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ety aatepocemcat” MM Feasher Wil hela p ‘Acceptable sf Clinic IV 75% needed Unacceptable * Failure of starred item/critical error results in automatic failure of proficiency NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING PROFICIENCY PROCESS EVALUATION Perform dietary analysis yw \coess own performance for Wp ‘Competency: Promote dental health Pat *Student records session on audio/video device-turn in to Lisa only! 1. Professionalism & U Time management / Professional behavior™ Fas Fail Il, Patient Preparation Patient recorded daily food record for 3 days a 0 Patient identified cariogenic sugars \ 0 Ill, Student Preparation Student prints food intake for 3 days co 0 ‘Student prints food groups page for each day 0 ‘Student prints nutrient intake page for 3 days 2) 0 Student Identifies cariogenic foods for 7days 0 ‘Student identifies complex and sinjfie carbohydrates within diet 3) 0 W. Student Presentation Dp ‘Student reviews purpose of nutritional counseling session with patient GV 0 WEP ‘Student relates medical and oral conditions to diet analysis “fits dy She 0 c yt ad ‘Student compares/contrasts selected carlogenic foods, 0 nce Student explains combléx and sirpéle carbohydrates: i 0 ‘Student explains caries process to patient in relation to food choices 0 ‘Student utilizes nutrition flip chart Oo ‘Student discusses RDA requirements for all food groups 0 ‘Student involves patient with food substitution choices* Fail ‘Student questions patient for understanding” Pass! Fail V. Self Assessment a ‘Student turns in food records* Pass |) Fai Student completes self assessment* Pass Fail Discusses with instructor” Pass “| Fail Se, im OD Learned © ther v alot of Sobnces +0 woe, @ Trnpove = Woaenkime ir in ova appts BD) Did wa) Releded 240 Ore ss headrhy meats + oral cord « p PUR yas aaa arstscoe Comments: ws Patte (fbso paste? dso wh fewer muthyrtenn, B Caecie~ Kept: pe dnvolotdl interest 2S'lo plage Stones Bully a (elosronsip nod bon ators Nutritional counsel_profdec.doc Yule Cotte aah (whdired & Pee se Swaentnane Tear (Ohl ran nen “Medical History Information™ Date wa Reviewed | BP | Medications Patient _ 4 mS Ae TAdT Sui 3 3 Calculus 2 Gingival Description: “ERG SSS ° Points | Total 10 50 Pationt crea 1) 2 qs Cattell —. » Total Score: by Percent Tissue | +4234 | X75 Score Totals Trauma as 1577 17 GL eae oe Co ree elec [en toreae sere La ea om YES Zz rang struc Signa; Zo SSL grate snare pert van hs (e+ “Record ALL Evfors Polishing 22 412 168 eae ‘Supra Cale ‘Special Neods Patient: Each patient. ‘treatment modifications. Identify all med codes for each patient. Identify treatment modifications in treatment plan. ADHD/ADD ALCO ALLER ALZEIMIDEM ANGINA ANX/DEP ARTHRTS ARTJOINT ASTHMA CHF ‘Sub Cale COAG CONGHRT COPD DIABETE DISAB(PHY.erINT) GERD HEARIVISUAL H&NRAD HRTDZ It PLANT LUPUS MIMS PREG SEIZURE fHROID TOBACCO OTHER AA. @yCina\ ‘SIGNIFICAN' Consider the following when describing findings: Size, shape, color, surface texture, consisten Floor of Mouth: Professionalism points armed each miss 1. Sequence of treatment = 2 Tee management ead Neck Face: wa, 2. Complete record Keeping? Lymph nodes : wae] 4. Pt convenience nok wnt |S Prveetna fanguase ora iucoea/ Lips wn 6. Prof behavior wpationt= Tongue: wnt! 7. Prof. behavior w! inetructor® Avveotar Ridge? wat 8. Team work pene eres Maca 9. Professional appearance encase 10. Operatory organization ASed oH OPP after papas” Hei en) heath ne POS ior iow) RAR Bada VTE form eerie JL COUNSELING appt. 10-86-15 D x DE. oda. Meter STEP1 Qu aracd/indersno SCL: 7314 IBF FORD Please answer the following questions to the best of your 1 Do you have any food allergies? If so, please describe. “NO 2 / 2 Are you intolerant to any food, such as Lactose? If so, please describe. ie 3 Do you have specific foods that you disike? ifso, please describe, oe Pan luy ee Nowe 4 Do you have foods that you prefer and "can't go without"? If so, please describe, 5 Deyauravecerain eating habits with riggers, such as emotional or socal situations wf" Ae coger or F Please describe, Ww ns Se QA OF Somasaac. 