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Nebo Instruction Lesson Plan

Grade Level/Subject: 3rd Grade Social Studies

Topic: Preserving our physical environment
Standard 1
Students will understand how
geography influence community
location and development

Instructional Objective(s)

Skills/Key Terms and


Objective 3 :C The learner will describe ways to conserve

and protect natural resources (reduce, reuse, recycle).
*Recognize that there are many ways we can protect
*Understand that reducing, reusing and recycling are way to
conserve resources.
Skills: categorizing, cause/effect
Resource, Depletion, Needs, Conservation,
Pollution, Alternatives
Endangered, Ecology,






Art paper, posters, plastic bottle instrument student made

Books-Just A Dream, Agathas Feather Bed, Harcourt
Books( Recycle, Reuse), (Natural Resources) Kids Discover
Magazine and Video
Content and Strategies

Anticipatory Set
Objective (as stated for

Instructional Input:
Introduce new Vocabulary
*Going Green

Have you ever wondered what happens to all the trash in the
Today we will explore ways to conserve and protect
resources. You will learn about the importance of reducing,
reusing and recycling materials. Student will be able to list
items that they recyclepaper, wood, plastic, cans, glass,
tires, clothes etc and make a poster for the school
*Explain that there are 3 things we can do to conserve
It is called the 3 Rs Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
Define what is a resource
What is Reducemeans less ofuse less water, use less
plastic or paper, less gas by walking. List ways to reduce
waste and talk about how much a person consumes daily or
What is Reuseyou use over again. List things that can be
reused---shopping bags, veg., fruit, leaves= compost pile.
When you reuse its more energy, time and fuel saved as well
as less emissions. Find a second life for simple items around
your home by reusing them.

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Nebo Instruction Lesson Plan

Guided Practice

Independent Practice

IntegrationStandard 2, Obj.

Define recycleis a way to clean and reuse material, it uses

energy and transport time and fuel to get the items to where
they need to go.
List things that are recyclable paper, wood, plastic, cans,
glass, tires, clothes.
Talk about how items above are recycled.
Show students items and ask them to tell what was used to
recycle the product.
Ask what happens when we dont recycle?Landfills
Show where to find the symbol of reduce, reuse, recycle.
Sing the song-Show the Student a sample of a poster and talk about what
they might want to included in their group posters.
Many towns provide places where you can recycle resources.
Locate a place in your town.
MAKE--Group recycling posters to put around the school.
Restate how everyone can use resources wisely by not
wasting them and by recycling. Share the posters with the
Ask students to summarize the lesson by naming some of the
ways they protect the environment
Music-songs Reduce, Reuse, Recycle/ We Recycle/

Recycle with plastic bottle as instrument

Standard 3, Obj. 2

Art- Discuss ideas, purposes for their own artworks -POSTER

Standard 1, Obj. 3

Mathtrash math using a calculator


ScienceCollect data

Powerpoints on recycling

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Nebo Instruction Lesson Plan

Addition Lesson ideas: Do a cause and effect lesson on pollution.
Pick up trash outside and make a class poster Informational writing.
Play litter relayPE
Write a letter to persuade people to reduce, reuse, recycle.
Lesson on going green.
Play a game called Fact or Crap.
Science lesson on collecting data

Simple steps to help one GO GREEN!

Going green does not imply jealousy or envy. It doesnt mean being grumpy like
Oscar the Grouch. It s not being Irish or kissing all the Kermits in the world. To
go GREEN means take care of where you liveEarth . It is using the 3 Rs
Reduce, reuse, recycle.
Watch What You Waste
* Reuse your blankets and towels. Bring them to a local shelter that will be glad to put
them to good use and give animals a soft, warm place to sit.
* Reuse stove heat by opening up the stove once you are done with it and letting the warm
air into your home in colder weather. Reuse the heat!
* Reuse your used margarine and butter tubs by cleaning them and keeping them for
leftovers (free ziploc containers!).
* If you receive a gift in a gift bag, save it for another occasion and reuse that bag!
* If you receive a gift in a gift bag, save it for another occasion and reuse that bag!
* Reuse your old toothbrush and use it to clean hard to reach areas like around the sink,
your drains, faucets and grout.

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