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ED 101 Observation Report

School:Seward High School Date of Visit :10-10-2013 Your Name Amber Hopp
Teachers Name:Elizabeth Thomsom Grade 11-12 Subject Art
Your ED101 Professor: Beth Pester
Observation #1
Level (Check one):

Observation #2

Full Day Shadow Experience

Elem K-4

Middle 5-8

Secondary 9-12

1. In class, when were students most alert and participating most actively?
Students were most alert near the beginning of class when the expectations were being explained by the
teacher, but they worked actively throughout the class.
What percent of the time would you say they were on task?


Off task10%

2. How did students respond to teachers instructions?

They listened to instructions and applied them in the order that best suited them. There were several items
in need of completion that day and the students prioritized accordingly.
3. What forms of peer interaction did you observe?
The students chatted quietly with those working around them. The group got along fairly well, and there
didn't seem to be any animosity among the students.
4. What are the students wearing? What do you notice about their appearance?
Many of the students wore athletic clothing such ans basketball shorts and t-shirts, but several students wore
less casual clothes such as button down shirts.
5. What sort of things seemed to motivate them what did they do or talk about with enthusiasm?
The students all had several projects to complete, and got enthusiastic over different things. Some students
were eager to choose a piece to enter in an art show, while others enjoyed photographing their work to put
together a portfolio.
6. What do you see as their greatest strength at this age?
At this age, they are beginning to find out what they want to do when they leave high school. Their greatest
strength is their confidence, and their drive to succeed.
7. What would be the greatest challenge they would present to you as their teacher?
The greatest challenge this group would present to me would be the fact that I would need to work with
each student individually to know their strengths and weaknesses. Each student deserves a teacher who can
understand their situation and provide individual opportinuties accordingly.
8. Sum up your reflections on this experience and think of the possibility of your teaching students at this
age. Be honest with yourself. How do you see your personality/character traits working with this age group?
Why do you feel this way? If you WERE going to teach this group, what things would you set as goals for

Revised 6/2012

I've always thought that I would like to teach students at the secondary level. The atmosphere of this
experience reinforced that idea. Some goals I need to set for myself if I am to teach this level would include
developing a take charge attitude, and being clear on expectations.

Revised 6/2012

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