Lesson Plan: Standards Addressed

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This is a lesson plan in which we reviewed the future and conditional

tense, vocabulary, and cultural aspects to prepare students for a quiz. I
am including this lesson plan because I believe this lesson plan
includes a variety of activities that emphasize the multiple language
skills and the importance of using a variety of methods. This lesson
plan also showcases the importance of being flexible and changing
plans when I notice that students need more support.

Class level: French 3 AC

Background of class: Students will use their prior knowledge of the future and conditional
tense to practice and review today before the quiz Monday. Students will also be activating
their prior knowledge of what they learned in regards to vocabulary and culture for the
hexagon game. I anticipate that there may still be some difficulties with remembering all
the irregular stems, but with the study sheet and drill at the beginning of class, I believe
that students will leave this class feeling more confident with the irregular stems.

1) Students will review the future and the conditional for the quiz Monday
2) Students will review the vocabulary and cultural aspects with the hexagon game
3) Students will be able to ask questions and clear up any confusions they have before
the quiz

Rationale: Yesterday, we saw that the students really did not know the irregular stems for
the future and conditional tense. Therefore, we are taking a day to review and drill the
irregular stems to help the students remember them for the quiz Monday. We will also
review the vocabulary and cultural aspects.


Michigan WL Standards and Benchmarks

Standard 1.2.M.L.a: Demonstrate understanding of oral classroom language in the target
language on familiar topics
Standard 1.2.M.R.a: Demonstrate understanding of written classroom language in the target
language on familiar topics
Standard 4.2.N.a: Identify basic target culture practices and compare them to ones own

Materials and Set Up Required: I will need to have the crypt sheet, practice sentences,
and hexagon game printed out and copied to be ready for class today.

Specific Activities Including Teacher Thinking:
Standards Addressed Teacher Thinking Transition Assessments Speaking
1) Le futur/conditionnel
2) Practice quiz
3) Hexagon game

5 min: I will start off the class greeting the students, telling them to put their things away,
and reminding students of the quiz on Monday. Bonjour, classe ! Rangez vos affaires sil

vous plat. On va faire beaucoup de rvision aujourdhui [le futur, le conditionnel, le

vocabulaire, la culture].
I will tell them what pages that the information is on in the textbook so they can study (pp
186, 188, 189, 191-194). I will then tell the class that we are going to go over the
future/conditional and vocabulary/culture.
Jai fait quelque chose de spciale pour vous ! Jai cr un study sheet. On va le remplir
ensemble en classe, mais avant a. Rvisons les weirdos/verbes irrguliers.
Aller = ir
tre = ser
Faire = fer
Avoir = aur
Savoir = saur
Devoir = devr
Recevoir = recevr
Pleuvoir = pleuvr
Venir = viendr
Vouloir = voudr
Valoir = vaudr
Falloir = faudr
Envoyer = enverr
Voir = verr
Pouvoir = pourr
Mourir = mourr I am going to drill the irregular stems quickly at the beginning of class
to help the students remember them better for the quiz Monday. I will also ask students to
spell out each stem and I will repeat them. Then, we will go over the whole crypt sheet.
This drilling will encourage oral proficiency as well.
Standard 1.2.M.L.a is demonstrated here and throughout the lesson because students will
show that they understand the oral classroom language. Standard 1.2.M.R.a is
demonstrated here as well and throughout the lesson because students will be able to
show that they understand the written classroom language reading directions for activities
and understanding the written agenda.

15 min: Now, we will go over the study sheet together in class. I will be asking students for
the answers and then everyone in the class will go through and fill the sheets out.
Daccord, remplissons la feuille ensemble maintenant.
Pour les verbes rguliers : Quels sont les terminaisons pour le futur/le conditionnel ?
Quest-ce quon fait avec les verbes en re ?
Now the stem changing verbs : Quest-ce quon fait avec acheter ? lever ? appeler ? jeter ?
employer ? essayer ?
Okay now the weirdos the irregular stems : we just went over these at the beginning of
class, what is the stem for tre, avoir, aller, etc
Utilisez cette feuille et tudiez ce week-end !
I will be circulating as we go through the study sheet to make sure that students are filling
it out and are on task. Going over this as a class and asking students for their answers will
allow students to practice their oral proficiency as well.

15 min: I will tell students that we are going to take a practice quiz now and hand out the
sheets. Maintenant, on va prendre un practice quiz ! Nutilisez pas des notes. Faites le
quiz individuellement et sans notes. 1) remplissez les blancs 1-5 avec le futur 2)
remplissez les blancs 6-10 avec le conditionnel. Quest-ce quon fait maintenant ? [] Allez-
y ! After circulating and seeing what students are stuck on/when they are done, I will go
over the answers. I will ask individual students for their answers. I will repeat their answer,
ask them to spell it, repeat their spelling, and then repeat the answer again.
This practice quiz also includes culture in the sentences that students put into the future or
conditional tense.

