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Magdalena Spurlock

Competency 001
The principal knows how to shape campus culture by facilitating the development,
articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared
and supported by the school community.
Some experiences that helped me fulfill the requirements of this competency
were Fall and Spring open houses, attending faculty fund meetings, and attending a
Board meeting. I was also involved in creating the Master Schedule on our campus.
The Master Schedule was more involving than I first thought it would be. I learned that
this may be a task that would be easier with collaboration of another school leader. I do
believe that I need more practice with the Master Schedule and I would like to get
experience with the CIP as well.
Competency 002
The principal knows how to communicate and collaborate with all members of the
school community, responds to diverse interests and needs, and mobilizes resources
to promote student success.
This year I coordinated our campus Fall and Spring fundraisers with Spring Creek
BBQ. I set up the sign-up process for the teachers, participation incentives, and
communication with parents. I attended on all four nights to welcome our parents. I also
fulfilled this competency through Fall and Spring parent conferences in my classroom. I
learned that community and parent communication is very important if a campus wants
to build a relationship that benefits in both directions. Our community and parents are
an essential resource! As a principal, I would make sure to build these relationships at
the beginning of the school year with events such as coffee with the principal.
Competency 003
The principal knows how to act with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical and legal
I feel that I did not get enough experience regarding this competency. I had a GT
class this year and I did not have children with 504 plans or special education students
so I only attended 1 ARD for a St.Thomas assignment. The fact that I work at an
elementary school also makes it less common that there are any big issues involving
this competency. This will be my learning curve as a future administrator and I hope to
have some connections with other administrators that can guide me through this
Competency 004

Magdalena Spurlock
The principal knows how to facilitate the design and implementation of curricula and
strategic plans that enhance teaching and learning; ensure alignment of curriculum,
instruction, resources, and assessment; and promote the use of varied assessments
to measure student performance.
Although I did not lead these sessions, I did attend all of our team planning times
and PLC curriculum planning with my team. I also attended the Eduphoria training so
that we could access student data and PDAS information. After an Edmodo training, I
did facilitate a short training session for my team on how to use this website to
communicate with parents and post homework and useful links. Through this
competency, I learned that vertical alignment is critical and that team planning is
important for teacher growth. I feel that my strength is instructional leadership, yet these
past three years I have been in the classroom and have not had much recent
experience, so I definitely would like to be involved and present at team planning times
when possible and would like to facilitate some instructional PD.
Competency 005
The principal knows how to advocate, nurture, and sustain an instructional program
and a campus culture that are conducive to student learning and staff professional
On my campus this year, I had the privilege to actually implement one of projects.
I took the leadership role in facilitating the transition of our current GT program to a new
implementation. I facilitated all staff meetings with campus GT teachers, attended all
district GT meetings, and maintained on-going communication with teachers through
email (I sent all forms and examples). It was a wonderful learning experience! I also
mentored a reading teacher on my own time on a different campus. She is new to her
specialist position and wanted some feedback on her small group instruction. I also a
completed the TELPAS calibration and problem-solved with the ESL specialist on what
students should be discontinued from the program this year. I learned that this
competency is one of my strengths, and that this is an example of how a principal must
remain a lifelong learner in order to be an instructional leader.
Competency 006
The principal knows how to implement a staff evaluation and development system to
improve the performance of all staff members, select and implement appropriate
models for supervision and staff development, and apply the legal requirements for
personnel management.

Magdalena Spurlock
For this competency, I planned for and facilitated the staff PDAS training on my
campus at the beginning of the year. I also completed some walkthroughs for teachers
in the intermediate grades along with my principal and then we discussed the
documentation. I learned that it takes a lot of practice to become proficient in
documenting during walkthroughs and observations. As a future administrator, I plan to
be visible on campus and provide timely and detailed feedback for teachers after
Competency 007
The principal knows how to apply organizational, decision-making, and problem
solving skills to ensure an effective learning environment.
My principal and I discussed and interpreted the campus improvement plan. We
discussed this years goals and how the progress would be measured. We also talked
about the goal of implementing the co-teaching model with the ESL teachers and
classroom teachers. For this competency, I believe there will be times when I will need
to work collaboratively with stakeholders to make decisions.
Competency 008
The principal knows how to apply principles of effective leadership and management
in relation to campus budgeting, personnel, resource utilization, financial
management, and technology use. Ed
Eduphoria, Nearpod, and Edmodo training were technology goals on our campus
this year. I helped a few of my teammates on using Edmodo to communicate with
parents effectively. I learned that technology is everchanging and that it must become
part of lifelong learning. My goal is to focus on 2 or 3 technology goals on my campus
that teachers can use to communicate with parents, that can be a supplemental
resource, and that can be a tool for students. Training should be ongoing through the
year and the technology use should be monitored through the year.
Competency 009
The principal knows how to apply principles of leadership and management to the
campus physical plant and support systems to ensure a safe and effective learning
The assistant principal guided me through a school fire drill from beginning to
end. I realized that this would be another learning curve for me as a new
administrator.Theres paperwork to file and any irregularities should be documented. My
goal is to make sure that my campus has an emergency plan and that I am familiar with
this as well as with fire drill and other drill procedures.

Magdalena Spurlock

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