcabie Feder, Skisend Local | engong. | flies Sper eswmerisoryng | | Musaganesi|| eesecaterccamestonar | toma ecneeeemiemen: ecm | | Process | the caceworker conducted. | The county agency must conduct ‘assessments Completed tora CARA I home vistwith the father and | safety assessments at bth famaial poroataearehoore eee Tisch homies in cases fr wih he ctr | Inthe CPS case, the father | and father ive separately, tut both Supervisors ae expentedio use the tools povidedin | gu f vwamthe enesed atloged | hove shored aostay of esusject GAPS ta mealr Soy sasecerner, Nk |, | premelcemeetaicond | hae ciaes asta enti Season atl Savee Pak wel ad the agency wes inestgaing, | safly assexoment wotencet deteoomentoomptonce. Byusngsomectmeaier | fed.) Inthe GPS cassie, tecase | process to document cee : ‘erator, Sugeno are uty able ta detemine | V I oe pees Eocene jhe ceerrorae, Seta ee eet Serres Sameer emetna | aad on i soeamontwortsheetbeing | ently te Sa poston responsible dng sapere osslon bere op soa ! Caampleted to anness the sett | lo mentor and ensure compuance fein aicoaisvorecoes ofthe there home. Tie | wih bis regulation : couniy agony worker ted Commons omuring beeen spends, ; fhetene on Ott ‘camosers ar manages on aay De sre Brrouhout the varus phases ofthe Casework i ‘ooeis.Castnorters ae expected to consult with 7 gckspecicgubed questons that i atthe in| Menagers ate expected to utize ther supervisory conferences with superset ask pectic guided ‘qazetins to assist them in monitoring the decisions ‘Made by supendsoes on eases torch cy are rexponsbie, 3490.524(6) | Thisisa repect citation fiom | The county executive office's shat! | immediately, | caseworkers vl complete Hak assessments the second provisional assure that he agency practice's | October 20,” | scconting te te rak assessment patey and | ‘Resesing view which following the State approved Risk | 2015 and | bullin. Casoworkecs wil develop a eocing ! ‘occurred in Marci 2018: Assessment Model developed by the | ongoing. _| mechantsn forrsk ssuessments fang fat i La Department in consultation ath the completed and ned due. Casevorters vit ing thei | Page 12 of 21 I ve /r/it i int oinor UGS case nies reviewed, the case file wes rising documentation of & risk asseasrnent being ‘completed forthe subject femiy end in2 out of the 10 (CPS cases reviewed, sisk aceesoments were completed late (after the CPS | investigation had already tase Assessment task rorce. “The county agency's quality assurance department has been reviewing cases completed bythe Intake Department or at eases accepted prior fo tanior. This Foviow tas allowed for missng paperwork o be complete or located in & more timely mater. tn ‘dation, ihe supervisor are requlted to complete 2 checkist ‘which would have been reviewed fend included a dizcussion of Ask assessment pertaining to each case. | Theegency superisor shosid be documenting safety and areas of rok pertaining f0 the fei in teie supervision log. “The Department recommenis that ‘he county agency continue to ‘implement this process andithat they periodically evaluate the efiectiveness ofthis plan of correction go tat they can make ‘approptiste cianges in practice to ‘ensure that this documentation is ‘sampleted and that the completion of the documentation occurs within required timeframes. tracing mecnanisa wo supensor sessions 7 prove socuinte isk assesomends dale te Supentcor, Supensces wil rviow te ak Sesesamnents and nels to ronitor orpkance. isk assesaronts willbe signed by ts ‘sspenvaor win 10 calendar days fom the date of ‘ompleson. Supervisor walutiize the supervecry logad CPSIGPS cherist tached to ine referal'0 sdecuent the compieton data ofthe ick ssvesement. ‘Supenisors are expected to use the tacts provided ix (CAPS to monitor Safety Aecoeerent Risk Assessment and Faniy Servos Pian Geveiopmenseerpiance. By using some ofthe alert functions, Superior are quickly able to determine were there are missing documents for cases under thelc oversight. Defencies are discussed wth staff [Stiherine they are Hertied bythe suparsor ae ‘tring supenizory sessions where follow up and father discussion Is needed, Communication s oocuring between superiors, ‘evenonkers and managers ona dally basis ond Uroughout the vacous phases ofthe casework iccess. Casenorters are expected fo consult with {heirsuperdsors alany time aeenal guidance ts eoded, including inmedatay co Supervisorylommagement evel staf yfde inthe eld won necessary. Supervisors are axpectes to uate ace supervisory comserences with case workers to ke speciic guided questions that wil assist thom In determining fhe appropoleness of safety decisions ‘and montor the complafon of paperwork according to the regulatory and statutory requirements. Desion ariegers are axpectes wo ze the exper sory ‘conferences with supanicers i ack spent guided (guestions to asst them in sontoring the decisions ade by cupenisors on coves forwnich Hey are response. 