Meiosis Quiz Answer Key

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Answer Key

Name: _______________________________

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Date: ________________

Meiosis Quiz
Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Be sure you have fully answered
each question. Each question is worth 2 points.
1. What is Meiosis?
It is the process of reduction division in which the number of chromosomes per cell is cut
in half throughout the separation of homologous chromosomes in a diploid cell.
2. What is a diploid number and what is a haploid number?
A diploid number is a term used to a cell that contains both sets of
homologous chromosomes. A haploid cell that contains only a single
set of chromosomes.

3. What is crossing-over and how does it contribute to genetic variation?

Homologous chromosomes pair up and form tetrads and they

exchange genetic information. And portions of their chromatids.
When crossing-over occurs, the sister chromatids of a homologous
chromosome no longer have identical information.

4. What is independent assortment and how does it contribute to

genetic variation?
During meiosis the random distribution of genes from different
chromosomes to the gametes. This process produces different
haploid cells that have different combinations of chromosomes.

5. What is random fertilization and how does it contribute to genetic


Answer Key

Any possible egg can be fertilized by any possible sperm; so 8

million x 8 million means each person is one out of 64 million
possible combinations

6. List at least 2 things meiosis has in common with mitosis and 2 differences between the
two processes.
Mitosis- divides from a somatic cell, 2 daughter cells, all daughter cells have 46
chromosomes, 5 phases, undergoes one nuclear division
Meiosis- divides form a reproductive cell, 4 daughter cells, all daughter cells have 23
chromosomes, 4 phases, 2 nuclear divisions
Similarities- ways for cells to divide, same number of chromosomes as the original cell,
both have the basic 5 phases.

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