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Educational Autobiography
Mawi Mawi
Ivy Tech Community College


INTASC Standard, Description and Rationale

Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate
his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners,
families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each
Name of Artifact: Educational Autobiography
Date: September 1, 2014
Course: EDUC 101
Brief Description: For this assignment, I evaluate my educational autobiography to reflect my
future educational field that I would like to enter. In my autobiography, I make a long view of my
education environments, differences behavioral types and various teaching methods of my
teachers from kindergarten to high school.
Rationale: To document my understanding of Standard #9, Professional Learning and Ethical
Practice, I selected to include my educational autobiography because I have met several teachers
throughout my student lives who had different types of similes and metaphors. Some of them
were very kind to me but some were not for many reasons that I couldnt understand until today.
I will evaluate those teachers and reflect myself who is my inspiration.


Educational Autobiography
Every country had their different educational systems and methods, so everybody
experienced variety of educational backgrounds. In Burma, there was no such law no child left
behind like United States. Burmese education system was like the system in the 20th century of
United States. There were still Monastery education for who cant afford the government school
and Boarding schools and tuitions for rich people.
School Experiences
When I started kindergarten, I was only four and half years old and quiet younger than
other students because I was born in November and students needed to be five in April before the
first day of school. For many reasons, my mother and my teachers decided to let me stay at
school because of the difficulties of babysitting since there was no childcare in my town. I really
did not remember many things about my first year of school, but I do remember that I loved
going to school with my sister and the rice-egg lunch my mother made for me. I always
remembered and thanked my teachers and their acceptance of my lack of readiness. I have met
with different types of classmates, poor or rich classmates and teachers. I have seen many
attitudes of teachers, their views against students and differentiation. Some teachers loved rich
students and did not care about the education of poor students while others loved outstanding
people. There was this kind of teachers who were strongly religious and always started class with
a short speech and prayers every single day. Sometime, I thought that students life was hard and
complicated when I met with tuff teachers. Most the time, I loved being in school and learning
something new.


My two teachers
There were two teachers, the most I love, my inspiration and the most I hate. I really
loved that teacher because the only things she concerned about were our education, leaning
system and the development and improvement of our daily learning. She focused on
differentiation of students and she was always ready and convenient for her student when we
needed help. If I were a teacher, I would like to be exactly like her. The teacher the most I hate
was my Burmese teacher. She was kind of psycho because her complexion was always
complicated every single day. It was really hard to understand her. She always talked to rich
students who sat at the front and we saw her smile and laugh only when she talked to them.
Those rich students were visible in class and the rest of us were invisible. I really hated those
kinds of teachers and they were hurt our feelings. I will never ever be that kind of teacher.
Complicated school life
In Burma, student life was not easy. To become outstanding students, besides of attending
seven hours school day, tuition and boarding class outside of school which only rich people can
afford were necessary, because many tests were asked from what they have learnt in tuition. That
caused complication among students because we did not know who really were smart and
outstanding. I must say student lives in elementary and high school looked like a story Eight
Blinds and an Elephant. We have been thought but we really understand nothing.
We had to pass matriculation examination in high school to be able to enter Universities.
That exam was the point to clarify which students were really smart and outstanding. Some
students passed with distinctions and went to college but some failed and prepared for the exam
next year.

I believed that we had many different educational backgrounds, and I would like to be a
good teacher and inspiration for my students. In 2010, the military government tried to run
school reform and end tuitions and boarding schools education. They tried to bring equalities
among students without value of money. Every student must have equal educational rights.

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