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Subject: 7th Grade Individuals in Society; Ancient Greece; Literature

Understanding(s)/Essential Question(s):
- EQ: What components of ancient Greek literature influence literature
- EU: Students will understand that the major themes in Greek literature
are still the major themes of what they read/watch today.
- 7 W3.1.5 Describe major achievements from Indian, Chinese,
Mediterranean, African, and Southwest and Central Asian civilizations
in the areas of art, architecture and culture; science, technology and
mathematics; political life and ideas; philosophy and ethical beliefs;
and military strategy
- 7 G2.2.1 Describe the human characteristics of the region under
study (including languages, religion, economic system, governmental
system, cultural traditions).
Lesson Content
Lesson will start with a quiz on the students previously assigned
textbook reading. After the quiz ask the students what they know about
ancient Greek literature. Possible answers could include themes, specific
stories, writers, etc. Tell the students that they will be watching a video that
will focus on a specific Greek story, Oedipus the King, and examining some of
the basic themes and styles in Greek literature that are still relevant in what
they read and watch today. Play the Crash Course Literature episode on
Oedipus the King. Start at the 2:00 mark of the video, stopping to point out
the themes of Greek literature and summarize the story of Oedipus. Skip
ahead until approximately the 8:45 mark and play until approximately 12:00.
The video will have covered major themes in Greek literature, the story of
Oedipus the King, and how Greek theatre worked.


Diagnostic Assessments
What do you know about Greek literature?
Formative Assessments
Exit ticket: How does ancient Greek literature compare to todays?

Summative Assessments


Instructional Strategies
- Quiz
- Guided video viewing
- Exit ticket

o Quiz
o What do you know about Greek literature?
People, stories, themes, importance, etc.

Main Activity: Guided video viewing of Crash Course Literature:

Oedipus the King. Stopping at points that emphasize themes in
literature, and to help students understand the storyline as well.
o Power: questioning power, use of far-off or imaginary place
o Fate
o Irony
o Heroism
o Right/wrong
Ask the students what they read or watch today where these same
themes are used. First things that could come to mind: Star Wars, The
Hunger Games, Divergent. The connections between Star Wars and
Oedipus the King are usually very easy to make. The video even hints
at this during the open letter segment to Chewbacca. To help
students understand not only the storyline, but the literary ideas used
today that came from the Greeks, go back to the Star Wars comparison

Closing: Exit ticket: how does ancient Greek literature compare to what
you read/write today?


Crash Course Literature: Oedipus the King

Cornell note sheets

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