7 ae 7 Do you have special diet needs? Vegetarian, Paleo diet, No salt... IF so, please describe. wo 8 What medications do you take? , Se id Vice 9 What health conditions do you have, is it controlled? (Diabetes, high blood pressure) > Ska Sika 19 Do you have dry mouth or other oral concerns? omen 11 Are there any financial considerations? ee C rah SS WIN 2KPURS 6 How often do you dine-out? Daily, Weekly, 2Xs 2 day, ete.. wscedite Complete the following Food Diary for 3 days. In the food diary be sure to include the following information: 1 Serving size (Cup, Ounces, Tablespoons, smali/medium, fist size, quarter size) Please be as accurate on size as you can. 2 When possible include brand name to help get accurate information. 3 Food preparation (Baked, steamed, fried, mashed, canned, fresh, frozen, restaurant) 4 Include condiments (Butter, creamer, sugar, sweetner, gravy, ketchup, tomato, sauces) s (Water, milk, juice, alcohol) Most average table glasses are 16 o2 6 Include vitamins, supplements, mints, cough drops, gum, candy STEP 3 EN Circle or highlight the foods that you fee! contribute to caries, bone loss, or oral conditions. AL Lam very excited to provide you with nutritional counseling in regards to your needs in relation to your specific oral conditions. If you have any questions please call me at 319-521-4477. My email is heather.wilhelmi@yahoo.com. Thank you for participating! HEATHER WILHELMI Nutrition Flipchart Heather Wilhelmi Kirkwood Dental Hygiene Program April 2015 Updated November 2015 ad — ype Jee PO 9 0 co yas 08" Bef so - Oe a or What is a cavity? A cavity is tooth decay, also called dental caries. 33 r 4 Decay is the #1 infection spread to children. : Decay is a key cause for-tooth loss in the elder! Bacteria also contribute to:inflammation & can lead to periodontitis, bone/tooth:loss. The mouth is the main pathway to the body. Oral health greatly influences the overall health of a person. Development of Cavities (venta caries) 1, Food and bacteria rest on the surface of a tooth 2. Acid develops and starts to break down the enamel 3. Chalky white spot appears on the tooth (decaying as it loses minerals) 4, Permanent hole is formed in the tooth Susceptioie « Tooth It can happen anywhere on a tooth. Commonly on the chewing surfaces and between your teeth. How to prevent oral disease: Eat a balanced diet with essential nutrients. Eat in meals instead of “snacking” throughout the day. Swish with water to help neutralize acid. ‘Make % your grains whole Vary your veggies Focus on fruits Go lean with proteins rich foods Brush and floss daily! Get your calci Myplote.gov Xylitol originates from fruit & vegetable fibers. It prevents bacteria from sticking to the teeth, helps remineralize, and produce saliva to buffer acids. Can be found in Trident/Sugarless gum. Foods related to caries Cariogenic vs. Cariostatic Promotes decay Doesn’t promote decay Anything containing sugars will lower Anything that doesn’t lower the pH in the pH in mouth creating:acid. mouth will not create acid. * Bread * Raw vegetables : Crackers * Eggs ad se * Chips i eh 6 * Fish se * Cereal waa a oe s \ Oe * Poultry gob oS *° Fats & yer ss 1 ge * * Sugarless gum ie * All processed foods£&/ {Anticariogenic foods will help prevent. decay by helping to coat the tooth preventing food from sticking to the teeth, increasing saliva and antimicrobials. (Eg. Hard,-aged cheese (Sharp Cheddar) and Trident gum containing xylitol, which also helps add minerals back that have been lost. Essential Nutrients Balanced nutrition should include all essential nutrients. These are important for proper growth, function, and repair of the body including the oral cavity. They are also crucial for energy and immunity. All nutrients work together to perform specific roles in the overall health * Carbohydrates * Proteins ° Fat * Vitamins * Minerals *Water makes up'85% of the-brain. ~& (9:cups/day) (1'02: per pound of weight) WATER is ESSENTIAL! — PF Teepe Was Olek Sure AB PIRSA OT Loup (Seed is ony Ag alan qos AQ CES WS THA SHALE bobly Carbohydrates Carbs provide necessary energy for the functioning of the brain and muscles. They can foster bacteria and produce acid promoting caries. Complex vs. Simple: Digests slowly releasingeneray Digest quickly, providing shortterm consistenthy neclencogeneray x energy with no nutritional value. * Starch * Sugars * Rice, corn, rye, potatoes Whi e, brown, powdered, liquid, syrups * Fiber * Pop, juice, candy, cereal, Se Whole wheat/grains, seeds/nuts, baked goods broccoli, tomatoes, onions, grapes, raisins Sucrose sugar is the main food preservative used and fructose Unripe fruits and raw vegetables sugar syrups are found in processed foods. Enzymes in the mouth start to break down carbs into glucose sugar which is sent directly to the blood and brain. Proteins Cariostatic, doesn’t. lower pH level creating an acidic environment Coats enamel to protect from bacteria build up Provides energy and aids healing process. * A deficiency can. influence the severity of periodontal disease due to the impaired healing. SS Fresh lean proteins including fish and poultry prepared through baking or grilling are excellent options. Fats Coats.enamel and inhibits bacteria growth oh . . . Aw High Density (HDL) vs. Low Density (LDE) Unsaturated (Vegetable Source) Saturated (Animal Source Transfat will increase LDL— found in processed foods’ Light, floats, @ room temp. liquid Heavy, sinks, @ room temp. solid sreaks down in'liver to interfere with cholesterol absorption Deposits in tissues and arteries ye Insaturated Fat Options: Oils (Canola, Olive), Coldwater fish (Salmon), Peanut butter, Nuts (Almonds), Sunflower seeds VITAMINS Vitamin B2_ (Riboflavin) Sources: ilk and eggs Green leafy vegetables Lean meats Fortified cereals, Enriched grains and nuts Benefits: Helps convert carbs to glucose for energy Important for growth and production of red blood celis Shiny cracked lips and sore throat isis (bad breath) and taste perversion Vitamin ‘C (Ascorbic Acid) g Sources: Citrus fruits Strawberries Bell peppers Broccoli Tomatoes itates production of red blood cells and iron absorption Thought to protect against oral cancers Oral effects of deficiency: 1 sign is swelling and bleeding of gingiva Poor development of teeth and bones Weak ligaments causing lose teeth Halitosis\(bad breath) VITAMINS Vitamin/A* (Retinol & Beta-carotene) Sources: Carrots and squash Sweet potatoes a Eggs and liver a> Whole milk and butter < % Benefits: Antioxidant, strengthens immunity Important for vision, hair, skin, and nails Essential for reproduction Oral effects of deficiency: Impairs healing, Atrophy oral mucosa (break down of oral tissues) Leukoplakia (White patches on tissue), risk of candid is (yeast) Under developed enamel and Xerostomia'(dry mouth) increasing caries risk Vitamin D* (Caleiferal) Soutees: cso im esinrer sunlight& Salmon and liver LO. Egg yolks oe » # a Fortified milk and cereals —S Benefits: Helps body absorb calcium and phosphorus Aiding in the formation and maintenance of teeth and bones Oral effects of deficiency: Hypoplasia of the enamel and dentin (underdeveloped and thin} explainse tN increasing caries.rsk VITAMINS Vitamin & (Tocopherol) Vitamin K (Quinone) Sources: f Sources: Salad oils a Gi ke Whole grains, nuts reen leafy veggies Spinach Egg yolks Broccoli Green leafy veggies Celery Benefits: 5 Phar loan ete et Benefits: fant, protects rectblood cell integrity Aids in blood clotting, healing process Reduces inflammation, aids in tissue and muscle formation Increases:bone density Thought to reduce LDL cholesteroband battle heart disease 7 & i: Oral effects of defi Oral effects of deficiency: ns healine. ti Increased bleeding, impairs healing impairs healing, tissue development Decreases bone density Increases risk of caries and inflammation which