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NAME: Dallas Cheyenne Clark

DATE: January 22, 2016


As you read the assigned pages, jot down important notes or quotes in one column. Be sure to document the
page numbers quotes are taken. In the other column, in opposite cell, jot down thoughts, connections,
comments, AHA moments, and/or any other form of meta-cognition. You may insert clip art as long as there is
some caption to communicate the connection to the text.

Entry 1-Ms. Gruwell
Since first impressions are so important, I
wonder what my students will think about me.
Will they think Im out of touch or too preppy?
Or worse yet, that Im too young to be taken
Diary 5Its so damn easy to get a gun; its like getting
bubble gum from the corner liquor store. All
you need is $25.

Going into the field of education people often ask me why I
want to teach elementary rather than high school. I often joke
that it is because, I need to teach elementary because they
are still smaller than me. Which is true, I would be terrified
being 22 years old going into a high school classroom, first
off, they are mean, and you never know what kind of
inappropriate remarks a 22 year old teacher will get from an
18 year old student. Most likely not a lot of respect.
What a terrifying thought, you can buy a gun for $25 on the
street some places. I have never had to fear for my safety on
a day-to-day basis. My father is a gun smith so I know a lot
about them, but I also know the responsibility that comes
with them, and it is a lot more than $25 worth.

Diary 6A couple of days ago one of my friends was

laid to rest. His funeral was just like any

These kids are in high school. just like any other,? I

went to my best friends funeral in high school and it was
very traumatic, for our entire community. I cannot imagine a
place where this is a regular occurrence.

Diary 8I told my friends I was going to pledge a

sorority because it looked like fun.but
after Sarah quit, things were different. We
werent really friends with her anymore. It
wasnt intentional. I guess it was just ecause
we were all going to be in Kappa Zeta, and she

My first question when I read this entry was, What high

school has a sorority? (Still havent figured this out)
My experience being in an actual sorority is much different.
Tarleton truly emphasizes no hazing and I have
experienced nothing but love, patience, and understanding
from my sorority sisters, and others on campus. A lot of my
good friends are in sororities, but not necessarily the same
one that I am in. To stop talking to someone because they
arent in YOUR group is just ridiculous.

Diary 9Ms. Gruwell just asked us to write or draw a

picture describing our neighborhood. I cant
believe shes allowing me to draw. I wonder if
she knows how much I hate writing.

This stands out to me as a lesson in educating young minds

more than anything. Ms. Gruwell probably did not know that
this particular student preferred to draw their feelings rather
than write them down. She did, however, understand that
each student is different, and communicates differently, so

Diary 13Ms. Gruwell has some pretty amazing

teaching methods. Our class just read a book
called Durango Street, and now we are making
a movie out of it.

she provided an opportunity to let them express themselves

in a form other than writing.
This is another great example of how Ms. Gruwell was able
to engage her students. She gave them projects that they
would want to do, and the ability to have their own artistic

Diary 18Today Ms. Gruwell and I were not on the

same continent, let alone the same page.

Though we dont always agree with our teachers methods

(or our students with ours) this student still grasped the
assignment at the end of the day.

Diary 34I am living a lie. I am struggling with a deep

secretbeing a closet drinker.

I have known many people who try to hide their

inappropriate drinking habits, and think they have succeeded.
You can tell when someone you are close to is hiding
something, but sometimes it is scarier to tell them you know,
because then you have to find a way to help them, even when
it seems impossible.

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