Page Numbering Guideline

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Created by Samin Ishraq Siddiquee, TA

Dear Interns,

This email concerns the page number formatting protocols of your internship report.
As you are aware, you are supposed to insert page numbers in the form i,ii, etc. in some areas, 1,2,3,etc.
in other areas and no page numbers in some areas.
The following document is designed to provide assistance in this matter.
Different page numbers are assigned by breaking down your word document into multiple
sections using section breaks. Section breaks help you to modify page numbering options in
each section, without affecting the numbering options in other sections.
Section breaks are inserted by using the Breaks option under Page Layout. See image below:

Created by Samin Ishraq Siddiquee, TA

Before we learn how to use section breaks let us take a look at how page numbers are to be assigned to
the document. Please note the following sequence of pages for your affiliation report.
Note: As the university website has provided the Cover Page, Title Page and Letter of Endorsement in a
single word document (, you do not have
to type these pages separately again. Hence, the first page of your report will start from Letter of

Cover Page

No Page Number

Title Page

No Page Number

Letter of Endorsement

No Page Number

Should be separate
document, as
provided by

Start of Word Document containing your report.

Letter of Transmittal

No Page Number


Page Number (i)

Executive Summary

Page Number (ii)

Table of Contents

No Page Number

From start of Chapter 2 to last page of Chapter 6

Start of page number 1

Separate Section

Separate Section

Separate Section

The first page of chapter 2, that is introduction, should bear age number 1. This will
continue as 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. until you reach the last page of chapter 6. There will be no
page numbers beyond that.

Reference & CV

No Page Number

Separate Section

Created by Samin Ishraq Siddiquee, TA

Now that you know the system of page numbering required, let us proceed to learn how such
numbering can be applied.
A particular section can be 1 page, for example in the case of Letter of Transmittal (no page numbering),
or 2 pages, in the case of Acknowledgements and Executive Summary ( page numbering i & ii).
An example will clarify this method.
For the first section, that is Letter of Transmittal, we know that it is a one page section.
Hence we insert a section break at the end of that page. Since we have no pages before Letter of
Transmittal, we do not need to insert any section breaks before the page.
Please refer to the Page 1, to find out how to insert a break. Before you can insert the break, please click
on the Show/Hide button. See Below.

Clicking on this button will allow you to find out the end of the page, and also to help you in the next
Once you have clicked on the Show/Hide Button, your document will look like such:

Created by Samin Ishraq Siddiquee, TA

This is the end of your


Once you click the Show/Hide button, will be able to insert the Section Break , as discussed in the first
page. Once you insert the section break, your document will look like such:

Created by Samin Ishraq Siddiquee, TA

This is your section break

Once you have inserted a section, click on the Show/Hide button again to deactivate the icons.
Once you have created a section break, proceed to the immediate next page, which is the first page of
the next section.
You will need to open the header and footer. This is done by left double clicking the top of the page.
Once you double click, you will see the following:

Created by Samin Ishraq Siddiquee, TA

Please click on the header area of the page, and click on the Link to Previous button. It will then
deactivate, which will be seen as:

Next, click on the footer area of the same page and repeat the deactivation of Link to Previous.

Created by Samin Ishraq Siddiquee, TA

Next, scroll up and click on the first page of the section which you just created, then click on Insert in
the Menu Bar, as seen below. Then click on Page Number, and then on Bottom of Page.
Please select the page number, as is show in the image below.

Once, completed, click on Page Number, under Design, and then click on Format Page Number. Please
see below.

Created by Samin Ishraq Siddiquee, TA

Next, you will see the page number format tool bar. Please click on 1,2,3 if you want this style, or i,ii,iii
if you want roman numerals. Please see image below.

Created by Samin Ishraq Siddiquee, TA

Next, modify the Page Numbering option by clicking on Start at and inserting 1 or i, whichever you
need. Please see below.

Created by Samin Ishraq Siddiquee, TA

Repeat these steps for each section. A video link on YouTube is attached below
showing how this is done:

Thank You

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