contributes to bone loss process MINERALS Calcium ye Iron’ Sources: ee Dalry products Dry beans, nuts Soy products Clams, fish Fortified juices gg yolks, poultry Found in teeth, bones and saliva Potatoes with skins Benefits: 2 Build/maintain teeth and bones Formation of hemoglobin which transports Aids in blood clotting oxygen in blood to tissues of mouth and body Muscle and cardiac muscle contractions lesions (damage or disease in tissue) Candidiasis (yeast) and mucosa tissue (less blood flow) Glossitis (Red, inflamed, burning tongue} Brittle bones including facial and oral bones Teeth are susceptible todecay Premature loss of teeth due to weak attachment Bone resorption (bone loss} - Periodontal disease MINERALS Phosphorus Magnesium Sources: Sources: Dairy products Raw green beans, soy beans Fish, Poultry Bananas Liver Whole grins ‘Almonds and cashews Almonds and seeds Benefits: Benefits: Aids in bone groith, nervous eystain response Balances pH (acid/base) levels in body Ads in blood cloting Response of nervous system, growth Formation of ONA and RWA Muscle and cardiac muscle contractions Vital for action of cardiae muscle Oral effects of deficiency: Oral effects. of deficiency: Gingival ty (enlarged, swollen) Same deficiencies as with calcium igival hypertrophy (enlarged, swollen} Muscle cramipiig and twitching Teeth are susceptible to deca ae : Fragile bones including facial and oral bones Premature loss of teeth due to weak attachment Leads to tooth loss Bone resorption (bone loss) - Periodontal Disease \o. Fo yn sve" MINERALS Sodium ‘Sources: Naturally in body/saliva Vegetables, dairy, eggs PROCESSED FOODS (Accounts for 75% of intake) Daily intake should not exceed 2300mg/d Excessive sodium intake leads to: 1g/Inflammation, Dehydration High Blood Pressure, Increased risk of heart disease soups Uses spices.in place of salt such as basil, garlic, oregano, pepper, or rosemary jodine: Sources: lodized salt (Morton's) Seafood Benefits: Antibacterial, antifungal Regulates thyroid hormones, Treats fungal infections (Oral candidiasis}, Prevent mucositis Adjunctive therapeu! mouth rinses) (Povidone-iodine found in many OTC ELECTROLYTES Sources: x Sources: ‘Tap water and soil SF Meats, fish Bananas, orange juice Potassium Fish and most foods Supplements Eggs, peanut butter Toothpaste and rinses eet TR wee Potatoes Benefits: Benefits: Balances pH (acid/base) levels in body Nervous system response Builds decay resistant teeth Remineralize incipient decay Release of energy, Caries prevention of smooth surfaces Cardiac muscle contraction Oral effects of deficie Oral effects of deficier Not essential for growth or development ieee aes Can be vital in maintaining and strengthening can affect hygiene teeth to resist decay Kidney and Liver failure affecting overall health and diet Healthy Options for you to increase your intake of Vitamins A, C, D, E, K , Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, and Potassium and decrease Sodium, LDL Fats Whole Grains 54.334 Fruits CPasta>Breads fs sorry Proteins Citrus, Strawberries Cereals, Oatmeal Spoge SSEPS- Cashews, Almonds, Walnuts 0003 "_papanas, Grapes Barley Wheat Rye Gere Sead Peanut Butter garpso% Apples, Pears Pols ehopeegtle Dried &ckidmey Beans WUC Prunes;Raisins uc Sno. T soa lo GaGe BBS, EBs yolks cece = > wcdtes Liver, Poultry, Lean Meats Others Fish (Salypon, Tuna, Clams) Vegetables Fortified Juices Bell Peppers, Tomatoes Milk (Fortified, Whole) OO Broccoli, Green Beans Cheese (Hard Cheddar) 7 Celery, Onions, Cucumbers Oils (Canola, Olive) ~ savrce WATER HK (1 CugS Carrots, Squash, Peas Sweet Potatoes (w/sking}~ Sunflower Seeds ~ addr Schack, Leafy Greens, Spinach ©%< FRESH VS. PROCESSED >< fe cogssd re --~ Ors resco ge Cae fpns, joo incor prretis OF, SwiSNing“EULsbe when necked! 4 > OS 7 ee ES ae He = SwHenry Qasr WRK YSN Sh si NS FES RAYbo , ack OK Gee % wake Ie fg te NV gockium + TP oaing lw pices, Ofer maks changes Compan

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