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Source of Evidence: Post-Observation Reflection

Name: Katelyn FryarCycle:3


This Source of Evidence must be completed within two days after each observed lesson.

1. Use the formative assessment data for each lesson objective/learning target to sort the students performance
into three categories:


Objective / Learning Target 1


Below criteria


Meets criteria


Exceeds criteria 0

Objective / Learning Target 2


Objective / Learning Target 3

a) Below criteria

b) Meets criteria

c) Exceeds criteria

Attach a copy of the formative assessment with the criteria or rubric used to determine the students
performance on each of the lessons learning targets/objectives.

2. Based on the formative assessment data, how successful was the lesson? Did the students achieve the learning
target(s)? What will you do for those students who did not achieve the learning target criteria? For those
students who exceeded the criteria? (4A)

I think the lessons for objectives 1 and 2 were very successful. Objective 2 was a re-teach of a concept, and I was
pleased that every student was able to perform in a way that showed me they had truly mastered the content.
Objective 3 was not as successful. Part of this is because students were to read the book at home rather than
learning new content in class. The reading quiz was to test their knowledge of the concepts within the reading.
Once I was able to engage students in discussion about the concepts on the quiz, I felt I was able to clear up
misconceptions and improve understanding of the text. There were several students who did not read at home,
and I suggested to them ways of making up the reading (using chapter summaries to catch up, making up
points by creating short page summaries for that chapter, etc.).

3. In addition to the student work witnessed by the observer, identify any other student work samples, evidence or
artifacts that assisted you in making your determination regarding student achievement. (4A)

While the students were working on their pronoun vs. adjective game, I was able to see their progress on the
screen and scaffold for struggling students. I monitored struggling students until they were able to get 5 in a row
correct and unassisted without missing a question before I walked away.

4. To what extent did classroom procedures, student conduct, and/or physical space contribute to or hinder student
learning? (4A)

Having lunch in the middle of class always alters student behavior when they return to class, but my policy is that
students need to be seated when the tardy bell rings coming from lunch. Students adhere to this and know that we
are starting back when the bell rings. They do enjoy a short amount of time to chit chat and that actually helps
them focus more when re-starting class after lunch.
The setup of my room allows easy access to look at students Chromebooks, so when students are working on
assignments, I am able to easily get to them and see what they need assistance with. I also find that students are
very respectful of speakers, especially student speakers, and are eager to practice and learn.


5. Did you depart from your plan? If so, how and why? (3E)

I stuck very close to my plan. I had not planned to have so much time at the end of class to go over the quiz, so it
turned into a more free-form discussion about the quiz answers, which served as a good re-cap to bolster student
understanding. I wish the conversation had been more structured, but I think it was effective for many students to
review and talk about the novel.


6. If you had the opportunity to teach this lesson again to the same group of students, what would you do
differently, and why? (4A)

I would break students into discussion groups following the quiz and give them big-picture questions to talk about
with the novel, weaving in the quiz question answers into that discussion.


7. What do you see as the next step(s) in your professional growth for addressing the needs you have identified
through personal reflection? (4A) (4E)
I still need to develop my questioning techniques (and wait time!!!). I dont give students a lot of time to
think about questions and our process for answering is sometimes call-out, sometimes hand-raising, sometimes
call on a student at random. I want to remind myself to slow down and clarify my expectations before each
question. I think my system worked okay for this lesson, this was information that the students were supposed
to know already, but I can see how it would be tough while learning new content.

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