History Reflection

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Reflective Statement History Social-Science

In order to teach history-social science, a teacher must be literate in a variety of areas.

These areas include everything from California and U.S. history and geography to economy and
the sociopolitical system. However, before content can be taught, it is important to first teach
students about themselves and their surroundings. Students have to learn how to develop
personal skills, participate in society, think critically, and develop basic studying skills. After that,
we can teach our students how to analyze historical documents, recognize the sanctity of life,
and understand the role they play in this democratic country.
I have learned many important facts in all of my history classes. I have learned how to
identify geographic features, the chronology of history in general, and how the U.S. economy
and democratic systems works. Thus far, I think the classes that have helped me the most are
my Geography 350 and Liberal Studies 375 classes because I have learned, not only content,
but also how to teach history in an interactive way, rather than just spewing facts, while also
identifying where these events took place by using a map.
The artifact I have chosen is a paper from Liberal Studies 375: The California
Experience. My paper is about the changes Native Americans endured under the effects of the
Spanish Missions. In order to write this paper, I had to read carefully and critically analyze a
primary source. I decided whether the treatment of Native Americans was ethical while ruling
out all possible basis, and choosing profound evidence to support my thesis. Having gone
through this process, I know exactly how to guide my students in completing this same action.
As a class, we could critically read and analyze a primary source. Individually, students would
have to decide what position theyd like to take, produce a thesis, and choose textually evidence
to suppose their thesis while citing the source correctly. These requirements fall perfectly in line
with the Common Core State Standards.

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