3490.58) | thisis a repeat citation rom | The county executive ofcers shal | Immediately, | caseworkers wil obi and propety abet the second provisiona ceraure thet when conducting thet | October 20," | pretaaphe os outed aD Agency's mstoreph Ieensing review which {nvestigation of @ report ot suspected | 20:5 and | policy. Caveworkers ull document parental efile ‘ccurred in March 2018 Chid-abuse inwhich a chic has | ongoing, | intbe structured case note. When receive, ‘sustained visible injury, the county areworkrs wi nme fh al shotoraph ito in ovtot 10 CPS caseties | agency shall whenever possible and Hee eae b onmtamtaw arenes reviewed, he review found the | appropriate, take or obtain color oe ee Gateflewas missing the | photographs ofthe Inky. Dretograph Page 13 of 21 ve defo 1 i | proto oF te sunyect ch. ‘The Guality Service Department at the agency bagan to review each ‘case fle completed by the intake Departments for lt accented cases phot to transfer, and for al! GPS end CPS referrals at the conclixion of the investigation. This review bas. allowed for incomplete or mssing paperwork to be completed or locaied in 2 more timely fashion, | ‘The Depariment recornmenis that the agency continue to implement this process and that they ertodically evaluate tho ‘effersvoness of this plan of ‘cortecfion so thet they can make ‘appropriate changes in a timely ‘shen. ‘Stpeensors are now requrng pnowgrepns 10 ne ‘aies, printed sedin teleport an ascessment ‘ing dosed. Ouinginicatedsevew estos ‘management vill ack‘ see photographs af he {Sublet child os en ational layer of wonders. ‘Thecplated CPS ani GPS cane seceptanee chests nave been etn to rode Sat cca enn tae ne ‘Sonn oadiow somes 6 i rrorcemeht shal be made verbally scortance wh he onan. ruth 24 hoursof when te ‘Sounty agency determines bat the ‘epod meet the eterion fox rakes i vopart to law enforcement ‘Toecounly agency execute offer shal cevelop a pian to escure tat ‘fie mandate fs being mst “he pen Shat ently te sat poston : response for re review ns Seaurance of eomobance of Bis | peley wis soency sate | ; Teconsecayy | 4 cutcrt0 crscase ies | Exceptiorthesubjecthitd the {immediatly | Caevorsare nits notteaon iter within 72 reviewed, the review founyagoncychal nonyino | Octobar 2" | hbssof rere otieleral, Casevoxers re teleg Gocovered he county Stbjeciufo i about to be Zottrand | | Bin pesca a Superior ann vaing on te See e Naas | necconed teexstnce ofthe | ongong. | Staite eral waran a Cok moxie utd not send CPS repor en the type of suspected Gesiist incest ie ofr e doosent when Tobfeaton ters othe | spuce long witt ne subjects ngs | ee eee Cietenegee: reqted partes unttevt4/s, | nde s2clons 6357 and 8:38 of te Chee ae tobe sed ard sane cng | Sinvenle Ack te igh fore subject Spray rove tip Supenanrs document itntoduce evidence and cos Stnpends Supenens Se erpocnd¥oreiew oe ramine winesses end the trove scale lars have ben om Permetato gts roaring $Hovoculed partes ax par the egitaton. Emendment and expunetonThe unly shal win 72 hours of Starving ine eabject net he Subjectotthese rights wring ‘The-county agency exeutve offer shal develope pan to secure tat Page 16 of 21 [ts manasre is beng met. ine plen | shal identify the staff position responsible for monitoring end ‘enssring compliance withthe plan. 3490.58(¢) This isa repsat cation tom the second provisional Bcensing roviow which ‘occurred in March 2018, Inf outof 10 CPS case fles reviewed, the review discovered the county received a referral on 71296. ‘The county completed the investigation on 925/15 however the review found that the county agency di not ‘submit case determination leters to ail required parties regarding the cutcome of the investigation unt 10/16/15, Except for the subject chil, the county agency shall aotty

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