April 19 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam April 19, 2016

What is the biggest lesson we must not forget even as we adore Lord Rama?
Bhagawan highlights this key fact today.

The four brothers in Ramayana were the embodiments of the

four Vedas. Rig Veda is the embodiment of speech (vaak);
Yajur Veda is the embodiment of the mind (manas); Sama
Veda is of the life principle (prana); and Atharvana Veda is of
the intellect (buddhi). Thus the four Vedas strolled with
Dasaratha as Rama, Lakshmana, Bharatha, and Shatrughna.
We will not gain much if we let ourselves be dominated by the
mistaken notion that Rama is the Embodiment of Divinity and
that He is beyond our reach. We should realise the fact that the
Lord descended on earth to demonstrate an ideal to mankind.
Hence every human being should mould themselves according
to the great example set by Rama. Rama lives in every human
heart as the enchanting principle, as the Divine Self within.
There is none in this world in whom the Self is absent. Hence
the Rama principle exists in everyone.
- Summer Showers Ch2, May 20, 1996.

True devotion really means installing the Divine in the heart and enjoying
the bliss of that experience. Baba

19 ApRYl ,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:auh ikhVI bhuq mh`qqw vwlI is`iKAw hY,ijhVI swnUM,kdy vI nhIN Bu`lxI
cwhIdI ,BwvyN AsIN Bgvwn rwm dI pUjw krdy hoeIey?Bgvwn,ies AslI kQn
au`qy cwxxw pwauNdy hn[
au`qr:rwmwiex iv`c d`sy cwry Brw, cwr vydW dy pRqIk hn[irg
vyd,vwk(sMBwSx) dw pRqIk hY; XXur vyd,mwns(manas) dw pRqIk hY; swm
vyd, pRwxW dw pRqIk hY Aqy AQrv vyd,bu`DI dw pRqIk hY[ies qrHW,cwry

vyd,dSrQ nwl,rwm,lkSmx,Brq Aqy SqrUGn dy rUp iv`c cihlkdmI krdy

sn[jy swfy au`qy ieh glqI hwvI ho jwvy ik rwm idvXqw dy srUp hn pr auh
swfI phuMc qoN bwhr hn,qW swnUM,aus qoN koeI lwB nhIN hovy gw[swnUM,ieh
scweI,iDAwn iv`c r`KxI cwhIdI hY ik Bgvwn rwm ny, ies DrqI qy
Avqwr,mnu`Kqw nUM AwdrS ivKwaux leI ilAw sI[ies leI,hr mnu`K nUM
cwhIdw hY ik auh,Awpxy-Awp nUM,rwm v`loN d`sy AwdrSW au`qy clx leI
Fwly[rwm,hr mnu`K dy ihrdy dy AMdr,iek AwdrS bx ky rih rhy hn
ijvyN,Bgvwn,hr ihrdy AMdr vws krdy hn[sMswr iv`c,ies qrHW dw koeI jIv
nhIN,ijhdy ihrdy AMdr,Bgvwn dw vws nhIN huMdw[ies leI rwm dw
AwdrS,hr iek iv`c ivrwjmwn hY[(smr Swvrz A`iDAwey do,20
s`cI BgqI dw AslI ArQ hY ik Bgvwn nUM,ihrdy iv`c sQwn dyxw Aqy aus dy
AnuBv dw AwnMd lYxw[(bwbw)[

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