20 min: With the time leftover, we will play the hexagon game to review the vocabulary
and cultural aspects. Vous connaissez le jeu dhexagone. On va rviser le vocabulaire et les
aspects culturel avec le jeu. 1) coutez les dfinitions/phrases 2) Trouvez les
rponses/mots sur la feuille 3) La personne avec le plus dhexagones gagnent ! Quels sont
les tapes ?
These will be the definitions/sentences that I have prepared for the hexagon game:
1 : le ciel aujourdhui, il y a beaucoup de nuages dans le ______. Les oiseaux volent dans le
2 : le lever du soleil quand le soleil monte. On se lve au _________ ?
3 : des pois chiches ils sont des lgumes secs. On les utilise pour faire le houmous.
4 : le Maghreb il est la rgion au nord de lAfrique. Il est compris des 3 pays : le Maroc,
lAlgrie, et la Tunisie.
5 : larabe - cest la langue officielle du Maghreb.
6 : scruter quand on examine qqchose attentivement, on _________.
7 : lislam cest la religion principale du Maghreb.
8 : jener Durant le Ramadan, quest-ce que les musulmans ne peuvent pas faire entre le
lever et le coucher du soleil ?
9 : le calendrier hgire les musulmans utilisent ce calendrier. Les mois sont aligns sur le
mouvement de la lune.
10 : le Ramadan cest une fte religieuse ou les personnes jenent pendant la journe.
11 : 9eme mois du calendrier hgire le Ramadan commence quand ?
12 : des lgumes secs les pois chiches et les lentilles sont les __________.
13 : la harira cest une soupe traditionnelle de lgumes secs, des pois chiches et des
14 : un mois le Ramadan dure combien de temps ?
15 : le grand mufti il est la personne qui annonce le commencement du Ramadan.
16 : le Coran le livre sacr des musulmans.
17 : le franais cest une langue que beaucoup de personnes parlent au Maghreb, aprs
larabe. On enseigne cette langue ds que lcole primaire au Maghreb.
18 : des bonbons on donne ces nourritures aux enfants durant les ftes aprs le Ramadan.
Ils sont sucrs.
19 : le couscous Cest un plat maghrbin. On mange cette nourriture au Maroc, en Algrie,
en Tunisie. Il est trs commun dans ces pays. (Dish of small steamed balls of semolina).
20 : un astre cest un corps cleste. Ils brillent dans le ciel nocturne. Pendant la nuit, je
peux voir les _____ dans le ciel ?
21 : une oraison on fait les _______ spciales/supplmentaire pendant le Ramadan.

22 : le coucher du soleil quand le soleil descend. Les jours dans le calendrier hgire
commence aprs ________/les personnes peuvent manger quelque chose aprs _________
23 : des lentilles ils sont les lgumineuses de toutes les couleurs : jaunes, vertes, rouges,
etc. After seeing where we are with time, I will either close the class Bonne journe et
tudiez pour le quiz lundi! or do one of the back pocket activities. I will also go around the
stamp the participation sheets towards the end of the hour. This section infuses culture
because I will be reviewing some of the terms or practice/perspectives the students
learned about the Maghreb and Ramadan with the hexagon game.
Standard 4.2.N.a is demonstrated here because with the hexagon game, students will be
able to look for the words or phrases that tie in with cultural aspects that they learned and
they will be able to think back to these practices and compare them to their own.

Two Possible Back Pocket Activities:
1) Oral questions asking students what they will be in the future/where they will
live/what they will have/etc. to practice the future and conditional tense orally
2) Kahoot on future/conditional:

Critical Questions: My big question is whether students will be prepared after this lesson
for the quiz on Monday. I believe with drilling and the study sheet that I handed out,
students will be more equipped. The study sheet is also simple and will be useful for
students to study.



Le futur = Infinitive + _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______

Le conditionnel = Infinitive + _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______

*Les verbes en re -> _______________________________________


Acheter = ______________________
Lever = ________________________
Appeler = ______________________

Jeter = ________________________

Employer = _____________________

Essayer = ______________________


Aller = __________

Venir = __________

Vouloir = __________

Valoir = __________

Faire = __________

Falloir = __________

Avoir = __________

Envoyer = __________

Savoir = __________

Voir = __________

Pouvoir = __________

Devoir = __________

Mourir = __________

tre = __________

Recevoir = __________
Pleuvoir = __________

Nom : ___________________________
Mettez les verbes au futur
1. Aprs le coucher du soleil, je ________________ (voir) les astres dans le ciel.
2. Le grand mufti __________________ (annoncer) le commencement du Ramadan.
3. Le Ramadan ___________________ (commencer) le neuvime mois du calendrier
4. Pendant le Ramadan, les gens _____________________ (faire) des oraisons spciales.
5. On ____________________ (donner) des bonbons aux enfants durant les ftes.
Mettez les verbes au conditionnel
1. Vous ____________________ (vouloir) manger de la harira ce soir ?
2. Les personnes __________________ (jener) entre le lever du soleil et le coucher du
soleil pendant le Ramadan.
3. On ____________________ (utiliser) des pois chiches pour faire le houmous.
4. Je _____________________ (aimer) aller en Tunisie lt prochain.

5. Est-ce que vous _________________ (pouvoir) me donner une brochure sur le Maroc ?

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